
test_that("Test image plotting", {

    ## create dataset to test
    image <- as(array(rnorm(1000), dim = c(10,10,10)), "RLum.Data.Image")

    ## crash function ----
    ### wrong input -----
                 "\\[plot_RLum.Data.Image\\(\\)\\] Input object is not of type RLum.Data.Image.")
    expect_error(plot_RLum.Data.Image(image, plot.type = "error"),
                 "\\[plot_RLum.Data.Image\\(\\)\\] Unknown plot type.")

    ## plot.raster ---
    expect_silent(plot_RLum.Data.Image(image, plot.type = "plot.raster"))
    expect_silent(plot_RLum.Data.Image(image, plot.type = "plot.raster",
                                       stretch = NULL))

    ## check global z-scale
    expect_silent(plot_RLum.Data.Image(image, plot.type = "plot.raster",
                                       stretch = NULL, zlim_image = c(0,1)))

    ## contour ---
    expect_silent(plot_RLum.Data.Image(image, plot.type = "contour",
                                       stretch = NULL))


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Luminescence documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:54 a.m.