
Defines functions clip.genepop

Documented in clip.genepop

clip.genepop <-
function(infile, outfile, remove.list=NULL, major.af=NULL){
LFx <- intToUtf8(0x0A)
HTx <- intToUtf8(0x09)
cat("Reading GENEPOP file... ");flush.console()
all_lines <- scan(infile, what=character(), quiet=T, sep=LFx, blank.lines.skip=F)
message("done."); flush.console()

cat("Processing  GENEPOP data... "); flush.console()
# title 
genepop_title <- all_lines[1]

# locus pop sample count
cline <- gsub(" ", "", all_lines)
cline <- gsub(HTx, "", cline)
poploc <- which(toupper(cline)=="POP")

MarkerList <- cline[2:(poploc[1]-1)]
MarkerList <- gsub(",", LFx, MarkerList)
MarkerList <- unlist(strsplit(MarkerList, LFx))
numMarker <- length(MarkerList)

numPop <- length(poploc)
popstart <- poploc + 1
popend <- c(poploc[-1]-1, length(all_lines))
numInd <- popend - popstart + 1
PopID <- rep(1:numPop, numInd)


# marker genotype
gtdata <- all_lines[-poploc]
gtdata <- gtdata[-(1:(poploc[1]-1))]
gtdata <- unlist(strsplit(gtdata, ","))

IndID <- gtdata[c(T,F)]
gtdata <- gsub(" ", HTx, gtdata[c(F,T)])
gtdata <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(gtdata, HTx)), nrow=sum(numInd), byrow=T)
gtdata <- gtdata[,-which(colSums(gtdata=="")!=0)]

genepop_digit <- as.integer(nchar(as.character(gtdata[1,1]))/2)

if(genepop_digit==2){genepop_na <- "00"
}else if(genepop_digit==3){genepop_na <- "000"
}else{message("!!! Disorder in reading GENEPOP file. !!!");return(0)}

rm(all_lines); gc()
message("done."); flush.console()

# remove by name
remloci.name <- NULL
  remloci.name <- match(remove.list, MarkerList)
numNG.name <- length(remove.list)

# remove by maf
remloci.maf <- NULL
  message("Calculating allele frequency... ",appendLF=F); flush.console()
  maf_count <- rep(0, numMarker)
  for(cm in 1:numMarker){
    cgt <- gtdata[,cm]
    cgt <- c(substr(cgt, 1, genepop_digit), substr(cgt, genepop_digit+1, genepop_digit*2))
    cgt[cgt==genepop_na] <- NA 
    cgt <- table(cgt)
    maf_count[cm] <- max(cgt / sum(cgt))
  remloci.maf <- which(maf_count > major.af)
numNG.maf <- length(remloci.maf)

remloci <- unique(c(remloci.name, remloci.maf))
numNG <- length(remloci)
numOK <- numMarker - numNG

  message("Writing clipped GENEPOP file... ",appendLF=F); flush.console()

  gtdata <- cbind(paste0(IndID, ","), gtdata[,-remloci])
  gtdata <- apply(gtdata, 1, paste, collapse="\t")

  outline <- rep("", 1 + numOK + numPop + sum(numInd))
  outline[1] <- paste0("CLIPPED: ", genepop_title)
  outline[2:(numOK+1)] <- MarkerList[-remloci]
  outline[poploc-numNG] <- "POP"
  for(cp in 1:numPop){outline[popstart[cp]:popend[cp]-numNG] <- gtdata[PopID==cp]}
  cat(outline, file=outfile, sep="\n")

  message("Number of populations = ", numPop, LFx,
          "Number of markers = ", numMarker, " -> ", numOK, sep="")
  message(numNG, " markers removed.")
  message("Number of populations = ", numPop, LFx,
          "Number of markers = ", numMarker, sep="")
  message("No marker removed.")


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FinePop documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:28 a.m.