
Defines functions H2SPOR_DynProg

Documented in H2SPOR_DynProg

#' @title Inference method that does not require a priori knowledge of the number of regimes and uses
#' dynamic programming

#' @description H2SPOR_DynProg is an inference method implemented as a binary segmentation algorithm.
#' This method makes it possible to estimate, using dynamic programming and under regularity assumption,
#' the parameters of a piecewise polynomial regression model when we have no a priori knowledge of the number
#'  of regimes.
#' @param X A numerical vector corresponding to the explanatory variable. X must be sorted in ascending order
#' if this is not the case, X will be sorted in the function and the corresponding permutation will be applied to Y. The
#'user will be notified by a warning message. In addition, if X contains NAs, they will be deleted from the data and the user will be notified by a warning message.
#' Finally, if X contains duplicate data, the excess data will be deleted and the user will be notified by a warning message.
#' @param Y A numerical vector corresponding to the variable to be explain. It should contain at least two regimes that
#' could be modelled by polynomials. In addition, if Y contains NAs they will be deleted from the data and the
#' user will be notified by a warning message. Finally, if X contains dupplicate data, the excess data will be deleted and
#' the value of the remaining Y will become the average of the Ys, calculated for this value of X.
#' @param deg Degree of the polynomials. The size of X and Y must be greater than  2(deg+2) + 1.
#' @param constraint Number that determines the regularity assumption that is applied for the parameters estimation.
#' By default, the variable is set to 1, i. e. the parameters estimation is done under continuity constraint.
#' If the variable is 0 or 2, the estimation of the parameters will be done without assumption of regularity
#' (constraint = 0) or under assumption of differentiability (constraint = 2). Warning, if the differentiability
#' assumption is not verified by the model, it is preferable not to use it to estimate the model parameters.
#'In addition, if the degree of the polynomials is equal to 1, you cannot use the differentiability assumption.
#' @param EM A Boolean. If EM is TRUE (default), then the function will estimate the parameters
#' of a latent variable polynomial regression model using an EM algorithm. If EM is FALSE then
#' the function will estimate the parameters of the initial polynomial regression model by a fixed point algorithm.
#' @param plotG A Boolean. If TRUE (default) the estimation results obtained by the H2SPOR_DynProg function are plotted.
#' @return A dataframe which contains the estimated parameters of the polynomial regression model at
#' an estimated number of regimes: the times of jump, the polynomials coefficients and the variances
#' of an estimated number of regimes.
#' If plotG = TRUE, the data(X,Y) and the estimated model will be plotted.
#' @import graphics
#' @import corpcor
#' @import stats
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' #generated data with two regimes
#' xgrid1 = seq(0,10,length.out = 6)
#' xgrid2 = seq(10.2,20,length.out=6)
#' ygrid1 = xgrid1^2-xgrid1+1+ rnorm(length(xgrid1),0,3)
#' ygrid2 = rep(91,length(xgrid2))+ rnorm(length(xgrid2),0,3)
#' xgrid = c(xgrid1,xgrid2)
#' ygrid = c(ygrid1,ygrid2)

#' # Inference of a piecewise polynomial regression model on these data.
#' #The degree of the polynomials is fixed to 2 and the parameters are estimated
#' #under continuity constraint.
#' H2SPOR_DynProg(xgrid,ygrid,2,1,EM=FALSE)
#' \donttest{
#' set.seed(1)
#' xgrid1 = seq(0,10,by=0.2)
#' xgrid2 = seq(10.2,20,by=0.2)
#' xgrid3 = seq(20.2,30,by=0.2)

#' ygrid1 = xgrid1^2-xgrid1+1+ rnorm(length(xgrid1),0,3)
#' ygrid2 = rep(91,length(xgrid2))+ rnorm(length(xgrid2),0,3)
#' ygrid3 = -10*xgrid3+300+rnorm(length(xgrid3),0,3)

#' datX = c(xgrid1,xgrid2,xgrid3)
#' datY = c(ygrid1,ygrid2,ygrid3)
#' #Inference of a piecewise polynomial regression model on these data.
#' #The degree of the polynomials is fixed to 2 and the parameters are estimated
#' #under continuity constraint.
#' H2SPOR_DynProg(datX,datY,2,1)
#' #Executed time : 2.349685 mins (intel core i7 processor)
#' }

H2SPOR_DynProg <- function(X,Y,deg,constraint=1,EM=TRUE,plotG=TRUE){

  if( (length(which(is.na(X))) != 0)){
    Y = Y[-which(is.na(X))]
    X = X[-which(is.na(X))]
    warning("X contains missing data, these data have been deleted")
  if( (length(which(is.na(Y))) != 0)){
    X = X[-which(is.na(Y))]
    Y = Y[-which(is.na(Y))]
    warning("Y contains missing data, these data have been deleted")
  if(length(which(X != X[order(X)])) > 0){
    Y = Y[order(X)]
    X = X[order(X)]
    warning("X has been ordered")

  if(length(X) != length(unique(X))){
    duble_value = unique(X[which(duplicated(X)==TRUE)])
    for(i in 1:length(duble_value)){
      new_y = sum(Y[which(X == duble_value[i])])/length(which(X == duble_value[i]))
      Y[which(X == duble_value[i])[1]] = new_y
      Y = Y[-which(X == duble_value[i])[2:length(which(X == duble_value[i]))]]
      X = X[-which(X == duble_value[i])[2:length(which(X == duble_value[i]))]]
      warning("Duplicate data of X have been delated. Y becames the mean of these data")

  if(length(X) < 2*(deg+2) + 1){
    warning(paste("X must contain at least",2*(deg+2)+1,"observations to use this degree. The degree was reduced to", floor((length(X)-5)/2),sep=" "))
    deg = floor((length(X)-5)/2)
  if(length(X) < 7 ){
    stop("X must contain at least 7 observations for a degree equal to 1")

  jump_nb = 1
  n_l <- 0
  n_r <- 0
  lineChange <- 0
  vtimeT <- c()
  mat_param <- matrix()
  variance <- matrix()
  algo_direction <- 'left'
  constraint_point <- matrix()
  BIC_ok = matrix()

  res_sortie <- .H2SPOR_DynProg_rec(X,Y,deg,jump_nb,n_l,n_r,lineChange,vtimeT,mat_param,variance,algo_direction,constraint,constraint_point,BIC_ok,EM)

  if(length(res_sortie$V_Tt) == 0){
    nameMat = c()
    for(i in 1:(deg+1)){
      if((deg-i+1) == 0){
        nameMat = c(nameMat,"1")
        nameMat = c(nameMat,paste("X^",(deg-i+1),sep=""))

    mat_param_i <- matrix(0,1,(deg+1),dimnames = list(c(),nameMat))
    sigma2_i <- matrix(0,1,1)

    obs_table <- data.frame()
    for(i in 1:deg){
      obs_table <- as.data.frame(t(rbind.data.frame(t(obs_table),X^i)))

    lmR <- lm(Y ~ ., data = obs_table)
    mat_param_i[1,] <- rev(lmR$coefficients)
    sigma2_i[,1] <- sum((lmR$residuals)^2)/(length(Y)-(deg+1))

    sortie <- cbind.data.frame(data.frame("TimeT" = c(X[1],res_sortie$V_Tt)),mat_param_i,"sigma2" = t(sigma2_i),row.names=as.factor(c(1:(length(res_sortie$V_Tt)+1))))

      sortie <- cbind.data.frame(data.frame("TimeT" = c(X[1],res_sortie$V_Tt)),res_sortie$matP,"sigma2" = t(res_sortie$var),row.names=as.factor(c(1:(length(res_sortie$V_Tt)+1))))

  if(plotG == TRUE){

    nameMat = c()
    for(i in 1:(deg+1)){
      if((deg-i+1) == 0){
        nameMat = c(nameMat,"1")
        nameMat = c(nameMat,paste("X^",(deg-i+1),sep=""))

    plot(X,Y,pch=20,cex.main = 3, cex.lab = 2,cex.axis = 2)
    if(length(sortie$TimeT) == 1){
      pred_y = 0
      for(l in 1 :length(nameMat)){
        pred_y = pred_y + sortie[1,which(names(sortie)==nameMat[l])]*seq(X[1],X[length(X)],length.out = min(10,length(X)))^(deg-l+1)
      lines(seq(X[1],X[length(X)],length.out = min(10,length(X))),pred_y,lwd=3.5,lty=3)


      Tt = sortie$TimeT[-1]
      for(i in 1 : length(sortie$TimeT)){
        if(i == 1){
          pred_y = 0
          for(l in 1 :length(nameMat)){
            pred_y = pred_y + sortie[i,which(names(sortie)==nameMat[l])]*seq(X[1],Tt[i],length.out = min(10,length(X[which(X <= Tt[i])])))^(deg-l+1)
          lines(seq(X[1],Tt[i],length.out = min(10,length(X[which(X <= Tt[i])]))),pred_y,lwd=3.5,lty=3)
       }else if(i == length(sortie$TimeT) ){
         pred_y = 0
         for(l in 1 :length(nameMat)){
           pred_y = pred_y + sortie[i,which(names(sortie)==nameMat[l])]*seq(Tt[i-1],X[length(X)],length.out = min(10,length(X[which(X >= Tt[i-1])])))^(deg-l+1)
         lines(seq(Tt[i-1],X[length(X)],length.out = min(10,length(X[which(X >= Tt[i-1])]))),pred_y,lwd=3.5,lty=3)
          pred_y = 0
          for(l in 1 :length(nameMat)){
            pred_y = pred_y + sortie[i,which(names(sortie)==nameMat[l])]*seq(Tt[i-1],Tt[i],length.out = min(10,length(X[which( (X >= Tt[i-1]) & (X <= Tt[i]))])))^(deg-l+1)
          lines(seq(Tt[i-1],Tt[i],length.out = min(10,length(X[which( (X >= Tt[i-1]) & (X <= Tt[i]))]))),pred_y, lwd=3.5,lty=3)


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HSPOR documentation built on Sept. 3, 2019, 9:05 a.m.