
### Unit tests of function qghyp

### Functions with name test.* run by R CMD check or by make if
### LEVEL = 1 in call to make
### Functions with name levelntest.* are run by make if
### LEVEL = n in call to make
### Functions with name graphicstest.* are run by make if
### LEVEL = graphics in call to make

level2test.qghyp <- function()
    ## select a random parameter value for testing

    paramSampleSize <- 1
    sampleSize <- 1
    ps <- c(-Inf, -1, 0, 1, Inf, NA, NA)
    qs <- c(0, 0.001, 0.025, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.975, 0.999, 1)
    nps <- length(ps)
    nqs <- length(qs)

    testParam <- ghypLargeShape

    ## sample parameter values
    np <- nrow(testParam)[1]
    paramNum <- sample(1:np, paramSampleSize, replace = FALSE)
    paramVals <- testParam[paramNum,,drop = FALSE]
    nv <- nrow(paramVals)[1]

    ## Test using default values
    ## Should all be < 10^(-4)

    ## initialize result matrices
    pqResult <- matrix(nrow = nv, ncol = 5 + nqs)
    pqResult[,1:5] <- as.matrix(paramVals)
    qpResult <- matrix(nrow = nv, ncol = 5 + nps)
    qpResult[,1:5] <- as.matrix(paramVals)

    ## loop over param values
    for (i in 1:nv)
        param <- as.numeric(paramVals[i,])
        result <- pghyp(qghyp(qs, param = param), param = param) - qs
        pqResult[i, 5 + (1:nqs)] <- result

        ## choose sample values from distribution
        x <- rghyp(sampleSize, param = param)

        ## add some extreme values
        extreme <- qghyp(c(10^(-5), 1 - 10^(-5)), param = param)
        extreme <- extreme + abs(x) * c(-1, 1)
        ps[c(nps - 1, nps)] <- extreme
        result <- qghyp(pghyp(ps, param = param), param = param)

        ## special treatment for +/- Inf
        ## correction: DJS, 9/1/2012
        ##result <- ifelse(result == ps, 0, result - ps)
        result <- ifelse(is.infinite(result), 0, result - ps)
        qpResult[i, 5 + (1:nps)] <- result
    ## first test: p then q
    pqMaxDiff <- max(abs(pqResult[,5 + (1:nqs)]))
    if (nv == 1){
        pqMaxInd <- 1
    } else {
        pqMaxInd <- which.max(pmax(abs(pgResult[, 5 + (1:nqs)])))
    checkTrue(pqMaxDiff < 10^(-4), msg =
              paste("Test 1",
                    "pgMaxDiff = ", pgMaxDiff, "for param = ",
                    pqResult[pgMaxInd, 1], pqResult[pgMaxInd, 2],
                    pqResult[pgMaxInd, 3], pqResult[pgMaxInd, 4],
                    pqResult[pgMaxInd, 5]))

    ## second test: q then p
    qpMaxDiff <- max(abs(qpResult[, 5 + (1:nps)]))
    if (nv == 1){
        qpMaxInd <- 1
    } else {
        qpMaxInd <- which.max(pmax(abs(qpResult[, 5 + (1:nps)])))
    checkTrue(qpMaxDiff < 10^(-3), msg =
              paste("Test 2",
                    "qpMaxDiff =", qpMaxDiff, "for param = ",
                    qpResult[qpMaxInd, 1], qpResult[qpMaxInd, 2],
                    qpResult[qpMaxInd, 3], qpResult[qpMaxInd, 4],
                    qpResult[qpMaxInd, 5]))
    ## Now test with higher accuracy
    ## With spline will still only be 10^(-4)

    ## initialize result matrices
    pqResult <- matrix(nrow = nv, ncol = 5 + nqs)
    pqResult[, 1:5] <- as.matrix(paramVals)
    qpResult <- matrix(nrow = nv, ncol = 5 + nps)
    qpResult[, 1:5] <- as.matrix(paramVals)

    ## loop over param values
    for (i in 1:nv)
        param <- as.numeric(paramVals[i,])
        result <- pghyp(qghyp(qs, param = param, uniTol = 10^(-12)),
                        param = param, intTol = 10^(-12)) - qs
        pqResult[i, 5 + (1:nqs)] <- result

        ## choose sample values from distribution
        x <- rghyp(sampleSize, param = param)

        ## add some extreme values
        extreme <- qghyp(c(10^(-5), 1 - 10^(-5)), param = param)
        extreme <- extreme + abs(x) * c(-1, 1)
        ps[c(nps - 1, nps)] <- extreme
        result <- qghyp(pghyp(ps, param = param, intTol = 10^(-12)),
                        param = param, uniTol = 10^(-12))
        ## special treatment for +/- Inf
        ## correction: DJS, 9/1/2012
        ##result <- ifelse(result == ps, 0, result - ps)
        result <- ifelse(is.infinite(result), 0, result - ps)
         qpResult[i, 5 + (1:nps)] <- result

    ## third test: p then q
    pqMaxDiff <- max(abs(pqResult[, 5 + (1:nqs)]))
    if (nv == 1){
        pqMaxInd <- 1
    } else {
        pqMaxInd <- which.max(pmax(abs(pqResult[, 5 + (1:nqs)])))
    checkTrue(pqMaxDiff < 10^(-6), msg =
              paste("Test 3",
                    "pgMaxDiff = ", pgMaxDiff, "for param = ",
                    pqResult[pqMaxInd, 1], pqResult[pqMaxInd, 2],
                    pqResult[pqMaxInd, 3], pqResult[pqMaxInd, 4],
                    pqResult[pqMaxInd, 5]))

    ## fourth test: q then p
    qpMaxDiff <- max(abs(pqResult[, 5 + (1:nps)]))
    if (nv == 1){
        qpMaxInd <- 1
    } else {
        qpMaxInd <- which.max(pmax(abs(qpResult[, 5 + (1:nps)])))
    checkTrue(qpMaxDiff < 10^(-6), msg =
              paste("Test 4",
                    "qpMaxDiff = ", qpMaxDiff, "for param = ",
                    qpResult[qpMaxInd, 1], qpResult[qpMaxInd, 2],
                    qpResult[qpMaxInd, 3], qpResult[qpMaxInd, 4],
                    qpResult[qpMaxInd, 5]))

    ## Now try with integration instead of spline
    ## Reset parameter set
    testParam <- ghypLargeShape

    ## sample parameter values
    ## sample parameter values
    np <- nrow(testParam)[1]
    paramNum <- sample(1:np, paramSampleSize, replace = FALSE)
    paramVals <- testParam[paramNum,,drop = FALSE]
    nv <- nrow(paramVals)[1]

    ## Test using default values
    ## Should all be < 10^(-4)

    ## initialize result matrices
    pqResult <- matrix(nrow = nv, ncol = 5 + nqs)
    pqResult[,1:5] <- as.matrix(paramVals)
    qpResult <- matrix(nrow = nv, ncol = 5 + nps)
    qpResult[,1:5] <- as.matrix(paramVals)

    ## loop over param values
    for (i in 1:nv)
        param <- as.numeric(paramVals[i,])
        result <- pghyp(qghyp(qs, param = param, method = "integrate"),
                        param = param) - qs
        pqResult[i, 5 + (1:nqs)] <- result

        ## choose sample values from distribution
        x <- rghyp(sampleSize, param = param)

        ## add some extreme values
        extreme <- qghyp(c(10^(-5), 1 - 10^(-5)), param = param)
        extreme <- extreme + abs(x) * c(-1, 1)
        ps[c(nps - 1, nps)] <- extreme
        result <- qghyp(pghyp(ps, param = param),
                        param = param, method = "integrate")

        ## special treatment for +/- Inf
        ## correction: DJS, 9/1/2012
        ##result <- ifelse(result == ps, 0, result - ps)
        result <- ifelse(is.infinite(result), 0, result - ps)
        qpResult[i, 5 + (1:nps)] <- result

    ## fifth test: p then q
     pqMaxDiff <- max(abs(pqResult[,5 + (1:nqs)]))
    if (nv == 1){
        pqMaxInd <- 1
    } else {
        pqMaxInd <- which.max(pmax(abs(pqResult[,5 + (1:nqs)])))
    checkTrue(pqMaxDiff < 10^(-4), msg =
              paste("Test 5",
                    "pqMaxDiff = ", pqMaxDiff,
                    "for param = ",
                    pqResult[pqMaxInd, 1], pqResult[pqMaxInd, 2],
                    pqResult[pqMaxInd, 3], pqResult[pqMaxInd, 4],
                    pqResult[pqMaxInd, 5]))

    ## sixth test: q then p
    qpMaxDiff <- max(abs(qpResult[,5 + (1:nps)]))
    if (nv == 1){
        qpMaxInd <- 1
    } else {
        qpMaxInd <- which.max(pmax(abs(qpResult[,5 + (1:nps)])))
    checkTrue(qpMaxDiff < 10^(-3), msg =
              paste("Test 6",
                    "qpMaxDiff = ", qpMaxDiff,
                    "for param = ",
                    qpResult[qpMaxInd, 1], qpResult[qpMaxInd, 2],
                    qpResult[qpMaxInd, 3], qpResult[qpMaxInd, 4],
                    qpResult[qpMaxInd, 5]))

    ## Now test with higher accuracy
    ## With integrate should be to 10^(-10)

    ## initialize result matrices
    pqResult <- matrix(nrow = nv, ncol = 5 + nqs)
    pqResult[,1:5] <- as.matrix(paramVals)
    qpResult <- matrix(nrow = nv, ncol = 5 + nps)
    qpResult[,1:5] <- as.matrix(paramVals)

    ## loop over param values
    for (i in 1:nv){
        param <- as.numeric(paramVals[i,])
        result <- pghyp(qghyp(qs, param = param, method = "integrate",
                                    uniTol = 10^(-12)),
                           param = param, intTol = 10^(-12)) - qs
        pqResult[i, 5 + (1:nqs)] <- result

        ## choose sample values from distribution
        x <- rghyp(sampleSize, param = param)

        ## add some extreme values
        extreme <- qghyp(c(10^(-5),1 - 10^(-5)), param = param)
        extreme <- extreme + abs(x)*c(-1,1)
        ps[c(nps - 1, nps)] <- extreme
        result <- qghyp(pghyp(ps, param = param, intTol = 10^(-10)),
                           param = param, method = "integrate",
                           uniTol = 10^(-10))

        ## special treatment for +/- Inf
        ## correction: DJS, 9/1/2012
        ##result <- ifelse(result == ps, 0, result - ps)
        result <- ifelse(is.infinite(result), 0, result - ps)
        qpResult[i, 5 + (1:nps)] <- result
    ## seventh test: p then q
    pqMaxDiff <- max(abs(pqResult[,5 + (1:nqs)]))
    if (nv == 1){
        pqMaxInd <- 1
    } else {
        pqMaxInd <- which.max(pmax(abs(pqResult[,5 + (1:nqs)])))
    checkTrue(pqMaxDiff < 10^(-8), msg =
              paste("Test 7",
                    "pqMaxDiff = ", pqMaxDiff,
                    "for param = ",
                    pqResult[pqMaxInd, 1], pqResult[pqMaxInd, 2],
                    pqResult[pqMaxInd, 3], pqResult[pqMaxInd, 4],
                    pqResult[pqMaxInd, 5]))

    ## eighth test: q then p
    qpMaxDiff <- max(abs(qpResult[,5 + (1:nps)]))
    if (nv == 1){
        qpMaxInd <- 1
    } else {
        qpMaxInd <- which.max(pmax(abs(qpResult[,5 + (1:nps)])))
    checkTrue(qpMaxDiff < 10^(-6), msg =
              paste("Test 8",
                    "qpMaxDiff = ", qpMaxDiff,
                    "for param = ",
                    qpResult[qpMaxInd, 1], qpResult[qpMaxInd, 2],
                    qpResult[qpMaxInd, 3], qpResult[qpMaxInd, 4],
                    qpResult[qpMaxInd, 5]))


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GeneralizedHyperbolic documentation built on Nov. 26, 2023, 5:07 p.m.