
##--------------Spatial Prediction Model Object Oriented Framework--------------##
#' @include DataContainers.R

#' @title SimulatedIncidenceMatrix
#' @description A class for storing lists of IncidenceMatrices
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export SimulatedIncidenceMatrix
#' @keywords data
#' @family Matrices
#' @example SimulatedIncidenceMatrix.R
SimulatedIncidenceMatrix <- R6Class(
  classname = "SimulatedIncidenceMatrix",
  inherit = AbstractSimulatedIncidenceMatrix,
  private = list(
    #.arr = array(NA,c(0,0,0)),
    .ndim = 3,
    ncore = 1,
    .sample = 1,
    parallelEnvironment = NULL
  public = list(
    #' @method initialize Create a new SimulatedIncidenceMatrix.
    #' @param data The data to use for the simulation.  Can be a list of IncidenceMatrices, or a single IncidenceMatrix.
    #' @param nsim The number of simulations.  If \code{data} is a list, this should be the length of the list.  If \code{data} is an IncidenceMatrix, this is the number of times the IncidenceMatrix is replicated.
    initialize = function(data=MatrixData$new(),nsim=1){
      ##if(nsim > 1){
      ##  private$ncore = detectCores()
      ##  private$parallelEnvironment = makeCluster(private$ncore)
      if('array' %in% class(data)){
        private$.arr = data
        private$.dims = dim(data)
        private$.ndim = length(dim(data))
        private$.dnames = dimnames(data)
      } else if(('ArrayData' %in% class(data)) & (nsim == 1)){
        private$.arr= data$arr
        private$.metaData = data$metaData
        private$.dimData = data$dimData
        private$.dnames = data$dnames
        private$.dims = data$dims
        while(length(private$.dims) <= 2){
          private$.dims = c(private$.dims,1)
        if(length(dim(private$.arr)) <= 3){
          private$.arr = array(private$.arr,private$.dims)
        private$.ndim = length(self$dims)
      else if('list' %in% class(data)){
        ##consider checking for every element
        if('MatrixData' %in% class(data[[1]])){
          if((!missing(nsim)) && (nsim != length(data))){
            ##stop or warn here?
            stop("nsim is not used for list data.")
          private$.dims = c(data[[1]]$nrow,data[[1]]$ncol,length(data))
          private$.arr = array(NA,c(self$nrow,self$ncol,self$nsim))
          if(self$nsim > 0){
            for(i in 1: self$nsim){
              private$.arr[,,i] = data[[i]]$mat
          ##For extracting the metadata
          data = data[[1]]
          private$.metaData = data$metaData
          private$.dimData = list(data$rowData,data$colData)
              private$.dnames = list(data$rnames,data$cnames,NULL)
            } else{
              private$.dnames = list(data$rnames,NULL,NULL)
          } else if(!is.null(data$cnames)){
            private$.dnames = list(NULL,data$cnames,NULL)
          } else {
            private$.dnames = NULL
          dimnames(private$.arr) = private$.dnames
          private$.dims = c(data$nrow,data$ncol,nsim)
          private$.ndim = 3
          ##Maybe not ever implemented
          stop("Not yet implemented")
      } else if('MatrixData' %in% class(data)){
        private$.arr= array(data$mat,c(data$nrow,data$ncol,nsim))
        private$.metaData = data$metaData
        private$.dimData = list(data$rowData,data$colData)
            private$.dnames = list(data$rnames,data$cnames,NULL)
          } else{
            private$.dnames = list(data$rnames,NULL,NULL)
        } else if(!is.null(data$cnames)){
          private$.dnames = list(NULL,data$cnames,NULL)
        } else {
          private$.dnames = NULL
        dimnames(private$.arr) = private$.dnames
        private$.dims = c(data$nrow,data$ncol,nsim)
        private$.ndim = 3
        stop("Input data is not a valid type to make a SimulatedIncidenceMatrix")
      stop("This is currently broken.")
      rownames(private$.arr) <- rownames(data[[1]]$mat)
      colnames(private$.arr) <- colnames(data[[1]]$mat)
      private$.dimData = list(data$rowData,data$colData,NULL)
      private$.metaData = data$metaData
          private$.dnames = list(data$rnames,data$cnames,NULL)
        } else{
          private$.dnames = list(data$rnames,NULL,NULL)
      } else if(!is.null(data$cnames)){
        private$.dnames = list(NULL,data$cnames,NULL)
      } else {
        private$.dnames = NULL
      private$.dims = c(data$nrow,data$ncol,nsim)
    #finalize = function(){
    #  #' This function should clean up the parallel environment.
    #  ## #' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
    #  ## #' @importFrom parallel detectCores
    #  ## #' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
    #  ##stopCluster(private$parallelEnvironment)
    #' @method mean Compute the mean over all simulations.
    #' @return An IncidenceMatrix where return$mat is the elementwise mean of self$arr
    mean = function(){
      if('mean' %in% private$.debug){
    #' @method median Compute the median over all simulations.
    #' @return An IncidenceMatrix where return$mat is the elementwise median of self$arr
    median = function(){
      if('median' %in% private$.debug){
    #' @method addError Add error to the simulations according to a distribution.
    #' @param rows Which rows to affect.
    #' @param cols Which columns to affect.
    #' @param type The type of distribution as a string.  Currently 'Poisson' is allowed.
    #' @param mutate Whether to modify this object, or create and return a modified object.
    #' @return If \code{mutate=FALSE}, a clone of this object will run the method and be returned.  Otherwise, there is no return.
    addError = function(type,rows,cols,mutate = TRUE){
      if('addError' %in% private$.debug){
        rows = 1:self$nrow
        cols = 1:self$ncol
        private$.arr[rows,cols,] = rpois(length(rows)*length(cols)*self$nsim,self$arr[rows,cols,])
      } else{
        stop("Not yet implemented")
    #' @method subsample Choose only some of the simulations.
    #' @param simulations Which simulations to keep
    #' @param mutate Whether to modify this object, or create and return a modified object.
    #' @return If \code{mutate=FALSE}, a clone of this object will run the method and be returned.  Otherwise, there is no return.
    subsample = function(simulations,mutate=TRUE){
      ##for debugging: see AbstractClasses::Generic::debug for details.
      if('subsample' %in% private$.debug){
        rc = self$clone(TRUE)
      ##From now on, we're assuming that we will mutate self$.arr.
      (min(simulations) < 0) ||
        (max(simulations) > self$nsim) ||
        any(round(simulations) != simulations)
        stop("simulations out of bounds.")
      private$.dims[3] = length(simulations)
      private$.arr = self$arr[,,simulations]
    #' @method subset Take a subset of the object as though it were a matrix.
    #' @param rows Numeric, named, or logical denoting which rows to select
    #' @param cols Numeric, named, or logical denoting which columns to select
    #' @param mutate Whether to modify this object, or create and return a modified object.
    #' @return If \code{mutate=FALSE}, a clone of this object will run the method and be returned.  Otherwise, there is no return.
    subset = function(rows,cols,mutate=TRUE){
      "Mutate \\code{mat} to contain the rows \\code{rows} and columns \\code{columns}.  \\code{rows} and \\code{columns} can be either numeric or named indices."
      ##for debugging: see AbstractClasses::Generic::debug for details.
      if('subset' %in% private$.debug){
        rc = self$clone(TRUE)
      ##From now on, we're assuming that we will mutate self$.arr.

      ##Dealing with missing row/col specifications
      if(missing(rows) && missing(cols)){
      else if(missing(rows)){
        ##Keep all rows and simulations, select a subset of columns.
        rows = 1:self$nrow
      else if(missing(cols)){
        ##Keep all columns and simulations, select a subset of rows.
        cols = 1:self$ncol
      ##We keep all the simulations, and select a subset of rows and columns
      ##drop=FALSE keeps the dimension from automatically reducing
      private$.arr = self$arr[rows,cols,,drop=FALSE]
      ##Clean up dimensions which have changed
      private$.dims = c(nrow(self$arr),ncol(self$arr),self$nsim)
      private$.dnames = dimnames(self$arr)
      ##We need to clean up row and column metadata.
      ##Row metadata is a list of lists so iterate over it
        if(length(self$colData) > 0){
          self$dimData = list(
        } else {
          self$rowData <- lapply(self$rowData,function(x){x[rows,drop=FALSE]})
      } else if(length(self$colData)>0){
        self$colData <- lapply(self$colData,function(x){x[cols,drop=FALSE]})
      ##Note, we don't return anything, because this modifies the object.
    #' @method head Take the first \code{k} slices of \code{self$simulations}
    #' @param k How many slices to keep
    #' @param direction Which dimension to take a subset of.  1 is rows, 2 is columns, 3 is simulations
    #' @param mutate Whether to modify this object, or create and return a modified object.
    #' @return If \code{mutate=FALSE}, a clone of this object will run the method and be returned.  Otherwise, there is no return.
    head = function(k,direction=2,mutate=FALSE){
      ##TODO: Consider only taking the time head...

      ##for debugging: see AbstractClasses::Generic::debug for deheads.
      if('head' %in% private$.debug){
      ##Again, there are problems with a:b when b<a
        stop("The size of the head is too large.")
      ##These are the indices of the appropriate slices
      indices = 1:k

      ##The indexing code changes based on direction
        ##This is the part where we actually do the head
        private$.arr = self$arr[indices,,,drop=FALSE]
        ##We also deal with the metadata
          private$.dimData[[1]] = lapply(self$rowData,function(x){x[indices,drop=FALSE]})
          #for(i in 1:length(self$rowData)){
          #  self$rowData[[i]] = self$rowData[[i]][indices,drop=FALSE]
      else if(direction==2){
        ##This is the part where we actually do the head
        private$.arr = self$arr[,indices,,drop=FALSE]
        ##We also deal with the metadata
          private$.dimData[[2]] = lapply(self$colData,function(x){x[indices,drop=FALSE]})
          #for(i in 1:length(self$colData)){
          #  self$colData[[i]] = self$colData[[i]][indices,drop=FALSE]
        stop("This direction is not allowed.")
      private$.dims = dim(self$arr)
      private$.dnames = dimnames(self$arr)
    #' @method tail Take the last \code{k} slices of \code{self$simulations}
    #' @param k How many slices to keep
    #' @param direction Which dimension to take a subset of.  1 is rows, 2 is columns, 3 is simulations
    #' @param mutate Whether to modify this object, or create and return a modified object.
    #' @return If \code{mutate=FALSE}, a clone of this object will run the method and be returned.  Otherwise, there is no return.
    tail = function(k,direction=2){
      ##TODO: Consider only taking the time tail...

      ##for debugging: see AbstractClasses::Generic::debug for details.
      if('tail' %in% private$.debug){
      ##Again, there are problems with a:b when b<a
        stop("The size of the tail is too large.")
      ##These are the indices of the appropriate slices
      indices = (dim(self$arr)[[direction]]-k+1):dim(self$arr)[[direction]]

      ##The indexing code changes based on direction
        ##This is the part where we actually do the tail
        private$.arr = self$arr[indices,,,drop=FALSE]
        private$.dims = dim(self$arr)
        ##We also deal with the metadata
          self$rowData = lapply(self$rowData,function(x){x[indices,drop=FALSE]})
          #for(i in 1:length(self$rowData)){
          #  self$rowData[[i]] = self$rowData[[i]][indices,drop=FALSE]
      else if(direction==2){
        ##This is the part where we actually do the tail
        private$.arr = self$arr[,indices,,drop=FALSE]
        private$.dims = dim(self$arr)
        ##We also deal with the metadata
          self$colData = lapply(self$colData,function(x){x[indices,drop=FALSE]})
          #for(i in 1:length(self$colData)){
          #  self$colData[[i]] = self$colData[[i]][indices,drop=FALSE]
        stop("This direction is not allowed.")
      private$.dims = dim(self$arr)
      private$.ndim = length(self$dims)
      private$.dnames = dimnames(self$arr)
    #' @method lag This function replaces the current matrix with a new matrix with one column for every column, and a row for every row/index combination.  The column corresponding to the row and index will have the value of the original matrix in the same row, but index columns previous.
    #' @param indices A sequence of lags to use as part of the data.  Note that unless this list contains \\code{0}, the data will all be shifted back by one year.
    #' @param mutate Whether to modify this object, or create and return a modified object.
    #' @return If \code{mutate=FALSE}, a clone of this object will run the method and be returned.  Otherwise, there is no return.
    #' @param na.rm Whether to remove the NA columns that result where the lag goes off the edge of self$simulations.
    lag = function(indices,mutate = TRUE,na.rm=FALSE){
      ##for debugging: see AbstractClasses::Generic::debug for details.
      if('lag' %in% private$.debug){
        tmp = self$clone(TRUE)
      ##Change this into a by
      if((1+max(indices)) > self$ncol){
        stop("We cannot go further back than the start of the matrix")
      ##Store some information that will get modified later.
      numLags = length(indices)
      ##This populates the rownames with something sensible if they are empty.
      ##Consider changing this to using rownames(force=TRUE)
        rownames(private$.arr) = 1:(dim(self$arr)[[1]])
      ##replicate has some automatic simplification behaviour which is hard to deal with
      rownames = replicate(numLags,rownames(self$arr))
      colnames = colnames(self$arr)
      ##Replicate the matrix once for each lag.
      private$.arr <- array(self$arr,c(dim(self$arr),numLags))
      if(numLags <= 0){
        stop("indices must be nonempty for the calculation of lags to make sense.")
      ##For each lag, we need to actually shift the values back in time, and add NA where appropriate
      for(lag in 1:numLags){
        private$.arr[,(1+indices[[lag]]):self$ncol,,lag] = self$arr[,1:(self$ncol-indices[[lag]]),,lag]
        if(indices[[lag]] > 0){
          ##Check and make sure this works
          private$.arr[,1:(indices[[lag]]),,lag] = NA

      ##We reshuffle the dimensions and collapse the 1st and 4th dimension
      private$.arr = aperm(self$arr,c(1,4,2,3))
      ##Check to make sure this works
      private$.arr = array(self$arr,c(self$nrow*numLags,self$ncol,self$nsim))

      lagnames = t(replicate(self$nrow,paste('L',indices,sep='')))

      ##We populate the column names (with renaming to account for lagged columns)
      rownames(private$.arr) <- as.character(array(paste(lagnames,"R",rownames,sep=''),numLags*self$nrow))
      colnames(private$.arr) <- colnames

      private$.dims[[1]] = self$nrow * numLags
        private$.dnames = dimnames(self$arr)
      if(length(self$rowData) > 0){
        self$rowData <- lapply(self$rowData,function(x){c(unlist(recursive=FALSE,lapply(1:numLags,function(y){x})))})
    #' @method lead This function replaces the current array with a new array with one column for every column, and a row for every row/index combination.  The column corresponding to the row and index will have the value of the original array in the same row, but index columns ahead.
    #' @param indices A sequence of leads to use as part of the data.  Note that unless this list contains \\code{0}, the data will all be shifted back by at least one year.
    #' @param mutate Whether to modify this object, or create and return a modified object.
    #' @param na.rm Whether to remove the NA columns that result where the lead goes off the edge of self$simulations.
    #' @return If \code{mutate=FALSE}, a clone of this object will run the method and be returned.  Otherwise, there is no return.
    lead = function(indices,mutate = TRUE,na.rm=FALSE){
      ##for debugging: see AbstractClasses::Generic::debug for details.
      if('lead' %in% private$.debug){
        tmp = self$clone(TRUE)
      ##Change this into a by
      if((1+max(indices)) > self$ncol){
        stop("We cannot go further back than the start of the matrix")
      ##Store some information that will get modified later.
      numLeads = length(indices)
      ##This populates the rownames with something sensible if they are empty.
      ##Consider changing this to using rownames(force=TRUE)
        rownames(private$.arr) = 1:(dim(self$arr)[[1]])
      ##replicate has some automatic simplification behaviour which is hard to deal with
      rownames = replicate(numLeads,rownames(self$arr))
      colnames = colnames(self$arr)
      ##Replicate the matrix once for each lead.
      private$.arr <- array(self$arr,c(dim(self$arr),numLeads))
      if(numLeads <= 0){
        stop("indices must be nonempty for the calculation of leads to make sense.")
      ##For each lead, we need to actually shift the values back in time, and add NA where appropriate
      for(lead in 1:numLeads){
        private$.arr[,1:(self$ncol - indices[[lead]]),,lead] = self$arr[,(1+indices[[lead]]):self$ncol,,lead]
        if(indices[[lead]] > 0){
          ##Check and make sure this works
          #private$.arr[,1:(indices[[lead]]),,lead] = NA
          private$.arr[,(self$ncol+1-indices[[lead]]):self$ncol,,lead] = NA

      ##We reshuffle the dimensions and collapse the 1st and 4th dimension
      private$.arr = aperm(self$arr,c(1,4,2,3))
      ##Check to make sure this works
      private$.arr = array(self$arr,c(self$nrow*numLeads,self$ncol,self$nsim))

      leadnames = t(replicate(self$nrow,paste('L',indices,sep='')))

      ##We populate the column names (with renaming to account for leadged columns)
      rownames(private$.arr) <- as.character(array(paste(leadnames,"R",rownames,sep=''),numLeads*self$nrow))
      colnames(private$.arr) <- colnames

      private$.dims[[1]] = self$nrow * numLeads
        private$.dnames = dimnames(self$arr)
      if(length(self$rowData) > 0){
        self$rowData <- lapply(self$rowData,function(x){c(unlist(recursive=FALSE,lapply(1:numLeads,function(y){x})))})
    #' @method addRows This function adds rows to \code{self$simulations}
    #' @param rows The number of rows to add.
    addRows = function(rows){
      ##For debuggning
      if('addRows' %in% private$.debug){

      if(rows == 0){
      #' @importFrom abind abind
      abind(self$arr,array(NA,c(rows,self$ncol,self$nsim)),along=1) ->
      private$.dims[[1]] = nrow(self$arr)
      private$.dnames = dimnames(self$arr)
      if(length(self$rowData) > 0){
        self$rowData = lapply(self$rowData,function(x){c(x,replicate(rows,NA))})
    #' @method addColumns This function adds columns to \code{self$simulations}
    #' @method cols The number of columns to add.
    addColumns = function(columns){
      "This function adds columns to the data."
      "@param columns The number of columns to add."
      ##For debuggning
      if('addColumns' %in% private$.debug){

      if(columns == 0){
      #' @importFrom abind abind
      abind(private$.arr,array(NA,c(self$nrow,columns,self$nsim)),along=2) ->
      private$.dims[2]= ncol(self$arr)
      private$.dnames = dimnames(private$.arr)
      if(length(self$colData) > 0){
        self$colData = lapply(self$colData,function(x){c(x,replicate(columns,NA))})
    ## This scale function is not ideal.  Hopefully, we will replace it soon.
    #' @method scale This function rescales each element of our object according to a function.
    #' @param f The function we rescale by.  This function takes in a number and outputs a rescaled version of that number.
    #' @param mutate Whether to modify this object, or create and return a modified object.
    #' @return If \code{mutate=FALSE}, a clone of this object will run the method and be returned.  Otherwise, there is no return.
    scale = function(f,mutate=TRUE){
      if('scale' %in% private$.debug){
        tmp = self$clone(TRUE)
      private$.arr[] = f(private$.arr[])
    #' @method diff This function replaces the matrix value at column i with the differences between the values at column \code{i} and \code{i-lag}.
    #' @param lag How far back to diff.
    #' @param mutate Whether to modify this object, or create and return a modified object.
    #' @return If \code{mutate=FALSE}, a clone of this object will run the method and be returned.  Otherwise, there is no return.
    diff = function(lag = 1,mutate=TRUE){
      if('diff' %in% private$.debug){
        tmp = self$clone(TRUE)
      if(lag == 0){
          rownames(private$.arr) = paste("D",lag,"R",rownames(private$.arr),sep='')
        private$.dnames = dimnames(private$.arr)
      if(lag < 0){
        stop("lag must be non-negative.")
      rn = rownames(private$.arr)
      private$.arr <-
        self$simulations- self$lag(indices=lag,mutate=FALSE)$simulations
        rownames(private$.arr) = paste("D",lag,"R",rownames(private$.arr),sep='')
      private$.dnames = dimnames(private$.arr)
    #' @method mutate This function changes the information stored in \code{self$simulations}
    #' @param rows The rows to change.
    #' @param cols The columns to change.
    #' @param sims Which simulations to affect.
    #' @param data The data to change to.  Can be either array-like or matrix-like.  If its matrix-like it will overwrite all of the dimensions.
    mutate = function(rows,cols,sims,data){
      ##For debugging
      if('mutate' %in% private$.debug){
      ##Testing this:
      # tmpdata = data
      # tmpdata = array(data,self$dims)
      data = as.array(data)

        rows = 1:self$nrow
        if(!(is.null(self$cnames) || is.null(colnames(data)))){
          private$.dnames[[2]][cols] = colnames(data)
          #self$cnames[cols] = colnames(data)
          colnames(private$.arr) = self$cnames
        cols = 1:self$ncol
        if(!(is.null(self$rnames) || is.null(rownames(data)))){
          private$.dnames[[1]][rows] = rownames(data)
          #self$rnames[rows] = rownames(data)
          rownames(private$.arr) = self$rnames
        sims = 1:self$nsim
      ##Check the size of the data
      ##Make this work better...
        stop("Not yet implemented for non-matrixlike objects")
      ##if(nrow(data) != length(rows)){
      ##  stop("The number of rows do not match")
      ##if(ncol(data) != length(cols)){
      ##  stop("The number of cols do not match")
      if(length(dim(data)) > 3){
        stop("There are too many dimensions in data.")
      if(length(dim(data)) == 3){
        ##The data is an array
        if(dim(data)[[3]] == length(sims)){
          private$.arr[rows,cols,] = data
        } else if(dim(data)[[3]] == 1){
          private$.arr[rows,cols,] = replicate(length(sims),data)
        private$.arr[rows,cols,sims] = data
    #' @method summarize Apply a function to every simulation.
    #' @param FUNC The function to apply.
    #' @param \dots Any arguments to \code{FUNC} other than the matrix.
    #' @return An IncidenceMatrix where \code{return$mat[i,j]} is the same as \code{FUNC(self$arr[i,j,])}
    summarize = function(FUNC,...){
      if('apply' %in% private$.debug){
      ## #' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
      ## cl = makeCluster(private$ncore)
      ## #' @importFrom parallel parApply
      ## parApply(cl=cl,X=private$.arr,MARGIN=3,FUN=FUNC) -> rc
      ## #' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
      ## stopCluster(cl)
      ## return(rc)
    ##    plotMap = function(time, variable, aggregate=TRUE, animate=FALSE) {
    ##      "Maps forecasts from a simulatedIncidenceMatrix"
    ##      "@param time integer vector specifying which time slices to make maps for"
    ##      if(animate==TRUE & aggregate==TRUE) stop("animate and aggregate cannot both be true")
    ##      stop("not implemented")
    ##    },
    #' @method ploTimeSeries Plots the data as a time series.
##    plotTimeSeries = function(loc, variable, aggregate=FALSE, ...) {
##      "Plots forecasts from a simulatedIncidenceMatrix"
##      "@param loc numeric (indices) or character (names) of rows to plot, if length(loc)>1, will look to aggregate for how to plot multiple locations"
##      "@param variable character, something to plot"
##      "@param aggregate logical, whether or not to aggregate or plot separately multiple locations"
##      if(variable != "incidence") stop("Only implemented variable to plot is incidence currently.")
##      ##self$simulations[loc,, drop=FALSE]
##      if(length(loc)>1) {
##        stop("not implemented for more than 1 location.")
##        if(aggregate){
##### sum over rows, make one plot
##        } else {
##### make several plots
##        }
##      } else {
##### make one plot
##        #' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
##        ggplot() + aes(x=self$colData$t) +
##          geom_line(aes(y=self$median()$mat[loc,])) +
##          geom_point(aes(y=self$median()$mat[loc,]))
##### should add a ribbon!
##      }
##    }
  active = list(
    #' @field sample Return a random sample from the simulations.  Alternatively, select a sample to use with \code{self$mat} by assigning a value.
    sample = function(value){
      "Randomly extract a simulation"
      if("sample" %in% private$.debug){
      return = FALSE
        if(self$nsim < 1){
        value = sample(self$nsim,1)
        return = TRUE
      if(floor(value) != value){
        stop("sample must be an integer.")

      private$.sample = value

      ##This might not be the best idea...
    #' @field mat A matrix containing a single sample.  By default, it is the first sample.  See \code{self$sample} for how to change it.
    mat = function(value){
      #' @importFrom abind adrop
      private$.mat = adrop(private$.arr[,,private$.sample,drop=FALSE],3)
      rownames(private$.mat) = rownames(private$.arr)
      colnames(private$.mat) = colnames(private$.arr)
    #' @field simulations The simulations this structure is responsible for.  This is another name for \code{self$arr}.
    simulations = function(value){
      stop("Do not write directly to the simulations")

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ForecastFramework documentation built on April 14, 2020, 7:39 p.m.