initializer.for.splits <- function(Z, Z_CLAN, learners,
num_splits, quantile_cutoffs,
# helper function that initializes object in the generic ML splitting procedure
K <- length(quantile_cutoffs) + 1
CLAN_group.base <- ifelse(diff_CLAN$subtract_from == "least", 1, K)
GATES_group.base <- ifelse(diff_GATES$subtract_from == "least", 1, K)
CLAN_subtracted <- diff_CLAN$subtracted
GATES_subtracted <- diff_GATES$subtracted
clan <- array(NA_real_, dim = c(K + length(CLAN_subtracted), 7, num_splits),
dimnames = list(c(paste0("delta.", 1:K),
"delta.", CLAN_group.base, "-",
"delta.", CLAN_subtracted)),
c("Estimate", "CB lower", "CB upper", "Std. Error",
"z value", "Pr(<z)", "Pr(>z)"),
gates <- array(NA_real_, dim = c(K + length(GATES_subtracted), 7, num_splits),
dimnames = list(c(paste0("gamma.", 1:K),
"gamma.", GATES_group.base, "-",
"gamma.", GATES_subtracted)),
c("Estimate", "CB lower", "CB upper", "Std. Error",
"z value", "Pr(<z)", "Pr(>z)"),
blp <- array(NA_real_, dim = c(2, 7, num_splits),
dimnames = list(c("beta.1", "beta.2"),
c("Estimate", "CB lower", "CB upper", "Std. Error",
"z value", "Pr(<z)", "Pr(>z)"),
best <- array(NA_real_, dim = c(1, 2, num_splits),
dimnames = list(NULL, c("lambda", ""), NULL))
clan.lists <- lapply(1:ncol(Z_CLAN), function(...) clan )
names(clan.lists) <- colnames(Z_CLAN) <- lapply(1:length(learners), function(...){
list(BLP = blp, GATES = gates, CLAN = clan.lists, best = best)
names( <- learners
} # END FUN <- function({
# helper function for initialization of the final returned object
gates.nam <- rownames([[1]]$GATES[,,1])
z.clan.nam <- names([[1]]$CLAN)
clan.nam <- rownames([[1]]$CLAN[[1]][,,1])
learners <- names(
blp.mat <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = 2, ncol = 5,
dimnames = list(c("beta.1", "beta.2"),
c("Estimate", "CB lower", "CB upper",
"Pr(<z) adjusted", "Pr(>z) adjusted")))
gates.mat <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = length(gates.nam), ncol = 5,
dimnames = list(gates.nam,
c("Estimate", "CB lower", "CB upper",
"Pr(<z) adjusted", "Pr(>z) adjusted")))
clan.mat <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = length(clan.nam), ncol = 5,
dimnames = list(clan.nam,
c("Estimate", "CB lower", "CB upper",
"Pr(<z) adjusted", "Pr(>z) adjusted"))) <- lapply(learners, function(...) gates.mat)
names( <- learners <- lapply(learners, function(...) blp.mat)
names( <- learners <- lapply(z.clan.nam, function(...) clan.mat)
names( <- z.clan.nam <- lapply(learners, function(...)
names( <- learners
return(list(BLP =, GATES =, CLAN =
# for parallelized across learner function:
get_blp.3d <- function(num.learners, learners.names){
array(NA_real_, dim = c(2, 7, num.learners), dimnames = list(c("beta.1", "beta.2"), c("Estimate", "CB lower", "CB upper", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(<z)", "Pr(>z)"), learners.names))
} # FUN
get_gates.3d <- function(num.learners, learners.names, num.generic_targets.gates){
array(NA_real_, dim = c(num.generic_targets.gates, 7, num.learners),
dimnames = list(paste0("gamma.", 1:num.generic_targets.gates), c("Estimate", "CB lower", "CB upper", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(<z)", "Pr(>z)"), learners.names))
} # FUN
get_best.3d <- function(num.learners, learners.names){
array(NA_real_, dim = c(1, 2, num.learners),
dimnames = list(NULL, c("lambda", ""), learners.names))
} # FUN <- function(num.learners, learners.names, num.generic_targets.clan,, Z_CLAN.names){ <- lapply(,
function(...) array(NA_real_, dim = c(num.generic_targets.clan, 7, num.learners), dimnames = list(paste0("gamma.", 1:num.generic_targets.clan), c("Estimate", "CB lower", "CB upper", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(<z)", "Pr(>z)"), learners.names)) )
names( <- Z_CLAN.names
} # FUN
#' Setup function for \code{diff} arguments
#' This setup function controls how differences of generic target parameters are taken. Returns a list with two components, called \code{subtract_from} and \code{subtracted}. The first element (\code{subtract_from}) denotes what shall be the base group to subtract from in the generic targets of interest (GATES or CLAN); either \code{"most"} or \code{"least"}. The second element (\code{subtracted}) are the groups to be subtracted from \code{subtract_from}, which is a subset of \eqn{{1,2,...,K}}, where \eqn{K} equals the number of groups. The number of groups should be consistent with the number of groups induced by the argument \code{quantile_cutoffs}, which is the cardinality of \code{quantile_cutoffs}, plus one.
#' @details
#' The output of this setup function is intended to be used as argument in the functions \code{\link{GenericML}()} and \code{\link{GenericML_single}()} (arguments \code{diff_GATES}, \code{diff_CLAN}), as well as \code{\link{GATES}()} and \code{\link{CLAN}()} (argument \code{diff}).
#' @param subtract_from String indicating the base group to subtract from, either \code{"most"} (default) or \code{"least"}. The most affected group corresponds to the \eqn{K}-th group in the paper (there are \eqn{K} groups). The least affected group corresponds to the first group.
#' @param subtracted Vector indicating the groups to be subtracted from the group specified in \code{subtract_from}. If there are \eqn{K} groups, \code{subtracted} should be a subset of \eqn{{1,2,...,K}}. Be careful to not specify a zero difference: If \code{subtract_from = "most"}, subtracting group K results in a zero difference. Same if \code{subtract_from = "least"} and we subtract group 1.
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{"setup_diff"}, consisting of the following components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{subtract_from}}{A character equal to \code{"most"} or \code{"least"}.}
#' \item{\code{subtracted}}{A numeric vector of group indices.}
#' }
#' See the description above for details.
#' @examples
#' ## specify quantile cutoffs (the 4 quartile groups here)
#' quantile_cutoffs <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
#' ## Use group difference GK-G1 as generic targets in GATES and CLAN
#' ## Gx is the x-th group
#' setup_diff(subtract_from = "most", subtracted = 1)
#' ## Use GK-G1, GK-G2, GK-G3 as differenced generic targets
#' setup_diff(subtract_from = "most", subtracted = c(1,2,3))
#' ## Use G1-G2, G1-G3 as differenced generic targets
#' setup_diff(subtract_from = "least", subtracted = c(3,2))
#' @references
#' Chernozhukov V., Demirer M., Duflo E., Fernández-Val I. (2020). \dQuote{Generic Machine Learning Inference on Heterogenous Treatment Effects in Randomized Experiments.} \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.04802}. URL: \url{}.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{GenericML}()},
#' \code{\link{GenericML_single}()},
#' \code{\link{CLAN}()},
#' \code{\link{GATES}()},
#' \code{\link{setup_X1}()},
#' \code{\link{setup_vcov}()}
#' @export
setup_diff <- function(subtract_from = "most",
subtracted = 1){
stopifnot(subtract_from %in% c("most", "least") & length(subtract_from) == 1)
stopifnot(is.vector(subtracted) & is.numeric(subtracted))
list(subtract_from = subtract_from,
subtracted = subtracted),
class = "setup_diff")
} # FUN
#' Setup function for \code{vcov_control} arguments
#' Returns a list with two elements called \code{estimator} and \code{arguments}. The element \code{estimator} is a string specifying the covariance matrix estimator to be used in the linear regression regression of interest and needs to be a covariance estimator function in the \href{}{"sandwich"} package. The second element, \code{arguments}, is a list of arguments that shall be passed to the function specified in the first element, \code{estimator}.
#' @details
#' The output of this setup function is intended to be used as argument in the functions \code{\link{GenericML}()} and \code{\link{GenericML_single}()} (arguments \code{vcov_BLP}, \code{vcov_GATES}), as well as \code{\link{BLP}()} and \code{\link{GATES}()} (argument \code{vcov_control}).
#' @param estimator Character specifying a covariance matrix estimator in the \href{}{"sandwich"} package. Default is \code{"vcovHC"}. Supported estimators are \code{"vcovBS"}, \code{"vcovCL"}, \code{"vcovHAC"}, and \code{"vcovHC"}.
#' @param arguments A list of arguments that are to be passed to the function in the \code{"sandwich"} package that is specified in \code{estimator}. Default is \code{list(type = "const")}, which specifies the homoskedastic ordinary least squares covariance matrix estimator.
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{"setup_vcov"}, consisting of the following components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{estimator}}{A character equal to covariance estimation function names in the \href{}{"sandwich"} package.}
#' \item{\code{arguments}}{A list of arguments that shall be passed to the function specified in the \code{estimator} argument.}
#' }
#' See the description above for details.
#' @references
#' Zeileis A. (2004). \dQuote{Econometric Computing with HC and HAC Covariance Matrix Estimators.} \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, \bold{11}(10), 1--17. \doi{10.18637/jss.v011.i10}
#' Zeileis A. (2006). \dQuote{Object-Oriented Computation of Sandwich Estimators.} \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, \bold{16}(9), 1--16. \doi{10.18637/jss.v016.i09}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{GenericML}()},
#' \code{\link{GenericML_single}()},
#' \code{\link{BLP}()},
#' \code{\link{GATES}()},
#' \code{\link{setup_X1}()},
#' \code{\link{setup_diff}()}
#' @examples
#' # use standard homoskedastic OLS covariance matrix estimate
#' setup_vcov(estimator = "vcovHC", arguments = list(type = "const"))
#' # use White's heteroskedasticity-robust estimator
#' setup_vcov(estimator = "vcovHC", arguments = list(type = "HC0"))
#' if (require("sandwich")){
#' # use HAC-robust estimator with prewhitening and Andrews' (Econometrica, 1991) weights
#' # since weightsAndrews() is a function in 'sandwich', require this package
#' setup_vcov(estimator = "vcovHAC", arguments = list(prewhite = TRUE, weights = weightsAndrews))
#' }
#' @import sandwich
#' @export
setup_vcov <- function(estimator = "vcovHC",
arguments = list(type = "const")){
# input checks
stopifnot(length(estimator) == 1)
# check if optional arguments that will require subsetting later are of correct data type
args_nam <- names(arguments)
if("cluster" %in% args_nam){
stopifnot(is.matrix(arguments$cluster) | is.vector(arguments$cluster))
} else if("" %in% args_nam){
stopifnot(is.numeric(arguments$ & is.vector(arguments$
} else if("omega" %in% args_nam){
stopifnot(is.numeric(arguments$omega) & is.vector(arguments$omega))
} # IF
if(!estimator %in% c("vcovBS", "vcovCL", "vcovHAC", "vcovHC")){
stop(paste0("'estimator' needs to be in ",
"c('vcovBS', 'vcovCL', 'vcovHAC', 'vcovHC')"), call. = FALSE)
} # IF
# return
estimator = estimator,
arguments = arguments)
} # FUN
#' same as above, just without input checks
#' @import sandwich
#' @noRd
setup_vcov_NoChecks <- function(estimator = "vcovHC",
arguments = list(type = "const")){
list(estimator = estimator,
arguments = arguments),
class = "setup_vcov")
} # FUN
# helper function that makes a 'setup_vcov' ready for further use
# x is of class "setup_vcov"
setup_vcov_align <- function(x){
# this function simply makes the cluster argument a matrix (important for later use)
x$arguments$cluster <- as.matrix(x$arguments$cluster)
} # IF
# recover class
structure(x, class = "setup_vcov")
} # FUN
# helper function that subsets optional arguments that were passed in setup_vcov()
# x is of class "setup_vcov"
setup_vcov_subset <- function(x, idx){
# subset the (potential) inputs that need subsetting due to sample splits
# if an input is NULL, then the corresponding line won't have an effect (naturally)
x$arguments$cluster <- x$arguments$cluster[idx,,drop = FALSE] # matrix, rest are vectors
x$arguments$ <- x$arguments$[idx]
x$arguments$omega <- x$arguments$omega[idx]
# recover class
structure(x, class = "setup_vcov")
} # FUN
#' Setup function controlling the matrix \eqn{X_1} in the BLP or GATES regression
#' Returns a list with three elements. The first element of the list, \code{funs_Z}, controls which functions of matrix \code{Z} are used as regressors in \eqn{X_1}. The second element, \code{covariates}, is an optional matrix of custom covariates that shall be included in \eqn{X_1}. The third element, \code{fixed_effects}, controls the inclusion of fixed effects.
#' @details
#' The output of this setup function is intended to be used as argument in the functions \code{\link{GenericML}()} and \code{\link{GenericML_single}()} (arguments \code{X1_BLP}, \code{X1_GATES}), as well as \code{\link{BLP}()} and \code{\link{GATES}()} (argument \code{X1_control}).
#' @param funs_Z Character vector controlling the functions of \code{Z} to be included in \eqn{X_1}. Subset of \code{c("S", "B", "p")}, where \code{"p"} corresponds to the propensity scores, \code{"B"} to the proxy baseline estimates, and \code{"S"} to the proxy CATE estimates. Default is \code{"B"}.
#' @param covariates Optional numeric matrix containing additional covariates to be included in \eqn{X_1}. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param fixed_effects Numeric vector of integers that indicates cluster membership of the observations: For each cluster, a fixed effect will be added. Default is \code{NULL} for no fixed effects.
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{"setup_X1"}, consisting of the following components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{funs_Z}}{A character vector, being a subset of \code{c("S", "B", "p")}.}
#' \item{\code{covariates}}{Either \code{NULL} or a numeric matrix.}
#' \item{\code{fixed_effects}}{Either \code{NULL} or an integer vector indicating cluster membership.}
#' }
#' See the description above for details.
#' @references
#' Chernozhukov V., Demirer M., Duflo E., Fernández-Val I. (2020). \dQuote{Generic Machine Learning Inference on Heterogenous Treatment Effects in Randomized Experiments.} \emph{arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.04802}. URL: \url{}.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{GenericML}()},
#' \code{\link{GenericML_single}()},
#' \code{\link{BLP}()},
#' \code{\link{GATES}()},
#' \code{\link{setup_vcov}()},
#' \code{\link{setup_diff}()}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' n <- 100 # sample size
#' p <- 5 # number of covariates
#' covariates <- matrix(runif(n*p), n, p) # sample matrix of covariates
#' # let there be three clusters; assign membership randomly
#' fixed_effects <- sample(c(1,2,3), size = n, replace = TRUE)
#' # use BCA estimates in matrix X1
#' setup_X1(funs_Z = "B", covariates = NULL, fixed_effects = NULL)
#' # use BCA and propensity score estimates in matrix X1
#' # uses uniform covariates and fixed effects
#' setup_X1(funs_Z = c("B", "p"), covariates = covariates, fixed_effects = NULL)
#' @export
setup_X1 <- function(funs_Z = c("B"),
covariates = NULL,
fixed_effects = NULL){
# input checks
legalinput <- funs_Z %in% c("S", "B", "p")
stop(paste0("Entries '",
paste(funs_Z[!legalinput], collapse = "', '"),
"' of ",
"funs_Z are not contained in c('S', 'B', 'p').",
" The entries must be a subset of this vector."), call. = FALSE)
} # IF
if(!(is.numeric(covariates) & is.matrix(covariates))){
stop("If supplied, 'covariates' must be a numeric matrix. Did you supply a data frame?",
call. = FALSE)
} # IF
if(any( stop("'covariates' contains missing values", call. = FALSE)
} # IF !NULL
if(!(is.numeric(fixed_effects) & is.vector(fixed_effects))){
stop("If supplied, 'fixed_effects' must be a numeric vector",
call. = FALSE)
} # IF
if(any(fixed_effects %% 1 != 0)){
stop("All elements in the vector 'fixed_effects' must be integer-valued",
call. = FALSE)
} # IF
} # IF !NULL
# return
setup_X1_NoChecks(funs_Z = funs_Z,
covariates = covariates,
fixed_effects = fixed_effects)
} # FUN
# same as above, just without input checks
setup_X1_NoChecks <- function(funs_Z = c("B"),
covariates = NULL,
fixed_effects = NULL){
temp <- NULL
} else{
temp <- as.integer(fixed_effects)
list(funs_Z = funs_Z,
covariates = covariates,
fixed_effects = temp),
class = "setup_X1")
} # FUN
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