Defines functions print.jgl plot.jgl JGL

Documented in JGL plot.jgl print.jgl

JGL <-
function(Y,penalty="fused",lambda1,lambda2,rho=1,weights="equal",penalize.diagonal=FALSE,maxiter=500,tol=1e-5,warm=NULL,return.whole.theta=FALSE, screening="fast",truncate=1e-5)
	## initialize:
	p = dim(Y[[1]])[2]
	K = length(Y)
	n = rep(0,K)
	for(k in 1:K) {n[k] = dim(Y[[k]])[1]}

	# assign feature names if none exist:
		for(k in 1:K)
	# mean-normalize Y:
	for(k in 1:K){
	for(j in 1:p){
		Y[[k]][,j] = Y[[k]][,j]-mean(Y[[k]][,j])

	# set weights:
	if(length(weights)==1){if(weights == "equal"){
		weights = rep(1,K)
	if(length(weights)==1){if(weights == "sample.size"){
		weights = n/sum(n)

	## if p is very high, identify connected nodes without storing full S matrices
	if( screening == "memory.efficient" ) 
		if(penalty=="fused"){connected = screen.fgl(Y,lambda1,lambda2,weights) }	
		if(penalty=="group"){connected = screen.ggl(Y,lambda1,lambda2,weights) }	
	if( screening == "fast" ) { connected = rep(TRUE,p) }
	if(!((screening == "memory.efficient")|(screening == "fast"))){stop("screening must equal \"fast\" or \"memory.efficient\".")}

	### now get criterion over connected S:
	## define S
	S = vector("list",length=K)
	for(k in 1:K)
		ntemp = dim(Y[[k]])[1]
		S[[k]] = cov(Y[[k]][,connected])*(ntemp-1)/ntemp

	# if a penalty matrix is entered, only take its appropriate rows:
	lam1 = lambda1
	lam2 = lambda2
	if(length(lam1)>1) {lam1 = lam1[connected,connected]}
	if(length(lam2)>1) {lam2 = lam2[connected,connected]}

	## examine criteria:  (value 0 where S allows theta=0 to satisfy KKT; value 1 where theta must be connected)
  	if(K==2)  #use bi-conditional screening rule to identify block structure exactly
  	crit1 = list()
  	for(k in 1:K) { crit1[[k]] =  abs(S[[k]])*weights[k] > lam1 + lam2 }  
  	S.sum = matrix(0,sum(connected),sum(connected))
  	for(k in 1:K) {S.sum = S.sum + weights[k]*S[[k]]}
  	S.sum = abs(S.sum)
  	crit2 = S.sum > 2*lam1
    	if(K>2)  #use sufficient screening rule to identify larger-grained block structure
  	crit1 = list()
  	for(k in 1:K) { crit1[[k]] =  abs(S[[k]])*weights[k] > lam1 }  
  	crit2 = matrix(0,sum(connected),sum(connected))
  	# are both criteria met?
  	critboth = crit2
  	for(k in 1:K) {critboth = critboth + crit1[[k]]}
  	critboth = (critboth!=0)				
  	diag(critboth) = 1
   	## examine criteria:  (value 0 where S allows theta=0 to satisfy KKT; value 1 where theta must be connected)
  	tempsum = matrix(0,sum(connected),sum(connected))
  	for(k in 1:K) {tempsum = tempsum + (pmax(weights[k]*abs(S[[k]]) - lam1,0))^2 }    
  	critboth = tempsum > lam2^2
  	diag(critboth) = 1
	## now identify block structure using igraph:
	g1 <- graph.adjacency(critboth)	
	cout = clusters(g1)
	blocklist = list()
	# identify unconnected elements, and get blocks:
	unconnected = c()
#	for(i in 2:(cout$no+1))
#	{
#		if(sum(cout$membership==(i-1))==1) { unconnected <- c(unconnected,which(cout$membership==(i-1))) }
#		if(sum(cout$membership==(i-1))>1) { blocklist[[length(blocklist)+1]] <- which(cout$membership==(i-1)) }
#	}
	# adapt cout$membership to start with index 1:
	for(i in 1:(cout$no))
		if(sum(cout$membership==i)==1) { unconnected <- c(unconnected,which(cout$membership==i)) }
		if(sum(cout$membership==i)>1) { blocklist[[length(blocklist)+1]] <- which(cout$membership==i) }

	# final set of connected nodes
	connected[unconnected] = FALSE
	# connected indices of connected nodes:  0 for unconnected nodes, and 1:length(connected) for the rest.  
	# maps features 1:p to their order in the connected features
	connected.index = rep(0,p)
	connected.index[connected] = 1:sum(connected)
	# regular indices of connected nodes: map connected nodes onto 1:p indexing:

	# redefine unconnected as !connected (up until now it's been extra nodes caught as unconnected)

	## define theta on all connected:   (so theta is really theta.connected).
	theta = list()
	for(k in 1:K) 
		theta[[k]] = matrix(0,sum(connected),sum(connected))

	## get solution on unconnected nodes
	# data:
	Yu = list()
	for(k in 1:K){Yu[[k]] = Y[[k]][,unconnected]}
	# penalty vectors:
  	# note: for admm.iters.unconnected, we use the penalize.diagonal argument before calling the function.  for admm.iters, we use it IN the function.  
	if(length(lambda1)==1) { lam1.unconnected = lambda1 }
	if(length(lambda1)>1) { lam1.unconnected = diag(lambda1)[unconnected] }
	if(length(lambda2)==1) { lam2.unconnected = lambda2 }
	if(length(lambda2)>1) { lam2.unconnected = diag(lambda2)[unconnected] }
  	# if penalize.diagonal==FALSE, then set the appropriate penalty vectors to zero:
		lam1.unconnected = lam1.unconnected * 0
		if(penalty=="group") {lam2.unconnected = lam2.unconnected * 0}
	# get the unconnected portion of theta:
		theta.unconnected = admm.iters.unconnected(Yu,lambda1=lam1.unconnected,lambda2=lam2.unconnected,penalty=penalty,rho=rho,weights=weights,maxiter=maxiter,tol=tol)$Z
		for(k in 1:K) { names(theta.unconnected[[k]])=dimnames(Y[[k]])[[2]][!connected] }
	if(sum(unconnected)==0) {theta.unconnected = NULL}

	## now run JGL on each block of the connected nodes to fill in theta:
	for(i in 1:length(blocklist)){
		# the variables in the block
		bl <- blocklist[[i]] 
		Ybl = list()
		# get the data on only those variables
		for(k in 1:K) 
			Ybl[[k]] = Y[[k]][,bl]
		# penalty matrices:
		if(length(lambda1)==1) { lam1.bl = lambda1 }
		if(length(lambda1)>1) { lam1.bl = lambda1[bl,bl] }
		if(length(lambda2)==1) { lam2.bl = lambda2 }
		if(length(lambda2)>1) { lam2.bl = lambda2[bl,bl] }
	  	# initialize lambdas:
 	 	lam1.bl = penalty.as.matrix(lam1.bl,dim(Ybl[[1]])[2],penalize.diagonal=penalize.diagonal)
		if(penalty=="fused") {lam2.bl = penalty.as.matrix(lam2.bl,dim(Ybl[[1]])[2],penalize.diagonal=TRUE)}
		if(penalty=="group") {lam2.bl = penalty.as.matrix(lam2.bl,dim(Ybl[[1]])[2],penalize.diagonal=penalize.diagonal)}
		# implement warm start if desired
		if(length(warm)==0) {warm.bl = NULL}
			warm.bl = list()
			for(k in 1:K) { warm.bl[[k]] = warm[[k]][bl,bl] }
		# run JGL on the block:
		Thetabl = admm.iters(Ybl,lam1.bl,lam2.bl,penalty=penalty,rho=rho,weights=weights,penalize.diagonal=TRUE,maxiter=maxiter,tol=tol,warm=warm.bl)
		# update Theta with Thetabl's results:
		for(k in 1:K) {theta[[k]][connected.index[bl],connected.index[bl]] = Thetabl$Z[[k]]}   

	# round very small theta entries down to zero:
	for(k in 1:K)
		rounddown = abs(theta[[k]])<truncate; diag(rounddown)=FALSE

	# update connected:
	#stillconnected = rep(FALSE,length(connected))
	#for(k in 1:K)
	#	stillconnected = stillconnected + (rowSums(theta[[k]]!=0)>1)

	# return output: theta on connected nodes, diagonal theta on unconnected nodes, and the identities of the connected nodes
		out = list(theta=theta,theta.unconnected=theta.unconnected,connected=connected)
		whole.theta = list()
		for(k in 1:K) 
			whole.theta[[k]] = matrix(0,p,p)
			diag(whole.theta[[k]])[unconnected] = theta.unconnected[[k]]
			whole.theta[[k]][connected,connected] = theta[[k]]
			dimnames(whole.theta[[k]])[[1]] = dimnames(whole.theta[[k]])[[2]] = dimnames(Y[[k]])[[2]]
		out = list(theta=whole.theta,connected=connected)

plot.jgl <-
.env = "environment: namespace:JGL"
adj = make.adj.matrix(theta)
gadj = graph.adjacency(adj,mode="upper",weighted=TRUE)
#weight the edges according to the classes they belong to
E(gadj)$color = 2^(K)-get.edge.attribute(gadj,"weight")
#plot the net using igraph
plot(gadj, vertex.frame.color="white",layout=layout.fruchterman.reingold, 
	vertex.label=NA, vertex.label.cex=3, vertex.size=1)

print.jgl <-  
function(x, ...)
#	.env = "environment: namespace:JGL"
#	UseMethod("print")
	p = dim(x$theta[[1]])[1]
	K = length(x$theta)
	#cat("Call: ")
	# return number of connected nodes:
	cat("Number of connected nodes: ",sum(x$connected),"\n")
	subnetlengths = nedges = c()
	for(k in 1:K)
		subnetlengths[k] = length(subnetworks(x$theta)[[k]])
		nedges[k] = (sum(x$theta[[k]]!=0)-p)/2
	# number of subgraphs:
	cat("Number of subnetworks in each class: ", subnetlengths, "\n")
	# number of edges per class:
	cat("Number of edges in each class: ", nedges, "\n")

	# number of shared edges:
	sharededges = matrix(0,p,p)
	for(k in 1:K){sharededges = sharededges + (x$theta[[k]]!=0)}
	nsharededges = (sum(sharededges==K)-p)/2
	cat("Number of edges shared by all classes: ", nsharededges, "\n")

	# L1 norm of classes:
	norm = c()
	for(k in 1:K) {norm[k] = sum(abs(x$theta[[k]]))-sum(abs(diag(x$theta[[k]])))}
	cat("L1 norm of off-diagonal elements of classes' Thetas: ", norm, "\n")

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JGL documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:11 a.m.