Man pages for HardyWeinberg
Statistical Tests and Graphics for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

afFunction to compute allele frequencies
AFtestExact test of equality of allele frequencies for males and...
agcountsCalculate allele and genotype counts for X-chromosomal...
allelesExtract alleles
AllelesToTriangularCalculate triangular genotype matrix for vector(s) of...
AlzheimerGenotype frequencies for 70 SNPs related to Alzheimer's...
dgraffelmanweir.biCalculate Graffelman-Weir exact density for bi-allelic...
dleveneCalculate Levene's exact density for k alleles
dlevene.biCalculate Levene's density for a bi-allelic variant
EAFExactExact test for equality of allele frequencies in males and...
fisherzFisher's z transformation
foldFold a square matrix
GenerateSamplesGenerate genotypic compositions
genlabelsLabel genotype counts of a vector or matrix
GlyoxalaseGlyoxalase genotype data
HapMapCHBChr1Genotype frequencies for 225 SNPs on chromosome 1 of the CHB...
HardyWeinberg-packageStatistical Tests and Graphics for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
HWABOEstimate allele frequencies and test for Hardy-Weinberg...
HWAICCompute Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) for HWP and EAF...
HWAlltestsPerform all tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
HWAlrCompute additive log-ratio transformation
HWAlrPlotPlot genetic markers in additive log-ratio coordinates
HWChisqChi square tests for Hardy Weinberg equilibrium
HWChisqMatMatrix version of HWChisq
HWChisqStatsFast computation of chi-square statistics for Hardy-Weinberg...
HWCloConvert genotype counts to compositions
HWClrCompute the centred log-ratio transformation
HWClrPlotPlot genetic markers in centred log-ratio coordinates
HWCondProbABCompute probability of a genotypic sample
HWDCompute disequilibrium statistic D
HWDataGenerate genetic marker data in or out of Hardy-Weinberg...
HWExactExact test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
HWExactMatMatrix version of HWExact
HWExactPreviousExact test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
HWExactStatsComputation of Exact p-values for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium...
HWfComputation of inbreeding coefficient
HWGenotypePlotScatter plot of the genotype frequencies
HWIlrCompute isometric log ratio coordinates.
HWIlrPlotPlot bi-allelic genetic markers in isometric log ratio...
HWLindleyCalculate a posteriori density for Lindley's alpha
HWLRAllTestsPerform most relevant likelihood ratio test for...
HWLratioLikelihood ratio test for Hardy Weinberg equilibrium
HWLRtestPerform likelihood ratio test comparing two nested scenarios...
HWMissingTest a bi-allelic marker for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in...
HWNetworkAutosomal and X-chromosomal exact tests for HWE via a Network...
HWPermPermutation test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
HWPerm.multPermutation tests fo variants with multiple alleles
HWPosteriorCalculation of posterior probabilities and Bayes factors for...
HWPowerCompute the power of a test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
HWQqplotA Q-Q plot for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
HWTernaryPlotTernary plot with the Hardy-Weinberg acceptance region
HWTriExactExact test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and equality of...
ifisherzInverse Fisher z transformation
JPTmultiallelicsChr7Multi-allelic autosomal variants of the Japanese population...
JPTmultiallelicsChrXMulti-allelic X-chromosomal variants of the Japanese...
JPTsnpsBi-allelic SNPs from a Japanese population
JPTtriallelicsChr7Tri-allelic variants on chromosome 7 of the Japanese (JPT)...
JPTtriallelicsChrXTri-allelic variants on the X-chromosome of the Japanese...
macCompute the minor allele count.
mafFunction to compute minor allele frequencies
MakeCountsCreate genotype counts from bi-allelic marker data
MakeFactorMake factors from genotyping data
MarkersSNP data and intensities
MourantGenotype frequencies for blood group locus MN
n.allelesNumber of alleles
NistSTRsNIST autosomal STR data
recodeRecode genotype information
strsortSort tokens of a set of strings
ThetatoFConvert theta to an inbreeding coefficient
toTriangularConvert a vector of genotype counts to triangular format
TSIXTriAllelicsTri-allelic polymorphisms on the X chromosome of the TSI...
UniqueGenotypeCountsExtract unique genotypic compositions from a matrix
vafComputes the sample variance of the allele frequency for a...
HardyWeinberg documentation built on May 7, 2022, 5:05 p.m.