
Defines functions PlotSpec

Documented in PlotSpec

#'@title Plot Mass Spectrum.
#'\code{PlotSpec} will read, evaluate and plot a deconvoluted mass spectrum (mass*intensity pairs) from TMS-derivatized GC-APCI-MS data.
#'The main purpose is to visualize the relation between deconvoluted masses.
#'@param x A two-column matrix with ("mz", "int") information.
#'@param masslab The cutoff value  (relative to basepeak) for text annotation of peaks.
#'@param rellab TRUE/FALSE. Label masses relative to largest mass in plot (if TRUE), absolute (if FALSE) or to specified mass (if numeric).
#'@param cutoff Show only peaks with intensity higher than cutoff*I(base peak). This will limit the x-axis accordingly.
#'@param cols Color vector for peaks with length(cols)==nrow(x).
#'@param txt Label peaks with specified text (column 1 specifies x-axis value, column 2 specifies label).
#'@param mz_prec Numeric precision of m/z (=number of digits to plot).
#'@param neutral_losses Data frame of defined building blocks (Name, Formula, Mass). If not provided data("neutral_losses") will be used.
#'@param neutral_loss_cutoff Specifies the allowed deviation in mDa for neutral losses to be accepted from the provided neutral loss list.
#'@param substitutions May provide a two column table of potential substitutions (for adducts in ESI-MS).
#'@param ionization Either APCI or ESI (important for main peak determination).
#'@param xlim To specify xlim explicitly (for comparative plotting).
#'@param ylim To specify ylim explicitly (for comparative plotting).
#'An annotated plot of the mass spectrum.
#'#load test data and apply function
#'utils::data(apci_spectrum, package = "InterpretMSSpectrum")
#'PlotSpec(x=apci_spectrum, ionization="APCI")
#'# normalize test data by intensity
#'s <- apci_spectrum
#'s[,2] <- s[,2]/max(s[,2])
#'# use relative labelling
#'PlotSpec(x=s, rellab=364.1789)
#'# avoid annotation of masses and fragments
#'PlotSpec(x=s, masslab=NULL, neutral_losses=NA)
#'# provide individual neutral loss set
#'tmp <- data.frame("Name"=c("Loss1","Loss2"),"Formula"=c("",""),"Mass"=c(90.05,27.995))
#'PlotSpec(x=s, neutral_losses=tmp)
#'# provide additional color and annotaion information per peak
#'PlotSpec(x=s, cols=1+(s[,2]>0.1), txt=data.frame("x"=s[s[,2]>0.1,1],"txt"="txt"))
#'# simulate a Sodium adduct to the spectrum (and annotate using substitutions)
#'p <- which.max(s[,2])
#'s <- rbind(s, c(21.98194+s[p,1], 0.6*s[p,2]))
#'PlotSpec(x=s, substitutions=matrix(c("H","Na"),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE))
#'#load ESI test data and apply function
#'PlotSpec(x=esi_spectrum, ionization="ESI")


PlotSpec <- function(x=NULL, masslab=0.1, rellab=FALSE, cutoff=0.01, cols=NULL, txt=NULL, mz_prec=4, ionization=NULL, neutral_losses=NULL, neutral_loss_cutoff=NULL, substitutions=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL) {
  # potential parameters
  max_isomain_peaks <- NULL

  if (is.null(neutral_loss_cutoff)) {
    if (is.null(ionization)) {
      neutral_loss_cutoff <- 1
    } else {
      if (ionization=="APCI") neutral_loss_cutoff <- 0.5
      if (ionization=="ESI") neutral_loss_cutoff <- 2

  # check spectra format
  x <- x[,1:2,drop=FALSE]
  test_valid_spectra <- all(apply(x,2,is.numeric)) & prod(dim(x))>1

  if (test_valid_spectra) {

    # load building block definition
    if (is.null(neutral_losses)) {
      #utils::data(paste("neutral_losses",ionization,sep="_"), envir=environment())
      if (is.null(ionization)) {
        neutral_losses <- NULL
      } else {
        if (ionization=="APCI") {
          neutral_losses_APCI <- NULL
          utils::data(neutral_losses_APCI, envir=environment(), package = "InterpretMSSpectrum")
          neutral_losses <- neutral_losses_APCI
        if (ionization=="ESI") {
          neutral_losses_ESI <- NULL
          utils::data(neutral_losses_ESI, envir=environment(), package = "InterpretMSSpectrum")
          neutral_losses <- neutral_losses_ESI

    # attach substitution information to neutral loss table
    if (!is.null(substitutions)) {
      substitutions <- data.frame(
        "Name" = apply(substitutions, 1, paste, collapse="/"), 
        "Formula" = rep("", nrow(substitutions)), 
        "Mass" = apply(substitutions, 1, function(x) {
      if (!exists("neutral_losses",envir = environment())) {
        neutral_losses <- substitutions
      } else {
        neutral_losses <- rbind(neutral_losses[,colnames(substitutions)], substitutions)

    # define mass range for plotting
    xf <- rep(T, length(x[,1]))
    if (is.numeric(cutoff)) xf[x[,2] < cutoff*max(x[,2])] <- FALSE

    # cols will be provided by InterpretMSSpec
    if (is.null(cols)) cols <- rep(1, nrow(x))

    # set up main plot
    if (is.null(xlim)) {
      xlim <- c(floor(min(x[xf,1])), ceiling(max(x[xf,1])))
      if (diff(xlim)<30) xlim <- xlim + c(-1,1)*ceiling((30-diff(xlim))/2)
    xlim <- round(xlim)
    graphics::plot(x=x[xf,1], y=x[xf,2], type="h", las=1, xlab="", ylab="", main="", col=cols[xf], ann=F, axes=F, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
      graphics::axis(1, tcl=-0.8, lwd=1.2)
      if (diff(xlim)<600) graphics::axis(1, at=seq(floor(min(xlim)/10)*10,ceiling(max(xlim)/10)*10,10), labels=FALSE, tcl=-0.6, lwd=1.2)
      if (diff(xlim)<100) graphics::axis(1, at=seq(min(xlim),max(xlim),1), labels=FALSE, tcl=-0.3)

    # indicate typical losses
    if (prod(dim(neutral_losses))>1) {
      # determine the main peaks of all isotopic clusters
      isomain <- which(x[xf,1] %in% DetermineIsomainPeaks(spec=x[xf,1:2,drop=F], int_cutoff=0.03, ionization=ifelse(is.null(ionization),"APCI",ionization), limit=max_isomain_peaks))
      # get distance matrix for isomain peaks and annotate typical losses
      dmz <- sapply(x[xf,1][isomain], function(y) {y-x[xf,1][isomain]})
      for (i in 1:nrow(neutral_losses)) {
        l <- which(abs(dmz[upper.tri(dmz)]-neutral_losses[i,3])<=(neutral_loss_cutoff/1000))
        if (length(l)>0) {
          l <- cbind(row(dmz)[upper.tri(dmz)][l],col(dmz)[upper.tri(dmz)][l])
          for (j in 1:nrow(l)) {
            graphics::lines(x[xf,][isomain,][l[j,],], lty=2, col=grDevices::grey(0.8))
            graphics::text(x=mean(x[xf,][isomain,][l[j,],1]), y=mean(x[xf,][isomain,][l[j,],2]), labels=neutral_losses[i,1], col=grDevices::grey(0.8), cex=0.8)

    # print text (sum formulas)
    if (!is.null(txt)) {
      tmp.y <- sapply(txt[,1],function(y){x[which.min(abs(x[,1]-y)),2]})
      graphics::text(x=txt[,1], y=tmp.y, pos=sapply(tmp.y, function(y) {ifelse(y>0.9*max(x[xf,2]),1,3)}), labels=txt[,2], col=4, cex=0.8)

    # print masses
    if (is.numeric(masslab) && length(masslab)==1 && masslab>=0 && masslab<=1) {
      xf <- xf & (x[,2] >= masslab*max(x[xf,2]))
      if (length(rellab)==1 && is.numeric(rellab)) tmp.lab <- round(x[xf,1]-rellab, mz_prec)
      if (length(rellab)==1 && is.logical(rellab)) tmp.lab <- round(x[xf,1]-ifelse(rellab, x[xf,1][which.max(x[xf,2])], 0), mz_prec)
      if (exists("tmp.lab") && length(tmp.lab)==sum(xf)) graphics::text(x=x[xf,1], y=x[xf,2], labels=tmp.lab, cex=0.7)

  } else {

    plot(1, 1, axes=F, ann=F, type="n")
    graphics::text(x=1, y=1, "No valid Spectra format...")



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InterpretMSSpectrum documentation built on July 9, 2023, 5:58 p.m.