
Defines functions .emve.init emve

Documented in emve

emve <- function(x, maxits=5, sampling=c("uniform","cluster"), n.resample, n.sub.size, seed)
    xcall <- match.call()

    ## Check x
    if(is.data.frame(x) | is.matrix(x))
        x <- data.matrix(x)
    else stop("Data matrix must be of class matrix or data.frame")
    if( ncol(x) < 2 ) stop("Column dimension of 'x' must be at least 2.")

    ## Check n.resample and n.sub.size
    p <- ncol(x)
    sampling <- match.arg(sampling)
    ## EMVE setting
    if( missing(n.resample) & sampling == "uniform" ) n.resample <- 500    
    if( missing(n.sub.size) & sampling == "uniform" ) n.sub.size <- floor( (p+1)/(1-mean(is.na(x))) )
    ## EMVE_C setting
    if( missing(n.resample) & sampling == "cluster" ) n.resample <- 15 
    if( missing(n.sub.size) & sampling == "cluster" ) n.sub.size <- 2*floor( (p+1)/(1-mean(is.na(x))) )
    if( n.resample < 1 ) stop("Number of resampling must be >= 1.")
    if( n.sub.size < p+1 ) stop("Subsample size must be at least p+1.")
    ## Check seed
    if( missing(seed) ) seed <- 1000

    ## drop all rows with missing values (!!) :
    x_nonmiss <- is.na(x)*-1 + 1
    pp <- rowSums(x_nonmiss)
    pp_col <- colSums(x_nonmiss)
    ## Cannot contain all obs with completely missing rows!!
    if( all(pp == 0) ) stop("All observations have missing values!")
    if( any(pp_col == 0) )stop("Data matrix cannot contain column(s) with completely missing data!")

    ## Remove any rows with completely missing entries
    ok <- which(pp > 0)
    x_orig <- x
    x <- x[ ok,]
    x_nonmiss <- x_nonmiss[ ok,]
    ## reorder the data based on missingness
    x_sort <- .sort.missing(x, x_nonmiss)

    ## Check dimension 
    n <- nrow(x_sort$x); p <- ncol(x_sort$x)
    if(n <= p + 1)
        stop(if (n <= p) "n <= p -- you can't be serious!" else "n == p+1  is too small sample size")
    if(n < 2 * p)
        ## p+1 < n < 2p
        warning("n < 2 * p, i.e., possibly too small sample size")

    ## get initial estimate for all the EM calculation in EMVE subsampling
    mu0 <- colMeans(x_sort$x, na.rm=T)
    S0 <- diag(apply(x_sort$x, 2, var, na.rm=T))
    x_sort <- c(x_sort, .CovEM.setparam(p, mu0, S0))

    res <- with(x_sort, .emve.init(x, x_nonmiss, pu, n, p, theta, G.ind-1, length(theta),x.miss.group.match,
        miss.group.unique, miss.group.counts, miss.group.obs.col, miss.group.mis.col, 
        miss.group.p, miss.group.n, n.resample, n.sub.size, maxits, sampling, seed))

    S.chol <- tryCatch( chol(res$S), error=function(e) NA)
    if( !is.matrix(S.chol) )  stop("Estimated covariance matrix is not positive definite.")

    pmd <- pmd.adj <- rep(NA, nrow(x_orig))
    pmd[ok] <- res$pmd[x_sort$id.ro]
    pmd.adj[ok] <- res$pmd.adj[x_sort$id.ro]
    pu <- rowSums( !is.na(x_orig))
    res <- new("emve",
        call = xcall,
        S = res$S,
        mu = res$mu,
        estimator = "Extended Minimum Volume Ellipsoid", 
        x = x_orig,
        pmd = pmd,
        pmd.adj = pmd.adj,
        p = p, 
        pu = pu)

## Assume the input data matrix is sorted using .sort.missing
.emve.init <- function(x, x_nonmiss, pu, n, p, theta0, G, d, x.miss.group.match, miss.group.unique, miss.group.counts, 
    miss.group.obs.col, miss.group.mis.col, miss.group.p, miss.group.n, n.resample, n.sub.size, maxits, sampling, seed)
    if( missing(sampling) ) sampling <- "uniform"
    ## EMVE setting
    if( missing(n.resample) & sampling == "cluster" ) n.resample <- 15
    if( missing(n.sub.size) & sampling == "uniform" ) n.sub.size <- floor( (p+1)/(1-mean(is.na(x))) )
    ## EMVE_C setting
    if( missing(n.resample) & sampling == "cluster" ) n.resample <- 500     
    if( missing(n.sub.size) & sampling == "uniform" ) n.sub.size <- 2*floor( (p+1)/(1-mean(is.na(x))) )
    if( missing(maxits) ) maxits <- 5

    ## reset the seed, if there is one, upon exit
    if( missing(seed) ) seed <- 1000
    if (exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {
        seed.keep <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
        on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", seed.keep, envir = .GlobalEnv))
    ## Initial scales for later calculation
    scale0_init <- .scale.mve.init(pu)  # will be used to calculate EMVE scale
    cc <- scale0_init$cc
    ck <- scale0_init$ck
    colmed <- apply(x, 2, median, na.rm=T) # coordinate-wise medians for each column, full data

    ## Filled each entry by the overall median for that variable
    x_filled <- x
    a <- is.na(x)%*%diag(colmed)
    x_filled[is.na(x_filled)] <- 0
    x_filled <- x_filled + a
    res <- .emve.Rcpp(x_filled, x_nonmiss, pu, n, p, theta0, G, d, x.miss.group.match, miss.group.unique, miss.group.counts,
            miss.group.obs.col, miss.group.mis.col, miss.group.p, miss.group.n, n.resample, n.sub.size, sampling, cc, ck, maxits)
    res <- list(
        S = res$S0,
        mu = res$mu0,
    x.tmp <- sweep(x, 2, res$mu, "-")
    pmd <- .partial.mahalanobis.Rcpp(x.tmp, res$S, miss.group.unique, miss.group.counts)
    ## compute adjusted pmd
    pmd.adj <- qchisq( pchisq( pmd, df=pu, log.p=T, lower.tail=F), df=p, log.p=T, lower.tail=F) 
    pmd.adj[ which( pu == p)] <- pmd[ which(pu==p) ]

    ## size adjust
    cf <- median( pmd.adj )/qchisq(0.5, df=p)
    res$S <- cf * res$S
    pmd <- pmd / cf
    pmd.adj <- pmd.adj / cf
    res$pmd <- pmd
    res$pmd.adj <- pmd.adj

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