
Defines functions EMcvfusedlasso EMcvlasso

Documented in EMcvfusedlasso EMcvlasso

#' cross validation function for \code{\link{EMlasso}}.
#' @title cross validation for \code{\link{EMlasso}}
#' @author Quentin Grimonprez, Serge Iovleff
#' @param X the matrix (of size n*p) of the covariates.
#' @param y a vector of length n with the response.
#' @param lambda Values at which prediction error should be computed.
#' @param nbFolds the number of folds for the cross-validation.
#' @param maxSteps Maximal number of steps for EM algorithm.
#' @param burn Number of steps for the burn period.
#' @param intercept If TRUE, there is an intercept in the model.
#' @param model "linear" or "logistic".
#' @param threshold Zero tolerance. Coefficients under this value are set to zero.
#' @param eps Tolerance of the EM algorithm.
#' @param epsCG Epsilon for the convergence of the conjugate gradient.
#' @return A list containing
#' \describe{
#'   \item{cv}{Mean prediction error for each value of index.}
#'   \item{cvError}{Standard error of \code{lambda}.}
#'   \item{minCv}{Minimal \code{lambda} criterion.}
#'   \item{lambda}{Values of \code{lambda} at which prediction error should be computed.}
#'   \item{lambda.optimal}{Value of \code{lambda} for which the cv criterion is minimal.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' dataset <- simul(50, 100, 0.4, 1, 10, matrix(c(0.1, 0.8, 0.02, 0.02), nrow = 2))
#' result <- EMcvlasso(
#'   X = dataset$data, y = dataset$response,
#'   lambda = 5:1, nbFolds = 5, intercept = FALSE
#' )
#' @export
EMcvlasso <- function(X, y, lambda = NULL, nbFolds = 10, maxSteps = 1000, intercept = TRUE, model = c("linear", "logistic"),
                      burn = 30, threshold = 1.e-08, eps = 1e-5, epsCG = 1e-8) {
  # check arguments
  if (missing(X)) {
    stop("X is missing.")
  if (missing(y)) {
    stop("y is missing.")
  if (is.null(lambda)) {
    lambda <- -1
  } else {
    lambda <- unique(lambda)
    lambda <- sort(lambda)

  ## threshold
  if (!is.double(threshold)) {
    stop("threshold must be a positive real")
  if (threshold <= 0) {
    stop("threshold must be a positive real")

  ## epsCG
  if (!is.double(epsCG)) {
    stop("epsCG must be a positive real")
  if (epsCG <= 0) {
    stop("epsCG must be a positive real")

  # check cv
  .checkcvlars(X, y, maxSteps, eps, nbFolds, c(0, 1), intercept, "lambda")

  ## maxSteps
  if (!.is.wholenumber(burn)) {
    stop("burn must be a positive integer.")
  if ((burn <= 0) || (burn > maxSteps)) {
    stop("burn must be a positive integer lesser than maxSteps.")

  # model
  model <- match.arg(model)
  if (model == "logistic") {
    # check if y contains 0 and 1
    yb <- as.factor(y)
    if (nlevels(yb) != 2) {
      stop("In the logistic case, y must contain 0 and 1.")

    y <- as.numeric(yb) - 1

  # call cv for lasso
  val <- list()
  if (model == "linear") {
    val <- .Call("cvEMlasso", X, y, lambda, nbFolds, intercept, maxSteps, burn, threshold, eps, epsCG, PACKAGE = "HDPenReg")
  } else {
    val <- .Call("cvEMlogisticLasso", X, y, lambda, nbFolds, intercept, maxSteps, burn, threshold,
                 eps, epsCG, PACKAGE = "HDPenReg")

  # create the output object
  # cv=list(cv=val$cv,cvError=val$cvError,minCv=min(val$cv),lambda.optim=val$lambdaMin,fraction=index[which.min(val$cv)],lambda=val$lambda,maxSteps=maxSteps)

  # class(cv)="cvEM"


#' cross validation function for \code{\link{EMfusedlasso}}.
#' @title cross validation for EM fused-lasso
#' @author Quentin Grimonprez, Serge Iovleff
#' @param X the matrix (of size n*p) of the covariates.
#' @param y a vector of length n with the response.
#' @param lambda1 Values of lambda1 at which prediction error should be computed. Can be a single value.
#' @param lambda2 Values of lambda2 at which prediction error should be computed. Can be a single value.
#' @param nbFolds the number of folds for the cross-validation.
#' @param maxSteps Maximal number of steps for EM algorithm.
#' @param burn Number of steps for the burn period.
#' @param intercept If TRUE, there is an intercept in the model.
#' @param model "linear" or "logistic".
#' @param eps Tolerance of the algorithm.
#' @param eps0 Zero tolerance. Coefficients under this value are set to zero.
#' @param epsCG Epsilon for the convergence of the conjugate gradient.
#' @return A list containing
#' \describe{
#'   \item{cv}{Mean prediction error for each value of index.}
#'   \item{cvError}{Standard error of cv.}
#'   \item{minCv}{Minimal cv criterion.}
#'   \item{lambda1}{Values of lambda1 at which prediction error should be computed.}
#'   \item{lambda2}{Values of lambda2 at which prediction error should be computed.}
#'   \item{lambda.optimal}{Value of (lambda1,lambda2) for which the cv criterion is minimal.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' dataset <- simul(50, 100, 0.4, 1, 10, matrix(c(0.1, 0.8, 0.02, 0.02), nrow = 2))
#' result <- EMcvfusedlasso(
#'   X = dataset$data, y = dataset$response, lambda1 = 3:1,
#'   lambda2 = 3:1, nbFolds = 5, intercept = FALSE
#' )
#' @export
EMcvfusedlasso <- function(X, y, lambda1, lambda2, nbFolds = 10, maxSteps = 1000, burn = 50, intercept = TRUE,
                           model = c("linear", "logistic"), eps = 1e-5, eps0 = 1e-8, epsCG = 1e-8) {
  # check arguments
  if (missing(X)) {
    stop("X is missing.")
  if (missing(y)) {
    stop("y is missing.")
  if (missing(lambda1)) {
    stop("lambda1 is missing.")
  if (missing(lambda2)) {
    stop("lambda2 is missing.")

  ## threshold
  if (!is.double(eps0)) {
    stop("eps0 must be a positive real")
  if (eps0 <= 0) {
    stop("eps0 must be a positive real")
  ## epsCG
  if (!is.double(epsCG)) {
    stop("epsCG must be a positive real")
  if (epsCG <= 0) {
    stop("epsCG must be a positive real")

  .checkcvlars(X, y, maxSteps, eps, nbFolds, c(0, 1), intercept, "lambda")

  ## maxSteps
  if (!.is.wholenumber(burn)) {
    stop("burn must be a positive integer.")
  if ((burn <= 0) || (burn > maxSteps)) {
    stop("burn must be a positive integer lesser than maxSteps.")

  # lambda1
  lambda1 <- sort(lambda1)

  # lambda
  lambda2 <- sort(lambda2)

  # model
  model <- match.arg(model)
  if (model == "logistic") {
    # check if y contains 0 and 1
    yb <- as.factor(y)
    if (nlevels(yb) != 2) {
      stop("In the logistic case, y must contain 0 and 1.")

    y <- as.numeric(yb) - 1

  val <- list()
  if ((length(lambda1) == 1) && (length(lambda2) == 1)) {
    val$lambda1 <- lambda1
    val$lambda2 <- lambda2
    val$lambda.optimal <- c(lambda1, lambda2)
  } else {
    if (length(lambda1) == 1) {
      optimL1 <- FALSE
      if (model == "linear") {
        val <- .Call("cvEMfusedLasso1D", X, y, lambda1, lambda2, optimL1, nbFolds, intercept, maxSteps, burn, eps0,
                     eps, epsCG, PACKAGE = "HDPenReg")
      } else {
        val <- .Call("cvEMlogisticFusedLasso1D", X, y, lambda1, lambda2, optimL1, nbFolds, intercept, maxSteps, burn,
                     eps0, eps, epsCG, PACKAGE = "HDPenReg")
      names(val)[1] <- "lambda2"
      val$lambda1 <- lambda1
    } else {
      if (length(lambda2) == 1) {
        optimL1 <- TRUE
        if (model == "linear") {
          val <- .Call("cvEMfusedLasso1D", X, y, lambda1, lambda2, optimL1, nbFolds, intercept, maxSteps, burn, eps0,
                       eps, epsCG, PACKAGE = "HDPenReg")
        } else {
          val <- .Call("cvEMlogisticFusedLasso1D", X, y, lambda1, lambda2, optimL1, nbFolds, intercept, maxSteps, burn,
                       eps0, eps, epsCG, PACKAGE = "HDPenReg")
        names(val)[1] <- "lambda1"
        val$lambda2 <- lambda2
      } else { # 2D
        if (model == "linear") {
          val <- .Call("cvEMfusedLasso2D", X, y, lambda1, lambda2, nbFolds, intercept, maxSteps, burn, eps0, eps,
                       epsCG, PACKAGE = "HDPenReg")
        } else {
          val <- .Call("cvEMlogisticFusedLasso2D", X, y, lambda1, lambda2, nbFolds, intercept, maxSteps, burn, eps0,
                       eps, epsCG, PACKAGE = "HDPenReg")
        val$lambda1 <- lambda1
        val$lambda2 <- lambda2

  # create the output object
  # cv=list(cv=val$cv,cvError=val$cvError,minCv=min(val$cv),lambda.optim=val$lambdaMin,fraction=index[which.min(val$cv)],lambda=val$lambda,maxSteps=maxSteps)

  # class(cv)="cvEM"


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HDPenReg documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:31 p.m.