
Defines functions make_simulating_function create_tweedie create_negative_binomial create_inverse_gaussian create_poisson create_gamma create_binomial create_gaussian

#' @keywords internal
# Functions to receive mu and return response variable for glm distributions
create_gaussian <- function(mu, n, ancillary) {
  assertthat::assert_that(ancillary > 0,
    msg = "Invalid ancillary. Should be positive."

  return(matrix(stats::rnorm(n, mu, ancillary), ncol = 1))

#' @keywords internal
create_binomial <- function(mu, n, unused) {
  assertthat::assert_that(all(mu >= 0),
    msg = "Invalid weight and link combination. Choose a different link or weights."
  assertthat::assert_that(all(mu <= 1),
    msg = "Invalid weight and link combination. Choose a different link or weights"

  return(matrix(stats::rbinom(n, 1, mu), ncol = 1))

#' @keywords internal
create_gamma <- function(mu, n, ancillary) {
  assertthat::assert_that(all(mu > 0),
    msg = "Invalid weight and link combination. Choose a different link or weights."

  return(matrix(stats::rgamma(n, mu / ancillary, scale = ancillary), ncol = 1))

#' @keywords internal
create_poisson <- function(mu, n, unused) {
  assertthat::assert_that(all(mu >= 0),
    msg = "Invalid weight and link combination. Choose a different link or weights."

  return(matrix(stats::rpois(n, mu), ncol = 1))

#' @keywords internal
create_inverse_gaussian <- function(mu, n, ancillary) {
  assertthat::assert_that(all(mu > 0),
    msg = "Invalid weight and link combination. Choose a different link or weights."

  return(matrix(statmod::rinvgauss(n = n, mean = mu, dispersion = ancillary), ncol = 1))

#' @keywords internal
create_negative_binomial <- function(mu, n, ancillary) {
  assertthat::assert_that(all(mu > 0),
    msg = "Invalid weight and link combination. Choose a different link or weights."

  return(matrix(MASS::rnegbin(n = n, mu = mu, theta = ancillary), ncol = 1))

#' @keywords internal
create_tweedie <- function(mu, n, ancillary) {
  assertthat::assert_that(all(mu > 0),
    msg = "Invalid weight and link combination. Choose a different link or weights."
  assertthat::assert_that(ancillary >= 1,
    msg = "Invalid ancillary. Should be in [1,2]."
  assertthat::assert_that(ancillary <= 2,
    msg = "Invalid ancillary. Should be in [1,2]."

  return(matrix(tweedie::rtweedie(n = n, mu = as.vector(mu), xi = ancillary, phi = 1), ncol = 1, nrow = n))

#' @keywords internal
#' A function factory
# Function to return a function that makes data perfect for glm model.
make_simulating_function <- function(validLinks, defaultLink, defaultWeights, defaultRange, make_response, defaultAncillary) {

  # ancillary is only meaningful for some glm famalies
  # For poisson and binomial it is not needed from a math perspective
  # Code still accepts the parameter and just does nothing with it.
  # Want to hide the argument from user in this case.
  # So setting a dummy value and deleting argument from f.
  if (is.null(defaultAncillary)) {
    ancillary <- 1

  f <- function(N = 10000, link, weights, xrange, unrelated = 0, ancillary) {

    # Check inputs

    assertthat::assert_that(link %in% validLinks,
      msg = "Argument link was not a valid link. See documentation for valid links."

    assertthat::assert_that(length(weights) > 0)

    assertthat::assert_that(xrange >= 0)

    assertthat::assert_that(length(unrelated) == 1,
      msg = "Argument unrelated must have length 1."
    assertthat::assert_that(unrelated >= 0)

    assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.scalar(ancillary) || is.null(ancillary),
      msg = "Argument ancillary must be a scalar or NULL."
    assertthat::assert_that(ancillary > 0 || is.null(ancillary),
      msg = "Argument ancillary must be greater than 0 or NULL."

    # Create inverse link function
    # gaussian
    if (link == "identity") {
      inv_link <- function(eta) {
    } else if (link == "log") {
      inv_link <- function(eta) {
    } else if (link == "inverse") {
      inv_link <- function(eta) {
        return(1 / eta)

      # binomial
      # Log is in gaussian section
    } else if (link == "logit") {
      inv_link <- function(eta) {
        return(exp(eta) / (1 + exp(eta)))
    } else if (link == "probit") {
      inv_link <- function(eta) {
    } else if (link == "cauchit") {
      inv_link <- function(eta) {
    } else if (link == "cloglog") {
      inv_link <- function(eta) {
        return(1 - exp(-exp(eta)))
    } else if (link == "loglog") {
      inv_link <- function(eta) {
    } else if (link == "logc") {
      inv_link <- function(eta) {
        return(1 - exp(eta))

      # gamma
      # inverse, identity, and log are in gaussian section

      # poisson
      # log, identity are in gaussian
    } else if (link == "sqrt") {
      inv_link <- function(eta) {

      # inverse.gaussian
      # identity, inverse, and log are in gaussian
    } else if (link == "1/mu^2") {
      inv_link <- function(eta) {

    # negative_binomial
    # log, identity, and sqrt are in gaussian and poisson

    # Create predictors
    X <- matrix(stats::runif(N * length(weights), 1, xrange + 1), nrow = N, ncol = length(weights))
    colnames(X) <- stringr::str_c(rep("X", length(weights)), 1:length(weights))

    if (unrelated > 0) {
      useless <- matrix(stats::runif(N * unrelated, 1, xrange + 1), nrow = N, ncol = unrelated)
      colnames(useless) <- stringr::str_c(rep("Unrelated", length(unrelated)), 1:unrelated)

    # Create response
    B <- matrix(weights, ncol = 1)
    Mu <- inv_link(X %*% B + max(B))
    Y <- make_response(Mu, N, ancillary)
    colnames(Y) <- "Y"

    # Convert to tibble
    X <- dplyr::as_tibble(X)
    Y <- dplyr::as_tibble(Y)
    data <- dplyr::bind_cols(Y, X)

    # Add unrelated variables if requested.
    if (exists("useless")) {
      useless <- dplyr::as_tibble(useless)
      data <- dplyr::bind_cols(data, useless)


  # Set default values
  formals(f)$link <- defaultLink
  formals(f)$weights <- defaultWeights
  formals(f)$xrange <- defaultRange
  formals(f)$ancillary <- defaultAncillary


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GlmSimulatoR documentation built on Nov. 5, 2021, 1:07 a.m.