Defines functions IMIX

Documented in IMIX

#' @title IMIX
#' @description Fitting a multivariate mixture model framework, model selection for the best model, and adaptive procedure for FDR control. Input of summary statistics z scores or p values of two or three data types.
#' @param data_input An n x d data frame or matrix of the summary statistics z score or p value, n is the nubmer of genes, d is the number of data types. Each row is a gene, each column is a data type.
#' @param data_type Whether the input data is the p values or z scores, default is p value
#' @param mu_ini  Initial values for the mean of the independent mixture model distribution. A vector of length 2*d, d is number of data types. Needs to be in a special format: for example, if d=3, needs to be in the format of (null_1,alternative_1,null_2,alternative_2,null_3,alternative_3).
#' @param sigma_ini Initial values for the standard deviations of the two components in each data type. A vector of length 2*d, d is number of data types. Needs to be in a special format: for example, if d=3, needs to be in the format of (null_1,alternative_1,null_2,alternative_2,null_3,alternative_3).
#' @param p_ini Initial values for the proportion of the distribution of the two components in each data type. A vector of length 2*d, d is number of data types. Needs to be in a special format: for example, if d=3, needs to be in the format of (null_1,alternative_1,null_2,alternative_2,null_3,alternative_3).
#' @param tol The convergence criterion. Convergence is declared when the change in the observed data log-likelihood increases by less than epsilon.
#' @param maxiter The maximum number of iteration, default is 1000
#' @param seed Set.seed, default is 10
#' @param ini.ind Use the parameters estimated from IMIX-ind for initial values of other IMIX models, default is TRUE
#' @param model Which model to use to compute the data, default is all
#' @param model_selection_method Model selection information criteria, based on AIC or BIC, default is BIC
#' @param alpha Prespecified nominal level for global FDR control, default is 0.2
#' @param verbose Whether to print the full log-likelihood for each iteration, default is FALSE
#' @param sort_label Whether to sort the component labels in case component labels switched after convergence of the initial values, default is TRUE, notice that if the users chooose not to, they might need to check the interested IMIX model for the converged mean for the true component labels and perform the adaptive FDR control separately for an acurate result
#' @return A list of results of IMIX
#'  \item{IMIX_ind}{Results of IMIX_ind, assuming all data types are independent}
#'  \item{IMIX_cor_twostep}{Results of IMIX_cor_twostep, by default the mean is the estimated value of IMIX_ind. If the users are interested to use another mean input, they could directly use function IMIX_cor_twostep and specify the mean}
#'  \item{IMIX_cor}{Results of IMIX_cor}
#'  \item{IMIX_cor_restrict}{Results of IMIX_cor_restrict}
#'  \item{AIC/BIC}{The AIC and BIC values of all fitted models}
#'  \item{Selected Model}{The model with the smallest AIC or BIC value, this is determined by user specifications in the function input "model_selection_method", by default is BIC}
#'  \item{significant_genes_with_FDRcontrol}{The output of each gene ordered by the components based on FDR control and within each component ordered by the local FDR, "localFDR" is 1-posterior probability of each gene in the component based on the maximum posterior probability, "class_withoutFDRcontrol" is the classified component based on maximum posterior probability, "class_FDRcontrol" is the classified component based on the across-data-type FDR control at alpha level}
#'  \item{estimatedFDR}{The estimated marginal FDR value for each component starting from component 2 (component 1 is the global null)}
#'  \item{alpha}{Prespecified nominal level for the across-data-type FDR control}
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
#' @references
#' Ziqiao Wang and Peng Wei. 2020. “IMIX: a multivariate mixture model approach to association analysis through multi-omics data integration.” Bioinformatics. <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa1001>.
#' Tatiana Benaglia, Didier Chauveau, David R. Hunter, and Derek Young. 2009. “mixtools: An R Package for Analyzing Finite Mixture Models.” Journal of Statistical Software 32 (6): 1–29. \url{https://www.jstatsoft.org/v32/i06/}.
#' @examples 
#' # A toy example
#' data("data_p")
#' set.seed(10)
#' data <- data_p[sample(1:1000,200,replace = FALSE),]
#' mu_input <- c(0,3,0,3)
#' sigma_input <- rep(1,4)
#' p_input <- rep(0.5,4)
#' test <- IMIX(data_input = data,data_type = "p",mu_ini = mu_input,sigma_ini = sigma_input,
#'              p_ini = p_input,alpha = 0.1,model_selection_method = "BIC",
#'              sort_label = FALSE,model = "IMIX_ind")
#' \donttest{
#' # The details of this example can be found in Github vignette
#' # First load the data
#' data("data_p")
#' # Specify initial values (this step could be omitted)
#' mu_input <- c(0,3,0,3)
#' sigma_input <- rep(1,4)
#' p_input <- rep(0.5,4)
#' # Fit IMIX model
#' test1 <- IMIX(data_input = data_p,data_type = "p",mu_ini = mu_input,sigma_ini = sigma_input,
#' p_ini = p_input,alpha = 0.1,model_selection_method = "AIC")
#' #Results
#' # Print the estimated across-data-type FDR for each component
#' test1$estimatedFDR
#' # The AIC and BIC values for each model
#' test1$`AIC/BIC` 
#' # The best fitted model selected by AIC
#' test1$`Selected Model` 
#' # The output of IMIX_cor_twostep
#' str(test1$IMIX_cor_twostep) 
#' # The output of genes with local FDR values and classified components
#' dim(test1$significant_genes_with_FDRcontrol)
#' head(test1$significant_genes_with_FDRcontrol)
#' }
IMIX=function(data_input, #An n x d data frame or matrix of the summary statistics z score or p value, n is the nubmer of genes, d is the number of data types. Each row is a gene, each column is a data type.
              data_type=c("p","z"), #Whether the input data is the p values or z scores, default is p value
              mu_ini=NULL, #Initial values for the mean of the independent mixture model distribution. A vector of length 2*d, d is number of data types. Needs to be in a special format: for example, if d=3, needs to be in the format of (null_1,alternative_1,null_2,alternative_2,null_3,alternative_3).
              sigma_ini=NULL, #Initial values for the standard deviations of the two components in each data type. A vector of length 2*d, d is number of data types. Needs to be in a special format: for example, if d=3, needs to be in the format of (null_1,alternative_1,null_2,alternative_2,null_3,alternative_3).
              p_ini=NULL, #Initial values for the proportion of the distribution of the two components in each data type. A vector of length 2*d, d is number of data types. Needs to be in a special format: for example, if d=3, needs to be in the format of (null_1,alternative_1,null_2,alternative_2,null_3,alternative_3).
              tol=1e-6, #The convergence criterion. Convergence is declared when the change in the observed data log-likelihood increases by less than epsilon.
              maxiter=1000, #The maximum number of iteration, default is 1000
              seed=10,#set.seed, default is 10
              ini.ind=TRUE, #Use the parameters estimated from IMIX-ind for initial values of other IMIX models, default is TRUE
              model=c("all","IMIX_ind","IMIX_cor_twostep","IMIX_cor_restrict","IMIX_cor"), #Which model to use to compute the data, default is all
              model_selection_method=c("BIC","AIC"), #Model selection information criteria, based on AIC or BIC, default is BIC
              alpha=0.2, #Prespecified nominal level for global FDR control, default is 0.2
              verbose=FALSE, #Whether to print the full log-likelihood for each iteration, default is FALSE
              sort_label=TRUE #Whether to sort the component labels in case component labels switched after convergence of the initial values, default is TRUE, notice that if the users chooose not to, they might need to check the interested IMIX model for the converged mean for the true component labels and perform the adaptive FDR control separately for an acurate result; this sorting fucntion only applies for model=="all" option, for all other models, users need to check the label order manually.
  data_type <- match.arg(data_type)
  if (data_type == "p") {
    if(any(data_input==0 | data_input==1)){cat(crayon::red("Warning: p-value contains 0 or 1!\n"))}
    data_input = apply(data_input, 2, function(x)
      stats::qnorm(x, lower.tail = F))
  model <- match.arg(model)
  model_selection_method <- match.arg(model_selection_method)
  g = 2 ^ (dim(data_input)[2]) #Number of components
  if (is.null(data_input) == TRUE) {
    cat(crayon::red("Error: Need a data matrix input!"))
  cat(crayon::cyan$bold("Assign initial values\n"))
  if (dim(data_input)[2] == 3) {
    if(is.null(mu_ini) == TRUE) {mu_ini=c(0,3,0,3,0,3)}
    if(is.null(sigma_ini) == TRUE) {sigma_ini=rep(1,6)}
    if(is.null(p_ini) == TRUE) {p_ini=c(0.8,0.2,0.8,0.2,0.8,0.2)}
    fit1 = mixtools::normalmixEM(data_input[, 1], lambda=p_ini[1:2], mu=mu_ini[1:2], sigma=sigma_ini[1:2], k=2, maxit = maxiter)
    fit2 = mixtools::normalmixEM(data_input[, 2], lambda=p_ini[3:4], mu=mu_ini[3:4], sigma=sigma_ini[3:4], k=2, maxit = maxiter)
    fit3 = mixtools::normalmixEM(data_input[, 3], lambda=p_ini[5:6], mu=mu_ini[5:6], sigma=sigma_ini[5:6], k=2, maxit = maxiter)
    #Initial values based on single EM
    mu1 = fit1$mu[id_ini1]
    mu2 = fit2$mu[id_ini2]
    mu3 = fit3$mu[id_ini3]
    mu_vec = list()
    mu_vec[[1]] = c(mu1[1], mu2[1], mu3[1])
    mu_vec[[2]] = c(mu1[2], mu2[1], mu3[1])
    mu_vec[[3]] = c(mu1[1], mu2[2], mu3[1])
    mu_vec[[4]] = c(mu1[1], mu2[1], mu3[2])
    mu_vec[[5]] = c(mu1[2], mu2[2], mu3[1])
    mu_vec[[6]] = c(mu1[2], mu2[1], mu3[2])
    mu_vec[[7]] = c(mu1[1], mu2[2], mu3[2])
    mu_vec[[8]] = c(mu1[2], mu2[2], mu3[2])
    sigma1 = fit1$sigma[id_ini1]
    sigma2 = fit2$sigma[id_ini2]
    sigma3 = fit3$sigma[id_ini3]
    cov = list()
    cov[[1]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[1], sigma2[1], sigma3[1]),
                    nrow = 3)
    cov[[2]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[2], sigma2[1], sigma3[1]),
                    nrow = 3)
    cov[[3]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[1], sigma2[2], sigma3[1]),
                    nrow = 3)
    cov[[4]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[1], sigma2[1], sigma3[2]),
                    nrow = 3)
    cov[[5]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[2], sigma2[2], sigma3[1]),
                    nrow = 3)
    cov[[6]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[2], sigma2[1], sigma3[2]),
                    nrow = 3)
    cov[[7]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[1], sigma2[2], sigma3[2]),
                    nrow = 3)
    cov[[8]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[2], sigma2[2], sigma3[2]),
                    nrow = 3)
    p1 = fit1$lambda[id_ini1]
    p2 = fit2$lambda[id_ini2]
    p3 = fit3$lambda[id_ini3]
    p = c(
      p1[1] * p2[1] * p3[1],
      p1[2] * p2[1] * p3[1],
      p1[1] * p2[2] * p3[1],
      p1[1] * p2[1] * p3[2],
      p1[2] * p2[2] * p3[1],
      p1[2] * p2[1] * p3[2],
      p1[1] * p2[2] * p3[2],
      p1[2] * p2[2] * p3[2]
  } else if (dim(data_input)[2] == 2) {
    if(is.null(mu_ini) == TRUE) {mu_ini=c(0,3,0,3)}
    if(is.null(sigma_ini) == TRUE) {sigma_ini=rep(1,4)}
    if(is.null(p_ini) == TRUE) {p_ini=c(0.8,0.2,0.8,0.2)}
    fit1 = mixtools::normalmixEM(data_input[, 1], lambda=p_ini[1:2], mu=mu_ini[1:2], sigma=sigma_ini[1:2], k=2, maxit = maxiter)
    fit2 = mixtools::normalmixEM(data_input[, 2], lambda=p_ini[3:4], mu=mu_ini[3:4], sigma=sigma_ini[3:4], k=2, maxit = maxiter)
    #Initial values based on single EM
    mu1 = fit1$mu[id_ini1]
    mu2 = fit2$mu[id_ini2]
    mu_vec = list()
    mu_vec[[1]] = c(mu1[1], mu2[1])
    mu_vec[[2]] = c(mu1[2], mu2[1])
    mu_vec[[3]] = c(mu1[1], mu2[2])
    mu_vec[[4]] = c(mu1[2], mu2[2])
    sigma1 = fit1$sigma[id_ini1]
    sigma2 = fit2$sigma[id_ini2]
    cov = list()
    cov[[1]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[1], sigma2[1]),
                    nrow = 2)
    cov[[2]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[2], sigma2[1]),
                    nrow = 2)
    cov[[3]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[1], sigma2[2]),
                    nrow = 2)
    cov[[4]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[2], sigma2[2]),
                    nrow = 2)
    p1 = fit1$lambda[id_ini1]
    p2 = fit2$lambda[id_ini2]
    p = c(p1[1] * p2[1], p1[2] * p2[1], p1[1] * p2[2], p1[2] * p2[2])
  } else  {
    cat(crayon::red("Error: Function does not support the number of data types!"))
  if (dim(data_input)[2] == 3) {
    mu_ini1 = c(mu_vec[[1]][1], mu_vec[[2]][1], mu_vec[[1]][2], mu_vec[[3]][2], mu_vec[[1]][3], mu_vec[[4]][3])
    sigma_ini1 = c(cov[[1]][1, 1], cov[[2]][1, 1], cov[[1]][2, 2], cov[[3]][2, 2], cov[[1]][3, 3], cov[[4]][3, 3])
  } else {
    mu_ini1 = c(mu_vec[[1]][1], mu_vec[[2]][1], mu_vec[[1]][2], mu_vec[[3]][2])
    sigma_ini1 = c(cov[[1]][1, 1], cov[[2]][1, 1], cov[[1]][2, 2], cov[[3]][2, 2])
  #Start model fitting
  IMIX_ind_output = IMIX_ind(
    data_type = "z",
    mu = mu_ini1,
    sigma = sigma_ini1,
    p = p,
    tol = tol,
    maxiter = maxiter,
    seed = seed,
    verbose = verbose
  if (model == "IMIX_ind") {
    IMIX_cor_twostep_output = NULL
    IMIX_cor_output = NULL
    IMIX_cor_restrict_output = NULL
  } else {
    if (dim(data_input)[2] == 3) {
      mu1 = IMIX_ind_output$mu[1:2]
      mu2 = IMIX_ind_output$mu[3:4]
      mu3 = IMIX_ind_output$mu[5:6]
      mu_vec_ind = list()
      mu_vec_ind[[1]] = c(mu1[1], mu2[1], mu3[1])
      mu_vec_ind[[2]] = c(mu1[2], mu2[1], mu3[1])
      mu_vec_ind[[3]] = c(mu1[1], mu2[2], mu3[1])
      mu_vec_ind[[4]] = c(mu1[1], mu2[1], mu3[2])
      mu_vec_ind[[5]] = c(mu1[2], mu2[2], mu3[1])
      mu_vec_ind[[6]] = c(mu1[2], mu2[1], mu3[2])
      mu_vec_ind[[7]] = c(mu1[1], mu2[2], mu3[2])
      mu_vec_ind[[8]] = c(mu1[2], mu2[2], mu3[2])
      sigma1 = IMIX_ind_output$sigma[1:2]
      sigma2 = IMIX_ind_output$sigma[3:4]
      sigma3 = IMIX_ind_output$sigma[5:6]
      cov_ind = list()
      cov_ind[[1]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[1], sigma2[1], sigma3[1]), nrow = 3)
      cov_ind[[2]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[2], sigma2[1], sigma3[1]), nrow = 3)
      cov_ind[[3]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[1], sigma2[2], sigma3[1]), nrow = 3)
      cov_ind[[4]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[1], sigma2[1], sigma3[2]), nrow = 3)
      cov_ind[[5]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[2], sigma2[2], sigma3[1]), nrow = 3)
      cov_ind[[6]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[2], sigma2[1], sigma3[2]), nrow = 3)
      cov_ind[[7]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[1], sigma2[2], sigma3[2]), nrow = 3)
      cov_ind[[8]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[2], sigma2[2], sigma3[2]), nrow = 3)
    } else {
      mu1 = IMIX_ind_output$mu[1:2]
      mu2 = IMIX_ind_output$mu[3:4]
      mu_vec_ind = list()
      mu_vec_ind[[1]] = c(mu1[1], mu2[1])
      mu_vec_ind[[2]] = c(mu1[2], mu2[1])
      mu_vec_ind[[3]] = c(mu1[1], mu2[2])
      mu_vec_ind[[4]] = c(mu1[2], mu2[2])
      sigma1 = IMIX_ind_output$sigma[1:2]
      sigma2 = IMIX_ind_output$sigma[3:4]
      cov_ind = list()
      cov_ind[[1]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[1], sigma2[1]), nrow = 2)
      cov_ind[[2]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[2], sigma2[1]), nrow = 2)
      cov_ind[[3]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[1], sigma2[2]), nrow = 2)
      cov_ind[[4]] = diag(x = c(sigma1[2], sigma2[2]), nrow = 2)
    p_ind = IMIX_ind_output$pi
    if (ini.ind == TRUE) {
      if (model == "IMIX_cor_twostep") {
        IMIX_cor_twostep_output = IMIX_cor_twostep(
          data_type = "z",
          mu_vec = mu_vec_ind,
          cov = cov_ind,
          p = p_ind,
          g = g,
          tol = tol,
          maxiter = maxiter,
          seed = seed,
          verbose = verbose
        IMIX_cor_restrict_output = NULL
        IMIX_cor_output = NULL
      } else if (model == "IMIX_cor") {
        IMIX_cor_output = IMIX_cor(
          data_type = "z",
          mu_vec = mu_vec_ind,
          cov = cov_ind,
          p = p_ind,
          g = g,
          tol = tol,
          maxiter = maxiter,
          seed = seed,
          verbose = verbose
        IMIX_cor_restrict_output = NULL
        IMIX_cor_twostep_output = NULL
      } else if (model == "IMIX_cor_restrict") {
        IMIX_cor_restrict_output = IMIX_cor_restrict(
          data_type = "z",
          mu = IMIX_ind_output$mu,
          cov = cov_ind,
          p = p_ind,
          tol = tol,
          maxiter = maxiter,
          seed = seed,
          verbose = verbose
        IMIX_cor_twostep_output = NULL
        IMIX_cor_output = NULL
      } else {
        IMIX_cor_twostep_output = IMIX_cor_twostep(
          data_type = "z",
          mu_vec = mu_vec_ind,
          cov = cov_ind,
          p = p_ind,
          g = g,
          tol = tol,
          maxiter = maxiter,
          seed = seed,
          verbose = verbose
        IMIX_cor_output = IMIX_cor(
          data_type = "z",
          mu_vec = mu_vec_ind,
          cov = cov_ind,
          p = p_ind,
          g = g,
          tol = tol,
          maxiter = maxiter,
          seed = seed,
          verbose = verbose
        IMIX_cor_restrict_output = IMIX_cor_restrict(
          data_type = "z",
          mu = IMIX_ind_output$mu,
          cov = cov_ind,
          p = p_ind,
          tol = tol,
          maxiter = maxiter,
          seed = seed,
          verbose = verbose
    } else {
      if (model == "IMIX_cor_twostep") {
        IMIX_cor_twostep_output = IMIX_cor_twostep(
          data_type = "z",
          mu_vec = mu_vec_ind,
          cov = cov,
          p = p,
          g = g,
          tol = tol,
          maxiter = maxiter,
          seed = seed,
          verbose = verbose
        IMIX_cor_restrict_output = NULL
        IMIX_cor_output = NULL
      } else if (model == "IMIX_cor") {
        IMIX_cor_output = IMIX_cor(
          data_type = "z",
          mu_vec = mu_vec,
          cov = cov,
          p = p,
          g = g,
          tol = tol,
          maxiter = maxiter,
          seed = seed,
          verbose = verbose
        IMIX_cor_twostep_output = NULL
        IMIX_cor_restrict_output = NULL
      } else if (model == "IMIX_cor_restrict") {
        IMIX_cor_restrict_output = IMIX_cor_restrict(
          data_type = "z",
          mu = mu_ini1,
          cov = cov,
          p = p,
          tol = tol,
          maxiter = maxiter,
          seed = seed,
          verbose = verbose
        IMIX_cor_twostep_output = NULL
        IMIX_cor_output = NULL
      } else {
        IMIX_cor_twostep_output = IMIX_cor_twostep(
          data_type = "z",
          mu_vec = mu_vec_ind,
          cov = cov,
          p = p,
          g = g,
          tol = tol,
          maxiter = maxiter,
          seed = seed,
          verbose = verbose
        IMIX_cor_output = IMIX_cor(
          data_type = "z",
          mu_vec = mu_vec,
          cov = cov,
          p = p,
          g = g,
          tol = tol,
          maxiter = maxiter,
          seed = seed,
          verbose = verbose
        IMIX_cor_restrict_output = IMIX_cor_restrict(
          data_type = "z",
          mu = mu_ini1,
          cov = cov,
          p = p,
          tol = tol,
          maxiter = maxiter,
          seed = seed,
          verbose = verbose
  if( (model == "all" | model == "IMIX_cor_restrict") & (is.null(IMIX_cor_restrict_output$`Full MaxLogLik final`) == TRUE)) { 
    IMIX_cor_restrict_output <- IMIX_ind_output
    cat(crayon::red("Warning: IMIX_cor_restrict did not converge. \nAssign IMIX_ind results to IMIX_cor_restrict. \nThe AIC/BIC values for IMIX_cor_restrict are not reliable and should not be used!\n"))
  #Use AIC or BIC to select the best model
  #calculate AIC and BIC
  cat(crayon::cyan$bold("Start Model Selection\n"))
  best_model = NULL
  if (model == "all") {
    best_model = list(
    names(best_model) = c("IMIX_ind",
    model_selection_res = array(0, c(4, 2))
    for (i in 1:4) {
      model_selection_res[i, ] = model_selection(
        best_model[[i]]$`Full MaxLogLik final`,
        n = dim(data_input)[1],
        g = g,
        d = dim(data_input)[2],
        modelname = names(best_model)[i]
    rownames(model_selection_res) = names(best_model)
    colnames(model_selection_res) = c("AIC", "BIC")
    if (model_selection_method == "AIC") {
      id = which.min(model_selection_res[, 1])
      best_model_name = names(best_model)[id]
      best_model = best_model[[id]]
    } else {
      id = which.min(model_selection_res[, 2])
      best_model_name = names(best_model)[id]
      best_model = best_model[[id]]
  } else if (model == "IMIX_cor") {
    best_model = IMIX_cor_output
    best_model_name = "IMIX_cor"
    model_selection_res = array(0, c(1, 2))
    model_selection_res[1, ] = model_selection(
    best_model$`Full MaxLogLik final`,
    n = dim(data_input)[1],
    g = g,
    d = dim(data_input)[2],
    modelname = "IMIX_cor"
  rownames(model_selection_res) = "IMIX_cor"
  colnames(model_selection_res) = c("AIC", "BIC")
  } else if (model == "IMIX_cor_twostep") {
    best_model = IMIX_cor_twostep_output
    best_model_name = "IMIX_cor_twostep"
    model_selection_res = array(0, c(1, 2))
    model_selection_res[1, ] = model_selection(
      best_model$`Full MaxLogLik final`,
      n = dim(data_input)[1],
      g = g,
      d = dim(data_input)[2],
      modelname = "IMIX_cor_twostep"
    rownames(model_selection_res) = "IMIX_cor_twostep"
    colnames(model_selection_res) = c("AIC", "BIC")
  } else if (model == "IMIX_cor_restrict") {
    best_model = IMIX_cor_restrict_output
    best_model_name = "IMIX_cor_restrict"
    model_selection_res = array(0, c(1, 2))
    model_selection_res[1, ] = model_selection(
      best_model$`Full MaxLogLik final`,
      n = dim(data_input)[1],
      g = g,
      d = dim(data_input)[2],
      modelname = "IMIX_cor_restrict"
    rownames(model_selection_res) = "IMIX_cor_restrict"
    colnames(model_selection_res) = c("AIC", "BIC")
  } else {
    best_model = IMIX_ind_output
    best_model_name = "IMIX_ind"
    model_selection_res = array(0, c(1, 2))
    model_selection_res[1, ] = model_selection(
      best_model$`Full MaxLogLik final`,
      n = dim(data_input)[1],
      g = g,
      d = dim(data_input)[2],
      modelname = "IMIX_ind"
    rownames(model_selection_res) = "IMIX_ind"
    colnames(model_selection_res) = c("AIC", "BIC")
  #Classes based on posterior probability and the corresponding local FDR
  #In case the component labels switched after convergence of the initial values, we need to sort the labels
  if(sort_label==TRUE & model=="all"){
    cat(crayon::cyan$bold("Start Label Sorting\n"))
    if(dim(data_input)[2] == 2){
      mu_tmp=matrix(unlist(IMIX_cor_twostep_output$mu), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
      sort_id=c(which(mu_tmp[,1] == min_mu1 & mu_tmp[,2] == min_mu2),which(mu_tmp[,1] == max_mu1 & mu_tmp[,2] == min_mu2),
                which(mu_tmp[,1] == min_mu1 & mu_tmp[,2] == max_mu2),which(mu_tmp[,1] == max_mu1 & mu_tmp[,2] == max_mu2))
      IMIX_cor_twostep_output$`posterior prob`=IMIX_cor_twostep_output$`posterior prob`[,sort_id]
      colnames(IMIX_cor_twostep_output$`posterior prob`)=paste0("component",1:4)
      IMIX_cor_output$`posterior prob`=IMIX_cor_output$`posterior prob`[,sort_id]
      colnames(IMIX_cor_output$`posterior prob`)=paste0("component",1:4)
      IMIX_cor_restrict_output$`posterior prob`=IMIX_cor_restrict_output$`posterior prob`[,sort_id]
      colnames(IMIX_cor_restrict_output$`posterior prob`)=paste0("component",1:4)
      IMIX_ind_output$`posterior prob`=IMIX_ind_output$`posterior prob`[,sort_id]
      colnames(IMIX_ind_output$`posterior prob`)=paste0("component",1:4)
      sort_id=c(which(mu_tmp[c(1,2)] == min_mu1),which(mu_tmp[c(1,2)] == max_mu1),
                which(mu_tmp[c(3,4)] == min_mu2)+2,which(mu_tmp[c(3,4)] == max_mu2)+2)
    } else {
      mu_tmp=matrix(unlist(IMIX_cor_twostep_output$mu), nrow = 8, byrow = TRUE)
      sort_id=c(which(mu_tmp[,1] == min_mu1 & mu_tmp[,2] == min_mu2 & mu_tmp[,3] == min_mu3),which(mu_tmp[,1] == max_mu1 & mu_tmp[,2] == min_mu2 & mu_tmp[,3] == min_mu3),
                which(mu_tmp[,1] == min_mu1 & mu_tmp[,2] == max_mu2 & mu_tmp[,3] == min_mu3),which(mu_tmp[,1] == min_mu1 & mu_tmp[,2] == min_mu2 & mu_tmp[,3] == max_mu3),
                which(mu_tmp[,1] == max_mu1 & mu_tmp[,2] == max_mu2 & mu_tmp[,3] == min_mu3),which(mu_tmp[,1] == max_mu1 & mu_tmp[,2] == min_mu2 & mu_tmp[,3] == max_mu3),
                which(mu_tmp[,1] == min_mu1 & mu_tmp[,2] == max_mu2 & mu_tmp[,3] == max_mu3),which(mu_tmp[,1] == max_mu1 & mu_tmp[,2] == max_mu2 & mu_tmp[,3] == max_mu3)
      IMIX_cor_twostep_output$`posterior prob`=IMIX_cor_twostep_output$`posterior prob`[,sort_id]
      colnames(IMIX_cor_twostep_output$`posterior prob`)=paste0("component",1:8)
      IMIX_cor_output$`posterior prob`=IMIX_cor_output$`posterior prob`[,sort_id]
      colnames(IMIX_cor_output$`posterior prob`)=paste0("component",1:8)
      IMIX_cor_restrict_output$`posterior prob`=IMIX_cor_restrict_output$`posterior prob`[,sort_id]
      colnames(IMIX_cor_restrict_output$`posterior prob`)=paste0("component",1:8)
      IMIX_ind_output$`posterior prob`=IMIX_ind_output$`posterior prob`[,sort_id]
      colnames(IMIX_ind_output$`posterior prob`)=paste0("component",1:8)
      sort_id=c(which(mu_tmp[c(1,2)] == min_mu1),which(mu_tmp[c(1,2)] == max_mu1),
                which(mu_tmp[c(3,4)] == min_mu2)+2,which(mu_tmp[c(3,4)] == max_mu2)+2,
                which(mu_tmp[c(5,6)] == min_mu3)+4,which(mu_tmp[c(5,6)] == max_mu3)+4)
  } else {cat(crayon::red("Warning: No label sorting, need to identify the output groups\n"))}
  class_before_controlFDR = apply(best_model$`posterior prob`, 1, which.max)
  localFDR_allgenes = 1 - apply(best_model$`posterior prob`, 1, max)
  #Adaptive procedure for global FDR control
  cat(crayon::cyan$bold("Start Adaptive FDR Control\n"))
  pred_group_adaptive = list()
  pred_group_adaptive_mFDR = list()
  pred_group_adaptive_twoclass = list()
  for (comp in 1:(g - 1)) {
    pred_fdr_twoclass = 1 - best_model$`posterior prob`[, (comp + 1)]
    names(pred_fdr_twoclass) = rownames(data_input)
    pred_group_adaptive[[comp]] = FDR_control_adaptive(lfdr = pred_fdr_twoclass, alpha =
    pred_group_adaptive_mFDR[[comp]] = pred_group_adaptive[[comp]][[2]]
    pred_group_adaptive_twoclass[[comp]] = pred_group_adaptive[[comp]][[1]]
  names(pred_group_adaptive_mFDR) = paste0("estimated_mFDR_comp", 2:g)
  sig_genes_all = array(0, c(dim(data_input)[1], 3))
  sig_genes_all[, 1] = localFDR_allgenes
  sig_genes_all[, 2] = class_before_controlFDR
  sig_genes_all[, 3] = 1
  rownames(sig_genes_all) = rownames(data_input)
  colnames(sig_genes_all) = c("localFDR", "class_withoutFDRcontrol", "class_FDRcontrol")
  for (comp in 1:(g - 1)) {
    sig_genes_all[which(pred_group_adaptive_twoclass[[comp]] == 1 & sig_genes_all[,2] == (comp+1) ), 3] = comp +
  sig_genes_all = data.frame(sig_genes_all)
  sig_genes_all = sig_genes_all[order(-sig_genes_all$class_FDRcontrol, sig_genes_all$localFDR), ]

  res = list(
    "IMIX_ind" = IMIX_ind_output,
    "IMIX_cor_twostep" = IMIX_cor_twostep_output,
    "IMIX_cor" = IMIX_cor_output,
    "IMIX_cor_restrict" = IMIX_cor_restrict_output,
    "AIC/BIC" = model_selection_res,
    "Selected Model" = best_model_name,
    "significant_genes_with_FDRcontrol" = sig_genes_all,
    "estimatedFDR" = pred_group_adaptive_mFDR,
    "alpha" = alpha

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IMIX documentation built on July 14, 2022, 1:05 a.m.