
Defines functions MARSShatyt

Documented in MARSShatyt

#   MARSShatyt function
#   Expectations involving hatyt
MARSShatyt <- function(MLEobj, only.kem = TRUE) {
  MODELobj <- MLEobj[["marss"]]
  if (!is.null(MLEobj[["kf"]])) {
    kfList <- MLEobj$kf
  } else {
    kfList <- MARSSkf(MLEobj)
  model.dims <- attr(MODELobj, "model.dims")
  n <- model.dims$data[1]
  TT <- model.dims$data[2]
  m <- model.dims$x[1]

  # create the YM matrix
  YM <- matrix(as.numeric(!is.na(MODELobj[["data"]])), n, TT)
  # Make sure the missing vals in y are zeroed out if there are any
  y <- MODELobj$data
  y[YM == 0] <- 0

  # set-up matrices for hatxt for 1:TT and 1:TT-1
  IIz <- list()
  IIz$V0 <- makediag(as.numeric(takediag(parmat(MLEobj, "V0", t = 1)$V0) == 0), m)
  # bad notation; should be hatxtT
  hatxt <- kfList$xtT # 1:TT
  E.x0 <- (diag(1, m) - IIz$V0) %*% kfList$x0T + IIz$V0 %*% parmat(MLEobj, "x0", t = 1)$x0
  hatxtp <- cbind(kfList$xtT[, 2:TT, drop = FALSE], NA)
  hatVt <- kfList$VtT
  hatVtpt <- array(NA, dim = dim(kfList$Vtt1T))
  hatVtpt[, , 1:(TT - 1)] <- kfList$Vtt1T[, , 2:TT, drop = FALSE]
  if (!only.kem) {
    hatxtt1 <- kfList$xtt1
    hatxtt <- kfList$xtt
    hatxt1 <- cbind(E.x0, kfList$xtT[, 1:(TT - 1), drop = FALSE])
    hatVtt1 <- kfList$Vtt1
    hatVtt <- kfList$Vtt
    hatVtt1T <- kfList$Vtt1T

  msg <- NULL

  # Construct needed identity matrices
  I.n <- diag(1, n)

  # Note diff in param names from S&S;B=Phi, Z=A, A not in S&S
  time.varying <- c()
  pari <- list()
  for (elem in c("R", "Z", "A")) { # only params needed for this function
    if (model.dims[[elem]][3] == 1) { # not time-varying
      pari[[elem]] <- parmat(MLEobj, elem, t = 1)[[elem]] # by default parmat uses marss form
      if (elem == "R") {
        if (length(pari$R) == 1) diag.R <- unname(pari$R) else diag.R <- takediag(unname(pari$R))
        # isDiagonal is rather expensive; this test is faster
        is.R.diagonal <- all(pari$R[!diag(nrow(pari$R))] == 0) # = isDiagonal(pari$R)
    } else {
      time.varying <- c(time.varying, elem)
    } # which elements are time varying
  } # end for loop over elem

  # initialize - these are for the forward, Kalman, filter
  # for notation purposes, 't' represents current point in time, 'TT' represents the length of the series
  # notation is horrible and leaves off the time conditioning.
  # In most, not all cases, it is 1:TT. If the last time is the conditioning, notation should be
  # hatyt = hatytT, hatyxt = hatytxtT, hatyxtt1T=hatytxt1T, hatyxttp=hatytxtpT, hatyxtt=hatytxtt
  # hatOt = hatOtT, hatOtt1=is ok,
  hatyt <- matrix(0, n, TT)
  hatOt <- array(0, dim = c(n, n, TT))
  hatyxt <- hatyxttp <- array(0, dim = c(n, m, TT))

  if (!only.kem) {
    # hatvarEytT = variance of the expected value of ytT
    hatytt1 <- hatytt <- matrix(0, n, TT)
    hatOtt1 <- hatOtt <- array(0, dim = c(n, n, TT))
    hatyxtt1T <- hatyxtt1 <- hatyxtt <- array(0, dim = c(n, m, TT))
    hatvarEytT <- hatvarytT <- hatvarEytt1 <- hatvarytt1 <- array(0, dim = c(n, n, TT))

  for (t in 1:TT) {
    for (elem in time.varying) {
      pari[[elem]] <- parmat(MLEobj, elem, t = t)[[elem]]
      if (elem == "R") {
        if (length(pari$R) == 1) diag.R <- unname(pari$R) else diag.R <- takediag(unname(pari$R))
        # isDiagonal is rather expensive; this test is faster
        is.R.diagonal <- all(pari$R[!diag(nrow(pari$R))] == 0)
        # is.R.diagonal = isDiagonal(pari$R)
    if (!only.kem) {
      # For conditioning on data up to t-1, the data at time t do not factor in so Delta.r and I.2 not needed
      hatytt1[, t] <- pari$Z %*% hatxtt1[, t, drop = FALSE] + pari$A
      t.Z <- matrix(pari$Z, m, n, byrow = TRUE)
      hatvarEytt1[, , t] <- pari$Z %*% hatVtt1[, , t] %*% t.Z
      hatvarytt1[, , t] <- pari$R + hatvarEytt1[, , t]
      hatOtt1[, , t] <- hatvarytt1[, , t] + tcrossprod(hatytt1[, t, drop = FALSE])
      hatyxtt1[, , t] <- tcrossprod(hatytt1[, t, drop = FALSE], hatxtt1[, t, drop = FALSE]) + pari$Z %*% hatVtt1[, , t]

    if (all(YM[, t] == 1)) { # none missing
      hatyt[, t] <- y[, t, drop = FALSE]
      hatOt[, , t] <- tcrossprod(hatyt[, t, drop = FALSE])
      hatyxt[, , t] <- tcrossprod(hatyt[, t, drop = FALSE], hatxt[, t, drop = FALSE])
      hatyxttp[, , t] <- tcrossprod(hatyt[, t, drop = FALSE], hatxtp[, t, drop = FALSE])
      if (!only.kem) {
        hatytt[, t] <- hatyt[, t]
        hatOtt[, , t] <- hatOt[, , t]
        hatyxtt1T[, , t] <- tcrossprod(hatyt[, t, drop = FALSE], hatxt1[, t, drop = FALSE])
        hatyxtt[, , t] <- tcrossprod(hatytt[, t, drop = FALSE], hatxtt[, t, drop = FALSE])
        # don't need to update hatvarEytT[, , t] nor hatvarytT[, , t] since it will be 0
    } else {
      I.2 <- I.r <- I.n
      I.2[YM[, t] == 1, ] <- 0 # 1 if YM=0 and 0 if YM=1
      I.r[YM[, t] == 0 | diag.R == 0, ] <- 0 # if Y missing or R = 0, then 0
      Delta.r <- I.n
      if (is.R.diagonal) Delta.r <- I.n - I.r
      if (!is.R.diagonal && any(YM[, t] == 1 & diag.R != 0)) {
        mho.r <- I.r[YM[, t] == 1 & diag.R != 0, , drop = FALSE]
        t.mho.r <- I.r[, YM[, t] == 1 & diag.R != 0, drop = FALSE]
        Rinv <- try(chol(mho.r %*% pari$R %*% t.mho.r))
        # Catch errors before entering chol2inv
        if (inherits(Rinv, "try-error")) {
          return(list(ok = FALSE, errors = c("Stopped in MARSShatyt: chol(R) error.\n", Rinv$condition)))
        Rinv <- chol2inv(Rinv)
        Delta.r <- I.n - pari$R %*% t.mho.r %*% Rinv %*% mho.r
      hatyt[, t] <- y[, t, drop = FALSE] - Delta.r %*% (y[, t, drop = FALSE] - pari$Z %*% hatxt[, t, drop = FALSE] - pari$A)
      t.DZ <- matrix(Delta.r %*% pari$Z, m, n, byrow = TRUE)
      hatOt[, , t] <- I.2 %*% (Delta.r %*% pari$R + Delta.r %*% pari$Z %*% hatVt[, , t] %*% t.DZ) %*% I.2 + tcrossprod(hatyt[, t, drop = FALSE])
      hatyxt[, , t] <- tcrossprod(hatyt[, t, drop = FALSE], hatxt[, t, drop = FALSE]) + Delta.r %*% pari$Z %*% hatVt[, , t]
      hatyxttp[, , t] <- tcrossprod(hatyt[, t, drop = FALSE], hatxtp[, t, drop = FALSE]) + Delta.r %*% tcrossprod(pari$Z, hatVtpt[, , t])

      if (!only.kem) {
        hatytt[, t] <- y[, t, drop = FALSE] - Delta.r %*% (y[, t, drop = FALSE] - pari$Z %*% hatxtt[, t, drop = FALSE] - pari$A)
        hatOtt[, , t] <- I.2 %*% (Delta.r %*% pari$R + Delta.r %*% pari$Z %*% hatVtt[, , t] %*% t.DZ) %*% I.2 + tcrossprod(hatytt[, t, drop = FALSE])
        hatyxtt1T[, , t] <- tcrossprod(hatyt[, t, drop = FALSE], hatxt1[, t, drop = FALSE]) + Delta.r %*% pari$Z %*% hatVtt1T[, , t]
        hatyxtt[, , t] <- tcrossprod(hatytt[, t, drop = FALSE], hatxtt[, t, drop = FALSE]) + Delta.r %*% pari$Z %*% hatVtt[, , t]
        hatvarEytT[, , t] <- I.2 %*% (Delta.r %*% pari$Z %*% hatVt[, , t] %*% t.DZ) %*% I.2
        hatvarytT[, , t] <- I.2 %*% (Delta.r %*% pari$R + Delta.r %*% pari$Z %*% hatVt[, , t] %*% t.DZ) %*% I.2
  } # for loop over time
  if (only.kem) {
    rtn.list <- list(ytT = hatyt, OtT = hatOt, yxtT = hatyxt, yxttpT = hatyxttp)
  } else {
    rtn.list <- list(
      ytT = hatyt, OtT = hatOt, var.ytT = hatvarytT, var.EytT = hatvarEytT, 
      yxtT = hatyxt, yxtt1T = hatyxtt1T, yxttpT = hatyxttp,
      ytt1 = hatytt1, Ott1 = hatOtt1, var.ytt1 = hatvarytt1, var.Eytt1 = hatvarEytt1, 
      yxtt1 = hatyxtt1,
      ytt = hatytt, Ott = hatOtt, yxtt = hatyxtt
  return(c(rtn.list, list(ok = TRUE, errors = msg)))

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