
Defines functions prereadGTF

Documented in prereadGTF

#' prereadGTF
#'Preread a gtf file and prints features of it for importing it.
#' This function reads in a gtf file and prints its features for the import step. 
#' By default this function only imports the first 1000 rows, in case all rows should be imported set \code{nrow=-1}.
#' The number to skip in the beginning can be adjusted by the \code{skip} option. The default is here \code{auto} so that
#' the function can identify the correct amount of header rows. Hence, this option should be changed only, if there is a
#' good reason.
#' @param file Filename
#' @param nrow Number of rows to read
#' @param skip Rows to skip from top
#' @return A list of available features
#' @author Daniel Fischer

prereadGTF <- function(file, nrow=1000, skip="auto"){
  gtf <- file
    } else {
    con  <- file(gtf, open = "r")
    search <- TRUE
    obsRow <- 0
      obsRow <- obsRow + 1
      tmp <- readLines(con, n = 1, warn = FALSE)  
        skip <- obsRow -1
        search <- FALSE
      if(obsRow==1000) search <- FALSE
  } else {
    if(!is.numeric(skip)) stop("ERROR: skip needs to be a numeric value!")
    cuffLoaded <- fread(input = paste('zcat',gtf), nrows=nrow, skip=skip, colClasses = c("character",
  } else {
    cuffLoaded <- fread(input = gtf, skip=skip, nrows=nrow, colClasses = c("character",
  # Split the variable V9
  V9 <- cuffLoaded$V9
  V9 <- strsplit(V9,"; ")
# Output of the function  
  cat("Overview of features to import:\n")
  cat("Number of header rows:", skip,"\n")

# Print the features, if requested
  v3Entries <- paste(names(table(cuffLoaded$V3)),"\n")
  cat("\nList of levels in column 3:\n")
  cat(paste(gsub(" ","",v3Entries,"\n"), collapse=""))
  for(i in 1:length(v3Entries)){
    cat("\nList of features in column 9 for level",gsub("\n","",v3Entries[i]),"\n")
    rowsOI <- which(cuffLoaded$V3==gsub(" \n","",v3Entries[i]))
    tmpFeatures <- c()
    for(j in 1:length(rowsOI)){
      tmpFeatures <- unique(c(tmpFeatures,sapply(strsplit(V9[[j]]," "),"[",1)))
    cat(gsub(" ","",paste(paste(sort(tmpFeatures),collapse="\n"),"\n",sep="")))

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GenomicTools.fileHandler documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:23 p.m.