
Defines functions model_gamm

Documented in model_gamm

#' Modeling of indicator responses to single pressures with GAMMs
#' \code{model_gamm} accounts for temporal autocorrelation (TAC) in the time series
#' by fitting Generalized Additive Mixed Models (GAMMs) that include AR or ARMA
#' correlation structures using the \code{\link[mgcv]{gamm}} function. The GAMMs
#' are applied to all IND~pressure combinations provided as input or only those
#' with significant TAC in the GAM residuals (using filter argument).
#' @param init_tbl The output tibble of the \code{\link{ind_init}} function.
#' @param k Choice of knots (for the smoothing function \code{\link{s}}); the
#'  default is 5.
#' @param family A description of the error distribution and link to be used in the GAM.
#'  This needs to be defined as a family function (see also \code{\link{family}}). All
#'  standard family functions can be used as well some of the distribution families in
#'  the mgcv package (see \code{\link[mgcv]{family.mgcv}}; e.g.\code{\link[mgcv]{negbin}}).
#'  Note that \code{\link[mgcv]{nb}}, which estimates \code{theta} parameter, cannot be used
#'  for \code{\link[mgcv]{gamm}}.
#' @param excl_outlier A list of values identified as outliers in specific
#'  IND~pressure GAMMs, which should be excluded in this modeling step
#'  (the output tibble of this function includes the variable
#'  `pres_outlier`, which is a column-list containing
#'  all indices of values with cook`s distance > 1 (see below). The function
#'  can be re-run again, then excluding all these outliers provided in
#'  \code{$pres_outlier} from the the first run (see example)).
#' @param filter logical; a filter used to select specific rows in init_tbl
#'  (row gets selected if value TRUE). That could be the \code{tac} column
#'  in the \code{model_gam} output tibble which indicates whether the model
#'  residuals show TAC.
#' @details
#' Modeling first-differenced indicator time series can be an alternative solution
#' to avoid temporal dependence between observations. However, this approach does
#' often not help reducing the significant auto-correlation while GAMMs do as found in
#' Otto \emph{et al.} (2018). Such an extension implies that the single
#' elements of the response variable are not independent anymore and that the
#' correlation between the residuals at time t1 and t2 only depends on their time
#' difference t1 – t2 (Wood, 2006).
#' In \code{model_gamm} six GAMMs are computed for each filtered IND~pressure pair, i.e.
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item no correlation structure (for AIC comparison)
#'   \item auto-regressive error structure of order p=1 (AR1)
#'   \item auto-regressive error structure of order p=2 (AR2)
#'   \item auto-regressive moving average of order p=1 and q=1 (ARMA11)
#'   \item auto-regressive moving average of order p=1 and q=2 (ARMA12)
#'   \item auto-regressive moving average of order p=2 and q=1 (ARMA21)
#' }
#' @return
#' Returns a model output tibble that contains for each filtered IND~pressure pair
#' 6 rows with the individual GAMM outputs. The structure remains the same as in
#' \code{\link{model_gam}} except for the explained deviance, which is not computed
#' by the gamm function.
#' The selection of the final correlation structure for each IND~pressure model can be
#' done manually on this tibble or with an automatized routine using
#' \code{\link{select_model}}.
#' @references
#' Otto, S.A., Kadin, M., Casini, M., Torres, M.A., Blenckner, T. (2018)
#' A quantitative framework for selecting and validating food web indicators.
#' \emph{Ecological Indicators}, 84: 619-631,
#' doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.05.045
#' Wood, S.N. (2006) Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R.
#' Chapman and Hall/CRC Press
#' @seealso \code{\link[mgcv]{gamm}} for more information on GAMMs and
#' \code{\link{plot_diagnostics}} for assessing the model diagnostics
#' @family IND~pressure modeling functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using the Baltic Sea demo data in this package
#' dat_init <- ind_init(
#'   ind_tbl = data.frame(Cod = ind_ex$Sprat),
#'   press_tbl = press_ex[, c("Fsprat", "Fher")],
#'   time = ind_ex[ ,1])
#' gam_tbl <- model_gam(dat_init)
#' # Any temporal autocorrelation
#' gam_tbl$tac
#' # Applying model_gamm function and passing the $tac variable as filter
#' gamm_tbl <- model_gamm(dat_init, filter = gam_tbl$tac)
model_gamm <- function(init_tbl, k = 5, family = stats::gaussian(),
  excl_outlier = NULL, filter = NULL) {

  # Data input validation ---------------------
  if (missing(init_tbl)) {
    stop("Argument init_tbl is missing.")
  # Check input tibble
  init_tbl <- check_input_tbl(init_tbl, tbl_name = "init_tbl",
    parent_func = "ind_init()", var_to_check = c("id",
      "ind", "press", "ind_train", "press_train",
      "time_train", "ind_test", "press_test",
      "time_test", "train_na"), dt_to_check = c("integer",
      "character", "character", rep("list", 7)))

  # Check family class
  if (!"family" %in% class(family)) {
    stop("The specified family is not a family object. You need to provide the family function, e.g. family = poisson()")

  # Check that excl_outlier list has the correct
  # length (i.e. 6 times the filtered id: 1 for each
  # GAMM)
  if (!is.null(excl_outlier)) {
    if (!is.null(filter)) {
      n_id <- nrow(init_tbl[filter & is_value(filter),
      # is_value() has to be included to leave out NAs,
      # NaN,etc.
    } else {
      n_id <- nrow(init_tbl)
    if (length(excl_outlier) != 6 * n_id) {
      stop(paste0("The list of outliers to exclude in each GAMM",
        " has not the correct length.", " It should be a sixfold (6 GAMMs are computed) of all ids,",
        " so the required length is: ", 6 *

  # Filter for models with tac only
  if (!is.null(filter)) {
    if (length(filter) != nrow(init_tbl)) {
      stop("The length of the logical filter vector deviates from the number of rows in ind_init!")
    } else {
      if (!any(filter, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        stop("Your filter contains no TRUE element, hence no row in init_tbl will be selected for applying GAMMs!")
      } else {
        init_tbl <- init_tbl[filter & is_value(filter),

  # Create input list -------------------------------
  # Lengthen init_tbl to create 6 models
  temp <- tibble::tibble(id = rep(init_tbl$id, each = 6))
  dat <- dplyr::left_join(temp, init_tbl, by = "id")
  inputs <- purrr::map(1:nrow(dat), ~tibble::tibble(ind = dat[[.,
    "ind_train"]], press = dat[[., "press_train"]],
    time = dat[[., "time_train"]]))
  # Replicate the train_na vector for testing for tac
  train_na_rep <- rep(init_tbl$train_na, each = 6)
  names(train_na_rep) <- rep(names(init_tbl$train_na),
    each = 6)

  # Exclude outliers given in excl_outliers
  if (!is.null(excl_outlier)) {
    ind <- purrr::map2(inputs, excl_outlier, ~replace(.x$ind,
      .y, NA))  # (all NULLs will not be replaced)
    press <- purrr::map2(inputs, excl_outlier,
      ~replace(.x$press, .y, NA))  # (NULLs will not be replaced)
    time <- purrr::map2(inputs, excl_outlier, ~replace(.x$time,
      .y, NA))  # (NULLs will not be replaced)
    inputs <- purrr::pmap(.l = list(ind = ind,
      press = press, time = time), .f = function(ind,
      press, time) tibble::tibble(ind = ind,
      press = press, time = time))

    # Consider excluded outliers also as NAs (=TRUE) in
    # the train_na_rep vector (if randomly selected
    # test data, the correct years need to be chosen).
    # Replicate the other vectors first as well
    time_train_rep <- rep(init_tbl$time_train,
      each = 6)
    for (i in seq_along(excl_outlier)) {
      if (!is.null(excl_outlier[[i]])) {
          as.numeric(names(train_na_rep[[i]])))] <- TRUE

  # Fit GAMMs ------------------------------- Set
  # control parameters
  lmc <- nlme::lmeControl(niterEM = 5000, msMaxIter = 1000)
  # Generate starting values for corr structure
  pass_p <- c(NA, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2)
  pass_p <- rep(pass_p, length.out = length(inputs))
  pass_q <- c(NA, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1)
  pass_q <- rep(pass_q, length.out = length(inputs))
  values <- list(NA, c(0.3), c(0.3, -0.3), c(0.3,
    0.3), c(0.3, -0.3, 0.3), c(0.3, 0.3, -0.3))
  values <- rep(values, length.out = length(inputs))
  # Create model list
  gamms <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(pass_p))
  match <- seq(from = 1, to = length(inputs), by = 6)

  # self-made GAMM function to capture side-effects
  # (error messages)
  gamm_ar0_func <- function(x, y, data, family) {
    form <- stats::as.formula(paste0(y, " ~ s(",
      x, ", k = ", k, ")"))
    temp_mod <- mgcv::gamm(formula = form, data = data,
      family = family)
  gamm_ar0_func_safe <- purrr::safely(gamm_ar0_func,
    otherwise = NA)

  gamm_ar_func <- function(x, y, data, family, ar_values,
    p, q, control) {
    form <- stats::as.formula(paste0(y, " ~ s(",
      x, ", k = ", k, ")"))
    temp_mod <- mgcv::gamm(formula = form, data = data,
      family = family, correlation = nlme::corARMA(value = ar_values,
        form = stats::as.formula("~time"),
        p = p, q = q), control = control)
  gamm_ar_func_safe <- purrr::safely(gamm_ar_func,
    otherwise = NA)

  # Loop with progress bar -------------------------
  # Initialise progress bar
  pb <- dplyr::progress_estimated(length(inputs))
  # Loop over input list
  for (i in seq_along(inputs)) {
    if (any(match == i)) {
      # Create ar0 GAMMs
      names(inputs[[i]])[1:2] <- unlist(dat[i, c("ind","press")], use.names=FALSE)
      gamms[[i]] <- suppressWarnings(gamm_ar0_func_safe(x = names(inputs[[i]])[2],
        y = names(inputs[[i]])[1], data = inputs[[i]],
        family = family))
      # Save original data in model_gam if fitting
      # successfull
      if (is.null(gamms[[i]]$error)) {
        gamms[[i]]$result$gam$train_na <- train_na_rep[[i]]
    } else {
      # Create GAMMs with corr structure
      names(inputs[[i]])[1:2] <- unlist(dat[i, c("ind","press")], use.names=FALSE)
      gamms[[i]] <- suppressWarnings(gamm_ar_func_safe(x = names(inputs[[i]])[2],
        y = names(inputs[[i]])[1], data = inputs[[i]],
        family = family, ar_values = values[[i]],
        p = pass_p[i], q = pass_q[i], control = lmc))
      if (is.null(gamms[[i]]$error)) {
        gamms[[i]]$result$gam$train_na <- train_na_rep[[i]]
    # Increment progress bar
  }  # end of loop
  # Stop progress bar

  # Transpose gamm list
  temp_mod <- gamms %>% purrr::transpose()

  if (all(is.na(temp_mod$result))) {
    stop("No IND~pressure GAMM could be fitted! Check if you chose the correct error distribution (default is gaussian()).")
  } else {

    # Convert to dataframe with list columns and add
    # input data!
    gamm_tab <- tibble::tibble(id = temp$id, corrstruc = rep(c("none",
      "ar1", "ar2", "arma11", "arma12", "arma21"),
      length.out = length(temp_mod$result)),
      model = temp_mod$result) %>% dplyr::left_join(init_tbl[,
      1:3], by = "id") %>% dplyr::arrange(!!rlang::sym("id"))

    # Add model_type
    gamm_tab$model_type <- "gamm"
    # Rearrange columns
    gamm_tab <- gamm_tab[, c("id", "ind", "press",
      "model_type", "corrstruc", "model")]

    # Save summary for each gam (cannot handle NAs,
    # hence use of possibly())
    summary_gam_safe <- purrr::possibly(mgcv::summary.gam,
    gamm_smy <- suppressWarnings(purrr::map(gamm_tab$model,

    # Get some output from the summary
    gamm_tab$edf <- get_sum_output(sum_list = gamm_smy,
      varname = "edf")
    gamm_tab$r_sq <- get_sum_output(sum_list = gamm_smy,
      varname = "r.sq")
    gamm_tab$p_val <- get_sum_output(sum_list = gamm_smy,
      varname = "s.table", cell = 4)

    # Apply the significant code using external helper
    # function
    gamm_tab$signif_code <- get_signif_code(gamm_tab$p_val)

    # Save AIC value for each gam (cannot handle NAs,
    # hence use of possibly())
    aic_safe <- purrr::possibly(stats::AIC, NA_real_)
    gamm_tab$aic <- gamm_tab$model %>% purrr::map_dbl(~aic_safe(.$lme))

    # Calculate nrmse using external helper function
    dummy <- dplyr::left_join(gamm_tab, init_tbl,
      by = c("press", "ind", "id"))
    gamm_tab$nrmse <- calc_nrmse(
    	press = dummy$press_test, ind = dummy$ind_test,
    	model = dummy$model)

    # Get residuals (cannot handle NAs, hence use of
    # possibly())
    choose <- purrr::map_lgl(temp_mod$error, .f = is.null)
    res <- purrr::map_if(gamm_tab$model, choose,
      ~residuals(.$lme, type = "normalized"))

    # Test for normality in residual distribution
    # (requires self-made safely function if res = NA)
    norm_test <- function(x, family) {
      p <- stats::ks.test(x = x, "pnorm", mean(x,
        na.rm = TRUE), stats::sd(x, na.rm = TRUE))$p.value
    norm_test_safe <- purrr::safely(norm_test,
      otherwise = NA_real_)
    suppressWarnings(gamm_tab$ks_test <- res %>%
      purrr::map(.f = norm_test_safe) %>% purrr::transpose() %>%
      .$result %>% unlist() %>% round(., 4))

    # Test for TAC - needs NAs in residuals!
    res_new <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(gamm_tab))
    for (i in seq_along(res_new)) {
      res_new[[i]] <- rep(NA, length(train_na_rep[[i]]))
      res_new[[i]][!train_na_rep[[i]]] <- res[[i]]
    gamm_tab$tac <- test_tac(res_new)$tac

    # Check for outlier (cook`s distance > 1) in
    # residuals (cannot handle NAs, hence use of
    # possibly())
    cooks_dist_gamm_safe <- purrr::possibly(cooks_dist_gamm,
    cooks_dist <- purrr::map(gamm_tab$model, ~cooks_dist_gamm_safe(.$gam))
    warn <- purrr::map_lgl(cooks_dist, ~any(. >
      1, na.rm = TRUE))
    outlier <- purrr::map2(warn, cooks_dist, ~if (.x ==
      which(.y > 1))
    # Get correct position of outlier in ind_train
    # (important if NAs present) and save in tibble
    gamm_tab$pres_outlier <- purrr::map(1:length(inputs),
      ~if (warn[[.]] == TRUE)
    gamm_tab$excl_outlier <- excl_outlier

    # end of if-statement (temp_mod$result not NA)

  # Sort variables
  gamm_tab <- sort_output_tbl(gamm_tab)

  # Warning if some models were not fitted
  if (any(!purrr::map_lgl(temp_mod$error, .f = is.null))) {
    sel <- !purrr::map_lgl(temp_mod$error, .f = is.null)
    miss_mod <- gamm_tab[sel, 1:5]
    miss_mod$error_message <- purrr::map(temp_mod$error,
      .f = as.character) %>% purrr::flatten_chr()
    message("NOTE: For the following IND~pressure GAMMs fitting procedure failed:")
    print(miss_mod, n = Inf, tibble.width = Inf)


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