
Defines functions jmo_0

Documented in jmo_0

##' Joint modeling of longitudinal ordinal data and competing risks
##' @title Joint Modelling for Ordinal outcomes
##' @param p  The dimension of proportional odds covariates (not including intercept) in yfile.
##' @param s  The dimension of non-proportional odds covariates in yfile.
##' @param yfile Y matrix for longitudinal measurements in long format. For example, for a subject with n measurements, there are n rows for this subject. The # of rows in y matrix is the total number of measurements for all subjects. The columns in Y are ordered this way: the longitudinal outcome (column 1), then the covariates for random effects, and lastly, the covariates for fixed effects (no intercept).
##' @param cfile C matrix for competing risks failure time data. Each subject has one data entry, so the number of rows equals to the number of subjects. The survival / censoring time is included in the first column, and the failure type coded as 0 (censored events), 1 (risk 1), or 2 (risk 2) is given in the second column. Two competing risks are assumed. The covariates are included in the third column and on.
##' @param mfile M vector to indicate the number of longitudinal measurements per subject. The number of rows equals to the number of subjects.
##' @param point Quadrature points used in the EM procedure. Default is 20.
##' @param maxiterations Maximum values of iterations. Default is 100000.
##' @param do.trace Print detailed information of each iteration. Default is false, not to print the iteration details.
##' @param type_file Types of inputs. Default is true, i.e.  data files with headers. If set to "F", inputs are changed to data matrixes or data.frames (with headers)
##' @return Object of class \code{JMcmprsk} with elements
##'   \tabular{ll}{
##'       \code{vcmatrix}    \tab  The variance-covariance matrix for all the parameters. The parameters are in the order: \eqn{\beta}, \eqn{\alpha}, \eqn{\theta}, \eqn{\gamma}, \eqn{\nu}, and \eqn{\Sigma}. The elements in \eqn{\Sigma} are output in the order along the main diagonal line, then the second main diagonal line, and so on. \cr
##'       \code{betas} \tab The point  estimates of \eqn{\beta}. \cr
##'       \code{se_betas} \tab The standard error estimate of \eqn{\beta}. \cr
##'       \code{alphamatrix} \tab The point  estimates of \eqn{\alpha}. \cr
##'       \code{se_alphas} \tab The standard error estimate of \eqn{\alpha}. \cr
##'       \code{theta} \tab The point  estimates of \eqn{\theta}. \cr
##'       \code{se_theta} \tab The standard error estimate of \eqn{\theta}. \cr
##'       \code{gamma_matrix} \tab  The point  estimate of \eqn{\gamma}. \cr
##'       \code{se_gamma_matrix}   \tab  The standard error estimate of \eqn{\gamma}. \cr
##'       \code{v_estimate} \tab The point  estimate of \eqn{\nu}. \cr
##'       \code{se_v_estimate}    \tab The standard error estimate of \eqn{\nu}. \cr
##'       \code{sigma_matrix}     \tab The point estimate of \eqn{\Sigma} (only the upper triangle portion of the matrix is output).\cr
##'       \code{se_sigma}     \tab The standard error estimate of \eqn{\Sigma}.The standard errors are given in this order: main diagonal, the second main diagonal, and so on. \cr
##'       \code{loglike}     \tab Log Likelihood.\cr
##'   }
##' @examples
##' require(JMcmprsk)
##' set.seed(123)
##' # A toy example on a dataset called from file paths
##' yfn=system.file("extdata", "jmosimy.txt", package = "JMcmprsk")
##' cfn=system.file("extdata", "jmosimc.txt", package = "JMcmprsk")
##' mfn=system.file("extdata", "jmosimm.txt", package = "JMcmprsk")
##' fit <- jmo_0(p=3,s=1, yfn,cfn,mfn,point=6,do.trace = FALSE)
##' fit
##' \dontrun{
##' # A toy example on a dataset called from data frame
##' data(ninds)
##' yread <- ninds[, c(2:14)]
##' mread <- as.data.frame(table(ninds$ID))
##' mread <- as.data.frame(mread[, 2])
##' cread <- ninds[, c(1, 15, 16, 6, 10:14)]
##' cread <- unique(cread)
##' cread <- cread[, -1]
##' jmofit=jmo_0(p=9,s=2, yread,cread,mread,point=6,do.trace = FALSE, type_file = FALSE)
##' jmofit
##' }

##' @references
##' \itemize{
##' \item Ning Li,Robert M. Elashoff,Gang Li and Jeffrey Saver. "Joint modeling of longitudinal ordinal data and competing risks survival times and analysis of the NINDS rt-PA stroke trial." Statistics in medicine 29.5 (2010): 546-557.
##' }
##' @seealso \code{\link{jmc_0}}
##' @export
jmo_0 <- function(p, s, yfile, cfile, mfile, point = 20, maxiterations = 100000, do.trace = FALSE, type_file = TRUE) {

  # more error control here.

  if (do.trace) {
    trace <- 1
  } else {
    trace <- 0
  # Gaussian-Hermite quadrature nodes and weights
  # The dimension of xs/ws is half of the point value since they are symmetric

  gq_vals <- statmod::gauss.quad(n = point, kind = "hermite")
  xs <- gq_vals$nodes[(point / 2 + 1):point]
  ws <- gq_vals$weights[(point / 2 + 1):point]

  # store header names for future useage
  if (type_file) {
    ydata <- read.table(yfile, header = TRUE)
    ynames <- colnames(ydata)
    yfile <- tempfile(pattern = "", fileext = ".txt")
    writenh(ydata, yfile)

    cdata <- read.table(cfile, header = TRUE)
    cnames <- colnames(cdata)
    cfile <- tempfile(pattern = "", fileext = ".txt")
    writenh(cdata, cfile)

    ydim <- dim(ydata)

    # number of observations in study is equals to the #of rows in Y matrix and delete header here
    n1 <- ydim[1]

    ydata[, 1] <- factor(ydata[, 1])
    # generate data column names for further useage
    y_names <- colnames(ydata)[1]
    fixed_col_names <- paste(names(ydata[, (ncol(ydata) - p + 1):ncol(ydata)]), collapse = "+")
    initvalues <- MASS::polr(as.formula(paste(y_names, "~", fixed_col_names)), data = ydata)
    betas <- initvalues$coefficients
    thetas <- initvalues$zeta

    # the levels of the first column of yfile
    K_num <- length(unique(ydata[, 1]))
    # dim of fixed effects plus dim of random effects should be
    # total the column of y -the survival time column 1

    # dim of random effects
    p1a <- ydim[2] - 1 - p - s

    # if((p1<1)|(p1a<1)){
    # stop("Possibe wrong dimension of fixed effects in Y!")
    # }

    if (p1a > 3) {
      stop("Maximum of 3 random effects are allowed. Please reconsider the random effect covariates you need!")

    cdim <- dim(cdata)

    ## Check the completeness of data
    if (sum(complete.cases(ydata)) != ydim[1]) {
      stop("Missing values detected! Please make sure your longitudinal data is complete!")

    if (sum(complete.cases(cdata)) != cdim[1]) {
      stop("Missing values detected! Please make sure your survival data is complete!")

    # number of subjects in study is equals to the #of rows in C matrix
    k <- cdim[1]
    # The dimension of fixed effects in C
    p2 <- cdim[2] - 2

    PropComp <- round(table(cdata[, 2]) / k * 100, 2)

    # The max number observations for a subject
    j_max <- max(read.table(mfile))
    myresult <- jmo_main(k, n1, p, p2, p1a, s, K_num, j_max, point, xs, ws, betas, thetas, maxiterations, yfile, cfile, mfile, trace)
  } else {
    # in this case yfile=ydata
    ynames <- colnames(yfile)
    yfilenew <- tempfile(pattern = "", fileext = ".txt")
    writenh(yfile, yfilenew)
    cnames <- colnames(cfile)
    cfilenew <- tempfile(pattern = "", fileext = ".txt")
    writenh(cfile, cfilenew)

    mfilenew <- tempfile(pattern = "", fileext = ".txt")
    writenh(mfile, mfilenew)

    ydim <- dim(yfile)

    # number of observations in study is equals to the #of rows in Y matrix and delete header here
    n1 <- ydim[1]

    yfile[, 1] <- factor(yfile[, 1])
    # generate data column names for further useage
    y_names <- colnames(yfile)[1]
    fixed_col_names <- paste(names(yfile[, (ncol(yfile) - p + 1):ncol(yfile)]), collapse = "+")
    initvalues <- MASS::polr(as.formula(paste(y_names, "~", fixed_col_names)), data = yfile)
    betas <- initvalues$coefficients
    thetas <- initvalues$zeta

    # the levels of the first row of yfile
    K_num <- length(unique(yfile[, 1]))
    # dim of fixed effects plus dim of random effects should be
    # total the column of y -the survival time column 1

    # dim of random effects
    p1a <- ydim[2] - 1 - p - s

    # if((p1<1)|(p1a<1)){
    # stop("Possibe wrong dimension of fixed effects in Y!")
    # }

    if (p1a > 3) {
      stop("Maximum of 3 random effects are allowed. Please reconsider the random effect covariates you need!")

    cdim <- dim(cfile)

    ## Check the completeness of data
    if (sum(complete.cases(yfile)) != ydim[1]) {
      stop("Missing values detected! Please make sure your longitudinal data is complete!")

    if (sum(complete.cases(cfile)) != cdim[1]) {
      stop("Missing values detected! Please make sure your survival data is complete!")

    # number of subjects in study is equals to the #of rows in C matrix
    k <- cdim[1]
    # The dimension of fixed effects in C
    p2 <- cdim[2] - 2

    PropComp <- round(table(cfile[, 2]) / k * 100, 2)
    # The max number observations for a subject
    j_max <- max(mfile)
    myresult <- jmo_main(k, n1, p, p2, p1a, s, K_num, j_max, point, xs, ws, betas, thetas, maxiterations, yfilenew, cfilenew, mfilenew, trace)

  # the program is estimating -beta, -alpha, and -bi in equation (1) of the stats #in med paper.when reporting the results, the sign of beta, alpha (which is #beta2 in the program), and rho_bu (or sigma_bu, which is the off-diagonal  #elements of the sig matrix) should be flipped (i.e., negative values should be #positive, and vice versa)
  # beta and alpha
  myresult$betas <- -myresult$betas
  myresult$alphamatrix <- -myresult$alphamatrix

  # names
  names(myresult$betas) <- ynames[(ydim[2] - p + 1):ydim[2]]
  colnames(myresult$alphamatrix) <- ynames[3:(s + 3 - 1)]
  colnames(myresult$gamma_matrix) <- cnames[3:(p2 + 3 - 1)]

  # off-diagnoal elements

  for (i in 1:(dim(myresult$sigma_matrix)[1] - 1)) {
    for (j in (i + 1):(dim(myresult$sigma_matrix)[2]))
      myresult$sigma_matrix[i, j] <- -myresult$sigma_matrix[i, j]

  myresult$k <- k
  myresult$type <- "jmo"

  ## create longitudinal submodel formula
  # ynames <- colnames(ydata)
  LongOut <- ynames[1]
  LongP <- paste0(ynames[(ydim[2] - p + 1):ydim[2]], collapse = "+")
  LongNP <- paste0(ynames[3:(s + 3 - 1)], collapse = " + ")
  FunCall_long <- as.formula(paste(LongOut, LongP, sep = "~"))

  ## create survival submodel formula
  # cnames <- colnames(cdata)
  SurvOut <- paste0("Surv(", cnames[1], ",", cnames[2], ")")
  SurvX <- paste0(cnames[-(1:2)], collapse = "+")
  FunCall_survival <- as.formula(paste(SurvOut, SurvX, sep = "~"))

  DataPath <- NULL
  SummaryInfo <- list(k, n1, PropComp, FunCall_long, FunCall_survival, DataPath, LongNP)
  names(SummaryInfo) <- c(
    "NumSub", "Numobs", "PropComp",
    "LongitudinalSubmodel", "SurvivalSubmodel", "DataPath", "LongNP"

  myresult$SummaryInfo <- SummaryInfo
  myresult$point <- point

  mycall <- match.call()
  myresult$call <- mycall

  class(myresult) <- "JMcmprsk"

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JMcmprsk documentation built on March 22, 2021, 9:07 a.m.