haz.surv <- function (x, eq, newdata, type = "surv", t.range = NULL, t.vec = NULL,
intervals = TRUE, n.sim = 100, prob.lev = 0.05, shade = FALSE,
bars = FALSE, ylim, ylab, xlab, pch, ls = 100, baseline = FALSE,
min.dn = 1e-200, = 1e-200, = 1, plot = TRUE,
print.progress = TRUE, ...){
pr <- h <- hs <- prs <- CIpr <- CIh <- poe <- poet <- NULL
pr.avg <- h.avg <- ch.avg <- CIpr.avg <- CIh.avg <- CIch.avg <- NULL
toleps <- 1e-04
if(!(type %in% c("surv", "haz", "cum.haz"))) stop("The type argument can either be surv, haz or cum.haz")
if(x$univar.gamlss == FALSE && x$surv.flex == TRUE && x$margins[1] %in% c(x$VC$m2, x$VC$m3) && x$margins[2] %in% c(x$bl)) eq <- 2
if(x$end.surv == TRUE) eq <- 2
if(missing(eq) && x$univar.gamlss == FALSE) stop("You must provide the equation number (either 1 or 2).")
if(x$univar.gamlss == TRUE) eq <- 1
if(missing(newdata)) stop("You have to provide a new data frame.")
if(! stop("You have to provide a new data frame.")
if(x$surv.flex == FALSE) stop("This function is only suitable for flexible survival models.")
if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- NULL
if(nrow(newdata) < 1) stop("The data frame needs to have at least one row.")
if(length(t.range) > 2) stop("When using t.range only provide min and max of the time range to be considered.")
if(!is.null(t.range) & !is.null(t.vec)) stop("You cannot provide both t.range and t.vec. See help for more details.")
if(shade == TRUE & bars == TRUE) stop("shade and bars are mutually exclusive, they cannot both be TRUE.")
if(!is.null(t.range)) t.range <- ifelse(t.range < 0.0001, 0.0001, t.range)
if(!is.null(t.vec)) t.vec <- ifelse(t.vec < 0.0001, 0.0001, t.vec )
if(eq == 1){
ntv <- as.character(x$formula[[1]][2])
#rlb <- range(x$y1)[1]
rlb <- t.range[1]
} else if(!is.null(t.vec)){
rlb <- t.vec #check on rlb works anyway
} else{
if(x$univar.gamlss == TRUE){
rlb <- x$rangeSurv[1]
} else if(x$gamlssfit == TRUE){
rlb = x$gamlss1$rangeSurv[1]
} else {
rlb <- range(x$y1)[1]
rlb <- ifelse(rlb < toleps, toleps, rlb)
tv <- seq(rlb, t.range[2], length.out = ls)
} else if(!is.null(t.vec)){
tv <- rlb
} else{
if(x$univar.gamlss == TRUE){
tv <- seq(rlb, x$rangeSurv[2], length.out = ls)
} else if(x$gamlssfit == TRUE) {
tv <- seq(rlb, x$gamlss1$rangeSurv[2], length.out = ls)
} else {
tv <- seq(rlb, range(x$y1)[2], length.out = ls)
indp <- 1:x$VC$X1.d2
gob <- x$gam1
if(eq == 2){
ntv <- as.character(x$formula[[2]][2])
rlb <- t.range[1]
} else if(!is.null(t.vec)){
rlb <- t.vec
} else {
if(x$gamlssfit == TRUE) rlb <- x$gamlss2$rangeSurv[1] else rlb <- range(x$y2)[1]
rlb <- ifelse(rlb < toleps, toleps, rlb)
tv <- seq(rlb, t.range[2], length.out = ls)
} else if(!is.null(t.vec)){
tv <- rlb
} else{
if(x$gamlssfit == TRUE) tv = seq(rlb, x$gamlss2$rangeSurv[2], length.out = ls) else tv <- seq(rlb, range(x$y2)[2], length.out = ls)
indp <- (x$X1.d2 + 1):(x$X1.d2 + x$X2.d2)
gob <- x$gam2
ti <- data.frame(tv)
names(ti) <- ntv
pr.cumul <- h.cumul <- ch.cumul <- rep(0, length(tv))
if (intervals == TRUE)
CIpr.cumul <- CIh.cumul <- CIch.cumul <- matrix(0, length(tv),
if (!is.null(x$VC$ <- x$VC$
else <- c(x$VC$, x$VC$ +
if (intervals == TRUE) {
bs <- rMVN(n.sim, mean = x$coef.t, sigma = x$Vb.t)
bs[,] <- ifelse(bs[,] < 0, 0,
for (obs in 1:dim(newdata)[1]) {
if (obs%%30 == 0 & print.progress)
print(paste(round(obs/dim(newdata)[1] * 100), "% of iterations complete",
sep = ""))
newdata.temp =[obs, ])
row.names(newdata.temp) = NULL
names(newdata.temp) <- names(newdata)
newdata.temp <- data.frame(ti, newdata.temp)
Xpred <- predict(x, newdata.temp, eq = eq, type = "lpmatrix")
if (baseline == TRUE) {
Xd <- Xdpred(gob, newdata.temp, ntv)
ind0 <- (colSums(Xd == 0) == dim(Xpred)[1])
ind0[1] <- FALSE
Xpred[, ind0] <- 0
params1 <- x$coef.t[indp]
eta1 <- Xpred %*% params1
pd <- probmS(eta1, x$VC$margins[eq], min.dn = min.dn, =, =
pr <- pd$pr
if (intervals == TRUE) {
eta1s <- Xpred %*% t(bs[, indp])
pds <- probmS(eta1s, x$VC$margins[eq], min.dn = min.dn, =, =
prs <- pds$pr
if (type == "surv") {
if (intervals == TRUE) {
for (i in 1:length(tv)) {
poe <- which(prs[i, ] %in% boxplot.stats(prs[i,
prs[, poe] <- NA
poe <- union(poe, poet)
poet <- poe
CIpr <- prs
pr.cumul = pr.cumul + pr
if (intervals == TRUE)
CIpr.cumul = CIpr.cumul + CIpr
if (obs == dim(newdata)[1]) {
pr.avg = pr.cumul/dim(newdata)[1]
if (intervals == TRUE) {
CIpr.avg <- CIpr.cumul/dim(newdata)[1]
CIpr.avg <- rowQuantiles(CIpr.avg, probs = c(prob.lev/2,
1 - prob.lev/2), na.rm = TRUE)
if (plot) {
if (intervals == TRUE)
CIpr.avg.temp = matrix(CIpr.avg, nrow = length(tv))
if (is.null(ylim) && intervals == TRUE)
ylim <- c(min(CIpr.avg.temp[, 1]), max(CIpr.avg.temp[,
if (is.null(ylim) && intervals == FALSE)
ylim <- c(min(pr.avg), max(pr.avg))
if (missing(ylab))
ylab <- "Survival function"
if (missing(xlab))
xlab <- "Time"
if (missing(pch))
pch <- 19
if (length(tv) == 1 | bars == TRUE)
type.plot = "p"
else type.plot = "l"
plot(tv, pr.avg, type = type.plot, ylab = ylab,
xlab = xlab, ylim = ylim, pch = pch, ...)
if (intervals == TRUE) {
if (length(tv) == 1 | bars == TRUE) {
for (i in 1:length(tv)) lines(c(tv[i],
tv[i]), CIpr.avg.temp[i, ])
else {
if (shade == FALSE) {
lines(tv, CIpr.avg.temp[, 1], lty = 2)
lines(tv, CIpr.avg.temp[, 2], lty = 2)
else {
polygon(c(tv, rev(tv)), c(CIpr.avg.temp[,
1], rev(CIpr.avg.temp[, 2])), col = "gray80",
border = NA)
lines(tv, pr.avg, type = "l")
if (type == "haz") {
if (baseline == FALSE)
Xd <- Xdpred(gob, newdata.temp, ntv)
Xthe <- Xd %*% params1
Gp <- pd$dS
h <- -Gp/pr * Xthe
if (intervals == TRUE) {
Gps <- pds$dS
Xthes <- Xd %*% t(bs[, indp])
hs <- -Gps/prs * Xthes
for (i in 1:length(tv)) {
poe <- which(hs[i, ] %in% boxplot.stats(hs[i,
hs[, poe] <- NA
poe <- union(poe, poet)
poet <- poe
CIh <- hs
CIh <- ifelse(CIh < 0, 0, CIh)
h.cumul = h.cumul + h
if (intervals == TRUE)
CIh.cumul = CIh.cumul + CIh
if (obs == dim(newdata)[1]) {
h.avg <- h.cumul/dim(newdata)[1]
if (intervals == TRUE) {
CIh.avg <- CIh.cumul/dim(newdata)[1]
CIh.avg <- rowQuantiles(CIh.avg, probs = c(prob.lev/2,
1 - prob.lev/2), na.rm = TRUE)
if (plot) {
if (intervals == TRUE)
CIh.avg.temp = matrix(CIh.avg, nrow = length(tv))
if (is.null(ylim) && intervals == TRUE)
ylim <- c(min(CIh.avg.temp[, 1]), max(CIh.avg.temp[,
if (is.null(ylim) && intervals == FALSE)
ylim <- c(min(h.avg), max(h.avg))
if (missing(ylab))
ylab <- "Hazard"
if (missing(xlab))
xlab <- "Time"
if (missing(pch))
pch = 19
if (length(tv) == 1 | bars == TRUE)
type.plot = "p"
else type.plot = "l"
plot(tv, h.avg, type = type.plot, ylab = ylab,
xlab = xlab, ylim = ylim, pch = pch, ...)
if (intervals == TRUE) {
if (length(tv) == 1 | bars == TRUE) {
for (i in 1:length(tv)) lines(c(tv[i],
tv[i]), CIh.avg.temp[i, ])
else {
if (shade == FALSE) {
lines(tv, CIh.avg.temp[, 1], lty = 2)
lines(tv, CIh.avg.temp[, 2], lty = 2)
else {
polygon(c(tv, rev(tv)), c(CIh.avg.temp[,
1], rev(CIh.avg.temp[, 2])), col = "gray80",
border = NA)
lines(tv, h.avg, type = "l")
if (type == "cum.haz") {
ch <- -log(pr)
if (intervals == TRUE) {
prs <- -log(prs)
for (i in 1:length(tv)) {
poe <- which(prs[i, ] %in% boxplot.stats(prs[i,
prs[, poe] <- NA
poe <- union(poe, poet)
poet <- poe
CIch <- prs
ch.cumul = ch.cumul + ch
if (intervals == TRUE)
CIch.cumul = CIch.cumul + CIch
if (obs == dim(newdata)[1]) {
ch.avg = ch.cumul/dim(newdata)[1]
if (intervals == TRUE) {
CIch.avg = CIch.cumul/dim(newdata)[1]
CIch.avg <- rowQuantiles(CIch.avg, probs = c(prob.lev/2,
1 - prob.lev/2), na.rm = TRUE)
if (plot) {
if (intervals == TRUE)
CIch.avg.temp = matrix(CIch.avg, nrow = length(tv))
if (is.null(ylim) && intervals == TRUE)
ylim <- c(min(CIch.avg.temp[, 1]), max(CIch.avg.temp[,
if (is.null(ylim) && intervals == FALSE)
ylim <- c(min(ch.avg), max(ch.avg))
if (missing(ylab))
ylab <- "Cumulative hazard"
if (missing(xlab))
xlab <- "Time"
if(missing(pch)) pch <- 19
if (length(tv) == 1 | bars == TRUE)
type.plot = "p"
else type.plot = "l"
plot(tv, ch.avg, type = type.plot, ylab = ylab,
xlab = xlab, ylim = ylim, pch = pch, ...)
if (intervals == TRUE) {
if (length(tv) == 1 | bars == TRUE) {
for (i in 1:length(tv)) lines(c(tv[i],
tv[i]), CIch.avg.temp[i, ])
else {
if (shade == FALSE) {
lines(tv, CIch.avg.temp[, 1], lty = 2)
lines(tv, CIch.avg.temp[, 2], lty = 2)
else {
polygon(c(tv, rev(tv)), c(CIch.avg.temp[,
1], rev(CIch.avg.temp[, 2])), col = "gray80",
border = NA)
lines(tv, ch.avg, type = "l")
out.r <- list(s = pr.avg, h = h.avg, ch = ch.avg, h.sim = hs,
s.sim = prs, l.poe = length(poe), CIs = CIpr.avg, CIh = CIh.avg,
CIch = CIch.avg)
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