HWTriExact: Exact test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and equality of...

View source: R/HWTriExact.R

HWTriExactR Documentation

Exact test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and equality of allele frequencies for tri-allelic variants.


Function HWTriExact does a standard exact test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium of a tri-allelic variant, and also does joint exact tests for equilibrium and equality of allele frequencies if the genotype counts are given separately for both sexes


HWTriExact(x, y = NULL, eps = 1e-10, nperm = 17000, verbose = TRUE)



vector with 6 genotype counts (AA,AB,AC,BB,BC,CC)


vector with 6 or 3 genotype counts (AA,AB,AC,BB,BC,CC) or (A,B,C)


a tolerance that can be set for comparing exact probabilities


number of permutations (only relevant for autosomal stratified by gender)


print output or not


If only x is specified, an exact test for an autosomal variant with three alleles will be performed.

If both x and y are supplied as vectors with 6 elements, a permutation test for HWE and equality of allele frequencies (EAF) for an autosomal variant is performed, using nperm permutations. The distribution of the probabilities is returned in pseudodist. The computational cost of a completed enumeration algorithm can be prohibitive in this case.

If x is supplied as a length 6 vector, and y as a length 3 vector, the variant is assumed to be X-chromosomal, x containing female genotype counts and y containing male genotyep counts. In this case a joint exact test for HWE and EAF for an X-chromosomal tri-allelic variant is executed.

See the examples in the example section below.



The p-value of the sample


Distribution of probabilities obtained by simulation


The probability of the observed sample


Jan Graffelman jan.graffelman@upc.edu


Graffelman, J. and Weir, B.S. (2017) Multi-allelic exact tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium that account for gender. Molecular Ecology Resources. 18(3) pp. 461–473. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1111/1755-0998.12748")}.

See Also



# Autosomal tri-allelic (not accounting for gender)

x <- c(AA=20,AB=31,AC=26,BB=15,BC=12,CC=0)
## Not run: out <- HWTriExact(x)

# Autosomal tri-allelic accounting for gender

males   <- c(A=1,B=21,C=34) 
females <- c(AA=0,AB=1,AC=0,BB=8,BC=24,CC=15)
## Not run: out <- HWTriExact(females,males)

# X-chromosomal tri-allelic accounting for gender

males   <- c(A=1,B=21,C=34) 
females <- c(AA=0,AB=1,AC=0,BB=8,BC=24,CC=15)
## Not run: out <- HWTriExact(females,males)

HardyWeinberg documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:17 a.m.