
Defines functions NContributorsRule2 NContributorsRule

Documented in NContributorsRule

#' Number of contributors suppression rule
#' The number of contributors is the number unique contributing 'charVar' codes. 
#' When several `charVar` variables, the rule is applied independently to each variable.
#' Primary suppression in at least one case results in  primary suppression in the output.
#' It is possible to specify `maxN` and `removeCodes` independently for each `charVar` by using a 
#' named list as input with `charVar` as names. E.g. `maxN = list(char1 = 3, char2 = 2)`. 
#' @param data  Input data as a data frame
#' @param freq  Vector of aggregate frequencies 
#' @param numVar Numerical variables. When several variables, only first is used. 
#' @param x Model matrix generated by parent function
#' @param maxN Primary suppression when number of contributors `<= maxN`.
#' @param protectZeros Suppression parameter. Only TRUE (default) is used implemented. 
#' @param charVar Variable(s) with contributor codes. 
#'                When empty, unique contributor in each row is assumed.
#'                When several variables, see details.  
#' @param removeCodes Vector of codes to be omitted when counting contributors.
#'                With empty `charVar` row indices are assumed
#'                and conversion to integer is performed.
#' @param remove0 When set to `TRUE` (default), data rows in which the first `numVar` (if any) is zero 
#'               are excluded from the count of contributors. 
#'               Alternatively, `remove0` can be specified as one or more variable names. 
#'               In this case, all data rows with a zero in any of the specified variables 
#'               are omitted from the contributor count. 
#'               Specifying `remove0` as variable name(s) is useful for avoiding warning when there 
#'               are multiple `numVar` variables.
#' @param ... unused parameters
#' @return List where first element is logical vector defining primary suppressions.
#'         The second element is data frame where `nRule` is number contributors used 
#'         in rule and where `nAll` is similar, but without omitting codes in `removeCodes`. 
#' @export
NContributorsRule <- function(data, freq, numVar, x, 
                              maxN = 3, 
                              protectZeros = FALSE, 
                              charVar = NULL, 
                              removeCodes = character(0), 
                              remove0 = TRUE, 
                              ...) {
  if (length(charVar)>1) {
    return(NContributorsRule2(data = data, freq = freq, numVar = numVar, x = x, 
                      maxN = maxN, 
                      protectZeros = protectZeros, 
                      charVar = charVar, 
                      removeCodes = removeCodes, 
                      remove0 = remove0, 
    #stop("Only single charVar implemented in suppression rule")
  if (is.character(remove0)) {
    ma <- match(remove0, names(data))
    if (anyNA(ma)) {
      stop("remove0 as character must be variable name(s) in data")
  } else {
    if (remove0) {
      if (length(numVar) > 1) {
        warning("Multiple numVar were supplied, only the first is used. Specify remove0 as variable name(s)?")
      if (!length(numVar)) {
        remove0 <- NULL
      } else {
        remove0 <- numVar[1]
    } else {
      remove0 <- NULL

  if (protectZeros) {
    stop("TRUE protectZeros not implemented")
  if (length(charVar)) {
    y <- data[[charVar]]
  } else {
    y <- seq_len(nrow(data))
    removeCodes <- as.integer(removeCodes)
  if (length(remove0)) {
    for (i in seq_along(remove0)) {
      y[data[[remove0[i]]] == 0] <- NA
  nAll <- Ncontributors(x, y)
  y[y %in% removeCodes] <- NA
  nRule <- Ncontributors(x, y)
  primary <- (nRule <= maxN) & (nRule > 0)
  list(primary = primary, numExtra = data.frame(nRule = nRule, nAll = nAll))

NContributorsRule2 <- function(data, freq, numVar, x, 
                               ...) {
  for (i in seq_along(charVar)) {
    if (is.list(maxN)) {
      maxN_ <- maxN[[charVar[i]]]
    } else {
      maxN_ <- maxN
    if (is.list(removeCodes)) {
      removeCodes_ <- removeCodes[[charVar[i]]]
    } else {
      removeCodes_ <- removeCodes
    rulei <- NContributorsRule(data = data, freq = freq, numVar = numVar, x = x, 
                               maxN = maxN_, 
                               protectZeros = protectZeros, 
                               charVar = charVar[i], 
                               removeCodes = removeCodes_, 
                               remove0 = remove0, 
    names(rulei$numExtra) <- paste(names(rulei$numExtra), charVar[i], sep = "_")
    if (i == 1) {
      primary <- rulei$primary
      numExtra <- rulei$numExtra
    } else {
      primary <- primary | rulei$primary
      numExtra <- cbind(numExtra, rulei$numExtra)
  list(primary = primary, numExtra = numExtra)

NContributorsRule_identical <- NContributorsRule

#' Identical to ´NContributorsRule´
#' The function is included for compatibility after changing the name to 
#' \code{\link{NContributorsRule}}
#' @rdname NcontributorsRule_identical
#' @inheritParams NContributorsRule
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
NcontributorsRule <- NContributorsRule_identical

# Without @rdname NcontributorsRule_identical:
# Default NcontributorsRule overwrites NContributorsRule.Rd  

# With 
# NcontributorsRule <- NContributorsRule 
# it is impossible to hide  function in separate rd-file with keywords internal

# With 
# NcontributorsRule <- function(...) NContributorsRule(...)   
# test fails since default values cannot be found in function

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