
Defines functions nmf.opt.k

Documented in nmf.opt.k

# Selection of optimum number of clusters (k)
nmf.opt.k <- function(dat=dat,n.runs=30,n.fold=5,k.range=2:8,result=TRUE,make.plot=TRUE,progress=TRUE,
				st.count=10,maxiter=100,wt=if(is.list(dat)) rep(1,length(dat)) else 1)
if(!is.list(dat) & length(wt)>1) stop("Weight is not applicable for single data")
if (!is.list(dat)) dat <- list(dat)
n.dat <- length(dat)
if (n.dat!=length(wt)) stop("Number of weights must match number of data")
for (i in 1:n.dat)  assign(paste("d",i,sep=""),eval(parse(text=paste("dat[[",i,"]]",sep=""))))
for (i in 1:n.dat){
	if (!all(eval(parse(text=paste("d",i,sep="")))>=0))
		stop(paste("All values must be positive. There are -ve entries in dat",i,sep=""))}
set.seed(12345)                         	# Note: The seed inside "nmf.mnnals" function is disabled to find optimum k
n.sample <- nrow(dat[[1]])

CPI <- matrix(NA,length(k.range),n.runs)   	# Adj Rand index between predicted and computed test sample cluster membership
dimnames(CPI) <- list(paste("k",k.range,sep=""),paste("run",1:n.runs,sep=""))

count <- 0
for (i in 1:n.runs){
	for (k in k.range){
	## Cluster Prediction Index : Agreement between the predicted and computed cluster membership for test data
	## Use k-fold cross validation
	R.ind <- NULL
	random.sample <- sample(seq(n.sample),n.sample)
	for (j in 1:n.fold){
		test.sample <- random.sample[(round((j-1)*n.sample/n.fold) +1): round(j*n.sample/n.fold)]
		train.sample <- setdiff(random.sample,test.sample)

		d.train <- lapply(dat, function(x) x[train.sample, ,drop=FALSE])
		d.test <- lapply(dat, function(x) x[test.sample, ,drop=FALSE])
		# Estimate Hi's from the training data, compute W using the test data and
		# find cluster membership for the test data
		fit.train <- nmf.mnnals(dat=d.train,k=k,maxiter=maxiter,st.count=st.count,n.ini=1,ini.nndsvd=FALSE,seed=FALSE,wt=wt)
		for (m in 1:n.dat){
			if(n.dat > 1){
			} else {
		XHt <- 0
		for (m in 1:n.dat){
			if(n.dat > 1){
				XHt <- XHt + sqrt(wt[m])*d.test[[m]]%*%t(eval(parse(text=paste("H.train",m,sep=""))))
			} else {
				XHt <- XHt + d.test[[m]]%*%t(eval(parse(text="H.train")))}
		HHt <- 0
		for (m in 1:n.dat){
			if(n.dat > 1){
				HHt <- HHt + sqrt(wt[m])*eval(parse(text=paste("H.train",m,sep="")))%*%t(eval(parse(text=paste("H.train",m,sep=""))))
			} else {
				HHt <- HHt + eval(parse(text="H.train")) %*% t(eval(parse(text="H.train")))}
		W.predict <- XHt %*% ginv(HHt)
		W.predict <- W.predict + abs(min(W.predict))
		predicted.cluster.mem <- apply(W.predict,1,which.max)

		# Apply integrative NMF to test data to compute cluster membership
		fit.test <- nmf.mnnals(dat=d.test,k=k,maxiter=maxiter,st.count=st.count,n.ini=1,ini.nndsvd=FALSE,seed=FALSE,wt=wt)
		computed.cluster.mem <- fit.test$clusters

		# Adjusted rand index between the predicted and computed cluster membership
		R.ind <- c(R.ind,adjustedRandIndex(predicted.cluster.mem,computed.cluster.mem))
		# Display progress %
		count <- count + 1
		if(progress & round(count/(n.runs*length(k.range)*n.fold)*100, 0) %in% seq(5,100,by=5)){
			message(paste(round(count/(n.runs*length(k.range)*n.fold)*100, 0),"% complete",sep=""))
			CPI[k-1,i] <- mean(R.ind)
	# Plots of optimality criteria vs k
	dev.new(width=4, height=5)
	for (m in 2:n.runs) points(k.range,CPI[,m],pch=20)
	mtext("Optimum k", outer = TRUE, cex = 1, line=-2)}
	if(result) return(CPI)

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IntNMF documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:35 p.m.