
Defines functions get_fct_df_list make_fct_df get_varlist identify_functions extract_fcts remove_grouping extract_outcome

# used in divide_matrices, get_models, and helpfunctions (2020-06-09)
extract_outcome <- function(fixed) {
  # Extract the names(s) of the outcome variable(s) from (a list of) fixed
  # effects formula(s)
  # - fixed: a two-sided formula object or a list of such objects

  # if fixed is not a list, turn into list
  fixed <- check_formula_list(fixed)

  out_nam_list <- lapply(fixed, function(x) {
    # get the LHS of the formula
    lhs <- extract_lhs(x)

    # names of the outcome variables
    outnam <- all.vars(as.formula(paste0(lhs, "~ 1")))

    if (any(length(outnam) == 0L, is.na(outnam), is.null(outnam))) {
      errormsg("Unable to extract the outcome variable.")

  names(out_nam_list) <- cvapply(fixed, extract_lhs)


# used in divide_matrices, get_models, and help functions (20120-06-09)
remove_grouping <- function(fmla) {
  # Remove grouping from formula
  # - fmla: a formula object or a list of formulas

  # if fmla is not a list, turn into list
  fmla <- check_formula_list(fmla)

  if (is.null(fmla)) {

  fl <- lapply(fmla, function(x) {
    if (!is.null(x)) {
      rdmatch <- gregexpr(pattern = "\\([^|]*\\|[^)]*\\)",
                          deparse(x, width.cutoff = 500L))

      if (any(rdmatch[[1L]] > 0L)) {
        rd <- unlist(regmatches(deparse(x, width.cutoff = 500L),
                                rdmatch, invert = FALSE))
        # remove "|...) " from the formula
        rdid <- gregexpr(pattern = " *\\|[[:print:]]*", rd)

        # extract and remove (
        ranef <- lapply(regmatches(rd, rdid, invert = TRUE), gsub,
                        pattern = "^\\(", replacement =  "~ ")
        ranef <- lapply(ranef, function(k) as.formula(k[k != ""]))

        nam <- extract_id(x, warn = FALSE)

        if (length(nam) > 1L & length(ranef) == 1L) {
          ranef <- rep(ranef, length(nam))
        } else if (length(nam) != length(ranef) & length(ranef) != 0L) {
          errormsg("The number of grouping variables in the random effects
                   formula does not match the number of separate formulas.
                   This may be a problem with the specification of multiple
                   random effects formula parts which include nested grouping.")

        names(ranef) <- nam

      } else {
        # remove " | ..." from the formula
        ranef <- sub("[[:space:]]*\\|[[:print:]]*", "",
                     deparse(x, width.cutoff = 500L))

        nam <- extract_id(x, warn = FALSE)

        l <- list(as.formula(ranef))
        names(l) <- nam

  if (length(fl) == 1L) fl[[1L]] else fl

# can probably be deleted!!!
# combi_rd_list <- function(fmlas) {
#   # combine a list of rhs formulas into one rhs formula
#   as.formula(paste0("~ ",
#                     paste0(unique(unlist(
#                       lapply(fmlas, function(x)
#                         gsub("~", "", deparse(x, width.cutoff = 500L))))),
#                       collapse = " + ")
#   ))
# }

# functions in formulas --------------------------------------------------------

# used in divide_matrices (2020-06-10)
extract_fcts <- function(fixed, data, random = NULL, auxvars = NULL,
                         complete = FALSE, dsgn_mat_lvls) {
  # create a data.frame of all functions of variables used in the linear
  # predictors of the models
  # - fixed: list of fixed effects formulas or fixed effects formula
  # - data: data.frame containing the original (pre-processed) data
  # - random: optional list of random effects formulas or random effects formula
  # - auxvars: optional formula of auxiliary variables
  # - complete: should the output consider functions of variables that do not
  #             have missing values?
  # - dsgn_mat_lvls: vector identifying the levels of all variables in the
  #                  different design matrices

  fixed <- check_formula_list(fixed)
  random <- check_formula_list(random)

  # identify all left hand sides of the non-survival fixed effects formulas
  lh_sides <- if (any(unlist(lapply(fixed, attr, "type")) %in%
                      c("survreg", "coxph"))) {
      fixed[!cvapply(fixed, attr, "type") %in% c("survreg", "coxph")],
  } else {
    lapply(fixed, extract_lhs)

  # convert the lh_sides in RHSs formulas to be able to extract the functions
  # in the outcomes
  fmla_outcomes <- if (!is.null(unlist(lh_sides)))
    as.formula(paste("~", paste0(unique(unlist(lh_sides)), collapse = " + ")))

  # if there are any functions in non-survival outcomes, give an error since
  # this cannot be handled by JAGS
  if (any(names(identify_functions(fmla_outcomes)) != "identity"))
    errormsg("Functions in the outcome are not allowed.")

  # list of functions in covariates and random effects variables
  funlist <- list(covars = identify_functions(remove_lhs(c(fixed, auxvars))),
                  ranef = identify_functions(unlist(remove_grouping(random)))

  fct_df_list <- nlapply(funlist, function(fl) {
    if (is.null(fl)) {

    # make a list of data.frames, one for each function, containing the
    # expression and involved variables
    fct_list <- get_fct_df_list(varlist = get_varlist(fl), data = data)

    # convert to data.frame
    fct_df <- melt_list(fct_list, varname = "type")

    # remove duplicates
           subset = !duplicated(
             subset(fct_df, select = !names(fct_df) %in% c("type", "fct"))))

  if (any(!lvapply(fct_df_list, is.null))) {
    fct_df <- melt_data.frame_list(fct_df_list,
                                   id.vars = c("var", "colname", "fct", "type"))
    fct_df <- subset(fct_df, select = which(!names(fct_df) %in% "rowID"))

    # if chosen, remove functions only involving complete variables
    compl <- colSums(is.na(data[, fct_df$var, drop = FALSE])) == 0L
    partners <- nlapply(fct_df$colname,
                        function(x) which(fct_df$colname %in% x))
    anymis <- lvapply(partners, function(x) any(!compl[x]))

    fct_df$compl <- !anymis

    if (complete == FALSE)
      fct_df <- if (any(anymis)) fct_df[anymis, , drop = FALSE]

    if (!is.null(fct_df)) {
      fct_df$matrix <- dsgn_mat_lvls[fct_df$var]

      # look for functions that involve several variables and occur multiple
      # times in fct_df
      dupl <-
        duplicated(fct_df[, -which(names(fct_df) %in%
                                     c("var", "compl", "matrix"))]) |
        duplicated(fct_df[, -which(names(fct_df) %in%
                                     c("var", "compl", "matrix"))],
                   fromLast = TRUE)

      fct_df$dupl <- FALSE

      # identify which rows relate to the same expression in the formula
      p <- apply(
        fct_df[, -which(names(fct_df) %in% c("var", "compl", "matrix"))],
        paste, collapse = "")

      for (k in which(dupl)) {
        eq <- which(p == p[k])
        ord <- order(fct_df$matrix[eq],
                     lvapply(data[fct_df$var[eq]], function(x) any(is.na(x))),
                     decreasing = TRUE)

        fct_df$dupl[eq[ord]] <- duplicated(p[eq[ord]])

      p <- apply(fct_df[, -which(names(fct_df) %in% c("var", "dupl", "compl",
                 1L, paste, collapse = "")
      fct_df$dupl_rows <- NA
      fct_df$dupl_rows[which(dupl)] <- lapply(which(dupl), function(i) {
        m <- unname(which(p == p[i]))
        m[m != i]


# used in help function extract_fcts() (2020-06-09)
identify_functions <- function(formula) {
  # identify all functions in a list of formulas
  # - formula: a list of formulas, can contain fixed and random effects
  #            formulas, auxvars formula, ...

  formula <- check_formula_list(formula)

  if (is.null(formula)) {

  # get the term.labels from the formula and split by :
  termlabs <- unlist(lapply(formula, function(x)
    if (!is.null(x)) attr(terms(x), "term.labels")))
  termlabs <- unique(unlist(strsplit(termlabs, ":")))

  # check for each element of the formula if it is a function
  isfun <- lvapply(unique(unlist(lapply(formula, all.names, unique = TRUE))),
                   function(x) {
                     g <- try(get(x, envir = .GlobalEnv), silent = TRUE)
                     if (!inherits(g, "try-error"))

  # select only functions that are not operators or variable names
  funs <- isfun[!names(isfun) %in% c("~", "+", "-", ":", "*", "(", "^",
                                     "/", "Surv",
                                     all_vars(formula)) & isfun]

  if (length(funs) > 0L) {
    # for each function, extract formula elements containing it
    funlist <- nlapply(names(funs), function(f) {
      fl <- c(
        grep(paste0("^", f, "\\("), x = termlabs, value = TRUE),
        grep(paste0("[(+\\-\\*/] *", f, "\\("), x = termlabs, value = TRUE)

      if (length(fl) > 0L) fl

    # remove NULL elements
    funlist <- funlist[!lvapply(funlist, is.null)]

    # ??????????
    # add main effects as function "identity"
    # (this is needed to be able to identify which variables need to occur in
    # multiple versions in the design matrices)
    # if (any(!termlabs %in% unlist(funlist)))
    #   funlist$identity <- termlabs[!termlabs %in% unlist(funlist)]


# used in extract_fcts() (2020-06-10)
get_varlist <- function(funlist) {
  # make a list per function type, listing all functions and their element
  # variables
  # - funlist: a list of all functions by type (result of identify_functions())

  lapply(funlist, function(x) {
    nlapply(x, function(z) all.vars(as.formula(paste("~", z))))

# used in extract_fcts() (2020-06-10)
make_fct_df <- function(varlist_elmt, data) {

  vars <- nlapply(names(varlist_elmt), function(k)
    colnames(model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~", k)), data))[-1L])

  df <- melt_list(varlist_elmt, varname = "fct", valname = "var")

  if (any(ivapply(vars, length) > ivapply(varlist_elmt, length)))
    df <- df[match(rep(names(vars), ivapply(vars, length)), df$fct), ]

  df$colname <- unlist(vars)

  df[, c("var", "colname", "fct")]

# used in extract_fcts() (2020-06-10)
get_fct_df_list <- function(varlist, data) {
  # get data.frames per function type with info for transformations
  # - varlist: list with an element for each type of function; these elements
  #            are lists with an element per expressions using the function,
  #            which contains a vector of all variable names involved in the
  #            function, output from get_varlist()

  if (!unique(lvapply(varlist, is.list)))
    varlist <- list(varlist)

  nlapply(varlist, make_fct_df, data = data)

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