
Defines functions readWellCoords readConcData readExcel readExcelData

#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
readExcelData <- function(filein, sheet, header = NULL, get_subset = TRUE, ign_first_head = "") {
    # Avoid reading column header (in first row) in order to have conform input
    # if table is located somewhere inside the sheet. 'col_names = TRUE' would detect
    # types and which(excl[,i] == headj)) would fail if not a character. 
    excl <- read_excel(filein, sheet = sheet, col_names = FALSE)
    # Find the headers in the sheet
    dftmp <- NULL
    head_err = ""
    end_row = 0
    # Detect empty table.
    if (ncol(excl) == 0)
    for (headj in header) {
        found_head <- FALSE
        # Look into each column
        for (i in 1:ncol(excl)) {
            #cat("sheet: ", sheet, ", header: ", headj, ", column: ", i, "\n")
            # Get row offset of header
            if (length(rowpos <- which(excl[,i] == headj)) == 1) {
                if (ign_first_head == headj) {
                    ign_first_head = ""
                found_head <- TRUE
                if (get_subset) {
                    if (end_row == 0) {
                        end_row <- which(is.na(excl[ (rowpos + 1):nrow(excl) , i]))[1]
                        if (!is.na(end_row))
                            end_row <- end_row + rowpos - 1
                            end_row <- nrow(excl)
                    # Extract the data for this header
                    ctmp <- excl[(rowpos + 1):end_row, i]
                    colnames(ctmp) <- headj
                    if (is.null(dftmp))
                        dftmp <- ctmp
                        dftmp <- cbind(dftmp, ctmp)
        if (!found_head)
            head_err = paste0(head_err, headj) 
    if (head_err != "") {

#' @importFrom readxl excel_sheets
readExcel <- function(filein, sheet = NULL) {
    conc_header <- list("WellName", "Constituent", "SampleDate", "Result", "Units", "Flags")
    well_header <- list("WellName", "XCoord", "YCoord", "Aquifer")
    conc_data <- NULL
    well_data <- NULL
    #coord_unit <- "metres"
    coord_unit <- ""
    # If no sheet was specified, extract them and try to find tables.
    if (is.null(sheet)) 
        ls_sheets <- readxl::excel_sheets(filein$datapath)
        ls_sheets <- list(sheet)
    # Attempt to find valid tables in sheets.
    for (sheet in ls_sheets) {
        # Read the contaminant data 
        ret <- readExcelData(filein$datapath, sheet = sheet, header = conc_header)
        #if (class(ret) != "data.frame") {
        if (!is.data.frame(ret)) {
            try(showNotification(paste0("Sheet \'", sheet, "\': No valid contaminant table found."), duration = 10, type = "error"))
        # Check if the date input is correct.
        if (any(is.na(ret$SampleDate))) {
            ret <- ret[!is.na(ret$SampleDate),]
            msg <- paste0("Sheet \'", sheet, "\': Incorrect input date value(s) detected. Ommitting values.")
            try(showNotification(msg, type = "warning", duration = 10))
            if (nrow(ret) == 0) {
                try(showNotification(paste0("Sheet \'", sheet, "\': Zero entries in concentration data read, skipping."), type = "error", duration = 10))
        # Modify some columns in order to make it display nicely in the table view.
        if (!"flags" %in% tolower(names(ret))) { ret$Flags <- rep("",nrow(ret))}
        ret$Flags[is.na(ret$Flags)] <- ""
        #ret$Result[is.na(ret$Result)] <- 0
        ret$SampleDate <- excelDate2Date(floor(as.numeric(as.character(ret$SampleDate)))) 
        conc_data <- ret
        # Read the well data 
        well_data <- readExcelData(filein$datapath, sheet = sheet, header = well_header, 
                             ign_first_head = "WellName")
        #if (class(well_data) != "data.frame") {
        if (!is.data.frame(well_data)) {
            showNotification(paste0("Sheet \'", sheet, "\': No valid well table found, skipping."), duration = 10)
        # Extract the coordinate unit (default: metres).
        coord_unit <- as.character(ret$CoordUnits[1])
        #if (length(coord_unit) == 0 || is.na(coord_unit)) coord_unit <- "metres"
        if (length(coord_unit) == 0 || is.na(coord_unit)) coord_unit <- ""
        if(!coord_unit %in% c("","feet","metres")){coord_unit <- ""} #default to no units if erroneous unit entered.
        # Replace <NA> Aquifer with emptry string
        well_data$Aquifer[is.na(well_data$Aquifer)] <- ""
        # Attempt to read shape files (if not found, ignore)
        # (Disabled: Shape files must be uploaded with the file input control)
        # ret <- readExcelData(newfile, sheet = sheet, header = shape_header)
        # shape_files <- NULL
        # if (any(class(ret) == "data.frame")) {
        #     shape_files <- validateShapeFiles(ret, sheet)
        #     if (!is.null(shape_files))
        #         showNotification(paste0("Sheet \'", sheet, "\': Found ", length(shape_files), 
        #                                 " shape file(s)."), type = "message", duration = 10)
        # }

        # If we made it until here, we were able to read some valid data. 
        try(showNotification(paste0("Sheet \'", sheet, "\': Found valid tables."), type = "message", duration = 10))
    if (is.null(conc_data) || is.null(well_data))
    return(list(conc_data = conc_data, well_data = well_data, coord_unit = coord_unit))

#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom lubridate parse_date_time
readConcData <- function(input_file, valid_header, ...) {

  if (length(list(...)) == 0)
    DF = read.csv(input_file)
    DF = read.csv(input_file, header = list(...)$header, sep = list(...)$sep, quote = list(...)$quote)
  # Create Flags column or replace NA values with "" if exist.
  if (!"flags" %in% tolower(names(DF))) { DF$Flags <- rep("",nrow(DF))}
  DF_extract <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = nrow(DF), ncol = 0))
  head_not_found <- ""
  # Filter input data frame for valid headers.    
  for (vh in valid_header) {
    if (vh %in% colnames(DF)) {
      DF_extract <- cbind(DF_extract, DF[,vh])
      colnames(DF_extract)[ncol(DF_extract)] <- vh
    } else
      head_not_found = paste(head_not_found, vh)
  if (head_not_found != "") {
    msg <- paste0("Reading well coordinates failed. Header missing: ", paste(head_not_found, collapse = ", "), ". Try to change the Column Separator." )
    showNotification(msg, type = "error", duration = 7)
  # Transform the 'SampleDate' column into 'Date' class.  
  #if (class(DF$SampleDate) == "numeric" | class(DF$SampleDate) == "integer")
  if (is.numeric(DF$SampleDate) | is.integer(DF$SampleDate))
    # An integer value indicates Excel time. This is _not_ Unix time!
    DF$SampleDate <- excelDate2Date(floor(as.numeric(as.character(DF$SampleDate)))) 
    # Expects string input with format "yyyy-mm-dd" or "yyyy/mm/dd".
    #  Uses 'lubridate' 
    DF$SampleDate <- as.Date(parse_date_time(as.character(DF$SampleDate),orders=c("dmy", "mdy", "ymd")))  
  # Check the dates
  if (any(is.na(DF$SampleDate))) {
    msg <- paste("Warning: Incorrect input date value(s) detected. Ommitting ",sum(is.na(DF$SampleDate)),"row(s) of data.")
    showNotification(msg, type = "warning", duration = 15)

    DF <- DF[!is.na(DF$SampleDate),]
    if (nrow(DF) == 0) {
      msg <- "Detected Zero entries in concentration data. Aborting file read."
      showNotification(msg, type = "error", duration = 10)
  # Make some basic modifications, maybe move these to the format function.
  # However, these mods are made before showing up in the import table, but
  # the format function is called only when the import button is pressed.
  DF$Flags[is.na(DF$Flags)] <- ""
  # Converting it to character (from numeric or factor) makes it possible to replace
  # NA values (if factor). formatData() will later convert it to numeric values.
  DF$Result <- as.character(DF$Result) 
  #DF$Result[is.na(DF$Result)] <- "0"


#' @importFrom utils read.csv
readWellCoords <- function(input_file, valid_header, ...) {
  if (length(list(...)) == 0)
    DF = read.csv(input_file)
    DF = read.csv(input_file, header = list(...)$header, sep = list(...)$sep, quote = list(...)$quote)
  coord_unit <- as.character(DF$CoordUnits[1])
  if (length(coord_unit) == 0 || is.na(coord_unit)) {
    #coord_unit <- "metres"
    coord_unit <- ""
  if(!coord_unit %in% c("","feet","metres")){coord_unit <- ""} #default to no units if erroneous unit entered.
  # If no Aquifer field was found, add one with blank strings.
  if (!"aquifer" %in% tolower(names(DF))) {
    DF$Aquifer <- rep("",nrow(DF))
  DF_extract <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = nrow(DF), ncol = 0))
  head_not_found <- ""
  # Filter input data frame for valid headers.    
  for (vh in valid_header) {
    if (vh %in% colnames(DF)) {
      DF_extract <- cbind(DF_extract, DF[,vh])
      colnames(DF_extract)[ncol(DF_extract)] <- vh
    } else head_not_found = paste(head_not_found, vh)
  if (head_not_found != "") {
    msg <- paste0("Reading well coordinates failed. Missing the following columns: ", head_not_found, "." )
    showNotification(msg, type = "error", duration = 10)
  # Make sure its not a factor, or we get an error when introducing "" 
  DF_extract$Aquifer <- as.character(DF$Aquifer)
  DF_extract$Aquifer[is.na(DF_extract$Aquifer)] <- ""
  return(list(data = DF_extract, coord_unit = coord_unit ))

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GWSDAT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:38 a.m.