
Defines functions insilico.train

Documented in insilico.train

#' Modified InSilicoVA methods with training data
#' This function implements InSilicoVA model with non-InterVA4 input data. 
#' Please see \code{insilico} for more details about choosing chain length and 
#' OS system differences. This function implements InSilico with customized
#' input format and training data. 
#' For more detail of model specification, see the paper on
#' \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1411.3042}.
#' @param data The original data to be used. It is suggested to use similar
#' input as InterVA4, with the first column being death IDs and 245 symptoms. 
#' The only difference in input is InsilicoVA takes three levels: ``present'',
#' ``absent'', and ``missing (no data)''. Similar to InterVA software,
#' ``present'' symptoms takes value ``Y''; ``absent'' symptoms take take value
#' ``NA'' or ``''. For missing symptoms, e.g., questions not asked or answered
#' in the original interview, corrupted data, etc., the input should be coded
#' by ``.'' to distinguish from ``absent'' category. The order of the columns does
#' not matter as long as the column names are correct. It can also include more 
#' unused columns than the standard InterVA4 input. But the first column should be 
#' the death ID. For example input data format, see \code{RandomVA1} and 
#' \code{RandomVA2}.
#' @param train Training data, it should be in the same format as the testing data
#' and contains one additional column (see \code{cause} below) specifying known
#' cause of death. The first column is also assumed to be death ID. 
#' @param cause the name of the column in \code{train} that contains cause of death.
#' @param causes.table The list of causes of death used in training data.
#' @param thre a numerical value between 0 to 1. It specifies the maximum rate of
#' missing for any symptoms to be considered in the model. Default value is set to
#' 0.95, meaning if a symptom has more than 95\% missing in the training data, it
#' will be removed.
#' @param type Three types of learning conditional probabilities are provided: ``empirical'', ``quantile''
#' or ``fixed''. Since InSilicoVA works with ranked conditional probabilities P(S|C), ``quantile''
#' means the rankings of the P(S|C) are obtained by matching the same quantile distributions
#' in the default InterVA P(S|C), and ``fixed'' means P(S|C) are matched to the closest values
#' in the default InterVA P(S|C) table. Empirically both types of rankings produce similar results. ``empirical'', on the other hand, means no ranking is calculated, but use the empirical conditional probabilities directly. If ``empirical'', \code{updateCondProb} will be forced to be FALSE.
#' @param isNumeric Indicator if the input is already in numeric form. If the
#' input is coded numerically such that 1 for ``present'', 0 for ``absent'',
#' and -1 for ``missing'', this indicator could be set to True to avoid
#' conversion to standard InterVA format.
#' @param updateCondProb Logical indicator. If FALSE, then fit InSilicoVA model without 
#' re-estimating conditional probabilities.
#' @param keepProbbase.level see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param CondProb see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail. 
#' @param CondProbNum see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail. 
#' @param datacheck Not Implemented.
#' @param datacheck.missing Not Implemented.
#' @param warning.write Not Implemented.
#' @param external.sep Not Implemented.
#' @param Nsim see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param thin see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param burnin see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param auto.length see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param conv.csmf see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param jump.scale see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param levels.prior see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param levels.strength see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param trunc.min see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param trunc.max see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param subpop see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param java_option see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param seed see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param phy.code see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param phy.cat see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param phy.unknown see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param phy.external see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param phy.debias see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param exclude.impossible.cause Whether to include impossible causes
#' @param impossible.combination a matrix of two columns, first is the name of symptoms, and the second is the name of causes. Each row corresponds to a combination of impossible symptom (that exists) and cause.
#' @param indiv.CI see \code{\link{insilico}} for more detail.
#' @param CondProbTable a data frame of two columns: one alphabetic level of the CondProb argument and one numerical value corresponding to the numerical value of each level. Only used when only conditional probabilities are provided instead of training data.
#' @param ... not used
#' @return \code{insilico} object
#' @export insilico.train
insilico.train <- function(data, train, cause, causes.table = NULL, thre = 0.95, type = c("quantile", "fixed", "empirical")[1], isNumeric = FALSE, updateCondProb = TRUE, keepProbbase.level = TRUE,  CondProb = NULL, CondProbNum = NULL, datacheck = TRUE, datacheck.missing = TRUE, warning.write = FALSE, external.sep = TRUE, Nsim = 4000, thin = 10, burnin = 2000, auto.length = TRUE, conv.csmf = 0.02, jump.scale = 0.1, levels.prior = NULL, levels.strength = NULL, trunc.min = 0.0001, trunc.max = 0.9999, subpop = NULL, java_option = "-Xmx1g", seed = 1, phy.code = NULL, phy.cat = NULL, phy.unknown = NULL, phy.external = NULL, phy.debias = NULL, exclude.impossible.cause = TRUE, impossible.combination = NULL, indiv.CI = NULL, CondProbTable=NULL, ...){ 
	  # handling changes throughout time
	  args <- as.list(match.call())
	  	Nsim <- args$length.sim
	  	message("length.sim argument is replaced with Nsim argument, will remove in later versions.\n")

		prob.learn <- extract.prob(train = train, 
							  gs = cause, 
							  gstable = causes.table, 
							  thre = thre, 
							  type = type, 
							  isNumeric = isNumeric)
		# remove unused symptoms
		col.exist <- c(colnames(data)[1], cause, colnames(prob.learn$symps.train))
		remove <- which(colnames(data) %in% col.exist == FALSE)
		if(length(remove) > 0){
			warning(paste(length(remove), "symptoms deleted from testing data to match training data:", 
				paste(colnames(data)[remove], collapse = ", ")),
				immediate. = TRUE)	
			data <- data[, -remove]
		if(type == "empirical"){
			cat("Empirical conditional probabilities are used, so updateCondProb is forced to be FALSE.")
			updateCondProb <- FALSE
			probbase.touse <- prob.learn$cond.prob.alpha
			CondProbNum <- NULL
			probbase.touse <- prob.learn$cond.prob
			CondProbNum <- prob.learn$cond.prob
		table.alpha <- prob.learn$table.alpha
		table.num <- prob.learn$table.num
		# remove unused symptoms
		col.exist <- c(colnames(data)[1], cause, rownames(CondProb))
		remove <- which(colnames(data) %in% col.exist == FALSE)
		if(length(remove) > 0){
			warning(paste(length(remove), "symptoms deleted from testing data to match training data:", 
				paste(colnames(data)[remove], collapse = ", ")),
				immediate. = TRUE)	
			data <- data[, -remove]
		if(type == "empirical"){
			cat("Empirical conditional probabilities are used, so updateCondProb is forced to be FALSE.")
			updateCondProb <- FALSE
			probbase.touse <- CondProb
			CondProbNum <- NULL
			if(is.null(probbase.touse)) stop("Need CondProb: the alphabetical probbase matrix")
			probbase.touse <- CondProbNum
			if(is.null(CondProbNum)) stop("Need CondProbNum: the numerical probbase matrix")
		if(is.null(CondProbTable) || dim(CondProbTable)[2] != 2) stop("Need CondProbTable: the table of conditional probabilities (one column of letter values and one column of numerical values)")
		num <- ifelse(is.numeric(CondProbTable[1,1]), 1, 2)
		CondProbTable <- CondProbTable[order(CondProbTable[, num], decreasing = TRUE), ]
		table.alpha = CondProbTable[, 3-num]
		table.num <- CondProbTable[, num]
	# default levels.strength for two different P(S|C) extraction
	  if(type == "empirical"){
	    levels.strength <- 1 # doesn't matter anyway
	  }else if(type == "fixed"){
	    levels.strength <- 1
	  }else if(type == "quantile"){
	    levels.strength <- 0.01
	# Notice that by default, data.type is set to WHO 2012. 
	# This is only consequential to the codings are done. 
	# It does not take over the probbase from training data, 
	#   because customization.dev is set to TRUE.
	fit <- insilico.fit(data = data, 
						isNumeric = isNumeric, 
						updateCondProb = updateCondProb, 
						keepProbbase.level = keepProbbase.level, 
						CondProb = CondProb, 
						CondProbNum = CondProbNum, 
						datacheck = FALSE, 
						datacheck.missing = FALSE, 
						warning.write = FALSE, 
						external.sep = FALSE, 
						Nsim = Nsim, 
						thin = thin, 
						burnin = burnin, 
						auto.length = auto.length, 
						conv.csmf = conv.csmf, 
						jump.scale = jump.scale, 
						levels.prior = levels.prior, 
						levels.strength = levels.strength, 
						trunc.min = trunc.min, 
						trunc.max = trunc.max, 
						subpop = subpop, 
						java_option = java_option, 
						seed = seed, 
						phy.code = phy.code, 
						phy.cat = phy.cat, 
						phy.unknown = phy.unknown, 
						phy.external = phy.external, 
						phy.debias = phy.debias, 
						exclude.impossible.cause = FALSE, 
						indiv.CI = indiv.CI, 
						impossible.combination = impossible.combination,
						customization.dev = TRUE, 
						Probbase_by_symp.dev = FALSE, 
						probbase.dev = probbase.touse, 
						table.dev = table.alpha, 
						table.num.dev = table.num, 
						gstable.dev = colnames(probbase.touse), 
						nlevel.dev = 15

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InSilicoVA documentation built on Sept. 29, 2022, 9:06 a.m.