
Defines functions iced_syntax

Documented in iced_syntax

#' iced_syntax function - generates lavaan syntax for ICED models
#'  The function takes a dataframe describing the data structure and returns lavaan syntax to run the model
#' @param structure data.frame describing the structure of the data, with each variable covering a design aspect - see example. Note: currently the first variable must be time and include a different value for each repeated measure.
#' @param fix_lower_bounds fixes error variance estimates to be positive, defaults to TRUE
#' @param set_variances allows the user to specify a list of variances for each latent variable
#' @param e_label user defined variable name of the error variance. defaults to "e"
#' @param print option to print the syntax to the console. defaults to TRUE
#' @param groups allows the user to specify a number or list of group names. The syntax will generate separate latent variable variances to estimate for each group
#' @param groups_inequality allows the user to specify which variance components they wish to allow to vary between groups. Useful for model comparisons. 
#' @return returns a character string for the ICED model following lavaan syntax
#' @examples 
#' ## see online documentation for full examples
#' # https://github.com/sdparsons/ICED
#' structure <- data.frame(time = c("T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"),
#'                         day = c("day1","day1","day2","day2"),
#'                         session = c("session1", "session1","session2", "session3"))
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
#' @export                          

iced_syntax <- function(structure, 
                        fix_lower_bounds = TRUE, 
                        set_variances = NULL,
                        e_label = "e",
                        print = TRUE,
                        groups = NULL,
                        groups_inequality = NULL) {

# tests (more may be needed)
  if(!is.data.frame(structure)) {warning("structure must be a data.frame")}
  if(!is.logical(fix_lower_bounds)) {warning("fix_lower_bounds must be TRUE or FALSE")}
  if(!is.null(set_variances) & !is.list(set_variances)) {warning("set_variances must be list")}  
  if(!is.character(e_label)) {warning("e_label must be a character string")}
  if(!is.logical(print)) {warning("print must be TRUE or FALSE")}
  if(!is.null(set_variances)) {
  if((ncol(structure)+1) != length(set_variances)) {warning("structure must contain 1 fewer variable than the list of variances (structure excludes error)")}
  if(is.null(set_variances)) {
  if(!all(c(colnames(structure),e_label) == names(set_variances))) {warning("variances list must contain the same variable names as structure, plus e_label")}
  if(!is.null(groups_inequality) & !is.character(groups_inequality)) {warning("groups_inequality must be vector of strings")}
structure[] <- lapply(structure, as.character)
## regressions =~

# time latent - assumes first variable in structure is time
lat_time <- paste("T",
                  " =~ ", 
                  paste("1*", structure$time, sep = ""),
                  sep = "",
                  collapse = '\n')

# other latent variables, i.e. potential sources of variance
lat_structure <- NULL

if(ncol(structure) > 1) {
lat_structure <- paste(unlist(structure[,2:length(structure)]),
      " =~ 1*",
      sep = "",
      collapse = '\n')

# errors - one error term per measure
lat_errors_list <- 1:length(structure$time)
lat_errors <- paste("E",
                    " =~ 1*",
                    sep = "",
                    collapse = '\n')

## residuals, variances, covariances

# time variance
time_resid <- paste("T ~~ ",
                    sep = "")

# covariances - constrained to equal variances
co_vars <- NULL

if(ncol(structure) > 1) {
  for(i in 2:(ncol(structure))){
    co_vars <- paste(co_vars,
            " ~~ ",
            sep = "",
            collapse = '\n'
        sep = "",
        collapse = '\n')
      if(i < ncol(structure)){
        co_vars <- paste(co_vars,
              sep = "")

# error covariances - constrained to equal variance
co_err <- paste(
  paste("E",1:length(structure$time), sep = ""),
  " ~~ ",
  e_label, "*",
  paste("E",1:length(structure$time), sep = ""),
  sep = "",
  collapse = '\n')
# constrain loadings for each latent to each other to 0

if(ncol(structure == 1)){
latents <- as.vector(c("T",
                       paste("E",1:length(structure$time), sep = "")

if(ncol(structure) > 1) {
latents <- as.vector(c("T",
                       paste("E",1:length(structure$time), sep = "")

latents_combined <- combn(latents, 2)
latents_syntax <- paste(latents_combined[1,1],
                        " ~~ 0*",
                        sep = "")

for(i in 2:ncol(latents_combined)){
  latents_syntax <- paste(latents_syntax,
          " ~~ 0*",
          sep = ""),
    sep = "\n",
    collapse = "\n"

# observed means
obs_means <- paste(structure$time, 
      sep = "",
      collapse = '\n')

# combine syntax
final_syntax <- paste("! regressions",
               "! residuals, variances and covariances",
               "! observed means",
               sep = "\n",
               collapse = '\n'

# syntax manipulation for multi group 

if(!is.null(groups)) {
  if(!is.numeric(groups) && !is.character(groups)) {stop("groups must be numeric or vector of character")}
  # groups inequality conditions
  # tests/checks
  if(is.null(groups_inequality)) {
    lat_list <- c(colnames(structure), e_label)
  if(!is.null(groups_inequality)) {
    if(!all(groups_inequality %in% c(colnames(structure), e_label))) {warning("variables in groups_inequality must be variables in structure")}
    lat_list <- groups_inequality
  if(is.numeric(groups)) {
    groups_list <- 1:groups
  if(is.character(groups)) {
    groups_list <- groups
  for(i in lat_list) {
    final_syntax <- 
      stringr::str_replace_all(string = final_syntax,
                           pattern = paste(" ", i,"\\*",
                                           sep = ""),
                           replacement = paste(" c(",
                                                  collapse = ",", 
                                                  sep = ""),
                                            sep = ""))

# fixes a lower bound to the variance of the latent variables
if(fix_lower_bounds == TRUE &
   is.null(set_variances)) {
  if(is.null(groups)) {
  lower <- paste("\n",
        c(colnames(structure), e_label),
        " > 0.0001 ",
        sep = "",
        collapse = "")
  # for groups
  if(is.numeric(groups)) {
  lower <- paste("\n",
                       rep(lat_list, each = groups), 
                       sep = ""),
                 " > 0.0001 ",
                 sep = "",
                 collapse = "")
  # for groups
  if(is.character(groups)) {
  lower <- paste("\n",
                       rep(lat_list, each = length(groups)), 
                       sep = ""),
                 " > 0.0001 ",
                 sep = "",
                 collapse = "")  
  final_syntax <- paste(final_syntax,
                        "\n!set lower bounds of variances",
                        sep = "")

if(!is.null(set_variances)) {
  if(typeof(set_variances) == "double") {
  variances <- c(colnames(structure), e_label)
  if(length(variances) != length(set_variances) ) {
    warning("cannot run - set_variances is of incorrect length")
  set_variances <- paste("\n",
        collapse = "")
  if(typeof(set_variances) == "character") {
    set_variances <- paste("\n", 
                           collapse = "")
  final_syntax <- paste(final_syntax,
                        "\n!set variances",
                        sep = "")

if(print == TRUE) {

# The following code offers some tests of the syntax function

# # testing ICED model from Brandmaier et al (2018) fig 5 
# structure <- data.frame(time = c("T1", "T2", "T3"),
#                          p = c("P1", "P1","P2"))
# syntax <- iced_syntax(structure)
# # testing fig 6
# structure2 <- data.frame(time = c("T1","T2","T3","T4","T5",
#             "T6","T7","T8","T9","T10",
#             "TX"))
# iced_syntax(structure2)
# # figure 3
# structure3 <- data.frame(time = c("T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"),
#                         day = c("day1","day1","day2","day2"),
#                         session = c("session1", "session1","session2", "session3"))
# iced_syntax(structure3)
# # testing the structure of Noble et al. 
# structure_noble <- data.frame(time = paste("T",1:24, sep = ""),
#                               session = rep(c("session1","session2","session3","session4"), each = 6),
#                               day = rep(c("day1","day2"), each = 12),
#                               scanner = rep(c("scanner1","scanner2"), each = 6, length.out = 24))
# iced_syntax(structure_noble)

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ICED documentation built on Aug. 18, 2022, 9:06 a.m.