HWPosterior: Calculation of posterior probabilities and Bayes factors for...

View source: R/HWPosterior.R

HWPosteriorR Documentation

Calculation of posterior probabilities and Bayes factors for Hardy-Weinberg tests at X-chromosomal variants.


Function HWPosterior calculates posterior probabilities and Bayes factors for tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium of autosomal and X-chromosomal variants.


HWPosterior(males, females, verbose = TRUE, prior.af = c(0.5,0.5), prior.gf =
            c(0.333,0.333,0.333), x.linked = FALSE, precision = 0.05) 



A vector of male genotype counts. For autosomal variants, this should be a three-element named vector like (AA,AB,BB); for X-chromosomal variants it should be a two-element vector giving the counts of the hemizygous genotypes like (A,B).


A vector of female genotype counts. This should be a three-element named vector like (AA,AB,BB)


prints results if verbose = TRUE


Beta prior parameters for male and female allele frequencies


Dirichlet prior parameters for female genotype frequencies


logical indicating whether the variant is autosomal or X-chromosomal


precision parameter for marginal likelihoods that require numeric integration


For X-chromosomal variants, four possible models are considered, and the posterior probabilities and Bayes factors for each model are calculated.

For autosomal variants, ten possible scenarios are considered, and the posterior probabilities for all models are calculated.

In general, default Dirichlet priors are used for genotype frequencies, and beta prior are used for allele frequencies.


For X-chromosomal variants, a matrix with posterior probabilities and Bayes factors will be produced. For autosomal variants, a vector of posterior probabilities is produced.


Xavi Puig xavier.puig@upc.edu and Jan Graffelman jan.graffelman@upc.edu


Puig, X., Ginebra, J. and Graffelman, J. (2017) A Bayesian test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium of bi-allelic X-chromosomal markers. Heredity 119(4):226–236. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1038/hdy.2017.30")}.

Puig, X., Ginebra, J. and Graffelman, J. (2019) Bayesian model selection for the study of Hardy-Weinberg proportions and homogeneity of gender allele frequencies. Heredity 123(5), pp. 549-564. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1038/s41437-019-0232-0")}

See Also

HWChisq, HWExact, HWExactStats


# An X-chromosomal example
males   <- c(A=43,B=13)
females <- c(AA=26,AB=19,BB=3)
out     <- HWPosterior(males,females,verbose=TRUE,x.linked=TRUE)
# An autosomal example
males     <- JPTsnps[1,1:3]
females   <- JPTsnps[1,4:6]
post.prob <- HWPosterior(males,females,x.linked=FALSE)

HardyWeinberg documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:17 a.m.