
Defines functions coef.LarsPath coeff plotCoefficient listToMatrix

Documented in coeff coef.LarsPath listToMatrix plotCoefficient

#' Constructor of LarsPath class
#' This class stores the results of lars and fusion algorithms.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{nbStep}{Number of steps of the algorithm.}
#'   \item{variable}{List of vector of size "step+1".
#' The i+1-th item contains the index of non-zero coefficients at the i-th step.}
#'   \item{coefficient}{List of vector of size "step+1". The i+1-th item contains the non-zero coefficients at the i-th step.}
#'   \item{l1norm}{Vector of length "step+1", containing the L1-norm of the coefficients at each step.}
#'   \item{lambda}{Vector of length "step+1", containing the lambda at each step.}
#'   \item{dropIndex}{Vector of length "step" containing the index of the dropped variable at the i-th step,
#' 0 means no variable has been dropped at this step.}
#'   \item{addIndex}{Vector of length "step" containing the index of the added variable at the i-th step,
#' 0 means no variable has been added at this step.}
#'   \item{mu}{Intercept.}
#'   \item{meanX}{Mean of columns of X.}
#' 	 \item{ignored}{A vector containing index of ignored variables during the algorithm.}
#'   \item{p}{Total number of covariates.}
#' 	 \item{fusion}{If TRUE,  results from HDfusion function.}
#'   \item{error}{Error message from lars.}
#' }
#' @aliases LarsPath
#' @name LarsPath-class
#' @rdname LarsPath-class
#' @exportClass LarsPath
#' @seealso \code{\link{HDlars}}
  Class = "LarsPath",
  representation = representation(
    variable = "list",
    coefficient = "list",
    l1norm = "numeric",
    lambda = "numeric",
    dropIndex = "list",
    addIndex = "list",
    nbStep = "numeric",
    mu = "numeric",
    meanX = "numeric",
    ignored = "numeric",
    fusion = "logical",
    p = "numeric",
    error = "character"
  prototype = prototype(
    variable = list(),
    coefficient = list(),
    l1norm = numeric(0),
    lambda = numeric(0),
    dropIndex = list(),
    addIndex = list(),
    nbStep = numeric(0),
    mu = numeric(0),
    meanX = numeric(0),
    ignored = numeric(0),
    fusion = FALSE,
    p = numeric(0),
    error = character()

#' create a matrix with all estimated coefficients from the output of \code{\link{HDlars}} or \code{\link{EMlasso}} functions.
#' @title List to sparse matrix conversion
#' @param x a \code{\link{LarsPath}} or \code{EMlasso} object
#' @param row if covariates, covariates are in row
#' @return A sparse matrix containing the values of estimated coefficients for all penalty parameter and all covariates
#' @seealso \code{\link{HDlars}} \code{\link{EMlasso}}
#' @export
listToMatrix <- function(x, row = c("covariates", "lambda")) {
  if (!(inherits(x, "LarsPath") || inherits(x, "EMlasso"))) {
    stop("x must be a LarsPath or EM object")
  row <- match.arg(row)

  if (inherits(x, "EMlasso")) {
    p <- x$p
    coefficient <- x$coefficient
    variable <- x$variable
    lambda <- x$lambda
    l1norm <- x$lambda
  } else {
    p <- x@p
    coefficient <- x@coefficient
    variable <- x@variable
    lambda <- x@lambda
    l1norm <- x@l1norm

  if (row == "covariates") {
    bet <- Matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = length(l1norm))
    for (i in seq_along(l1norm)) {
      bet[variable[[i]], i] <- bet[variable[[i]], i] + coefficient[[i]]

  } else {
    bet <- Matrix(0, nrow = length(l1norm), ncol = p)
    for (i in seq_along(l1norm)) {
      bet[i, variable[[i]]] <- bet[i, variable[[i]]] + coefficient[[i]]
      bet[i, variable[[i]]] <- bet[i, variable[[i]]] + coefficient[[i]]


#'  plot the path of the lars algorithm.
#' @title plot methods for LarsPath object
#' @param x LarsPath object
#' @param sep.line If TRUE, print vertical dashed line when a variable is added or dropped in the path
#' @param abscissa either "l1norm" or "lambda". If "lambda", regularization parameter is used as abscissa,
#' else l1 norm of the solution is used.
#' @param log.scale If TRUE, use logarithm scale on abscissa
#' @param ... Other plot arguments
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname plot-methods
#' @name plot-methods
#' @aliases plot,LarsPath-method plot-methods
#' @seealso \code{\link{HDlars}} \code{\link{LarsPath}}
#' @export
  f = "plot",
  signature = "LarsPath",
  definition = function(x, sep.line = FALSE, abscissa = c("l1norm", "lambda"), log.scale = FALSE, ...) {
    # check arguments
    abscissa <- match.arg(abscissa)
    if (!is.logical(sep.line)) {
      stop("sep.line must be a boolean.")
    if (!is.logical(log.scale)) {
      stop("log.scale must be a boolean.")

    beta <- listToMatrix(x, "lambda")
    absciss <- x@l1norm
    if (abscissa != "l1norm") {
      absciss <- c(x@lambda, 0)
    logs <- ifelse(log.scale, "x", "")
    xlabel <- ifelse(abscissa == "l1norm", "l1 norm", "lambda")
    xlabel <- paste0(ifelse(log.scale, "Log ", ""), xlabel)
    matplot(absciss, beta, type = "l", main = "Lars path", log = logs, xlab = xlabel, ylab = "Coefficients")

#' Plot of the coefficients of a step
#' @title Plot of coefficients
#' @param x A LarsPath object.
#' @param step The step at which you want to plot the coefficients.
#' @param ylab Name of the y axis.
#' @param xlab Name of the x axis.
#' @param ... Other plot arguments.
#' @return Plot of the coefficients of a step 
#' @examples
#' dataset <- simul(50, 1000, 0.4, 10, 50, matrix(c(0.1, 0.8, 0.02, 0.02), nrow = 2))
#' result <- HDfusion(dataset$data, dataset$response)
#' plotCoefficient(result, result@@nbStep) # plot coefficients at the last step
#' @seealso \code{\link{HDlars}} \code{\link{LarsPath}}
#' @export
plotCoefficient <- function(x, step, ylab = "coefficients", xlab = "variables", ...) {
  if (missing(x)) {
    stop("x is missing.")
  if (missing(step)) {
    stop("step is missing.")
  if (!inherits(x, "LarsPath")) {
    stop("x must be a LarsPath object")
  if (!.is.wholenumber(step)) {
    stop("step must be a positive integer smaller than x@nbStep")
  if ((step < 0) || (step > x@nbStep)) {
    stop("step must be a positive integer smaller than x@nbStep")

  if (x@fusion) {
    index <- sort(x@variable[[step + 1]], index.return = TRUE)$ix
    if (x@variable[[step + 1]][index[1]] != 1) {
      plot(c(1, x@variable[[step + 1]][index[1]] - 1), rep(0, 2), xlim = c(1, x@p),
           ylim = c(min(0, cumsum(x@coefficient[[step + 1]][index])), max(0, cumsum(x@coefficient[[step + 1]][index]))),
           type = "l", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
    } else {
      plot(NA, xlim = c(1, x@p),
           ylim = c(min(cumsum(x@coefficient[[step + 1]][index])), max(cumsum(x@coefficient[[step + 1]][index]))),
           xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)

    a <- 0
    if (length(x@variable[[step + 1]]) > 1) {
      for (i in 1:(length(x@variable[[step + 1]]) - 1)) {
        a <- a + x@coefficient[[step + 1]][index[i]]
        lines(c(x@variable[[step + 1]][index[i]], x@variable[[step + 1]][index[i + 1]] - 1), rep(a, 2))

    a <- a + x@coefficient[[step + 1]][index[length(index)]]
    lines(c(x@variable[[step + 1]][index[length(index)]], x@p), rep(a, 2))
  } else {
    plot((1:x@p)[-x@variable[[step + 1]]], rep(0, x@p - length(x@coefficient[[step + 1]])),
         ylim = c(min(x@coefficient[[step + 1]], 0), max(x@coefficient[[step + 1]])), xlim = c(1, x@p),
         xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
    points(x@variable[[step + 1]], x@coefficient[[step + 1]], ...)

#' Get the vector of coefficients at a given step
#' @title get coefficients at a given step.
#' @param x A LarsPath object.
#' @param step The step at which you want to get the coefficients.
#' @return a vector of size p containing the value of coefficients at the desired step.
#' @examples
#' dataset <- simul(50, 1000, 0.4, 10, 50, matrix(c(0.1, 0.8, 0.02, 0.02), nrow = 2))
#' result <- HDfusion(dataset$data, dataset$response)
#' coefficient <- coeff(result, result@@nbStep) # get the coefficients
#' @seealso \code{\link{HDlars}}  \code{\link{HDfusion}} \code{\link{LarsPath}}
#' @export
coeff <- function(x, step) {
  if (missing(x)) {
    stop("x is missing.")
  if (missing(step)) {
    stop("step is missing.")
  if (!inherits(x, "LarsPath")) {
    stop("x must be a LarsPath object")
  if (!.is.wholenumber(step)) {
    stop("step must be a positive integer smaller than x@step")
  if ((step < 0) || (step > x@nbStep)) {
    stop("step must be a positive integer smaller than x@step")

  beta <- rep(0, x@p)

  if (x@fusion) {
    a <- 0
    index <- sort(x@variable[[step + 1]], index.return = TRUE)$ix
    for (i in 1:(length(x@variable[[step + 1]]) - 1)) {
      a <- a + x@coefficient[[step + 1]][index[i]]
      beta[x@variable[[step + 1]][index[i]]:(x@variable[[step + 1]][index[i + 1]] - 1)] <- rep(a, x@variable[[step + 1]][index[i + 1]] - x@variable[[step + 1]][index[i]])
    a <- a + x@coefficient[[step + 1]][index[length(index)]]
    beta[x@variable[[step + 1]][index[length(index)]]:x@p] <- rep(a, x@p - x@variable[[step + 1]][index[length(index)]] + 1)
  } else {
    beta[x@variable[[step + 1]]] <- x@coefficient[[step + 1]]


#' Compute coefficients at a given level of penalty
#' @title Compute coefficients
#' @author Quentin Grimonprez
#' @param object a LarsParth object
#' @param index If mode ="norm", index represents the l1-norm of the coefficients with which we want to predict.
#'  If mode="fraction", index represents the ratio
#' (l1-norm of the coefficients with which we want to predict)/(l1-norm maximal of the LarsPath object).
#'  If mode="lambda", index represents the value of the penalty parameter. If mode="step", index represents the step number
#'  at which we want coefficients.
#' @param mode "fraction" or "norm" or "lambda" or "step".
#' @param ... other arguments. Not used
#' @return A vector containing the estimated coefficient for index
#' @method coef LarsPath
#' @examples
#' dataset <- simul(50, 10000, 0.4, 10, 50, matrix(c(0.1, 0.8, 0.02, 0.02), nrow = 2))
#' result <- HDlars(dataset$data[1:40, ], dataset$response[1:40])
#' coeff <- coef(result, 0.3, "fraction")
#' @seealso \code{\link{HDlars}} \code{\link{LarsPath}}
#' @export
coef.LarsPath <- function(object, index = NULL, mode = c("lambda", "step", "fraction", "norm"), ...) {
  mode <- match.arg(mode)

  if (missing(object)) {
    stop("objectx is missing.")
  if (missing(index) || is.null(index)) {
    stop("index is missing.")
  if (!inherits(object, "LarsPath")) {
    stop("object must be a LarsPath object")

  beta <- rep(0, object@p)

  if (mode == "step") {
    if (!.is.wholenumber(index)) {
      stop("index must be a positive integer smaller than object@step")
    if ((index < 0) || (index > object@nbStep)) {
      stop("index must be a positive integer smaller than object@step")

    if (object@fusion) {
      a <- 0
      ind <- sort(object@variable[[index + 1]], index.return = TRUE)$ix
      for (i in 1:(length(object@variable[[index + 1]]) - 1)) {
        a <- a + object@coefficient[[index + 1]][ind[i]]
        beta[object@variable[[index + 1]][ind[i]]:(object@variable[[index + 1]][ind[i + 1]] - 1)] <- rep(a, object@variable[[index + 1]][ind[i + 1]] - object@variable[[index + 1]][ind[i]])
      a <- a + object@coefficient[[index + 1]][ind[length(ind)]]
      beta[object@variable[[index + 1]][ind[length(ind)]]:object@p] <- rep(a, object@p - object@variable[[index + 1]][ind[length(ind)]] + 1)
    } else {
      beta[object@variable[[index + 1]]] <- object@coefficient[[index + 1]]
  } else {
    betatemp <- computeCoefficients(object, index, mode)
    beta[betatemp$variable] <- betatemp$coefficient


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