
Defines functions genDataRead

Documented in genDataRead

#' Reading the genetic data from a file
#' This function will read in data from PED or haplin formatted file.
#' The function reads in all the data in the file, creates \link[ff]{ff} objects to store
#'  the genetic information and \link{data.frame} to store covariate data (if any). These
#'  objects are saved in \code{.RData} and \code{.ffData} files, which can be later on
#'  easily uploaded to R (with \link{genDataLoad}) and re-used.
#' @param file.in The name of the main input file with genotype information.
#' @param file.out The base for the output filename (by default, constructed from the
#'   input file name).
#' @param dir.out The path to the directory where the output files will be saved.
#' @param format Format of data (will influence how data is processed) - choose from:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \emph{haplin} - data already in one row per family,
#'     \item \emph{ped} - data from .ped file, each row represents an individual.
#'   }.
#' @param header Whether the first line of the main input file contains column names;
#'   default: FALSE; NB: this is useful only for 'haplin'-formatted files!
#' @param n.vars The number of columns with covariate data (if any) in the main file;
#'   NB: if the main file is in PED format, it is assumed that the first 6 columns contain
#'   the standard PED-covariates (i.e., family ID, ID of the child, father and mother,
#'   sex and case-control status), so in this case setting 'n.vars' is useful only
#'   if the PED file contains more than 6 covariate columns.
#' @param cov.file.in Name of the file containing additional covariate data, if any. 
#'   Caution: unless the 'cov.header' argument is used, it is assumed that the first line 
#'   of this file contains the header (i.e., the column names of the additional data).
#' @param cov.header The character vector containing the names of covariate columns
#'   (in the file with additional covariate data if given by the 'cov.file.in' argument;
#'   or in the main file, if it's a "haplin"-formatted file).
#' @param map.file Filename (with path if the file is not in current directory) of the
#'   .map file holding the SNP names, if available (see Details).
#' @param allele.sep Character: separator between two alleles (default: ";").
#' @param na.strings Character or NA: how the missing data is coded (default: "NA").
#' @param col.sep Character: separator between the columns (i.e., markers; default: any
#'   whitespace character).
#' @param overwrite Whether to overwrite the output files: if NULL (default), will prompt
#'   the user to give answer; set to TRUE, will automatically overwrite any existing files;
#'   and set to FALSE, will stop if the output files exist.
#' @section Details:
#' The .map file should contain at least two columns, where the second one contains SNP 
#'   names. Any additional columns should be separated by a whitespace character, but will 
#'   be ignored. The file should contain a header.
#' @section Usage note:
#' When reading in a covariate file together with the genotype information, it is advised
#'   to include the header in the file, so that there is no doubt to the naming of
#'   the data columns.
#' @examples
#'   # The argument 'overwrite' is set to TRUE!
#'   examples.dir <- system.file( "extdata", package = "Haplin" )
#'   # ped format:
#'   example.file2 <- file.path( examples.dir, "exmpl_data.ped" )
#'   ped.data.read <- genDataRead( example.file2, file.out = "exmpl_ped_data", 
#'    dir.out = tempdir( check = TRUE ), format = "ped", overwrite = TRUE )
#'   ped.data.read
#'   # haplin format:
#'   example.file1 <- file.path( examples.dir, "HAPLIN.trialdata2.txt" )
#'   haplin.data.read <- genDataRead( file.in = example.file1,
#'    file.out = "exmpl_haplin_data", format = "haplin", allele.sep = "", n.vars = 2, 
#'    cov.header = c( "smoking", "sex" ), overwrite = TRUE,
#'    dir.out = tempdir( check = TRUE ) )
#'   haplin.data.read
#' @return A list object with three elements:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \emph{cov.data} - a \code{data.frame} with covariate data (if available in
#'        the input file)
#'     \item \emph{gen.data} - a list with chunks of the genetic data; the data is divided
#'        column-wise, using 10,000 columns per chunk; each element of this list is a
#'        \link[ff]{ff} matrix
#'     \item \emph{aux} - a list with meta-data and important parameters.
#'   }
genDataRead <- function( file.in = stop( "Filename must be given!", call. = FALSE ), file.out = NULL, dir.out = ".", format = stop( "Format parameter is required!" ), header = FALSE, n.vars, cov.file.in, cov.header, map.file, allele.sep = ";", na.strings = "NA", col.sep = "", overwrite = NULL ){
	## checking the input arguments
	if( !file.exists( file.in ) ){
		stop( "The given file (", file.in, ") doesn't exist! Check and try again.", call. = FALSE )
	if( !missing( cov.file.in ) ){
		if( !file.exists( cov.file.in ) ){
			stop( "The given file (", cov.file.in, ") doesn't exist! Check and try again.", call. = FALSE )
	if( !missing( map.file ) ){
		if( !file.exists( map.file ) ){
			stop( "The given map.file (", map.file, ") doesn't exist! Check and try again.", call. = FALSE )
	} else {
	  map.file <- NULL

	files.list <- f.make.out.filename( file.in, file.out, dir.out = dir.out, overwrite = overwrite )
	if( !( format %in% c("haplin", "ped") ) ){
		stop( "Given format (", format,") not recognized! Format has to be one of: ", paste( c("haplin", "ped"), collapse = ", " ), call. = FALSE )
	## some special checks if the input file is in haplin format:
	if( format == "haplin" ){
		if( ( na.strings == col.sep ) | ( ( na.strings != "" ) & ( na.strings == allele.sep ) ) ){
			stop( 'The "na.strings" argument should be different from "col.sep" and "allele.sep" arguments!', call. = F )
		split <- F
		if( ( col.sep != "" & col.sep == allele.sep ) | allele.sep == " " ){
			split <- T
	if( !missing( cov.header ) ){
		if( !is.character( cov.header ) ){
			stop( "'cov.header' is specified, but it's not a character vector!", call. = FALSE )
	skip.first <- 0
	if( header ){
		header.line <- scan( file = file.in, what = "character", nlines = 1, strip.white = TRUE, sep = col.sep, na.strings = na.strings )
		skip.first <- 1
	## read the first line of the file and check the number of columns
	first.line <- scan( file = file.in, what = "character", nlines = 1, strip.white = TRUE, sep = col.sep, na.strings = na.strings, skip = skip.first )
	nb.cols <- length( first.line )

	if( missing( n.vars ) ){
		if( format == "haplin" ){
			stop( 'The value of "n.vars", i.e. the number\n of covariate columns ahead of genetic data,\n should be specified when format = "haplin".\n Set n.vars = 0 if there are no covariates in haplin file.', call. = FALSE )
		if( format == "ped" ){
			n.vars <- 6
		cat( "'n.vars' was not given explicitly and will be set to ", n.vars, " based on the format given.\n", sep = "" )
	} else if( n.vars < 0 | n.vars >= nb.cols ){
		stop( "The 'n.vars' value (", n.vars, ") is not valid!", call. = FALSE )

	if( format == "haplin" & n.vars > 0 & missing( cov.header ) ){
		cat( "The format of the file is 'haplin' with covariate data but no names of the covariate data is given. Will generate dummy names.\n" )

	## the chunk size that would still fit in the memory
# 	nb.lines.per.chunk <- get( ".nb.lines.per.chunk", envir = .haplinEnv )
	nb.lines.per.chunk <- ceiling( 100000000 / nb.cols )

	## open the file
	in.file <- file( file.in, "r" )

	gen.data.in.ffdf <- list()
	cov.data.in <- c()
	gen.levels <- c()

	nb.rows.tot <- 0

	i <- 1
	cat( "Reading the data in chunks...\n" )
	cat( " -- chunk ", i, " --\n", sep = "" )
	cur.chunk <- matrix( scan( in.file, what = "character", nlines = nb.lines.per.chunk, sep = col.sep, na.strings = na.strings ), ncol = nb.cols, byrow = TRUE )

	## reading in chunks and creating ff object for each chunk
	while( length( cur.chunk ) != 0 ){
		if( n.vars > 0 ){
			cov.data.in <- rbind( cov.data.in, cur.chunk[ ,1:n.vars, drop = F ] )
			cur.chunk <- cur.chunk[ ,-(1:n.vars), drop = F ]

		if( format == "haplin"){
			if( !split ){
				cur.chunk <- f.split.matrix( cur.chunk, split = allele.sep )
				d <- dim( cur.chunk )
				.data.gen1 <- cur.chunk[, seq(1, d[2], 2), drop = F]
				.data.gen2 <- cur.chunk[, seq(2, d[2], 2), drop = F]
				.is.na <- is.na(.data.gen1) | is.na(.data.gen2)
				.data.gen1[.is.na] <- NA
				.data.gen2[.is.na] <- NA
				.d <- dim(.data.gen1) * c(1,2)
				cur.chunk <- matrix(NA_character_, nrow = d[1], ncol = d[2])
				cur.chunk[, seq(1, d[2], 2)] <- .data.gen1
				cur.chunk[, seq(2, d[2], 2)] <- .data.gen2
# 				row.names(.data.gen) <- 1:(dim(.data.gen))[1]
# 				gc()
		cur.levels <- unique( as.vector( cur.chunk ) )
		recode.na <- FALSE
		if( 0 %in% cur.levels ){
			recode.na <- TRUE
			na.symbol <- 0
		} else if( "0" %in% cur.levels ){
			recode.na <- TRUE
			na.symbol <- "0"
		if( recode.na ){
			cur.chunk[ cur.chunk == na.symbol ] <- NA
			cur.levels[ cur.levels == na.symbol ] <- NA
		gen.levels <- as.character( union( gen.levels, cur.levels ) )

		tmp.ff <- ff::as.ff( cur.chunk, vmode = .haplinEnv$.vmode.gen.data, levels = gen.levels )

		gen.data.in.ffdf <- c( gen.data.in.ffdf, list( tmp.ff ) )
		nb.rows.tot <- nb.rows.tot + nrow( tmp.ff )

		rm( cur.chunk, tmp.ff )
# 		gc()

		i <- i + 1
		cat( " -- chunk ", i, " -- \n", sep = "" )
		cur.chunk <- matrix( scan( in.file, what = "character", nlines = nb.lines.per.chunk ), ncol = nb.cols, byrow = TRUE )
	cat( "... done reading.\n" )

	close( in.file )

	## re-organize - it's much better to have a list with different column-chunks
	nb.cols.per.chunk <- get( ".nb.cols.per.chunk", envir = .haplinEnv )
	nb.cols.gen.data <- ncol( gen.data.in.ffdf[[1]] )
	nb.col.chunks <- ceiling( nb.cols.gen.data / nb.cols.per.chunk )
	gen.list.length <- length( gen.data.in.ffdf )
	gen.data.col.wise <- list()
	design <- "cc"
	if( format == "haplin" ){
		design <- "triad"
	tot.gen.ncol <- ncol( gen.data.in.ffdf[[ 1 ]] )
	gen.data.colnames <- f.create.snp.names( map.file, ncol = tot.gen.ncol, format = format, design = design )
	marker.names <- gen.data.colnames$marker.names
	gen.data.colnames <- gen.data.colnames$gen.data.colnames

	cat( "Preparing data...\n" )
	for( i in 1:nb.col.chunks ){
		cur.cols <- ( ( i-1 )*nb.cols.per.chunk + 1 ):( min( i*nb.cols.per.chunk, nb.cols.gen.data ) )
		tmp.gen.data <- ff::ff( vmode = .haplinEnv$.vmode.gen.data, levels = gen.levels, dim = c( nb.rows.tot, min( nb.cols.per.chunk, max( cur.cols ) - min( cur.cols ) + 1 ) ) )
		prev.rows <- 0
		for( j in 1:gen.list.length ){
			cur.rows <- ( prev.rows + 1 ):( prev.rows + nrow( gen.data.in.ffdf[[j]] ) )
			tmp.gen.data[ cur.rows, ] <- gen.data.in.ffdf[[j]][ ,cur.cols ]
			prev.rows <- max( cur.rows )
		colnames( tmp.gen.data ) <- gen.data.colnames[ cur.cols ]
		gen.data.col.wise <- c( gen.data.col.wise, list( tmp.gen.data ) )
		rm( tmp.gen.data )
	cat( "... done preparing\n" )

	rm( gen.data.in.ffdf )

	cov.data.colnames <- c()
	if( n.vars > 0 ){
		if( format == "ped" ){
			## lookup in the package environment
			cov.data.colnames <- get( ".cov.data.colnames", envir = .haplinEnv )
		} else if( !missing( header ) ) {
			cov.data.colnames <- header.line[ 1:n.vars ]
		} else {
			cov.data.colnames <- paste0( "cov.", 1:n.vars )
	## reading additional data (if given)
	cov.n.vars <- 0
	if( !missing( cov.file.in ) ){
		cat( "Reading covariate file... \n" )
		if( missing( cov.header ) ){
			cat( "    'cov.header' not given - assuming the first line is the header...\n" )
			cov.file.header <- TRUE
		} else {
			cov.file.header <- FALSE

		cov.add.data <- read.table( cov.file.in, header = cov.file.header, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
		if( missing( cov.header ) ){
			cov.header <- colnames( cov.add.data )
		cov.data.colnames <- c( cov.data.colnames, cov.header )
		if( nrow( cov.add.data ) != nb.rows.tot ){
			stop( "The number of rows in the additional covariate data (", nrow( cov.add.data ), ") doesn't match the number of rows in the main file with genetic data (", nb.rows.tot, ")!", call. = FALSE )
		if( !cov.file.header & ( ncol( cov.add.data ) != length( cov.header ) ) ){
			stop( "The length of given 'cov.header' names (", length( cov.header ), ") doesn't match the number of all the covariate data columns (", ncol( cov.add.data ), ")! Check and try again." )
		if( length( cov.data.in ) != 0 ){
			cov.data.in <- cbind( cov.data.in, cov.add.data )
		} else {
			cov.data.in <- cov.add.data
		cov.n.vars <- ncol( cov.add.data )
		cat( "...done\n" )
	} else if( !missing( cov.header ) ) {
		# if no additional file with covariates is read but there are some covariates in the
		# main file with genotypes and one wants to override the default values
		if( format == "haplin" ){
			cov.n.vars <- 0
			if( n.vars != length( cov.header ) ){
				stop( "The length of given 'cov.header' names (", length( cov.header ), ") doesn't match the number of all the covariate data columns (", n.vars, ")! Check and try again." )
				cov.data.colnames <- cov.header
		} else if( format == "ped" ){
			cov.n.vars <- n.vars - 6
			if( cov.n.vars != length( cov.header ) ){
				stop( "The length of given 'cov.header' names (", length( cov.header ), ") doesn't match the number of all the covariate data columns (", cov.n.vars, ")! Check and try again." )
				cov.data.colnames[ 7:n.vars ] <- cov.header
	n.vars <- n.vars + cov.n.vars
	## saving the data in the .RData and .ffData files
	cat( "Saving data...\n" )
	cur.names <- c()
	for( i in 1:length( gen.data.col.wise ) ){
		cur.name <- paste( get( ".gen.cols.name", envir = .haplinEnv ), i, sep = "." )
		assign( cur.name, gen.data.col.wise[[i]] )
		cur.names <- c( cur.names, cur.name )
	save.list <- cur.names
	if( n.vars > 0 ){
		if( n.vars == 1 ){
			cov.data.in <- matrix( cov.data.in, ncol = 1 )
		colnames( cov.data.in ) <- cov.data.colnames
		save.list <- c( save.list, "cov.data.in" )
	} else {
		cov.data.in <- NULL

	## Include an info object
	.info <- list()
	.info$filename <- c( file.in = file.in )
	if( !missing( cov.file.in ) ){
		.info$filename <- c( .info$filename, cov.file.in = cov.file.in )
	.info$filespecs$n.vars <- n.vars
	.info$filespecs$sep <- col.sep
	.info$filespecs$allele.sep <- allele.sep
	.info$filespecs$na.strings <- na.strings
	.info$filespecs$format <- format
	aux <- list( info = .info, class = "haplin.data" )
	aux$marker.names <- marker.names
	aux$map.filename <- map.file

	save.list <- c( save.list, "aux" )
	ff::ffsave( list = save.list, file = file.path( dir.out, files.list$file.out.base ) )
	cat( "... saved to files: ", files.list$file.out.ff, ", ", files.list$file.out.aux, "\n", sep = "" )

	data.out <- list( cov.data = cov.data.in, gen.data = gen.data.col.wise, aux = aux )
	class( data.out ) <- aux$class
	return( data.out )

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Haplin documentation built on May 20, 2022, 5:07 p.m.