
Defines functions MARSSinits

Documented in MARSSinits

## MARSSinits
## Set up inits
## These will be checked by the MLE object checker.
## Will return a par list that looks just like MLEobj par list
## Wants either a scalar (dim=NULL) or a matrix the same size as $par[[elem]] or a marssMLE object with the par element

MARSSinits <- function(MLEobj, inits = list(B = 1, U = 0, Q = 0.05, Z = 1, A = 0, R = 0.05, x0 = -99, V0 = 5, G = 0, H = 0, L = 0)) {
  MODELobj <- MLEobj[["marss"]]
  method <- MLEobj[["method"]]
  if (is.null(inits)) inits <- list()
  if (inherits(inits, "marssMLE")) {
    if (is.null(inits[["par"]])) {
      stop("Stopped in MARSSinits() because inits must have the par element if class marssMLE.\n", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      inits <- inits$par
      if (!is.list(inits)) stop("Stopped in MARSSinits() because par element of inits$par must be a list if inits is marssMLE object.\n", call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    if (!is.list(inits)) stop("Stopped in MARSSinits() because inits must be a list.\n", call. = FALSE)

    # MARSSinits needs a valid $par element and presumably the inits were passed in in form of $model not marss
    # so call form specific inits function to change those inits to form=marss inits
    inits.fun <- paste("MARSSinits_", attr(MLEobj$model, "form")[1], sep = "")
    tmp <- try(exists(inits.fun, mode = "function"), silent = TRUE)
    if (isTRUE(tmp)) {
      inits <- eval(call(inits.fun, MLEobj, inits))
    } else {
      stop(paste("Stopped in MARSSinits().  You need a MARSSinits_", attr(MLEobj$model, "form")[1], " function to tell MARSS how to interpret the inits list", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)

  alldefaults <- get("alldefaults", envir = pkg_globals)
  default <- alldefaults[[method]][["inits"]]
  for (elem in names(default)) {
    if (is.null(inits[[elem]])) inits[[elem]] <- default[[elem]]
  y <- MODELobj$data
  m <- dim(MODELobj$fixed$x0)[1]
  n <- dim(MODELobj$data)[1]
  d <- MODELobj$free
  f <- MODELobj$fixed
  parlist <- list()

  g1 <- dim(MODELobj$fixed$G)[1] / m
  h1 <- dim(MODELobj$fixed$H)[1] / n
  l1 <- dim(MODELobj$fixed$L)[1] / m
  par.dims <- list(Z = c(n, m), A = c(n, 1), R = c(h1, h1), B = c(m, m), U = c(m, 1), Q = c(g1, g1), x0 = c(m, 1), V0 = c(l1, l1), G = c(m, g1), H = c(n, h1), L = c(m, l1))

  for (elem in names(par.dims)) {
    if (is.fixed(MODELobj$free[[elem]])) {
      parlist[[elem]] <- matrix(0, 0, 1) # always this when fixed
    } else { # not fixed
      # must be numeric
      if (!is.numeric(inits[[elem]])) {
        stop(paste("Stopped in MARSSinits(): ", elem, " inits must be numeric.", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
      # must be either length 1 or same length as the number of estimated values for elem
      if (!((is.null(dim(inits[[elem]])) & length(inits[[elem]]) == 1) | isTRUE(all.equal(dim(inits[[elem]]), c(dim(MODELobj$free[[elem]])[2], 1))))) {
        stop(paste("Stopped in MARSSinits(): ", elem, " inits must be either a scalar (dim=NULL) or the same size as the par$", elem, " element.", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
      parlist[[elem]] <- matrix(inits[[elem]], dim(MODELobj$free[[elem]])[2], 1)

      if (elem %in% c("B", "Q", "R", "V0") & is.null(dim(inits[[elem]]))) {
        # if inits is a scalar, make init a diagonal matrix
        # this is a debuging line; this should have been caught earlier
        tmp <- vec(makediag(inits[[elem]], nrow = par.dims[[elem]][1]))

        # replace any fixed elements with their fixed values
        fixed.row <- apply(d[[elem]] == 0, 1, all) # fixed over all t
        tmp[fixed.row] <- f[[elem]][fixed.row, 1, 1] # replace with fix value at time t
        # The funky colSum code sums a 3D matrix over the 3rd dim
        # I want to apply this tmp to all the variances and use an average over the d and f if they are time-varying
        # otherwise I could end up with 0s on the diagonal
        numvals <- colSums(aperm(d[[elem]], c(3, 1, 2)) != 0, dims = 1)
        delem <- colSums(aperm(d[[elem]], c(3, 1, 2)), dims = 1) / numvals
        delem[numvals == 0] <- 0
        numvals <- colSums(aperm(f[[elem]], c(3, 1, 2)) != 0, dims = 1)
        felem <- colSums(aperm(f[[elem]], c(3, 1, 2)), dims = 1) / numvals
        felem[numvals == 0] <- 0
        # use a pseudoinverse here so D's with 0 columns don't fail
        parlist[[elem]] <- pinv(t(delem) %*% delem) %*% t(delem) %*% (tmp - felem)
      } # c("Q","R","B","V0")

      if (elem == "x0") {
        dx0 <- sub3D(d$x0, t = 1)
        fx0 <- sub3D(f$x0, t = 1)
        if (identical(unname(inits$x0), -99)) { # get estimate of x0
          y1 <- y[, 1, drop = FALSE]
          # replace NAs (missing vals) with 0s
          y1[is.na(y1)] <- 0
          Zmat <- sub3D(f$Z, t = 1) + sub3D(d$Z, t = 1) %*% parlist$Z
          Zmat <- unvec(Zmat, dim = c(n, m))
          Amat <- sub3D(f$A, t = 1) + sub3D(d$A, t = 1) %*% parlist$A
          if (MODELobj$tinitx == 0) { # y=Z*(B*pi+U)+A
            Bmat <- sub3D(f$B, t = 1) + sub3D(d$B, t = 1) %*% parlist$B
            Bmat <- unvec(Bmat, dim = c(m, m))
            Umat <- sub3D(f$U, t = 1) + sub3D(d$U, t = 1) %*% parlist$U
          } else { # y=Z*pi + A
            Bmat <- diag(1, m)
            Umat <- matrix(0, m, 1)
          # the following is by solving for pipi using
          # y1=Z1*(D*pipi+f)+a if tinit=1 or y1=Z1*(B(D*pipi+f)+U)+A if tinit=0
          tmp <- Zmat %*% Bmat %*% dx0
          if (is.solvable(tmp) == "underconstrained") {
            if (MODELobj$tinitx == 0) {
              stop("Stopped in MARSSinits(): Z B d_x0 is underconstrained and inits for x0 cannot be computed.  \n Pass in inits$x0 manually using inits=list(x0=...). \n This is not an error. It is simply a constraint of the method used to compute x0 inits in MARSSinits().")
            } else {
              stop("Stopped in MARSSinits(): Z d_x0 is underconstrained and inits for x0 cannot be computed.  \n Pass in inits$x0 manually using inits=list(x0=...).  \n This is not an error. It is simply a constraint of the method used to compute x0 inits in MARSSinits().")
          parlist$x0 <- pinv(tmp) %*% (y1 - Zmat %*% Bmat %*% fx0 - Zmat %*% Umat - Amat)
        } # inits$x0=-99 means solve for x0
      } # elem == x0
      rownames(parlist[[elem]]) <- colnames(d[[elem]])
    } # if elem not fixed
  } # for across elems


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MARSS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:34 a.m.