
Defines functions summaryHostSwitch survivalProbability

Documented in summaryHostSwitch survivalProbability

#' Survival probability of the Consumer in a novel Resource
#' @param pInd Phenotype of ith Consumer attempting to disperse on the novel
#' Resource
#' @param pOpt The optimum phenotype the Consumer should have to maximize the
#' colonization success
#' @param sigma Standard deviation of the survival function (see Details for
#' more explanations)
#' @details This function calculates the survival probability of individual
#' consumers that attempt dispersal to a new host. It is the core function
#' of [simHostSwitch()].
#' The probability of survival of each individual of the consumer to a novel
#' Resource follows a normal distribution.
#' The formula is formalized as follows \deqn{P(pInd,pOpt) =
#' e^{-\frac{(pInd-pOpt)^2}{2\sigma^2}}}
#' The normalizing constant \deqn{ NC = \frac{1}{\sigma(\sqrt(2\pi))}} is
#' ignored here.\\
#' "Sigma" the higher the sigma, the lower the selection and the higher the
#' probability of surviving. Ecologically this value may be related to the
#' niche breadth for the Consumer (species).
#' @return The survival probability of the consumer
#' @examples
#' ## Example 1a - The ith consumer has the phenotype that maximize its
#' ## colonization success on the new host, then pInd is equal to pOpt
#' ## (pInd = pOpt), and the survival probability is 1.
#' survivalProbability(pInd=5,pOpt=5,sigma=1)
#' ## Example 1b - Increasing |pInd-pOpt| the survival probability decreases
#' survivalProbability(pInd=5,pOpt=30,sigma=1)
#' ## Example 1c - Given a |pInd-pOpt|> 1, increasing sigma results in
#' ## increased survival probability
#' survivalProbability(pInd=5,pOpt=30,sigma=1)
#' @export

survivalProbability = function(pInd,pOpt,sigma){

#' Simulates the number of dispersion and successful host switch events by
#' individuals of the Consumer until all individuals die.
#' @param data A matrix or dataset, the columns may indicate different types
#' of Consumes characterized by a specific set of parameters (rows),
#' see details. Default value: NULL.
#' @param column Used together with data argument; indicate the column name,
#' string. Default value: NULL.
#' @param K Carrying capacity, positive integer (min=1, max=1000), default
#' value: 100.
#' @param b net reproduction rate; average number of offspring that a
#' population of the Consumer produces at each generation, numeric value
#' (min=0), default value: 10.
#' @param mig define the proportion of successful migrating individuals at
#' each generation, numeric value (min=0, max=1), default value: 0.01.
#' @param sd Standard deviation for mutation, numeric value (min=0, max=10),
#' default value: 0.2.
#' @param sigma Standard deviation of the survival function, numeric value
#' (min=0, max=10), default value: 1.
#' @param pRes_min  smallest optimum phenotype value imposed by the Resource,
#' numeric value (min=1, max=pRes_max), default value: 1.
#' @param pRes_max highest optimum phenotype value imposed by the Resource,
#' numeric value (min=pRes_min, max=100), default value: 10.
#' @param n_generations Number of generations, positive integer (min=1,
#' max=50000), default value: 200.
#' @param jump_back Option for consumers that do not survive on the novel
#' resource. If "yes" the consumer(s) jump back to the current resource and
#' will be considered in the selective pressure and reproduction stage for
#' the n+1 generation, if "no" (default) it dies on the new host.
#' @param seed a single value useful for creating simulations or random objects
#' that can be reproduced, positive integer (>0), default value: NULL.
#' @param n_sim Number of simulations, positive integer (min=1, max = 50000),
#' default value: 1.
#' @param nInitConsumer propagule size (or number of initial individuals) at
#' the generation n = 0, default value: 20.
#' @details
#' This function simulates the number of host switches by the population of
#' a consumer.
#' There are 2 ways to provide parameters to the [simHostSwitch()]
#' function:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{data}{**"data","column"**: Provide names of matrix/dataframe
#'         and column, e.g. data= "parli$Cephaloleia", column = "Cb.mLxjN"}
#'   \item{parameter}{**individual parameter**: e.g. b=5, n_generations=500,
#'         etc...}
#' }
#' If no data/column or individual parameters are provided, default parameter
#' values are used.
#' The rownames of the data must match the parameter argument names. You may
#' use one of the [parli()]
#' datasets as a template.\cr\cr
#' Results are stored to an object of class \sQuote{HostSwitch}.
#' to make use of summary and plotting functions in the \pkg{HostSwitch}
#' package.
#' Please note that when arguments "data" and "column" are provided, the
#' results are stored to the global environment
#' using the colname provided to the argument "column" (in our example
#' above Cb.mLxjN).
#' \cr\cr
#' The object of class \sQuote{'HostSwitch} includes the following simulated
#' quantities:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{pRes_sim}{**$pRes_sim**:  a vector of the optimum phenotypes
#'   (one for each generation) that Consumers should have to be favored by
#'   the current Resource.}
#'   \item{pRes_new_sim}{**$pRes_new_sim**: a vector of the optimum phenotypes
#'   (one for each generation) that Consumers should have to be favored by the
#'   novel Resource.}
#'   \item{pInd_sim}{**$pInd_sim**: list of vectors that includes the
#'   individual phenotype values of the Consumers in the population of
#'   each generation.}
#'   \item{pInd_jump_sim}{**$pInd_jump_sim**: vector of number of migrating
#'   individuals at each generation. The vector length is always equal to the
#'   'n_generation' parameter, if the simulation ends before the 'n_generation'
#'   value then the vector will include a 'NA' by default.}
#'   \item{pInd_whichjump_sim}{**$pInd_whichjump_sim**: list of vectors that
#'   extracts the individual phenotype values of the Consumers who disperse in
#'   a novel Resource in each population and generation.}
#'   \item{pInd_whichsurv_sim}{**$pInd_whichsurv_sim**: list of vectors that
#'   extracts the individual phenotype values of the Consumers who successful
#'   colonize a novel Resource in each population and generation.}
#' }
#' These simulated quantities of interest are available for each generation step
#' and can be used for summary statistics and plots using functions
#' [summaryHostSwitch()] and [plotHostSwitch()],
#' respectively.\cr
#' Note: One important aspect of *simHostswitch* is that it is based on
#' the [survivalProbability()] function.
#' @seealso [survivalProbability()], [summaryHostSwitch()],
#' [plotHostSwitch()]
#' @return An object of class \sQuote{HostSwitch}.
#' @examples
#' m1 = simHostSwitch() # using default values for arguments
#' data(parli)
#' Cephaloleia=parli$Cephaloleia
#' m2 = simHostSwitch(data=Cephaloleia, column="Cb.mLxjN")
#' \dontrun{
#' simHostSwitch(sigma=100)}
#' @export

simHostSwitch=function (data=NULL, column=NULL, K=100,b=10, mig=0.01, sd=0.2,
                        sigma=1, pRes_min=1, pRes_max=10,n_generations=200,
                        jump_back='no',seed=NULL, n_sim=1,nInitConsumer=20){
  fctArgs <- match.call()

    # if data is not null, 1 column needs to be selected

    if (!column %in% colnames(data)) {
      stop(column, " not a colname of data")

    # check if parameter are available in specified column
    # of provided dataset if yes, overwrite default arguments

    if('K' %in% names(data[,column])){
      K = as.numeric(data[,column]['K'])}

    if('b' %in% names(data[,column])){
      b = as.numeric(data[,column]['b'])}

    if('mig' %in% names(data[,column])){
      mig = as.numeric(data[,column]['mig'])}

    if('sd' %in% names(data[,column])){
      sd = as.numeric(data[,column]['sd'])}

    if('sigma' %in% names(data[,column])){
      sigma = as.numeric(data[,column]['sigma'])}

    if('pRes_min' %in% names(data[,column])){
      pRes_min = as.numeric(data[,column]['pRes_min'])}

    if('pRes_max' %in% names(data[,column])){
      pRes_max = as.numeric(data[,column]['pRes_max'])}

    if('n_generations' %in% names(data[,column])){
      n_generations = as.numeric(data[,column]['n_generations'])}

    if('jump_back' %in% names(data[,column])){
      jump_back = data[,column]['jump_back']}

    if('seed' %in% names(data[,column])){
      seed = as.numeric(data[,column]['seed'])}

    if('n_sim' %in% names(data[,column])){
      n_sim = as.numeric(data[,column]['n_sim'])}

    if('nInitConsumer' %in% names(data[,column])){
      n_sim = as.numeric(data[,column]['nInitConsumer'])}

    # overwrite if single arguments are provided additionally to dataset
    # in next version include overwrite message to warn user
    if("K" %in% names(fctArgs)){
      ArgPosition = which(names(fctArgs) == "K")
      K = fctArgs[[ArgPosition]]}
    if("b" %in% names(fctArgs)){
      ArgPosition = which(names(fctArgs) == "b")
      b = fctArgs[[ArgPosition]]}
    if("mig" %in% names(fctArgs)){
      ArgPosition = which(names(fctArgs) == "mig")
      mig = fctArgs[[ArgPosition]]}
    if("sd" %in% names(fctArgs)){
      ArgPosition = which(names(fctArgs) == "sd")
      sd = fctArgs[[ArgPosition]]}
    if("sigma" %in% names(fctArgs)){
      ArgPosition = which(names(fctArgs) == "sigma")
      sigma = fctArgs[[ArgPosition]]}
    if("pRes_min" %in% names(fctArgs)){
      ArgPosition = which(names(fctArgs) == "pRes_min")
      pRes_min = fctArgs[[ArgPosition]]}
    if("pRes_max" %in% names(fctArgs)){
      ArgPosition = which(names(fctArgs) == "pRes_max")
      pRes_max = fctArgs[[ArgPosition]]}
    if("n_generations" %in% names(fctArgs)){
      ArgPosition = which(names(fctArgs) == "n_generations")
      n_generations = fctArgs[[ArgPosition]]}
    if("jump_back" %in% names(fctArgs)){
      ArgPosition = which(names(fctArgs) == "jump_back")
      jump_back = fctArgs[[ArgPosition]]}
    if("seed" %in% names(fctArgs)){
      ArgPosition = which(names(fctArgs) == "seed")
      seed = fctArgs[[ArgPosition]]}
    if("n_sim" %in% names(fctArgs)){
      ArgPosition = which(names(fctArgs) == "n_sim")
      n_sim = fctArgs[[ArgPosition]]}
    if("nInitConsumer" %in% names(fctArgs)){
      ArgPosition = which(names(fctArgs) == "nInitConsumer")
      nInitConsumer = fctArgs[[ArgPosition]]}

  # check on parameters calling internal check_valid_parameter fct
  df_params = list(K=K,b=b,mig=mig,sd=sd,sigma=sigma,pRes_min=pRes_min,

  check_valid_parameters(df_params) # internal function


  pRes_sim_list           = vector(mode = "list", length = n_sim)
  pRes_new_sim_list       = vector(mode = "list", length = n_sim)
  pInd_sim_list           = vector(mode = "list", length = n_sim)
  pInd_jump_sim_list      = vector(mode = "list", length = n_sim)
  pInd_whichjump_sim_list = vector(mode = "list", length = n_sim)
  pInd_whichsurv_sim_list = vector(mode = "list", length = n_sim)

  for (i in 1:n_sim){

  # record quantities of interest
  pRes_sim           = rep(NA,n_generations) ### at each generation a optimum phenotype that consumers should have to be favored by the current Resource
  pRes_new_sim       = rep(NA,n_generations) ### at each generation a optimum phenotype that consumers should have to be favored by the novel Resource
  pInd_sim           = vector(mode = "list", length = n_generations+1) # phenotype of individuals at each generation
  pInd_jump_sim      = rep(NA,n_generations)  # number of consumers that disperse
  pInd_whichjump_sim = vector(mode = "list", length = n_generations+1) # which consumers jumped
  pInd_whichsurv_sim = vector(mode = "list", length = n_generations+1) # which consumers survived

  pInitial=mean(c(pRes_min,pRes_max)) ### Initial phenotype for the consumer at n=0
  pRes=pInitial; pRes_sim[1]  = pInitial # The sine qua non condition for the simulation to starts is to have the first individual consumer having the phenotype equal to optimum favored by the current host.
  pInd=rep(pInitial,nInitConsumer); pInd_sim[[1]]= rep(pInitial,nInitConsumer) # ....


  while(n<n_generations & length(pInd)>0){
    # Host switch
    pRes_new=pRes_min+(pRes_max-pRes_min)*stats::runif(1) ### fct creates phenotype for new host
    which_jump=which(stats::runif(length(pInd))<mig) # position of individuals
    pInd_jump=pInd[which_jump] # selected phenotype depending on position

    pInd_jump_sim[n+1]        = length(pInd_jump) # record how many individuals jumped
    pInd_whichjump_sim[[n+1]] = pInd_jump         # record which individuals jumped
    } else{
      pInd_whichjump_sim[[n+1]] = NA

    ## Selection in the new host
    prob=survivalProbability(pInd=pInd_jump,pOpt=pRes_new,sigma=sigma) # survival probability of jumped individuals; eq. 1

    if(length(pInd_new)>0){ # Host switch successful, at least 1 individual jumped & survived
      pInd=pInd_new                         # survived individuals on new plant
      pInd_whichsurv_sim[[n+1]] = pInd_new  # record which individuals survived
      # If SOME INDIVIDUALS JUMPED BUT DID NOT SURVIVE, remaining! individuals on original host
      # are further used to calculate survival probability on original host and generate new offspring
      # Note: jumped individuals are not allowed come back!
      pInd_whichsurv_sim[[n+1]] = NA # no survived individuals
      if(length(which_jump)>0 & jump_back=="no"){pInd=pInd[-which_jump]} # select remaining individuals of original host

      # all individuals: pInd
      # 1. case: no jump: only ind of of old resource
      # 2. case: length(which_jump)>0 & jump back yes: all individuals


    # Reproduction
    if(descendants>K){descendants=K} # Carrying capacity = upper limit
    if(length(pInd)>1)   {
      pInd_desc=sample(pInd,descendants,replace=TRUE) # randomly select offspring phenotype with replacement
    pInd=pInd_desc+stats::rnorm(descendants, mean=0, sd=sd) # fct adds variation to offspring phenotype

    pRes_sim[n+1]     = pRes
    pRes_new_sim[n+1] = pRes_new
    pInd_sim[[n+1]]   = pInd


  # Store parameters and arguments of interst
  pRes_sim     = pRes_sim[!is.na(pRes_sim)]         # remove NA
  pRes_new_sim = pRes_new_sim[!is.na(pRes_new_sim)] # remove NA

  # assign new simlations to prelocated lists
  pRes_sim_list[[i]]           = pRes_sim
  pRes_new_sim_list[[i]]       = pRes_new_sim
  pInd_sim_list[[i]]           = pInd_sim
  pInd_jump_sim_list[[i]]      = pInd_jump_sim
  pInd_whichjump_sim_list[[i]] = pInd_whichjump_sim
  pInd_whichsurv_sim_list[[i]] = pInd_whichsurv_sim


out = list(
pRes_sim           = pRes_sim_list,
pRes_new_sim       = pRes_new_sim_list,
pInd_sim           = pInd_sim_list,
n_generations      = n_generations,
pRes_min           = pRes_min,
pRes_max           = pRes_max,
pInd_jump_sim      = pInd_jump_sim_list,
pInd_whichjump_sim = pInd_whichjump_sim_list,
pInd_whichsurv_sim = pInd_whichsurv_sim_list,
K                  = K,
b                  = b,
mig                = mig,
sd                 = sd,
sigma              = sigma,
n_sim              = n_sim,
jump_back          = jump_back,
seed               = seed,
nInitConsumer      = nInitConsumer)
class(out) = "HostSwitch"



#' Set class and method
#' This is a build-time dependency on methods, as opposed to a run-time
#' dependency, thus requiring the importFrom tag to avoid a NOTE when checking
#' the package on CRAN.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom methods setClass setMethod
#' @export
methods::setClass("summaryHostSwitch", representation=representation("list"))
methods::setMethod("show",signature = "summaryHostSwitch", definition = function(object) {
  cat("An object of class ", class(object), "\n", sep = "")
  cat("Summary of HostSwitch simulations\n\n")
  cat("General settings of individual based model:\n")
  cat("K:",object$K,", b:",object$b,", mig:",object$mig,", sd:",object$sd,", sigma:",object$sigma,", pRes_min:",object$pRes_min,", pRes_max:",object$pRes_max,"\n",sep="")
  cat("n_generations:",object$n_generations,", jump_back:",object$jump_back,", seed:",object$seed,", n_sim:",object$n_sim,", warmup:",object$warmup,", nInitConsumer:",object$nInitConsumer,"\n\n",sep="")

  cat("Summary of phenotypes:\n")
  cat("\nSummary of host switches by consumers:\n")

#' Summary statistics of HostSwitch simulation
#' @param HostSwitch_simulated_quantities An object created by [simHostSwitch()]
#' @param warmup warmup is the number of initial generations to be excluded from summary statistics, see details. Possible value are NULL or positive integer (min=1, max=50), default value = 1
#' @details This function generates summary statistics for HostSwitch simulations.
#' Quantities of interest for each simulation are averaged. If *n_sim = 1*, these averages for this single simulation are shown. If *n_sim > 1*, summary statistics are applied on the simulation averages.\cr\cr
#' **Warmup** represents the initial condition for the simulation, the users may defined it as an adaptation stage of the simulation model.
#' If warmup = 1 the generation at time 0 is excluded from summary, if warmup = 2 the generations at times 0 and 1 are excluded and so on.
#' If warmup = NULL all generations are considered for summary statistics.
#' @return Summary of HostSwitch simulations
#' @examples
#' ## Create an object HostSwitch with 100 simulations and default values for all the other parameters
#' m1 = simHostSwitch(n_sim=100)
#' summaryHostSwitch(m1)
#' @export

summaryHostSwitch = function(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities,warmup = 1){

  # input checks
  checkmate::assert_class(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities,"HostSwitch") # class HostSwitch
  checkmate::assertInt(warmup,lower=1,upper=50,null.ok = TRUE) # warmup

  # compute mean for each simulation
  n_generations = HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$n_generations,
  pRes_min      = HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$pRes_min,
  pRes_max      = HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$pRes_max,
  K             = HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$K,
  b             = HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$b,
  mig           = HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$mig,
  sd            = HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$sd,
  sigma         = HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$sigma,
  n_sim         = HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$n_sim,
  jump_back     = HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$jump_back,
  seed          = HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$seed,
  nInitConsumer = HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$nInitConsumer,
  warmup        = warmup

  # exclude warmup
  if (length(warmup)>0){
    HostSwitch_simulated_quantities[["pRes_sim"]]      = lapply(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities[["pRes_sim"]], function(x) x[-c(1:warmup)])
    HostSwitch_simulated_quantities[["pRes_new_sim"]]  = lapply(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities[["pRes_new_sim"]], function(x) x[-c(1:warmup)])
    HostSwitch_simulated_quantities[["pInd_jump_sim"]] = lapply(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities[["pInd_jump_sim"]], function(x) x[-c(1:warmup)])
  for (i in 1:out$n_sim){
    HostSwitch_simulated_quantities[["pInd_sim"]][[i]] = HostSwitch_simulated_quantities[["pInd_sim"]][[i]][-c(1:warmup)]


# more than 1 simulation; n_sim > 1
if (out$n_sim>1){
  summaryP = data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 6, nrow = 3))
  rownames(summaryP) = c("pRes","pRes_new","pInd")
  colnames(summaryP) = c("Min.", "1st Qu.",  "Median" ,   "Mean", "3rd Qu.",    "Max.")
  summaryP[1,] = round(summary(unlist(lapply(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$pRes_sim,mean))),2)
  summaryP[2,] = round(summary(as.numeric(stats::na.omit(unlist(lapply(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$pRes_new_sim,mean))))),2)
  summaryP[3,] = round(summary(as.numeric(stats::na.omit(unlist(lapply(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$pInd_sim, function(x) mean(unlist(x))))))),2)

  # summary table of jumps and successfult host switches
  summaryHS = data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 2, nrow = 2))
  rownames(summaryHS) = c("Total events of dispersion:","Number of successful host switches:")
  colnames(summaryHS) = c("Mean", "Max")
  ## calculate jumps
  summaryHS[1,] = c(round(mean(unlist(lapply(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$pInd_jump_sim,function(x) length(which(x>0))))),2),
                    round(max(unlist(lapply(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$pInd_jump_sim,function(x) length(which(x>0))))),2))

  ## calculate successful host switches
  sucessfullHS = rep(0,out$n_sim)

  for (i in 1:out$n_sim){
    dat = lapply(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities[c(1,2)], `[[`, i)
    sucessfullHS[i] = length(which(dat$pRes_sim[-1]==dat$pRes_new_sim))
  summaryHS[2,] = c(mean(sucessfullHS),max(sucessfullHS))

  # only 1 simulation; n_sim = 1
  if (out$n_sim==1){
    summaryP = data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = 3))
    rownames(summaryP) = c("pRes","pRes_new","pInd")
    colnames(summaryP) = c("Value (simulation average)")
    summaryP[1,] = round(as.numeric(unlist(lapply(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$pRes_sim,mean))),2)
    summaryP[2,] = round(as.numeric(unlist(lapply(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$pRes_new_sim,mean))),2)
    summaryP[3,] = round(as.numeric(unlist(lapply(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$pInd_sim, function(x) mean(unlist(x))))),2)

    # summary table of jumps and successfull host switches
    summaryHS = data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 1, nrow = 2))
    rownames(summaryHS) = c("Total events of dispersion:","Number of successful host switches:")
    colnames(summaryHS) = c("Value (simulation average)")
    ## calculate jumps
    summaryHS[1,1] = round(length(which(unlist(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities$pInd_jump_sim)>0)),2)

    ## calculate successful host switches
    dat = lapply(HostSwitch_simulated_quantities[c(1,2)], `[[`, 1)
    summaryHS[2,1] = length(which(dat$pRes_sim[-1]==dat$pRes_new_sim))

  out$summaryHS = summaryHS
  methods::new("summaryHostSwitch", out)

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HostSwitch documentation built on March 7, 2023, 8:26 p.m.