
Defines functions simHawkes1a simoffspring simchildren

Documented in simchildren simHawkes1a simoffspring

#' Simulate the child events

#' \code{simchildren} simulates the birth times of all child events
#' spawned from an event relative the birth time of the parent
#' event. This function is to be called by the simulator function for
#' offspring events and is not meant for external use.
#' @param br numerical scalar in [0,1), the branching ratio, or the
#'     expected number of direct children due to an event
#' @param dis, character string, which gives the name of the common
#'     (positive) distribution of the birth times of the child events
#'     relative to the parent event (referred to as the child
#'     birthtime distribution), such as "exp", "gamma", "weibull",
#'     etc.
#' @param par.dis, list, which gives the values of the (named)
#'     parameter(s) of the child birthtime distribution)
#' @param cens, numeric scalar in (0,Inf], which gives the censoring
#'     time for the (Poisson) process for birth times of children. The
#'     default of cens=Inf means no censoring.
#' @param sorted, boolean, which indicated whether the birth times
#'     should be sorted or not. The default is TRUE, which means the
#'     output birth times will be sorted to ascending order.
#' @return a numeric vector of length giving the birth times of child
#'     events relative to the parent event in ascending order
#' @seealso \code{\link{simoffspring}}
#' @examples
#'   simchildren(br=0.9,dis="exp",par.dis=list(rate=1))

simchildren <- 
  N <- rpois(1,br)
  tmp <- do.call(paste0("r",dis),c(list(n=N),par.dis))
  if(cens<Inf)tmp <- tmp[tmp<=cens]
  if(sorted)sort(tmp) else tmp

#' Simulate the offspring events

#' \code{simoffspring} simulates the birth times of offspring events
#' of all generations spawned from an event relative the birth time of
#' the parent event. This function is to be called by the simulator
#' function for Hawkes processes and is not meant for external use.
#' @param br numerical scalar in [0,1), the branching ratio, or the
#'     expected number of direct children due to an event
#' @param dis, character string, which gives the name of the common
#'     (positive) distribution of the birth times of the child events
#'     relative to the parent event (referred to as the child
#'     birthtime distribution), such as "exp", "gamma", "weibull",
#'     etc.
#' @param par.dis, list, which gives the values of the (named)
#'     parameter(s) of the child birthtime distribution)
#' @param cens, numerical scalar in (0,Inf], which gives the censoring
#'     time to terminate observation of the process of offspring birth
#'     times
#' @param sorted, boolean, which indicates whether the output
#'     offspring birth times should be sorted or not. The default
#'     value TRUE means the output times will be sorted to ascending
#'     order.

#' @return a numeric vector of giving the birth times of offspring
#'     events of all generations relative to the parent's birth time
#'     in ascending order
#' @details This function uses recursion, so can break down when the
#'     branching ratio is close to 1, leading to very deep
#'     recursions. In this case, we should use \code{simHawkes1} for
#'     Hawkes process simulation.
#' @seealso \code{\link{simchildren}}
#' @examples
#'   simoffspring(br=0.9,dis="exp",par.dis=list(rate=1))

simoffspring <- function(br=0.5,dis="exp",par.dis=list(rate=1),cens=Inf,sorted=TRUE){
    tms <- list()
    ng <- 0;
    tmp <- simchildren(br=br,dis=dis,par.dis=par.dis,cens=cens,sorted=FALSE)
    gs <- length(tmp)
        ng <- ng+1
        tms[[ng]] <- tmp
        tmp <- unlist(sapply(tmp,
        gs <- length(tmp)
    tms <- unlist(tms)
    if(sorted)sort(tms) else tms

#' Simulate an (inhomogeneous) Hawkes self-exciting process

#' \code{simHawkes1a} simulates the event times of an inhomogeneous
#' Hawkes process (IHSEP) with background event intensity/rate
#' \eqn{nu(\cdot)\geq 0}, branching ratio \eqn{\eta\in[0,1)}, and
#' offspring birthtime density \eqn{g(\cdot)}, up to a censoring time
#' \eqn{T}.

#' @param nu a function, which gives the background event intensity
#'     function \eqn{\nu(\cdot)}; needs to be a bounded function on
#'     \eqn{[0,T]}.
#' @param cens, a positive scalar, which gives the censoring time.
#' @param nuM, positive scalar, optional argument giving the maximum
#'     of the background intensity function on \eqn{[0,T]}.
#' @param br, scalar in [0,1), giving the branching ratio.
#' @param dis, character string giving the name of the child birthtime
#'     distribution; 'd${dis}' gives the density function \eqn{g(\cdot)}. 
#' @param par.dis, a (named) list giving the values of the parameters of the child birthtime distribution. 
#' @return a vector giving the event times of an inhomogeneous Hawkes process up to the censoring time in ascending order.
simHawkes1a <- function(nu=function(x)rep(100,length(x)),cens=1,
                        br=0.5, dis="exp",par.dis=list(rate=1)){
    tms.g0 <- simPois(nu,cens=cens,int.M=nuM)
    tms <- sapply(tms.g0,function(x)c(x,x+simoffspring(br,dis,par.dis,cens=cens-x,sorted=FALSE)))
    tms <- unlist(tms)
    tms <- tms[tms<=cens]

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IHSEP documentation built on Sept. 17, 2022, 1:05 a.m.