
Defines functions set_max_axis_size add_bottom_axis add_left_axis plot_panel plot_gtable

plot_gtable <- function(p) {

# axis_size_left(p)
# axis_size_bottom(p)
# axis_size_left(g)
# axis_size_bottom(g)
axis_list <- (function() {
  axis_label_size_wrapper <- function(fn, filter_val, select_val, unitTo, valueOnly) {
    function(pg) {
      pg_axis <- gtable::gtable_filter(pg, filter_val)
      items <- pg_axis[[select_val]]
      if (!inherits(items, "unit.list")) {
        ret <- fn(items, unitTo = unitTo, valueOnly = valueOnly)
      } else {
        ret <- vapply(items, fn, numeric(1), unitTo = unitTo, valueOnly = valueOnly)

  axis_size_left <- axis_label_size_wrapper(
    unitTo = "cm", valueOnly = TRUE
  axis_size_bottom <- axis_label_size_wrapper(
    unitTo = "cm", valueOnly = TRUE

  list(axis_size_left, axis_size_bottom)
axis_size_left <- axis_list[[1]]
axis_size_bottom <- axis_list[[2]]

# add_correct_label <- function(pmg, pm,

plot_panel <- function(
    row_pos, col_pos,
    plot_show_axis_labels) {
  # ask about strips
  layout_names <- c("panel")
  strip_right_name <- "strip-r|strip-l"
  strip_top_name <- "strip-t|strip-b"
  legend_name <- "guide-box"
  all_layout_names <- c(layout_names, strip_right_name, strip_top_name, legend_name)

  if (is.null(matrix_show_strips)) {
    # make sure it's on the outer right and top edge
    if (col_pos == (matrix_ncol)) {
      layout_names <- c(layout_names, strip_right_name)
    if (row_pos == 1) {
      layout_names <- c(layout_names, strip_top_name)
  } else if (matrix_show_strips) {
    layout_names <- c(layout_names, strip_right_name, strip_top_name)

  # if they have a custom plot, make sure it shows up
  if (!is.null(plot_show_axis_labels)) {
    # pShowStrips <- ! identical(p$axisLabels, FALSE)

    # copied from old code.  want to replace it to something like above
    if (plot_show_axis_labels %in% c("internal", "none")) {
      layout_names <- all_layout_names

  # get correct panel (and strips)
  layout_rows <- str_detect(pg$layout$name, paste(layout_names, collapse = "|"))

  layout_info <- pg$layout[layout_rows, ]
  top_bottom <- layout_info[, c("t", "b")]
  left_right <- layout_info[, c("l", "r")]

  plot_panel <- pg[


add_left_axis <- function(pmg, pg, show_strips, grob_pos) {
  layout <- pg$layout
  layout_name <- layout$name

  # axis layout info
  al <- layout[str_detect(layout_name, "axis-l"), ]

  if (show_strips) {
    alx <- layout[str_detect(layout_name, "axis-l|strip-t|strip-b"), ]
  } else {
    alx <- al

  # get only the axis left objects (and maybe strip top spacer)
  axis_panel <- pg[min(alx$b):max(alx$t), min(al$l)]

  # force to align left
  axis_panel <- gtable::gtable_add_cols(axis_panel, grid::unit(1, "null"), 0)
  pmg$grobs[[grob_pos]] <- axis_panel


add_bottom_axis <- function(pmg, pg, show_strips, grob_pos) {
  layout <- pg$layout
  layout_name <- layout$name
  # axis layout info
  al <- layout[str_detect(layout_name, "axis-b"), ]

  if (show_strips) {
    alx <- layout[str_detect(layout_name, "axis-b|strip-r|strip-l"), ]
  } else {
    alx <- al

  # get only the axis left objects (and maybe strip top spacer)
  axis_panel <- pg[min(al$t), min(alx$l):max(alx$r)]

  # force to align top
  axis_panel <- gtable::gtable_add_rows(axis_panel, grid::unit(1, "null"), 1)
  pmg$grobs[[grob_pos]] <- axis_panel


set_max_axis_size <- function(pmg, axis_sizes, layout_name, layout_cols, pmg_key) {
  m_axis_size <- max(axis_sizes, na.rm = TRUE)
  grob_pos_vals <- which(str_detect(pmg$layout$name, layout_name))
  val_pos <- pmg$layout[grob_pos_vals, layout_cols]
  val_pos <- unique(unlist(val_pos))
  # if (length(val_pos) > 1) {
  #   stop(stop_msg)
  # }

  pmg[[pmg_key]][[val_pos]] <- unit(m_axis_size, "cm")

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GGally documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:29 a.m.