
test_that("standard check", {

  ##load example data
  data(ExampleData.XSYG, envir = environment())

  ##subtract background
  TL.Spectrum@data <- TL.Spectrum@data[] - TL.Spectrum@data[,15]

  # break function -----------
  ## unwanted list element in list ---------
  expect_error(fit_EmissionSpectra(list(TL.Spectrum, "fail")),
               "\\[fit\\_EmissionSpectra\\(\\)\\] List elements of different class detected!")

  ## wrong frame range -------
  expect_error(fit_EmissionSpectra(TL.Spectrum, frame = 1000),
               "\\[fit\\_EmissionSpectra\\(\\)\\] 'frame' invalid. Allowed range min: 1 and max: 24")

  ## wrong graining argument -------
  expect_error(fit_EmissionSpectra(TL.Spectrum, frame = 5,
      method_control = list(graining = 10000)),
      "\\[fit\\_EmissionSpectra\\(\\)\\] method\\_control\\$graining cannot be larger than available channels \\(1024\\)!")

  ## for matrix input -------
               "\\[fit\\_EmissionSpectra\\(\\)\\] Input not supported, please read the manual!")

  # plain run -------
  # #somewhat the plotting does not work for Github Actions
  # Somehow releated to the splot screen
  results <-  expect_s4_class(fit_EmissionSpectra(
    object = TL.Spectrum,
    frame = 5,
    main = "TL spectrum",
    n_components = 3,
    plot = FALSE,
    start_parameters = c(2.17),
    method_control = list(max.runs = 100)), "RLum.Results")

  # silent mode -------
    object = TL.Spectrum,
    frame = 5,
    main = "TL spectrum",
    plot = FALSE,
    verbose = FALSE,
    method_control = list(max.runs = 10)))

 # regression test ----
 expect_length(results, 3)
 expect_s3_class(results$fit[[1]], "nls")
 expect_type(results$data, "double")


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Luminescence documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:54 a.m.