#' @title honest_did
#' @description a function to compute a sensitivity analysis
#' using the approach of Rambachan and Roth (2021)
#' @param ... Parameters to pass to the relevant method.
honest_did <- function(...) UseMethod("honest_did")
#' @title honest_did.AGGTEobj
#' @description a function to compute a sensitivity analysis
#' using the approach of Rambachan and Roth (2021) when
#' the event study is estimating using the `did` package
#' @param es Result from aggte (object of class AGGTEobj).
#' @param e event time to compute the sensitivity analysis for.
#' The default value is `e=0` corresponding to the "on impact"
#' effect of participating in the treatment.
#' @param type Options are "smoothness" (which conducts a
#' sensitivity analysis allowing for violations of linear trends
#' in pre-treatment periods) or "relative_magnitude" (which
#' conducts a sensitivity analysis based on the relative magnitudes
#' of deviations from parallel trends in pre-treatment periods).
#' @param gridPoints Number of grid points used for the underlying test
#' inversion. Default equals 100. User may wish to change the number of grid
#' points for computational reasons.
#' @param ... Parameters to pass to `createSensitivityResults` or
#' `createSensitivityResults_relativeMagnitudes`.
honest_did.AGGTEobj <- function(es,
e = 0,
type = c("smoothness", "relative_magnitude"),
gridPoints = 100,
...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
# Make sure that user is passing in an event study
if (es$type != "dynamic") {
stop("need to pass in an event study")
# Check if used universal base period and warn otherwise
if (es$DIDparams$base_period != "universal") {
stop("Use a universal base period for honest_did")
# Recover influence function for event study estimates
es_inf_func <- es$inf.function$dynamic.inf.func.e
# Recover variance-covariance matrix
n <- nrow(es_inf_func)
V <- t(es_inf_func) %*% es_inf_func / n / n
# Check time vector is consecutive with referencePeriod = -1
referencePeriod <- -1
consecutivePre <- !all(diff(es$egt[es$egt <= referencePeriod]) == 1)
consecutivePost <- !all(diff(es$egt[es$egt >= referencePeriod]) == 1)
if ( consecutivePre | consecutivePost ) {
msg <- "honest_did expects a time vector with consecutive time periods;"
msg <- paste(msg, "please re-code your event study and interpret the results accordingly.", sep="\n")
# Remove the coefficient normalized to zero
hasReference <- any(es$egt == referencePeriod)
if ( hasReference ) {
referencePeriodIndex <- which(es$egt == referencePeriod)
V <- V[-referencePeriodIndex,-referencePeriodIndex]
beta <- es$att.egt[-referencePeriodIndex]
} else {
beta <- es$att.egt
nperiods <- nrow(V)
npre <- sum(1*(es$egt < referencePeriod))
npost <- nperiods - npre
if ( !hasReference & (min(c(npost, npre)) <= 0) ) {
if ( npost <= 0 ) {
msg <- "not enough post-periods"
} else {
msg <- "not enough pre-periods"
msg <- paste0(msg, " (check your time vector; note honest_did takes -1 as the reference period)")
baseVec1 <- basisVector(index=(e+1),size=npost)
orig_ci <- constructOriginalCS(betahat = beta,
sigma = V,
numPrePeriods = npre,
numPostPeriods = npost,
l_vec = baseVec1)
if (type=="relative_magnitude") {
robust_ci <- createSensitivityResults_relativeMagnitudes(betahat = beta,
sigma = V,
numPrePeriods = npre,
numPostPeriods = npost,
l_vec = baseVec1,
gridPoints = gridPoints,
} else if (type == "smoothness") {
robust_ci <- createSensitivityResults(betahat = beta,
sigma = V,
numPrePeriods = npre,
numPostPeriods = npost,
l_vec = baseVec1,
return(list(robust_ci=robust_ci, orig_ci=orig_ci, type=type))
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