
Defines functions vorob_optim_parallel

Documented in vorob_optim_parallel

vorob_optim_parallel <- function(x, integration.points,integration.weights=NULL,
						model, T, new.noise.var=NULL,batchsize,alpha,current.vorob,

  if(is.null(penalisation)) penalisation <- 1

		if(new.noise.var == 0) {
			new.noise.var <- NULL

	#x is a vector of size d * batchsize
	d <- model@d
	n <- model@n
	X.new <- matrix(x,nrow=d)
	mindist <- Inf

	tp1 <- c(as.numeric(t(model@X)),x)
	for (i in 1:batchsize){
		#distance between the i^th point and all other points (in the DOE or in the batch)
		xx <- X.new[,i]
		mysums <- sqrt(rowSums(tp2))
		mysums[n+i] <- Inf #because this one is usually equal to zero...
		mindist <- min(mindist,mysums)

	if (!identical(colnames(integration.points), colnames(model@X))) colnames(integration.points) <- colnames(model@X)

	if ((mindist > 1e-5) || (!is.null(new.noise.var))){
		X.new <- t(X.new)
		krig  <- predict_nobias_km(object=model, newdata=as.data.frame(X.new),
								type="UK",se.compute=TRUE, cov.compute=TRUE)

		mk <- krig$mean ; sk <- krig$sd ; newXvar <- sk*sk
		F.newdata <- krig$F.newdata ; c.newdata <- krig$c;Sigma.r <- krig$cov

		kn = computeQuickKrigcov(model,integration.points,X.new,precalc.data, F.newdata , c.newdata)

		krig2  <- predict_update_km_parallel (newXmean=mk,newXvar=newXvar,newXvalue=mk,
		if(!is.null(krig2$error)) return(current.vorob)
		sk.new <- krig2$sd

		a <- (intpoints.oldmean-T) / sk.new
		a[a==Inf]<- 1000 ;a[a== -Inf] <- -1000;a[is.nan(a)] <- 1000
		c <- (intpoints.oldsd*intpoints.oldsd)/(sk.new*sk.new)
		c[c==Inf]<- 1000; c[is.nan(c)] <- 1000

		arg1 <- as.numeric((intpoints.oldmean-T) / intpoints.oldsd)
    arg2 <- as.numeric((qnorm(alpha) - a)/sqrt(c-1))
    arg3 <- as.numeric(-sqrt(1-1/c))
    arg1[arg1==Inf] <- 1000 ; arg1[arg1==-Inf] <- -1000 
    arg2[arg2==Inf] <- 1000 ; arg2[arg2==-Inf] <- -1000
      # pbivnorm - c.d.f of the bivariate gaussian distribution
      term1 <- pbivnorm(arg1,arg2,arg3)  # Type II error
      term2 <- pbivnorm(arg1,-arg2,-arg3) * penalisation # Type I error
      term3 <- pnorm(-arg2) * penalisation # Type I error
      # Readjust arg2 for excursion below T
      arg2 <- as.numeric((qnorm(alpha) + a)/sqrt(c-1))
      arg2[arg2==Inf] <- 1000 ; arg2[arg2==-Inf] <- -1000
      # pbivnorm - c.d.f of the bivariate gaussian distribution
      term1 <- pbivnorm(-arg1,arg2,arg3) # Type II error
      term2 <- pbivnorm(-arg1,-arg2,-arg3) * penalisation # Type I error
      term3 <- pnorm(as.numeric((-qnorm(alpha) -a)/sqrt(c-1))) * penalisation # Type I error

    result <- term1 - term2 + term3

		if (is.null(integration.weights)) {crit <- mean(result)
		}else crit <- sum(result*integration.weights)
	}else crit <- current.vorob + 0.01


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KrigInv documentation built on Sept. 9, 2022, 5:08 p.m.