## ---- Show overridding for Time series of TdistributionH and TMatH ----
  signature(object = "TdistributionH"),
  definition = function(object) {
    newdist <- distributionH(object@x, object@p)
  signature(object = "TMatH"),
  definition = function(object) {
    cat("to be implemented")
  signature(object = "HTS"),
  definition = function(object) {
    x <- summaryHTS(object)
    show(x[, 1:7])

## --- Plot overloading for Timed TdistributionH  TMatH and HTS----
#' plot for a TdistributionH object
#' @name plot-TdistributionH
#' @docType methods
#' @aliases plot,TdistributionH-method
#' @description A plot function for a \code{TdistributionH} object. The function returns a representation
#' of the histogram.
#' @param x  a \code{TdistributionH} object
#' @param type (optional) a string describing the type of plot, default="HISTO".\cr Other allowed types are
#' \cr"CDF"=Cumulative distribution function, \cr"QF"= quantile function, \cr"DENS"=a density approximation,
#' \cr"HBOXPLOT"=horizontal boxplot, \cr"VBOXPLOT"= vertical boxplot,
#' @param col (optional) a string the color of the plot, default="green".
#' @param border (optional) a string the color of the border of the plot, default="black".
#' @export
  signature(x = "TdistributionH"),
  function(x, type = "HISTO", col = "green", border = "black") {
    newdist <- distributionH(x@x, x@p)
    plot(newdist, type = type, col = col, border = border)
# setMethod("plot",
#           signature(x = "TMatH"),
#           function (x, y="missing", type="HISTO",col="green",border="black")
#           {
#             stop("to be implemented")
#           }
# )
## --- Plot overloading
#' Method plot for a histogram time series
#' @name plot-HTS
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname plot-HTS
#' @aliases plot,HTS-method
#' @description An overloading plot function for a \code{HTS} object. The method returns a graphical representation
#' of a histogram time series.
#' @param x a \code{distributionH} object
#' @param y not used in this implementation
#' @param type (optional) a string describing the type of plot, default="BOXPLOT".\cr
#'  Other allowed types are \cr
#'  "VIOLIN"=a violin-plot representation,
#' @param border (optional) a string the color of the border of the plot, default="black".
#' @param maxno.perplot An integer (DEFAULT=30). Maximum number of timestamps per row.
#'  It allows a plot organized by rows, each row of the plot contains a max number of time stamps
#'   indicated by maxno.perplot.
#' @examples
#' plot(subsetHTS(RetHTS, from = 1, to = 10)) # plots RetHTS dataset
#' \dontrun{
#' plot(RetHTS, type = "BOXPLOT", border = "blue", maxno.perplot = 20)
#' plot(RetHTS, type = "VIOLIN", border = "blue", maxno.perplot = 20)
#' plot(RetHTS, type = "VIOLIN", border = "blue", maxno.perplot = 10)
#' }
#' @export
  signature(x = "HTS"),
  function(x, y = "missing", type = "VIOLIN", border = "black", maxno.perplot = 30) {
    plot.HTS.1v(x, type = type, border = border, maxno.perplot = maxno.perplot)

#' Method \code{subsetHTS}: extract a subset of a histogram time series
#' @name subsetHTS
#' @rdname subsetHTS-methods
#' @exportMethod subsetHTS
setGeneric("subsetHTS", function(object, from, to) standardGeneric("subsetHTS"))
#' @rdname subsetHTS-methods
#' @aliases subsetHTS,HTS,numeric,numeric-method
#' @description This functon return the mean of a \code{distributionH} object.
#' @param object a \code{HTS} object. A histogram 1d time series
#' @param from an integer, the initioal timepont
#' @param to an integer, a final timepoint
#' @return a \code{HTS} object. A histogram 1d time series
#' @examples
#' SUB_RetHTS <- subsetHTS(RetHTS, from = 1, to = 20) # the first 20 elements
  f = "subsetHTS",
  signature = c(object = "HTS", from = "numeric", to = "numeric"),
  function(object, from, to) {
    nel <- to - from + 1
    SubHTS <- new("HTS")
    cc <- 0
    for (i in from:to) {
      cc <- cc + 1
      SubHTS@data[[cc]] <- object@data[[i]]

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