# DESCRIPTION =========================================================
# Author: Ashesh Rambachan <>
# This script contains functions to implement the methods
# described in Rambachan & Roth (2021) for robust inference
# in difference-in-differences and event study designs.
# This script contains functions that are used to construct
# the confidence sets for Delta^{SDRMM}(Mbar), which intersects Delta^{SDRM}(Mbar)
# with a shape restriction (i.e., Delta^{I} or Delta^{D}).
# DELTA^{SDRMM}(Mbar) FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------
# In this section, we implement helper functions to place testing with
# Delta^{SDRMM}(Mbar) into the form needed to use the ARP functions.
.create_A_SDRMM <- function(numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods,
Mbar = 1, s, max_positive = TRUE, dropZero = TRUE,
monotonicityDirection) {
# This function creates a matrix for the linear constraints that \delta \in Delta^SDRM_{s,.}(Mbar), where . is + if max_positve = TRUE and - if max_positive = FALSE.
# Inputs:
# numPrePeriods = number of pre-periods. This is an element of resultsObjects.
# numPostPeriods = number of post-periods. This is an element of resultsObjects.
# First construct matrix Atilde used in DeltaSD -- (numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods-1) x (numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods+1)
# Note Atilde is just the positive moments; is not related to Atilde, the rotate matrix, in the paper
# Note: Atilde initially includes t = 0. We then drop it.
Atilde = base::matrix(0, nrow = numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods-1, ncol = numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods+1)
for (r in 1:(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods-1)) {
Atilde[r, r:(r+2)] = base::c(1, -2, 1)
# Create a vector to extract the max second dif, which corresponds with the second dif for period s, or minus this if max_positive == FALSE
v_max_dif <- base::matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = numPrePeriods + numPostPeriods + 1)
v_max_dif[(numPrePeriods+1+s-2):(numPrePeriods+1+s)] <- base::c(1,-2, 1)
if(max_positive == FALSE){
v_max_dif <- -v_max_dif
# The bounds for the 2nd dif starting with period t are 1*v_max_dif if t<=0 and M*v_max_dif if t>0
A_UB <- base::rbind( pracma::repmat(v_max_dif, n=numPrePeriods-1, m = 1),
pracma::repmat(Mbar*v_max_dif, n=numPostPeriods, m = 1))
# Construct A that imposes |Atilde * delta | <= A_UB * delta
A = base::rbind(Atilde - A_UB, -Atilde - A_UB)
# Remove all-zero rows of the matrix Atilde, corresponding with the constraint (delta_s - delta_s-1) - (delta_s - delta_s-1) <= (delta_s - delta_s-1) - (delta_s - delta_s-1)
zerorows <- base::apply(X = A, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) base::t(x) %*% x) <= 10^-10
A <- A[!zerorows, ]
# Create matrix for shape restriction
A_M <- .create_A_M(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
monotonicityDirection = monotonicityDirection, postPeriodMomentsOnly = FALSE)
# Remove the period corresponding with t=0
if (dropZero) {
A = A[, -(numPrePeriods+1)]
# Bind rows of A for Delta^{SDRM}_s with A_M and return
base::return(base::rbind(A, A_M))
} else {
# Bind rows of A for Delta^{SDRM}_s with A_M and return
base::return(base::rbind(A, A_M))
.create_d_SDRMM <- function(numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, dropZero = TRUE){
# This function creates a vector for the linear constraints that delt is in Delta^SDRM_{s,.}(Mbar), where . is + if max_positve = TRUE and - if max_positive = FALSE.
# It implements this using the general characterization of d, NOT the sharp
# characterization of the identified set.
# Inputs:
# numPrePeriods = number of pre-periods. This is an element of resultsObjects.
# numPostPeriods = number of post-periods. This is an element of resultsObjects.
A_SDRM = .create_A_SDRM(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
Mbar = 0, s = 0, dropZero = dropZero) # d doesn't depend on Mbar or s
d_SDRM = base::rep(0, base::NROW(A_SDRM))
d_M = base::rep(0, numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)
d = base::c(d_SDRM, d_M)
# DELTA^{SDRMM}(Mbar) Identified Set Helper Functions --------------------
.compute_IDset_DeltaSDRMM_fixedS <- function(s, Mbar, max_positive,
trueBeta, l_vec, numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods,
monotonicityDirection) {
# This helper function computes the upper and lower bound of the identified set
# given the event study coefficients, lvec and Mbar. It computes the identified
# set for a user-specified choice of s and (+), (-). This is used by
# the function compute_IDset_DeltaSDRMM below.
# Create objective function: Wish to min/max l'delta_post
fDelta = base::c(base::rep(0, numPrePeriods), l_vec)
# Create A_SDRM, d_SDRM for this choice of s, max_positive
A_SDRMM_s = .create_A_SDRMM(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
Mbar = Mbar, s = s, max_positive = max_positive, monotonicityDirection = monotonicityDirection)
d_SDRMM = .create_d_SDRMM(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods)
# Create vector for direction of inequalities associated with SDRMM
dir_SDRMM = base::rep("<=", base::length(d_SDRMM))
# Add equality constraint for pre-period coefficients
prePeriodEqualityMat = base::cbind(base::diag(numPrePeriods),
base::matrix(data = 0, nrow = numPrePeriods, ncol = numPostPeriods))
A_SDRMM_s = base::rbind(A_SDRMM_s, prePeriodEqualityMat)
d_SDRMM = base::c(d_SDRMM, trueBeta[1:numPrePeriods])
dir_SDRMM = base::c(dir_SDRMM, base::rep("==", base::NROW(prePeriodEqualityMat)))
# Specify variables between (-inf, inf)
bounds = base::list(lower = base::list(ind = 1:(numPrePeriods + numPostPeriods), val = base::rep(-Inf, numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)),
upper = base::list(ind = 1:(numPrePeriods + numPostPeriods), val = base::rep(Inf, numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)))
# Create and solve for max
results.max = Rglpk::Rglpk_solve_LP(obj = fDelta,
max = TRUE,
mat = A_SDRMM_s,
dir = dir_SDRMM,
rhs = d_SDRMM,
bounds = bounds)
# Create and solve for min
results.min = Rglpk::Rglpk_solve_LP(obj = fDelta,
max = FALSE,
mat = A_SDRMM_s,
dir = dir_SDRMM,
rhs = d_SDRMM,
bounds = bounds)
if (results.max$status != 0 & results.min$status != 0) {
# If the solver does not return solution, we just return the l_vec'trueBeta.
id.ub = (base::t(l_vec) %*% trueBeta[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)]) = (base::t(l_vec) %*% trueBeta[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)])
else {
# Construct upper/lower bound of identified set
id.ub = (base::t(l_vec) %*% trueBeta[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)]) - results.min$optimum = (base::t(l_vec) %*% trueBeta[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)]) - results.max$optimum
tibble::tibble( =, id.ub = id.ub)
.compute_IDset_DeltaSDRMM <- function(Mbar, trueBeta, l_vec, numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, monotonicityDirection) {
# This function computes the upper and lower bound of the identified set
# given the event study coefficients, lvec and Mbar.
# To do so, we construct the identified set at each choice of s, +, -. We
# then take the union of these intervals.
# Note: lvec is assumed to be non-negative.
# Inputs:
# Mbar = smoothness param of Delta^SDRMM
# trueBeta = vector of population event study coefficients
# l_vec = vector l defining parameter of interest
# numPrePeriods = number of pre-periods
# numPostPeriods = number of post-periods
# Outputs:
# dataframe with columns
# id.ub = upper bound of ID set
# = lower bound of ID set
# Construct identified sets for (+) at each value of s
min_s = -(numPrePeriods - 2)
id_bounds_plus = purrr::map_dfr(
.x = min_s:0,
.f = ~.compute_IDset_DeltaSDRMM_fixedS(s = .x, Mbar = Mbar, max_positive = TRUE,
trueBeta = trueBeta, l_vec = l_vec,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
monotonicityDirection = monotonicityDirection)
id_bounds_minus = purrr::map_dfr(
.x = min_s:0,
.f = ~.compute_IDset_DeltaSDRMM_fixedS(s = .x, Mbar = Mbar, max_positive = FALSE,
trueBeta = trueBeta, l_vec = l_vec,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
monotonicityDirection = monotonicityDirection)
# Construct the identified set by taking the max of the upper bound and the min of the lower bound = base::min(base::min(id_bounds_plus$, base::min(id_bounds_minus$
id.ub = base::max(base::max(id_bounds_plus$id.ub), base::max(id_bounds_minus$id.ub))
# Return identified set
base::return(tibble::tibble( =,
id.ub = id.ub))
# Delta^{SDRMM}(Mbar) Inference Helper Functions -------------------------
.computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDRMM_fixedS <- function(s, max_positive, Mbar,
betahat, sigma, numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods, l_vec,
alpha, hybrid_flag, hybrid_kappa,
postPeriodMomentsOnly, monotonicityDirection,
gridPoints, grid.ub,, seed = 0) {
# This function computes the ARP CI that includes nuisance parameters
# for Delta^{SDRMM}(Mbar) for a fixed s and (+),(-). This functions uses ARP_computeCI for all
# of its computations. It is used as a helper function in computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDRMM below.
# Check that hybrid_flag equals LF or ARP
if (hybrid_flag != "LF" & hybrid_flag != "ARP") {
base::stop("hybrid_flag must equal 'ARP' or 'FLCI' or 'LF'")
# Create hybrid_list object
hybrid_list = base::list(hybrid_kappa = hybrid_kappa)
# Create matrix A_SDRMM_s, and vector d_SDRMM
A_SDRMM_s = .create_A_SDRMM(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
Mbar = Mbar, s = s, max_positive = max_positive,
monotonicityDirection = monotonicityDirection)
d_SDRMM = .create_d_SDRMM(numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods)
# If only use post period moments, construct indices for the post period moments only.
if (postPeriodMomentsOnly){
if(numPostPeriods > 1){
postPeriodIndices <- (numPrePeriods +1):base::NCOL(A_SDRMM_s)
postPeriodRows <- base::which( base::rowSums( A_SDRMM_s[ , postPeriodIndices] != 0 ) > 0 )
rowsForARP <- postPeriodRows
#If only one post-period, then it is the last column
postPeriodRows <- base::which(A_SDRMM_s[ ,NCOL(A_SDRMM_s)] != 0 )
A_SDRMM_s <- A_SDRMM_s[postPeriodRows, ]
d_SDRMM <- d_SDRMM[postPeriodRows]
} else{
rowsForARP <- 1:base::NROW(A_SDRMM_s)
# if there is only one post-period, we use the no-nuisance parameter functions
if (numPostPeriods == 1) {
if (hybrid_flag == "LF") {
# Compute LF CV and store it in hybrid_list
lf_cv = .compute_least_favorable_cv(X_T = NULL, sigma = A_SDRMM_s %*% sigma %*% base::t(A_SDRMM_s), hybrid_kappa = hybrid_kappa, seed = seed)
hybrid_list$lf_cv = lf_cv
# Compute confidence set
CI <- .APR_computeCI_NoNuis(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma,
A = A_SDRMM_s, d = d_SDRMM,
numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha, returnLength = FALSE,
hybrid_flag = hybrid_flag, hybrid_list = hybrid_list,
grid.ub = grid.ub, =,
gridPoints = gridPoints)
} else { # CASE: NumPostPeriods > 1
# Compute ARP CI for l'beta using Delta^SDRM
CI = .ARP_computeCI(betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods, A = A_SDRMM_s, d = d_SDRMM,
l_vec = l_vec, alpha = alpha,
hybrid_flag = hybrid_flag, hybrid_list = hybrid_list,
returnLength = FALSE, =, grid.ub = grid.ub,
gridPoints = gridPoints, rowsForARP = rowsForARP)
computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDRMM <- function(betahat, sigma, numPrePeriods, numPostPeriods,
l_vec = .basisVector(index = 1, size = numPostPeriods),
Mbar = 0, alpha = 0.05, hybrid_flag = "LF",
hybrid_kappa = alpha/10, returnLength = FALSE,
postPeriodMomentsOnly = TRUE,
monotonicityDirection = "increasing",
gridPoints = 10^3, grid.ub = NA, = NA, seed = 0) {
# This function computes the ARP CI that includes nuisance parameters
# for Delta^{SDRMM}(Mbar). This functions uses ARP_computeCI for all
# of its computations.
# Inputs:
# betahat = vector of estimated event study coefficients
# sigma = covariance matrix of estimated event study coefficients
# numPrePeriods = number of pre-periods
# numPostPeriods = number of post-periods
# l_vec = vector that defines parameter of interest
# Mbar = tuning parameter for Delta^{SDRM}(Mbar), default Mbar = 0.
# alpha = desired size of CI, default alpha = 0.05
# hybrid_flag = flag for hybrid, default = "LF". Must be either "LF" or "ARP"
# hybrid_kappa = desired size of first-stage hybrid test, default = NULL
# returnLength = returns length of CI only. Otherwise, returns matrix with grid in col 1 and test result in col 2.
# numGridPoints = number of gridpoints to test over, default = 1000
# postPeriodMomentsOnly = exclude moments for delta^SDRM that only include pre-period coefs
# Outputs:
# data_frame containing upper and lower bounds of CI.
# Note: Since this choice of Delta^{SDRM} bounds the variation in post-treatment trends,
# based on observed variation in the pre-treatment trends, we provide an error
# if the user tries to provide data with only one pre-treatment period.
if (numPrePeriods == 1) {
base::stop("Error: not enough pre-periods (Delta^{SDRM} as base choice)! Plese see documentation.")
# Create minimal s index for looping.
min_s = -(numPrePeriods - 2)
s_indices = min_s:0
# Construct theta grid by computing id set under parallel trends.
# The default sets the grid to be equal to [-20*sdTheta, 20*sdTheta]
sdTheta <- base::c(base::sqrt(base::t(l_vec) %*% sigma[(numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods), (numPrePeriods+1):(numPrePeriods+numPostPeriods)] %*% l_vec))
if ( { grid.ub = 20*sdTheta }
if ( { = -20*sdTheta }
# Loop over s values for (+), (-), left join the resulting CIs based on the grid
CIs_SDRMM_plus_allS = base::matrix(0, nrow = gridPoints, ncol = base::length(s_indices))
CIs_SDRMM_minus_allS = base::matrix(0, nrow = gridPoints, ncol = base::length(s_indices))
for (s_i in 1:base::length(s_indices)) {
# Compute CI for s, (+) and bind it to all CI's for (+)
CI_s_plus = .computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDRMM_fixedS(s = s_indices[s_i], max_positive = TRUE, Mbar = Mbar,
betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods, l_vec = l_vec,
alpha = alpha, hybrid_flag = hybrid_flag, hybrid_kappa = hybrid_kappa,
postPeriodMomentsOnly = postPeriodMomentsOnly, monotonicityDirection = monotonicityDirection,
gridPoints = gridPoints, grid.ub = grid.ub, =, seed = seed)
CIs_SDRMM_plus_allS[,s_i] = CI_s_plus$accept
# Compute CI for s, (-) and bind it to all CI's for (-)
CI_s_minus = .computeConditionalCS_DeltaSDRMM_fixedS(s = s_indices[s_i], max_positive = FALSE, Mbar = Mbar,
betahat = betahat, sigma = sigma, numPrePeriods = numPrePeriods,
numPostPeriods = numPostPeriods, l_vec = l_vec,
alpha = alpha, hybrid_flag = hybrid_flag, hybrid_kappa = hybrid_kappa,
postPeriodMomentsOnly = postPeriodMomentsOnly, monotonicityDirection = monotonicityDirection,
gridPoints = gridPoints, grid.ub = grid.ub, =, seed = seed)
CIs_SDRMM_minus_allS[,s_i] = CI_s_minus$accept
CIs_SDRMM_plus_maxS = base::apply(CIs_SDRMM_plus_allS, MARGIN = 1, FUN = base::max)
CIs_SDRMM_minus_maxS = base::apply(CIs_SDRMM_minus_allS, MARGIN = 1, FUN = base::max)
# Take the max between (+), (-) and Construct grid containing theta points and whether any CI accepted
CI_SDRMM = tibble::tibble(grid = base::seq(, grid.ub, length.out = gridPoints),
accept = base::pmax(CIs_SDRMM_plus_maxS, CIs_SDRMM_minus_maxS))
# Compute length, else return grid
if (returnLength == TRUE) {
gridLength <- 0.5 * ( base::c(0, base::diff(CI_SDRMM$grid)) + base::c(base::diff(CI_SDRMM$grid), 0 ) )
} else {
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