
## This is a MALDIquant example file. It is released into public domain with the
## right to use it for any purpose but without any warranty.

## workflow demo

## load necessary packages
## requires MALDIquant >= 1.9

## load example spectra
data("fiedler2009subset", package="MALDIquant")

## check raw data
## any empty spectra? (empty spectra are ignored in subsequent baseline
## correction/peak detection; you could find/remove them by calling
## findEmptyMassObjects/removeEmptyMassObjects)
## see ?isEmpty, ?findEmptyMassObjects, ?removeEmptyMassObjects
any(sapply(fiedler2009subset, isEmpty))

## any spectra with irregular mass values/intervals? (spectra with
## missing/filtered mass values/irregular mass intervals may compromise
## subsequent baseline correction and peak detection.)
any(!sapply(fiedler2009subset, isRegular))

## do length of spectra differ? (if they differ you have to adjust the
## corresponding halfWindowSize in subsequent baseline correction and peak
## detection.)
table(sapply(fiedler2009subset, length))
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## preprocessing
## sqrt transform (for variance stabilization)
spectra <- transformIntensity(fiedler2009subset, method="sqrt")

## 21 point Savitzky-Golay-Filter for smoothing spectra
## (maybe you have to adjust the halfWindowSize;
## you could use a simple moving average instead)
## see ?smoothIntensity
spectra <- smoothIntensity(spectra, method="SavitzkyGolay", halfWindowSize=10)

## remove baseline
## (maybe you have to adjust iterations to your spectra; high resolution
## spectra need a much lower iteration number (halfWindowSize, for some other
## baseline estimation algorithms)
## see ?removeBaseline, ?estimateBaseline
spectra <- removeBaseline(spectra, method="SNIP", iterations=100)

## calibrate (normalize) intensities (different calibration methods available)
## see ?calibrateIntensity
spectra <- calibrateIntensity(spectra, method="TIC")

## spectra alignment
## (the spectra alignment is peak based, maybe you need to adjust
## halfWindowSize, SNR, tolerance, warpingMethod)
## see ?alignSpectra
spectra <- alignSpectra(spectra,
                        halfWindowSize=20, SNR=2,
                        tolerance=0.002, warpingMethod="lowess")

## average technical replicates
## 1. create factors for correct assignment
## (e.g. sample name is stored in metaData(x)$sampleName; maybe you have to
## adjust the metaData or use your own ID table for your data here)
samples <- factor(sapply(spectra, function(x)metaData(x)$sampleName))

## 2. average technical replicates
## see ?averageMassSpectra
avgSpectra <- averageMassSpectra(spectra, labels=samples, method="mean")

## run peak detection
## (maybe you need to adjust halfWindowSize [decreasing it for high resolution
## spectra] and SNR [a higher value increase the True-Positive-Rate but decrease
## sensitivity])
## see ?detectPeaks, ?estimateNoise
peaks <- detectPeaks(avgSpectra, method="MAD", halfWindowSize=20, SNR=2)

## bin peaks
## (After alignment peak positions (mass) are similar but not identical. Binning
## is needed to make similar peak mass values identical.)
## see ?binPeaks
peaks <- binPeaks(peaks, tolerance=0.002)

## prepare for statistical analysis
## 1. get cancer/control indices
filenames <- sapply(peaks, function(x)metaData(x)$file[1])
cancer <- grepl(pattern="/tumor/", x=filenames)
classes <- factor(ifelse(cancer, "cancer", "control"),
                  levels=c("cancer", "control"))

## 2. export expression/training matrix
## (and fill missing peaks by interpolated values)
## see ?intensityMatrix
training <- intensityMatrix(peaks, avgSpectra)

## 'training' and 'classes' could now used by any statistical tool e.g. sda

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MALDIquant documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:11 a.m.