
Defines functions PlausibleFormula

#' @title PlausibleFormula.
#' @description \code{PlausibleFormula} will count the chemical elements within 
#'     a provided formula and apply a rule set to evaluate if this formula is 
#'     plausible.#'
#' @details The rules are developed based on comparison with ~1000 compounds 
#'     found in the Golm Metabolome Database (GMD) for silylated metabolites 
#'     detectable in GC-MS. The following elements will be counted and tested: 
#'     c("C","H","N","O","P","S","Si").#'
#' @param x A chemical formula. No validity checks are performed.
#' @param ruleset Currently either "APCI" or "ESI" as a keyword. In future 
#'     potentially a link to a text file containing the rule set.
#' @return Either TRUE or FALSE. Use sapply(vector, PlausibleFormula) if necessary.#'
#' @examples
#' PlausibleFormula(x = "C6H12O6")
#' PlausibleFormula(x = "C5H13O14P3")#'
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
PlausibleFormula <- function(x, ruleset = c("APCI", "ESI", "none")) {
  ruleset <- match.arg(ruleset)
  if (ruleset == "APCI") {
    if (length(x) == 1 && is.character(x)) {
      out_name <- x
      # check if a certain SumFormula is likely to appear in GCMS-APCI data
      x <- CountChemicalElements(x, ele = c("C", "H", "N", "O", "P", "S", "Si"))
      out <- TRUE
      # test maximal number of elemental occurences (empirical cutoff evaluation based on GMD entries)
      ulim <- list("C" = 60, "H" = 100, "N" = 10, "O" = 27, "P" = 4, "S" = 3, "Si" = 12)
      out <- out & all(sapply(names(ulim), function(y) {
        x[y] <= ulim[[y]]
      }), na.rm = T)
      # test minimal number of elemental occurences (empirical cutoff evaluation based on GMD entries)
      llim <- list("C" = 1, "H" = 4)
      out <- out & all(sapply(names(llim), function(y) {
        x[y] >= llim[[y]]
      }), na.rm = T)
      # test individual element ratios
      out <- out & x["H"] <= (1 + 4 * x["C"])
      out <- out & x["N"] <= x["C"]
      out <- out & x["O"] <= x["C"]
      out <- out & 6 * x["P"] <= x["C"]
      out <- out & 4 * x["S"] <= x["C"]
      out <- out & sum(x[c("N", "O", "P", "S")]) <= x["C"]
      # test Si to O+N+S ratio (assumption: O, N and S Groups will most likely be Silylated, which may not be always True)
      # allow aditionally non Silylated  Compounds as some of those exist in GMD
      # out <- out & ifelse(x["Si"]==0, TRUE, !(6*x["Si"] < x["O"]+x["N"]+x["S"]+x["P"]))
      out <- out & ifelse(x["Si"] == 0, TRUE, !(8 * x["Si"] < x["O"] + x["N"] + x["S"] + x["P"]))
      out <- out & !(x["Si"] > 2 * (x["O"] + x["N"] + x["S"] + x["P"]))
      # out <- out & !(x["Si"] >= x["O"]+x["N"]+x["S"])
      # test Si to C ratio (assumption: Si is still present as SiC3H8 Group, which may not be always True)
      # lowest value allowed for C is 3*Si-2 to account for e.g. CH4 Loss of Phosphate-3TMS or TMS-Dimer (mz=147, F=C5H15OSi2)
      out <- out & (3 * x["Si"] - 2 <= x["C"])
      # test Si to H ratio (assumption: Si is still present as SiC3H8 Group, which may not be always True)
      out <- out & (8 * x["Si"] - 3 <= x["H"])
      # S and P are rare to occur together (though they sometimes may)
      out <- out & x["S"] * x["P"] == 0
      # if S=2 than Si>2 (...)
      out <- out & ifelse(x["S"] == 2, x["S"] < x["Si"], TRUE)
      # if P>1 than Si>2P (...)
      out <- out & ifelse(x["P"] > 0, 2 * x["P"] <= x["Si"], TRUE)
      # if P>1 than O>=4 (...)
      out <- out & ifelse(x["P"] > 0, x["O"] >= 4, TRUE)
      names(out) <- out_name
    } else {
      out <- NA
      names(out) <- paste(x, collapse = "_", sep = "_")
  if (ruleset == "ESI") {
    if (length(x) == 1 && is.character(x)) {
      out_name <- x
      # check if a certain SumFormula is likely to appear in LCMS-ESI data
      # rules for the following counted elements will be checked
      x <- CountChemicalElements(x, ele = c("C", "H", "N", "O", "P", "S", "Cl", "K", "Na"))
      # the molecular mass is therefore
      m <- sum(x * c(12.0, 1.007825, 14.003074, 15.994915, 30.973762, 31.972071, 34.96885, 38.96371, 22.98977))
      out <- TRUE
      # test maximal number of elemental occurences (empirical cutoff evaluation based on GMD entries)
      ulim <- list("C" = 2 + 0.07 * m, "H" = 6 + 0.14 * m, "N" = 5 + 0.01 * m, "O" = 3 + 0.03 * m, "P" = min(c(8, 1 + 0.01 * m)), "S" = 4)
      out <- out & all(sapply(names(ulim), function(y) {
        x[y] <= ulim[[y]]
      }), na.rm = T)
      llim <- list("C" = -15 + 0.04 * m, "H" = -10 + 0.03 * m, "N" = 0, "O" = -25 + 0.03 * m, "P" = 0, "S" = 0)
      # out <- out & all(sapply(names(llim), function(y) { x[y]>=llim[[y]] }), na.rm=T)
      # test individual element ratios
      out <- out & x["N"] <= (3 + x["C"])
      out <- out & (x["O"] - 4 * x["P"]) <= (2 + x["C"])
      out <- out & x["P"] <= (1 + x["C"])
      out <- out & x["S"] <= (1 + x["C"])
      out <- out & (x["N"] + x["P"] + x["O"] - 4 * x["P"] + x["S"]) <= (4 + x["C"])
      # S and P are rare to occur together (though they sometimes may)
      out <- out & x["S"] * x["P"] == 0
      # Na and K (forming adducts) should not occur together
      out <- out & x["Na"] * x["K"] == 0
      # if P>1 than O>=2 (...)
      out <- out & ifelse(x["P"] > 0, x["O"] >= 2, TRUE)
      names(out) <- out_name
    } else {
      out <- NA
      names(out) <- paste(x, collapse = "_", sep = "_")

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