Defines functions FDC

Documented in FDC

#' Flow Duration Curve
#' Produces a flow duration curve plot with optional Gustard type-curves that 
#' can be used to estimate catchment permeability.
#' @param flow daily streamflow time series
#' @param title character string for plot title
#' @param normal boolean indicating whether to plot on normal probability 
#'  axis (normal=TRUE) or linear probability axis (default, normal=FALSE)
#' @param gust boolean indicating whether to plot Gustard type curves.
#' @references Gustard, A., Bullock, A., and Dixon, J.M. (1992). Report No. 108:
#'   Low flow estimation in the United Kingdom. 
#'   Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: Institute of Hydrology.
#' @author Paul Whitfield
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(caniapiscau)
#' caniapiscau <- subset(caniapiscau, !is.na(caniapiscau$Flow))
#' FDC(caniapiscau$Flow, title="Caniapiscau River")

FDC <- function(flow, title=NULL, normal=FALSE, gust=TRUE) {
    g <-array(NA,dim=c(20,7))    	###  Values for %mean flow for Type Curves Gustard et al 1992.
    g[1,] <-c( 975.70, 577.26,  20.49,  3.70,  1.73,  1.00,  0.38)
    g[2,] <-c( 904.17, 534.08,  22.69,  4.42,  2.13,  1.26,  0.51)
    g[3,] <-c( 838.77, 511.37,  25.10,  5.27,  2.62,  1.58,  0.67)
    g[4,] <-c( 776.04, 480.48,  27.86,  6.33,  3.25,  2.00,  0.88)
    g[5,] <-c( 719.91, 452.42,  30.82,  7.54,  3.99,  2.51,  1.16)
    g[6,] <-c( 667.48, 425.82,  34.11,  9.00,  4.92,  3.16,  1.53)
    g[7,] <-c( 618.22, 400.44,  37.81, 10.77,  6.07,  3.98,  2.02)
    g[8,] <-c( 572.53, 376.64,  41.82, 12.86,  7.47,  5.01,  2.65)
    g[9,] <-c( 520.00, 350.65,  45.10, 15.20,  9.16,  6.30,  3.46)
    g[10,] <-c( 472.29, 326.46,  48.64, 17.98, 11.22,  7.94,  4.52)
    g[11,] <-c( 428.96, 303.93,  52.46, 21.25, 13.75, 10.00,  5.89)
    g[12,] <-c( 389.60, 282.96,  56.57, 25.13, 16.86, 12.57,  7.69)
    g[13,] <-c( 353.86, 263.44,  61.01, 29.71, 20.66, 15.83, 10.03)
    g[14,] <-c( 321.39, 245.26,  65.79, 35.12, 25.32, 19.93, 13.08)
    g[15,] <-c( 291.65, 228.19,  71.00, 41.58, 31.09, 25.13, 17.11)
    g[16,] <-c( 264.89, 212.45,  76.57, 49.16, 38.10, 31.64, 22.32)
    g[17,] <-c( 240.09, 197.49,  82.60, 58.08, 46.67, 39.81, 29.13)
    g[18,] <-c( 206.89, 176.99,  89.91, 67.82, 56.95, 50.13, 39.00)
    g[19,] <-c( 178.28, 158.62,  97.86, 79.21, 69.50, 63.12, 52.22)
    g[20,] <-c( 153.69, 142.20, 106.49, 92.46, 84.77, 79.43, 69.85)
    p <-c(.02,.05,.50,.80,.90,.95,.99)
    rank <- rank(flow, ties.method="max")
    rank <- max(rank) - rank
    exceedtime <- 1*(rank / (length(flow) + 1))
    q <- sort(100 * flow / mean(flow), decreasing=FALSE)
    exceed <- sort(exceedtime, decreasing=TRUE)
    yl <- "Percent of mean discharge"
    xl <- "Exceedance probability (%)"
    ylims <- c(min(g), max(q))
    if (normal==TRUE) {
        exceed.z <- stats::qnorm(exceed)
        p.z <- stats::qnorm(p)
        xlims <- c(-3, 3)
        graphics::plot(exceed.z, q, type='l', lwd=2, col='blue', log="y", xaxt="n",
             ylim=ylims, xlim=xlims, xlab=xl,
             ylab=yl, las=1)
        graphics::mtext(title, side=3, line=1, outer=T, cex=0.7)
        # Draw the normal-probability axis
        probs <- c( 0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 
                    0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.98, 0.99, 0.995, 0.998, 0.999)
        z.vals <- stats::qnorm(probs)
        graphics::axis(side=1, at=z.vals , labels=probs, line = 0, tck = -0.025, xlab=xl)
            for(k in 1:20) {
                graphics::points(p.z,g[k,],type='l', col='gray50')
                graphics::text(p.z[7],g[k,7],k-1, col='gray50', pos=4, cex=0.7)
            graphics::points(exceed.z, q, type='l', lwd=2, col='blue')
                             legend="Flow Duration Curve with Gustard's Type Curves",
                             pch="", text.col="gray50", bty="n")
            graphics::text(2.5,g[20,7],"permeable", col='gray50', pos=3, cex=0.7)
            graphics::text(2.5,g[1,7],"impermeable", col='gray50', pos=1, cex=0.7)
        graphics::abline(v=0.50, lty=2, col='red')
        graphics::abline(h=100, lty=2, col='red')
        xlims <-c(0, 1)
        graphics::plot(exceed, q, type='l', lwd=2, col='blue', log="y", 
                       ylim=ylims, xlim=xlims, xlab=xl, ylab=yl, las=1)
        graphics::mtext(title, side=3, line=1, outer=T, cex=0.7)
            for(k in 1:19) {
                graphics::points(p,g[k,],type='l', col='gray50')
                graphics::text(p[7],g[k,7],k, col='gray50', pos=4, cex=0.7)
            graphics::points(exceed, q, type='l', lwd=2, col='blue')
                             legend="Flow Duration Curve with Gustard's Type Curves",
                             pch="", text.col="gray50", bty="n")
            graphics::text(p[7], g[19,7], "permeable", col='gray50', pos=3, cex=0.7)
            graphics::text(p[7], g[1,7], "impermeable", col='gray50', pos=1, cex=0.7)
        graphics::abline(v=0.50, lty=2, col='red')
        graphics::abline(h=100, lty=2, col='red')

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FlowScreen documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:09 p.m.