
#       Filename:  merge.snp.data.R
#    Description:  Function for merging of two snp.data class objects
#        Version:  1.0
#        Created:  18-March-2008
#       Revision:  none
#         Author:  Maksim V. Struchalin, Yurii S. Aulchenko
#        Company:  ErasmusMC, Epidemiology & Biostatistics Department, The Netherlands.
#          Email:  m.struchalin@erasmusmc.nl, i.aoultchenko@erasmusmc.nl

"merge.snp.data" <-
function(x, y, ..., error_amount=1e+06, replacena=TRUE, forcestranduse=FALSE, sort = TRUE, intersected_snps_only=FALSE) {


#Short description:

# 1) Function "merge.snp.data" performs merging of two snp.data object
#		 Returns object of type list. return_object$data - merged object of type snp.data.
#		 return_object$id - table of differences in polymorphisms for definit ids and definits snps.
#    example: return_object$id
#		       snp_name x y
#	1111111 "rs123" "2"  NA
#	2222222 "rs123" NA   "1"
#	3333333 "rs123" "0"  NA
# 1111111 - ID, "rs123" - snpname, "2" - polymorphism in x, NA - polimorphism in y
# Vallue "2" goes in merged object.
# In case of second line (ID=2222222, snpname="rs123", polymorphism in x is NA, polimorphism in y is "1")
#	vallue "1" from y goes in merged set. If input parameter "replacena" is as FALSE than NA (from x)
#	goes to merged set.
# return_object$snp - table of differences in codding. For example x has codding AC for snp rs123 but y has
# codding AG for snp rs123. 
#	example:
# 			 x y
#	rs234  "GA" "12"
#	rs234  "GA" "12"
#	rs234  "12" "CT"
# Here x has coding "GA" for snp rs234 but y has coding "12". This is error but function goes on merging and
# coding from x will be used.

# 2) "replacena" - input parameter which says whether we have to replace notmeasured polymorphisms on measured.

# 3) "forcestranduse" - input parameter which says whether we have to use strand information codding checking

# 4) Parametrs from x prevails over parametrs from y. 
# In other words if strand in x is 1 but strand from y is 2 therefore merged set will have strand from x.
# If for example for ID=7 and SNP=rs123 in x polimorphism=AT but for ID=7 and SNP=rs123 in y polimorphism=AA (or TT)
# than polimorphism=AT will be in final merged set.


if(error_amount <=0) 
	stop("error_amount can not be <=0")

if(replacena !=T & replacena != F)
	stop("replacena can be \"TRUE\" or \"FALSE\" only")

if(forcestranduse !=T & forcestranduse != F)
	stop("forcestranduse can be TRUE or FALSE only")

#check whether x and y have required data class
if (!is(x,"snp.data"))
	stop("Wrong data class: the first argument should be snp.data")

if (!is(x,"snp.data"))
	stop("Wrong data class: the second argument should be snp.data")

which_id_intersect_in_x <- which(is.element(x@idnames,y@idnames)*c(1:x@nids) > 0) 
which_id_intersect_in_y <- match(x@idnames, y@idnames, nomatch = -1)
which_id_intersect_in_y <- which_id_intersect_in_y[which_id_intersect_in_y > 0]

num_ids_intersected <- length(which_id_intersect_in_x)	#amount of intersected subset

ids_intersected <- c(which_id_intersect_in_x, which_id_intersect_in_y) #Final array which will be passed to c-function

which_snp_intersect_in_x <- which(is.element(x@snpnames,y@snpnames)*c(1:x@nsnps) > 0)
which_snp_intersect_in_y <- match(x@snpnames, y@snpnames, nomatch = -1)
which_snp_intersect_in_y <- which_snp_intersect_in_y[which_snp_intersect_in_y > 0]

##### taking care of monomorphics -- YA, 2011.07.11 #####


monos <- function(data) {
	ss <- strsplit(data,"")
	ff <- function(a) {
		if (a[1]==a[2]) return(TRUE) else return(FALSE)
#x_filtered_mono_x_not_mono_y <- which(monos(coding(x)[which_snp_intersect_in_x]) & 
#				!monos(coding(y)[which_snp_intersect_in_y]))
# do this only if there is any intersection between SNPs
if (length(which_snp_intersect_in_y)>0 || length(which_snp_intersect_in_x)>0) {
if_mono_x_not_mono_y <- monos(coding(x)[which_snp_intersect_in_x]) & 
which_mono_x_not_mono_y <- which_snp_intersect_in_x[if_mono_x_not_mono_y]
if_mono_y_not_mono_x <- monos(coding(y)[which_snp_intersect_in_y]) & 
which_mono_y_not_mono_x <- which_snp_intersect_in_y[if_mono_y_not_mono_x]
# here need to check legacy based on coding and strand data e.g. 
# AA(+) -> AG(+), TC(-) good; -> TC(+), AG(-), GC(+/-) no good
# take care of coding in x
cdng_x <- coding(x)[which_snp_intersect_in_x[if_mono_x_not_mono_y]]
cdng_y <- coding(y)[which_snp_intersect_in_y[if_mono_x_not_mono_y]]
strnd_x <- strand(x)[which_snp_intersect_in_x[if_mono_x_not_mono_y]]
strnd_y <- strand(y)[which_snp_intersect_in_y[if_mono_x_not_mono_y]]
jjj <- 1
for (iii in which_mono_x_not_mono_y) {
#	print(iii)
	mono <- cdng_x[jjj]
	poly <- cdng_y[jjj]
	monoStrand <- strnd_x[jjj]
	polyStrand <- strnd_y[jjj]
#	print(c(mono,poly,monoStrand,polyStrand,forcestranduse))
	newC <- translate_mono_coding(mono,poly,monoStrand,polyStrand,forcestranduse=forcestranduse)
	jjj <- jjj + 1 
	coding(x)[iii] <- newC
#	print(newC)
# take care of coding in y
cdng_x <- coding(x)[which_snp_intersect_in_x[if_mono_y_not_mono_x]]
cdng_y <- coding(y)[which_snp_intersect_in_y[if_mono_y_not_mono_x]]
strnd_x <- strand(x)[which_snp_intersect_in_x[if_mono_y_not_mono_x]]
strnd_y <- strand(y)[which_snp_intersect_in_y[if_mono_y_not_mono_x]]
jjj <- 1
for (iii in which_mono_y_not_mono_x) {
#	print(iii)
	mono <- cdng_y[jjj]
	poly <- cdng_x[jjj]
	monoStrand <- strnd_y[jjj]
	polyStrand <- strnd_x[jjj]
#	print(c(mono,poly,monoStrand,polyStrand,forcestranduse))
	newC <- translate_mono_coding(mono,poly,monoStrand,polyStrand,forcestranduse=forcestranduse)
	jjj <- jjj + 1 
	coding(y)[iii] <- newC
#	print(newC)
##### END taking care of monomorphics ###################

	x_new <- x[,which_snp_intersect_in_x]
	y_new <- y[,which_snp_intersect_in_y]
	results <- merge.snp.data(x=x_new, y=y_new, error_amount, replacena, forcestranduse, sort, intersected_snps_only)

chromosome_logic_vec <- c(as.character(x@chromosome[which_snp_intersect_in_x])) == c(as.character(y@chromosome[which_snp_intersect_in_y]))
chromosome_logic_vec_factor <- factor(chromosome_logic_vec)
if(length(levels(chromosome_logic_vec_factor)) > 1)
	position_of_error_snps_in_x <- which_snp_intersect_in_x[!chromosome_logic_vec]
	position_of_error_snps_in_y <- which_snp_intersect_in_y[!chromosome_logic_vec]
	error_output <- data.frame(snp_positon_in_x=position_of_error_snps_in_x, 
	write.table(error_output, file="merge_snp_data_chromosome_error.txt", row.names=F, quote=F)	
	non_overlaped_chr_num <- table(chromosome_logic_vec)[1]
	stop(paste("There is difference found in chromosome names for ", non_overlaped_chr_num," intersected SNPs. It is expected that all snps have exactly the same names of chromosome. Capital/lower-case letters are considered as different. The file merge_snp_data_chromosome_error.txt contains information about the SNPs having wrong chromosome number. The column snp_positon_in_x and snp_positon_in_y contains order position in x (first) and y (second) input data set. Check column chromosome_in_x and chromosome_in_y and replace the chromosome names in input data set.\n"), sep="") 
#	stop("For intersected SNPs several values in chromosome vector for x is not concur with values in y. Check your data sets.\n") 

anyIntersectingSNPs <- !(length(levels(chromosome_logic_vec_factor)) == 0)
	cat("There are no intersecting SNPs\n")
	if(intersected_snps_only) return(list(data=NULL, id=NULL, snp=NULL))

num_snps_intersected <- length(which_snp_intersect_in_x)
snp_intersected <- c(which_snp_intersect_in_x, which_snp_intersect_in_y) 

snp_intersected_names <- x@snpnames[which_snp_intersect_in_x]

id_amount_in_new_array <- x@nids + y@nids - num_ids_intersected;
byte_amount_for_one_snp_in_new_array <- ceiling((id_amount_in_new_array)/4)

snps_amount_in_new_array <- x@nsnps + y@nsnps - num_snps_intersected
byte_number_in_new_array <- byte_amount_for_one_snp_in_new_array * (snps_amount_in_new_array)

alleleID_raw <- alleleID.char2raw() #12 AB AT AG AC A- TA TG TC T- GA GT GC G- CA CT CG C- -A -T -G -C 21 BA
																    #01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

alleleID_names_char <- names(alleleID_raw)
names(alleleID_raw) <- NULL
alleleID_amount <- length(alleleID_raw)

alleleID_reverse_raw <- alleleID.revstrand() 
names(alleleID_reverse_raw) <- NULL #17 18 07 09 08 0a 03 05 04 06 10 0f 11 12 0c 0b 0d 0e 14 13 16 15 01 02

# deal with monomorphics
#cdng_x <- coding(x)
#cdng_y <- coding(y)
#mono_x <- alleleID.ismono(cdng_x)
#mono_y <- alleleID.ismono(cdng_y)

return_val <-  .C("fast_merge_C_",
								as.raw(x@gtps), as.integer(x@nids), as.integer(x@nsnps), 
								as.raw(y@gtps), as.integer(y@nids), as.integer(y@nsnps),
							  as.integer(num_ids_intersected), as.integer(num_snps_intersected), as.integer(snp_intersected), as.integer(ids_intersected),
							 	x@strand@.Data, y@strand@.Data, #strands raw array
							 	x@coding@.Data, y@coding@.Data, #coding raw array
								alleleID_raw, alleleID_names_char, as.integer(alleleID_amount), #allele names in accordance with coding 
								found_error_amount_snp = integer(1),
								found_id_error_amount_id = integer(1),
								id_position_error = integer(error_amount), id_snpposition_error = integer(error_amount), val_x_error = raw(error_amount), val_y_error = raw(error_amount),
								snp_position_error = integer(error_amount), snp_x_codding_error = raw(error_amount), snp_y_codding_error = raw(error_amount),
								merged_gtps = raw(byte_number_in_new_array))

new_array_raw <- return_val$merged_gtps
found_id_error_amount_id <- return_val$found_id_error_amount_id

id_position_error <- return_val$id_position_error[1:found_id_error_amount_id]
id_snpposition_error <- return_val$id_snpposition_error[1:found_id_error_amount_id]
val_x_error <- as.numeric(return_val$val_x_error[1:found_id_error_amount_id])
val_y_error <- as.numeric(return_val$val_y_error[1:found_id_error_amount_id])



found_error_amount_snp <- return_val$found_error_amount_snp
snp_position_error <- return_val$snp_position_error[1:found_error_amount_snp]
snp_x_codding_error <- return_val$snp_x_codding_error[1:found_error_amount_snp]
snp_y_codding_error <- return_val$snp_y_codding_error[1:found_error_amount_snp]

dim(new_array_raw) <- c(byte_amount_for_one_snp_in_new_array, snps_amount_in_new_array)

new_array_raw <- new("snp.mx",new_array_raw);gc(verbose=FALSE)

	tmp_logic_array <- c()
	#Form array with ID names (without intersection)
	tmp_logic_array[c(1:length(y@idnames))] = TRUE
	tmp_logic_array[which_id_intersect_in_y] = FALSE

	y_idnames_without_intersected <- y@idnames[tmp_logic_array]
	ids_array <- c(x@idnames, y_idnames_without_intersected)

	#Form array with males (without intersection)
	y_male_without_intersected <- y@male[tmp_logic_array]
	male_array <- c(x@male, y_male_without_intersected)

	#Form array with SNP names (without intersection)
	tmp_logic_array <- c()
	tmp_logic_array[c(1:length(y@snpnames))] = TRUE
	tmp_logic_array[which_snp_intersect_in_y] = FALSE

	y_snps_without_intersected <- y@snpnames[tmp_logic_array]
	snp_array <- c(x@snpnames, y_snps_without_intersected)

	#Form array with chromosomes (without intersection)
	y_chromosome_without_intersected <- as.character(y@chromosome[tmp_logic_array])
	chrom_array <- factor(c(as.character(x@chromosome), y_chromosome_without_intersected))

	#Form array with map (without intersection)
	y_map_without_intersected <- y@map[tmp_logic_array]
	map_array <- c(x@map, y_map_without_intersected)

	y_coding_without_intersected <- y@coding[tmp_logic_array]
	coding_array <- new("snp.coding", c(x@coding, y_coding_without_intersected))

	y_strand_without_intersected <- y@strand[tmp_logic_array]
	strand_array <- new("snp.strand", c(x@strand, y_strand_without_intersected))

mearged_set_snp_data <- snp.data(nids=id_amount_in_new_array, rawdata=new_array_raw, idnames=ids_array,
			snpnames=snp_array, chromosome=chrom_array, map=map_array, coding=coding_array,
			strand=strand_array, male=male_array)

id_snpposition_error <- x@snpnames[id_snpposition_error] 
snp_position_error <- y@snpnames[snp_position_error]

#_______________coding raw to coding letters__________ 
	cod2index <- 1:length(alleleID.char2raw())
	names(cod2index) <- alleleID.char2raw()
	alleleID <- alleleID.char2raw()
	snp_y_codding_error <- names(alleleID[cod2index[as.character(snp_y_codding_error)]])
	snp_x_codding_error <- names(alleleID[cod2index[as.character(snp_x_codding_error)]])

id_position_error <- x@idnames[as.numeric(id_position_error)]

if(found_error_amount_snp != 0)
	snp_error_data.frame <- data.frame(snpnames=snp_position_error, x=snp_y_codding_error, y=snp_x_codding_error, stringsAsFactors = F)
	snp_error_data.frame <- data.frame(snpnames="...", x="...", y="...", stringsAsFactors = F)
if(found_id_error_amount_id != 0)
	id_error_data.frame <- data.frame(id=id_position_error, snpnames=id_snpposition_error, x=val_x_error, y=val_y_error, stringsAsFactors = F)
	id_error_data.frame <- data.frame(id="...", snpnames="...", x="...", y="...", stringsAsFactors = F)

output_list <-list(data=mearged_set_snp_data, id=id_error_data.frame, snp=snp_error_data.frame)

cat("...merging finished...\n")



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