
Defines functions PrimaryDecimals SuppressionFromDecimals

Documented in SuppressionFromDecimals

#' Cell suppression from synthetic decimal numbers
#' Decimal numbers, as calculated by \code{\link{GaussSuppressDec}}, are used to decide suppression (whole numbers or not). 
#' Technically, the calculations are done via \code{\link{GaussSuppressionFromData}}, 
#' but without running \code{\link[SSBtools]{GaussSuppression}}. 
#' All suppressed cells are primary suppressed.  
#' Several decimal number variables reduce the probability of obtaining whole numbers by chance. 
#' @param data    Input data as a data frame 
#' @param decVar One ore several (`nRep>1`) decimal number variables. 
#' @param freqVar A single variable holding counts (not needed)
#' @param numVar Other numerical variables to be aggregated
#' @param preAggregate  Parameter to \code{\link{GaussSuppressionFromData}}
#' @param digits Parameter to \code{\link[SSBtools]{RoundWhole}}. Values close to whole numbers will be rounded.
#' @param ...   Other parameters to \code{\link{GaussSuppressionFromData}}
#' @return Aggregated data with suppression information
#' @export
#' @author Øyvind Langsrud 
#' @examples
#' z2 <- SSBtoolsData("z2")
#' # Find suppression and decimal numbers with "fylke" in model 
#' a <- GaussSuppressDec(z2, dimVar = c("region", "fylke", "hovedint"), 
#'                       freqVar = "ant", protectZeros = FALSE, maxN = 2, 
#'                       output = "inner")
#' # Add decimal numbers to data 
#' z2$freqDec <- a$freqDec
#' # Find suppression with "kostragr" in model 
#' b <- SuppressionFromDecimals(z2, dimVar = c("region", "kostragr", "hovedint"), 
#'                              freqVar = "ant", decVar = "freqDec")
SuppressionFromDecimals = function(data, decVar, freqVar = NULL, numVar = NULL,
                                   preAggregate = FALSE, digits = 9,

   GaussSuppressionFromData(data, freqVar = freqVar, 
                            numVar = c(decVar, numVar), nDec = length(decVar),
                            preAggregate = preAggregate, 
                            candidates = integer(0),
                            primary = PrimaryDecimals,
                            singleton = NULL,
                            singletonMethod = "none",
                            digitsPrimary = digits,
PrimaryDecimals <- function(freq, num, nDec, digitsPrimary, ...) {
    num = num[,seq_len(nDec), drop=FALSE]
  numRW = RoundWhole(num, digits = digitsPrimary)
  primary = !(rowSums(numRW == round(num)) == nDec)
  if (!is.null(freq)) {
    if(any(freq[!primary] != numRW[!primary,1])){
      warning("Mismatch between aggregated frequencies and decimals aggregated to whole numbers") 


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GaussSuppression documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 5:07 p.m.