
Defines functions parallel_gergm

Documented in parallel_gergm

#' @title A Function to estimate a number of GERGMs in parallel, each with its own equation.
#' @description Allows the user to run multiple specifications at once in
#' parallel. All variables (excluding formula_list, observed_network_list,
#' covariate_data_list, network_data_list, cores and generate_plots) be be
#' either specified as a single value or as a vector of values equal to the
#' length of formula_list, if the user wishes to use different values for each
#' specification.
#' @param formula_list A list of formula objects that specifies the relationship
#' between statistics and the observed network for each gergm. See the gergm()
#' documentation for more details.
#' @param observed_network_list A list of observed networks (as numeric matrices
#' to be used with each specification).
#' @param covariate_data_list An optional list of covariate data frames (may
#' include NULL entries if no covariates are needed in some specifications)
#' @param network_data_list An optional list of of lists of network covariates
#' to be included in each specification (one list per specification -- may also be left NULL for some specifications). The list object corresponding to each
#' specification must have entries for network covariates named as they appear
#' in the corresponding equation. For example if the user specified a
#' 'netcov(distance)' term, the corresponding list object for that specification
#' would need a $distance entry containing the corresponding matrix object.
#' @param cores The number of cores to be used for parallelization.
#' @param normalization_type If only a raw_network is provided the function
#' will automatically check to determine if all edges fall in the [0,1] interval.
#' If edges are determined to fall outside of this interval, then a trasformation
#' onto the interval may be specified. If "division" is selected, then the data
#' will have a value added to them such that the minimum value is at least zero
#' (if necessary) and then all edge values will be divided by the maximum to
#' ensure that the maximum value is in [0,1]. If "log" is selected, then the data
#' will have a value added to them such that the minimum value is at least zero
#' (if necessary), then 1 will be added to all edge values before they are logged
#' and then divided by the largest value, again ensuring that the resulting
#' network is on [0,1]. Defaults to "log" and need not be set to NULL if
#' providing covariates as it will be ignored.
#' @param network_is_directed Logical specifying whether or not the observed
#' network is directed. Default is TRUE.
#' @param use_MPLE_only Logical specifying whether or not only the maximum pseudo
#' likelihood estimates should be obtained. In this case, no simulations will be
#' performed. Default is FALSE.
#' @param transformation_type Specifies how covariates are transformed onto the
#' raw network. When working with heavy tailed data that are not strictly
#' positive, select "Cauchy" to transform the data using a Cauchy distribution.
#' If data are strictly positive and heavy tailed (such as financial data) it is
#' suggested the user select "LogCauchy" to perform a Log-Cauchy transformation
#' of the data. For a tranformation of the data using a Gaussian distribution,
#' select "Gaussian" and for strictly positive raw networks, select "LogNormal".
#' The Default value is "Cauchy".
#' @param estimation_method Simulation method for MCMC estimation. Default is
#' "Gibbs" which will generally be faster with well behaved networks but will not
#' allow for exponential down weighting.
#' @param maximum_number_of_lambda_updates Maximum number of iterations of outer
#' MCMC loop which alternately estimates transform parameters and ERGM
#' parameters. In the case that data_transformation = NULL, this argument is
#' ignored. Default is 10.
#' @param maximum_number_of_theta_updates Maximum number of iterations within the
#' MCMC inner loop which estimates the ERGM parameters. Default is 100.
#' @param number_of_networks_to_simulate Number of simulations generated for
#' estimation via MCMC. Default is 500.
#' @param thin The proportion of samples that are kept from each simulation. For
#' example, thin = 1/200 will keep every 200th network in the overall simulated
#' sample. Default is 1.
#' @param proposal_variance The variance specified for the Metropolis Hastings
#' simulation method. This parameter is inversely proportional to the average
#' acceptance rate of the M-H sampler and should be adjusted so that the average
#' acceptance rate is approximately 0.25. Default is 0.1.
#' @param downweight_statistics_together Logical specifying whether or not the
#' weights should be applied inside or outside the sum. Default is TRUE and user
#' should not select FALSE under normal circumstances.
#' @param MCMC_burnin Number of samples from the MCMC simulation procedure that
#' will be discarded before drawing the samples used for estimation.
#' Default is 100.
#' @param seed Seed used for reproducibility. Default is 123.
#' @param convergence_tolerance Threshold designated for stopping criterion. If
#' the difference of parameter estimates from one iteration to the next all have
#' a p -value (under a paired t-test) greater than this value, the parameter
#' estimates are declared to have converged. Default is 0.01.
#' @param MPLE_gain_factor Multiplicative constant between 0 and 1 that controls
#' how far away the initial theta estimates will be from the standard MPLEs via
#' a one step Fisher update. In the case of strongly dependent data, it is
#' suggested to use a value of 0.10. Default is 0.
#' @param acceptable_fit_p_value_threshold A p-value threshold for how closely
#' statistics of observed network conform to statistics of networks simulated
#' from GERGM parameterized by converged final parameter estimates. Default value
#' is 0.05.
#' @param force_x_theta_updates Defaults to 1 where theta estimation is not
#' allowed to converge until thetas have updated for x iterations . Useful when
#' model is not degenerate but simulated statistics do not match observed network
#' well when algorithm stops after first y updates.
#' @param force_x_lambda_updates Defaults to 1 where lambda estimation is not
#' allowed to converge until lambdas have updated for x iterations . Useful when
#' model is not degenerate but simulated statistics do not match observed network
#' well when algorithm stops after first y updates.
#' @param output_directory The directory where you would like output generated
#' by the GERGM estimation procedure to be saved (if output_name is specified).
#' This includes, GOF, trace, and parameter estimate plots, as well as a summary
#' of the estimation procedure and an .Rdata file containing the GERGM object
#' returned by this function. May be left as NULL if the user would prefer all
#' plots be printed to the graphics device.
#' @param output_name The common name stem you would like to assign to all
#' objects output by the gergm function. Default value of NULL will not save any
#' output directly to .pdf files, it will be printed to the console instead. Must
#' be a character string or NULL. For example, if "Test" is supplied as the
#' output_name, then 4 files will be output: "Test_GOF.pdf", "Test_Parameter_Estim
#' ates.pdf", "Test_GERGM_Object.Rdata", "Test_Estimation_Log.txt", and
#' "Test_Trace_Plot.pdf". Must be the same length as the number of specifications
#' or specification_i will be automatically used to distinguish between
#' specifications.
#' @param generate_plots Defaults to TRUE, if FALSE, then no diagnostic or
#' parameter plots are generated.
#' @param verbose Defaults to TRUE (providing lots of output while model is
#' running). Can be set to FALSE if the user wishes to see less output.
#' @param hyperparameter_optimization Logical indicating whether automatic
#' hyperparameter optimization should be used. Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, then
#' the algorithm will automatically seek to find an optimal burnin and number of
#' networks to simulate, and if using Metropolis Hasings, will attempt to select
#' a proposal variance that leads to a acceptance rate within +-0.05 of
#' target_accept_rate. Furthermore, if degeneracy is detected, the algorithm
#' will attempt to adress the issue automatically. WARNING: This feature is
#' experimental, and may greatly increase runtime. Please monitor console
#' output!
#' @param stop_for_degeneracy When TRUE, automatically stops estimation when
#' degeneracy is detected, even when hyperparameter_optimization is set to TRUE.
#' @param target_accept_rate The target Metropolis Hastings acceptance rate.
#' Defaults to 0.25
#' @param theta_grid_optimization_list Defaults to NULL. This highly
#' experimental feature may allow the user to address model degeneracy arising
#' from a suboptimal theta initialization. It performs a grid search around the
#' theta values calculated via MPLE to select a potentially improved
#' initialization. The runtime complexity of this feature grows exponentially in
#' the size of the grid and number of parameters -- use with great care. This
#' feature may only be used if hyperparameter_optimization = TRUE, and if a list
#' object of the following form is provided: list(grid_steps = 2,
#' step_size = 0.5, cores = 2, iteration_fraction = 0.5). grid_steps indicates
#' the number of steps out the grid search will perform, step_size indicates the
#' fraction of the MPLE theta estimate that each grid search step will change by,
#' cores indicates the number of cores to be used for parallel optimization, and
#' iteration_fraction indicates the fraction of the number of MCMC iterations
#' that will be used for each grid point (should be set less than 1 to speed up
#' optimization). In general grid_steps should be smaller the more structural
#' parameters the user wishes to specify. For example, with 5 structural
#' parameters (mutual, ttriads, etc.), grid_steps = 3 will result in a (2*3+1)^5
#' = 16807 parameter grid search. Again this feature is highly experimental and
#' should only be used as a last resort (after playing with exponential
#' down weighting and the MPLE_gain_factor).  SPECIFY SINGLE VALUE, MUST BE
#' @param beta_correlation_model Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, then the beta
#' correlation model is estimated. A correlation network must be provided, but
#' all covariates and undirected statistics may be supplied as normal.  SPECIFY
#' @param weighted_MPLE Defaults to FALSE. Should be used whenever the user is
#' specifying statistics with alpha down weighting. Tends to provide better
#' initialization when downweight_statistics_together = FALSE. SPECIFY SINGLE
#' @param fine_grained_pv_optimization Logical indicating whether fine grained
#' proposal variance optimization should be used. This will often slow down
#' proposal variance optimization, but may provide better results. Highly
#' recommended if running a correlation model.  SPECIFY SINGLE VALUE, MUST BE
#' @param parallel Logical indicating whether the weighted MPLE objective and any
#' other operations that can be easily parallelized should be calculated in
#' parallel. Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, a significant speedup in computation
#' @param parallel_statistic_calculation Logical indicating whether network
#' statistics should be calculated in parallel. This will tend to be slower for
#' networks with les than ~30 nodes but may provide a substantial speedup for
#' @param cores_per_model Numeric value defaulting to 1. Can be set to any
#' number up to the number of threads/cores available on your machine. Will be
#' used to speed up computations if parallel = TRUE. Note that this will be the
#' number of croes requested by EACH model, so plan accordingly!  SPECIFY SINGLE
#' @param use_stochastic_MH A logical indicating whether a stochastic approximation
#' to the h statistics should be used under Metropolis Hastings in-between
#' thinned samples. This may dramatically speed up estimation. Defualts to FALSE.
#' @param stochastic_MH_proportion Percentage of dyads/triads to use for
#' approximation, defaults to 0.25. SPECIFY SINGLE VALUE, MUST BE CONSTANT
#' @param ... Optional arguments, currently unsupported.
#' @return A list of gergm objects for each model specified.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(12345)
#' net <- matrix(runif(100,0,1),10,10)
#' colnames(net) <- rownames(net) <- letters[1:10]
#' node_level_covariates <- data.frame(Age = c(25,30,34,27,36,39,27,28,35,40),
#'                            Height = c(70,70,67,58,65,67,64,74,76,80),
#'                            Type = c("A","B","B","A","A","A","B","B","C","C"))
#' rownames(node_level_covariates) <- letters[1:10]
#' network_covariate <- net + matrix(rnorm(100,0,.5),10,10)
#' network_data_list <- list(network_covariate = network_covariate)
#' formula <- net ~ edges + sender("Age") +
#'   netcov("network_covariate") + nodematch("Type",base = "A")
#' formula2 <- net ~ edges +
#'   netcov("network_covariate") + nodemix("Type",base = "A")
#' form_list <- list(f1 = formula,
#'                   f2 = formula2)
#' testl <- parallel_gergm(formula_list = form_list,
#'                         observed_network_list = net,
#'                         covariate_data_list = node_level_covariates,
#'                         network_data_list = network_data_list,
#'                         cores = 2,
#'                         number_of_networks_to_simulate = 10000,
#'                         thin = 1/100,
#'                         proposal_variance = 0.1,
#'                         MCMC_burnin = 5000)
#' }
#' @export
parallel_gergm <- function(
  covariate_data_list = NULL,
  network_data_list = NULL,
  cores = 1,
  normalization_type = c("log","division"),
  network_is_directed = TRUE,
  use_MPLE_only = FALSE,
  transformation_type = c("Cauchy","LogCauchy","Gaussian","LogNormal"),
  estimation_method = c("Gibbs", "Metropolis"),
  maximum_number_of_lambda_updates = 10,
  maximum_number_of_theta_updates = 10,
  number_of_networks_to_simulate = 500,
  thin = 1,
  proposal_variance = 0.1,
  downweight_statistics_together = TRUE,
  MCMC_burnin = 100,
  seed = 123,
  convergence_tolerance = 0.01,
  MPLE_gain_factor = 0,
  acceptable_fit_p_value_threshold = 0.05,
  force_x_theta_updates = 1,
  force_x_lambda_updates = 1,
  output_directory = NULL,
  output_name = NULL,
  generate_plots = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  hyperparameter_optimization = FALSE,
  stop_for_degeneracy = FALSE,
  target_accept_rate = 0.25,
  theta_grid_optimization_list = NULL,
  beta_correlation_model = FALSE,
  weighted_MPLE = FALSE,
  fine_grained_pv_optimization = FALSE,
  parallel = FALSE,
  parallel_statistic_calculation = FALSE,
  cores_per_model = 1,
  use_stochastic_MH = FALSE,
  stochastic_MH_proportion = 0.25,

  # get the number of specifications as the max of the lengths of these lists.
  # then tell the user how many specifications they have
  l1 <- 1
  if (class(formula_list) == "list") {
    l1 <- length(formula_list)
  l2 <- 1
  if (class(observed_network_list) == "list") {
    l2 <- length(observed_network_list)
  l3 <- 1
  if (class(covariate_data_list) == "list") {
    l3 <- length(covariate_data_list)
  l4 <- 1
  if (class(network_data_list) == "list") {
    l4 <- length(network_data_list)
  num_specifications <- max(l1, l2, l3, l4)
  cat("Estimating",num_specifications,"specifications on", cores,"cores...\n")

  if (num_specifications == 1) {
    stop("You have only included one specification, use the gergm() function.")

  if (class(generate_plots) == "logical" & length(generate_plots) == 1) {
    # we are OK
  } else {
    stop("generate_plots must be either TRUE or FALSE, and of length one.")

  vec <- 1:num_specifications
  cat("Running",num_specifications,"GERGM specifications on",cores,
      "cores. This may take a while...\n")

  # intitalizes snowfall session
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", cores))

  GERGM_Results_List <- parallel::clusterApplyLB(cl = cl,
    x = vec,
    fun = single_gergm_specification,
    num_specifications = num_specifications,
    formula_list = formula_list,
    observed_network_list = observed_network_list,
    covariate_data_list = covariate_data_list,
    network_data_list = network_data_list,
    normalization_type = normalization_type,
    network_is_directed = network_is_directed,
    use_MPLE_only = use_MPLE_only,
    transformation_type = transformation_type,
    estimation_method = estimation_method,
    maximum_number_of_lambda_updates = maximum_number_of_lambda_updates,
    maximum_number_of_theta_updates = maximum_number_of_theta_updates,
    number_of_networks_to_simulate = number_of_networks_to_simulate,
    thin = thin,
    proposal_variance = proposal_variance,
    downweight_statistics_together = downweight_statistics_together,
    MCMC_burnin = MCMC_burnin,
    seed = seed,
    convergence_tolerance = convergence_tolerance,
    MPLE_gain_factor = MPLE_gain_factor,
    acceptable_fit_p_value_threshold = acceptable_fit_p_value_threshold,
    force_x_theta_updates = force_x_theta_updates,
    force_x_lambda_updates = force_x_lambda_updates,
    output_directory = NULL,
    output_name = NULL,
    generate_plots = FALSE,
    verbose = verbose,
    hyperparameter_optimization = hyperparameter_optimization,
    stop_for_degeneracy = stop_for_degeneracy,
    target_accept_rate = target_accept_rate,
    theta_grid_optimization_list = theta_grid_optimization_list,
    beta_correlation_model = beta_correlation_model,
    weighted_MPLE = weighted_MPLE,
    fine_grained_pv_optimization = fine_grained_pv_optimization,
    parallel = parallel,
    parallel_statistic_calculation = parallel_statistic_calculation,
    cores_per_model = cores_per_model,
    use_stochastic_MH = use_stochastic_MH,
    stochastic_MH_proportion = stochastic_MH_proportion,
    ... = ...)

  # stop the cluster when we are done

  # make plots if requested by user:
  if (generate_plots) {
    for(i in 1:num_specifications) {
      cat("Generating diagnostic plots for specification:",i,"\n")

      if (!is.null(output_directory)) {
        if (length(output_directory) == num_specifications) {
          if (class(output_directory) == "list") {
            normalization_type <- output_directory[[i]]
          } else if (class(output_directory) == "character") {
            output_directory <- output_directory[i]
          } else {
            output_directory <- getwd()
        } else if (length(output_directory) != 1) {
          cat("You provided",length(output_directory),
              "output directories, which is not of length 1 or",
              num_specifications,"setting output directory to:",getwd(),"\n\n" )
          output_directory <- getwd()

      if (!is.null(output_name)) {
        if (length(output_name) == num_specifications) {
          if (class(output_name) == "list") {
            normalization_type <- output_name[[i]]
          } else if (class(output_name) == "character") {
            output_name <- output_name[i]
          } else {
            output_name <- paste("specification_",i,sep = "")
        } else {
          cat("You provided",length(output_directory),
              "output directories, which is not of length",
              "setting output name for current specification to:",
              paste("specification_",i,sep = ""),"\n\n" )
          output_name <- paste("specification_",i,sep = "")

      GERGM_Object <- GERGM_Results_List[[i]]
      # only generate output if output_name is not NULL
      if (!is.null(output_name)) {
        if (is.null(output_directory)) {
          output_directory <- getwd()
        current_directory <- getwd()

        pdf(file = paste(output_name,"_GOF.pdf",sep = ""), height = 4, width = 8)

        pdf(file = paste(output_name,"_Parameter_Estimates.pdf",sep = ""), height = 4, width = 5)

        pdf(file = paste(output_name,"_Trace_Plot.pdf",sep = ""), height = 4, width = 6)

        save(GERGM_Object, file = paste(output_name,"_GERGM_Object.Rdata",sep = ""))

        write.table(GERGM_Object@console_output,file = paste(output_name,"_Estimation_Log.txt",sep = ""),row.names = F,col.names = F,fileEncoding = "utf8", quote = F)

      } else {
        # if we are not saving everything to a directory then just print stuff to
        # the graphics device


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GERGM documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:14 a.m.