
Defines functions plot.HDcvlars .checkcvlars HDcvlars

Documented in HDcvlars plot.HDcvlars

#' cross validation function for lars algorithm
#' @title cross validation
#' @author Quentin Grimonprez
#' @param X the matrix (of size n*p) of the covariates.
#' @param y a vector of length n with the response.
#' @param nbFolds the number of folds for the cross-validation.
#' @param index Values at which prediction error should be computed. When mode = "fraction",
#' this is the fraction of the saturated |beta|.
#' The default value is seq(0,1,by=0.01). When mode="lambda", this is values of lambda.
#' @param mode Either "fraction" or "lambda". Type of values containing in partition.
#' @param maxSteps Maximal number of steps for lars algorithm.
#' @param partition partition in nbFolds folds of y. Must be a vector of same size than y containing the index of folds.
#' @param intercept If TRUE, there is an intercept in the model.
#' @param eps Tolerance of the algorithm.
#' @return A list containing
#' \describe{
#'   \item{cv}{Mean prediction error for each value of index.}
#'   \item{cvError}{Standard error of cv.}
#'   \item{minCv}{Minimal cv criterion.}
#'   \item{minIndex}{Value of index for which the cv criterion is minimal.}
#'   \item{index}{Values at which prediction error should be computed. This is the fraction of the saturated |beta|.
#' The default value is seq(0,1,by=0.01).}
#'   \item{maxSteps}{Maximum number of steps of the lars algorithm.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' dataset <- simul(50, 10000, 0.4, 10, 50, matrix(c(0.1, 0.8, 0.02, 0.02), nrow = 2))
#' result <- HDcvlars(dataset$data, dataset$response, 5)
#' @export
HDcvlars <- function(X, y, nbFolds = 10, index = seq(0, 1, by = 0.01), mode = c("fraction", "lambda"),
                     maxSteps = 3 * min(dim(X)), partition = NULL, intercept = TRUE, eps = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
  # check arguments
  mode <- match.arg(mode)
  if (missing(X)) {
    stop("X is missing.")
  if (missing(y)) {
    stop("y is missing.")
  index <- unique(index)
  .checkcvlars(X, y, maxSteps, eps, nbFolds, index, intercept, mode)

  if (!is.null(partition)) {
    if (!is.numeric(partition) || !is.vector(partition)) {
      stop("partition must be a vector of integer.")
    if (length(partition) != length(y)) {
      stop("partition and y must have the same size.")

    part <- table(partition)
    nbFolds <- length(part)

    if (max(part) - min(part) > 1) {
      stop("Size of different folds are not good.")

    nam <- as.numeric(names(part))
    for (i in seq_along(nam)) {
      if (!(nam[i] == i)) {
        stop("check the number in the partition vector.")

    # reorder the  partition in decreasing order of size
    ord <- order(part, decreasing = TRUE)
    partb <- partition
    for (i in 1:nbFolds) {
      partition[partb == ord[i]] <- i

    partition <- partition - 1
  } else {
    partition <- -1

  lambdaMode <- FALSE
  if (mode == "lambda") {
    lambdaMode <- TRUE

  # call lars algorithm
  val <- .Call("cvlars", X, y, nrow(X), ncol(X), maxSteps, intercept, eps, nbFolds, partition, index,
               lambdaMode, PACKAGE = "HDPenReg")

  # create the output object
  cv <- list(cv = val$cv, cvError = val$cvError, minCv = min(val$cv), minIndex = index[which.min(val$cv)],
             index = index, maxSteps = maxSteps, mode = mode)

  class(cv) <- "HDcvlars"


# check arguments from cvlars
.checkcvlars <- function(X, y, maxSteps, eps, nbFolds, index, intercept, mode) {
  ## X: matrix of real
  if (!is.numeric(X) || !is.matrix(X)) {
    stop("X must be a matrix of real")

  ## y: vector of real
  if (!is.numeric(y) || !is.vector(y)) {
    stop("y must be a vector of real")
  if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
    stop("The number of rows of X doesn't match with the length of y")

  ## maxSteps
  if (!.is.wholenumber(maxSteps)) {
    stop("maxSteps must be a positive integer")
  if (maxSteps <= 0) {
    stop("maxSteps must be a positive integer")

  ## nbFolds
  if (!.is.wholenumber(nbFolds)) {
    stop("nbFolds must be a positive integer")
  if (nbFolds <= 0) {
    stop("nbFolds must be a positive integer")
  if (nbFolds > length(y)) {
    stop("nbFolds must be lower than the number of samples")

  ## eps
  if (!is.double(eps)) {
    stop("eps must be a positive real")
  if (eps <= 0) {
    stop("eps must be a positive real")

  ## index
  if (!is.numeric(index) || !is.vector(index)) {
    stop("index must be a vector")
  if ((mode == "fraction") && (max(index) > 1 || min(index) < 0)) {
    stop("index must be a vector of real between 0 and 1")
  if ((mode == "lambda") && (min(index) < 0)) {
    stop("index must be a vector of positive real")

  ## intercept
  if (!is.logical(intercept)) {
    stop("intercept must be a boolean")

#' plot cross validation mean square error
#' @title plot cross validation mean square error
#' @author Quentin Grimonprez
#' @param x Output from HDcvlars function.
#' @param ... graphical parameters
#' @return cross validation mean square error plot
#' @aliases plot.HDcvlars
#' @method plot HDcvlars
#' @examples
#' dataset <- simul(50, 10000, 0.4, 10, 50, matrix(c(0.1, 0.8, 0.02, 0.02), nrow = 2))
#' result <- HDcvlars(dataset$data, dataset$response, 5)
#' plot(result)
#' @export
plot.HDcvlars <- function(x, ...) {
  if (missing(x)) {
    stop("x is missing.")
  if (!inherits(x, "HDcvlars")) {
    stop("x must be an output of the HDcvlars function.")

  index <- x$index
  minIndex <- x$minIndex
  lab <- "Fraction L1 Norm"
  if (x$mode == "lambda") {
    lab <- "log(lambda)"
    index <- log(index)
    minIndex <- log(minIndex)
  plot(index, x$cv, type = "b", ylim = range(x$cv, x$cv + x$cvError, x$cv - x$cvError),
       xlab = lab, ylab = "Cross-Validated MSE", ...)
  lines(index, x$cv + x$cvError, lty = 2)
  lines(index, x$cv - x$cvError, lty = 2)
  abline(v = minIndex, lty = "dotted", col = "blue")

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HDPenReg documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:31 p.m.