
Defines functions stdInnov MARSSinnovationsboot

Documented in MARSSinnovationsboot stdInnov

#   MARSSinnovationsboot.r
#   This bootstraps multivariate time series data using Stoffer and Wall algorithm
#   It creates bootstrap data via sampling from the standardized innovations matrix
#   In the MARSS code, this is referred to as the nonparametric bootstrap.  Strictly speaking, it is not nonparametric.
MARSSinnovationsboot <- function(MLEobj, nboot = 1000, minIndx = 3) {
  if (any(is.na(MLEobj$marss$data))) {
    stop("Stopped in MARSSinnovationsboot() because this algorithm resamples from the innovations and doesn't allow missing values.\n", call. = FALSE)

  # The following need to be present in model: parameter estimates + Sigma, Kt, Innov; the latter 3 are part of $kf
  if (any(is.null(MLEobj[["par"]]), is.null(MLEobj[["marss"]][["data"]]))) {
    stop("Stopped in MARSSinnovationsboot(). The passed in marssMLE object is missing par or model$data elements.\n", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(MLEobj[["kf"]]) || !is.array(MLEobj[["kf"]][["Innov"]]) || !is.array(MLEobj[["kf"]][["Sigma"]])) {
    kf <- MARSSkfss(MLEobj)
  } else {
    kf <- MLEobj[["kf"]]

  ## Rename things for code readability
  MODELobj <- MLEobj[["marss"]]
  par.dims <- attr(MODELobj, "model.dims")
  TT <- par.dims[["data"]][2]
  m <- par.dims[["x"]][1]
  n <- par.dims[["y"]][1]
  f <- MODELobj[["fixed"]]
  d <- MODELobj[["free"]]
  pari <- parmat(MLEobj, t = 1)

  #### make a list of time-varying parameters
  time.varying <- list()
  for (elem in attr(MODELobj, "par.names")) {
    if ((dim(d[[elem]])[3] == 1) & (dim(f[[elem]])[3] == 1)) {
      time.varying[[elem]] <- FALSE
    } else {
      time.varying[[elem]] <- TRUE
    } # not time-varying

  ##### Set holders for output
  newData <- matrix(NA, n, TT) # store as written for state-space eqn with time across columns
  newStates <- matrix(NA, m, TT + 1) # store as written for state-space eqn with time across columns
  boot.data <- array(NA, dim = c(par.dims[["data"]], nboot))
  boot.states <- array(NA, dim = c(par.dims[["x"]], nboot))

  # Calculate the sqrt of sigma matrices, so they don't have to be computed 5000+ times
  sigma.Sqrt <- array(0, dim = c(n, n, TT))
  BKS <- array(0, dim = c(m, n, TT))
  for (i in 1:TT) {
    std.innovations <- stdInnov(kf$Sigma, kf$Innov) # standardized innovations; time across rows
    eig <- eigen(kf$Sigma[, , i]) # calculate inv sqrt(sigma[1])
    sigma.Sqrt[, , i] <- eig$vectors %*% tcrossprod(makediag(sqrt(eig$values)), eig$vectors)
    if (time.varying$B & i > 1) pari$B <- parmat(MLEobj, "B", t = i)$B
    BKS[, , i] <- pari$B %*% kf$Kt[, , i] %*% sigma.Sqrt[, , i] # this is m x n

  for (i in 1:nboot) {
    # Then the bootstrap algorithm proceeds
    # Stoffer & Wall suggest not sampling from innovations 1-3 (not much data)
    minIndx <- ifelse(TT > 5, minIndx, 1)
    samp <- sample(seq(minIndx + 1, TT), size = (TT - minIndx), replace = TRUE)
    e <- as.matrix(std.innovations)
    e[, 1:minIndx] <- as.matrix(std.innovations[, 1:minIndx])
    e[, (minIndx + 1):TT] <- as.matrix(std.innovations[, samp])
    # newStates is a[] in the writeup by EH
    newStates[, 1] <- pari$x0
    # newStates[,2] = B %*% x0 + U + B %*% Kt[,,1] %*% sigma.Sqrt[,,1] %*% e[,1]
    for (t in 1:TT) {
      if (time.varying$B & i > 1) pari$B <- parmat(MLEobj, "B", t = i)$B
      if (time.varying$U & i > 1) pari$U <- parmat(MLEobj, "U", t = i)$U
      if (time.varying$Z & i > 1) pari$Z <- parmat(MLEobj, "Z", t = i)$Z
      if (time.varying$A & i > 1) pari$A <- parmat(MLEobj, "A", t = i)$A
      newStates[, t + 1] <- pari$B %*% newStates[, t, drop = FALSE] + pari$U + BKS[, , t] %*% e[, t, drop = FALSE]
      newData[, t] <- pari$Z %*% newStates[, t, drop = FALSE] + pari$A + sigma.Sqrt[, , t] %*% e[, t, drop = FALSE]

    newStates <- newStates[, 2:(TT + 1)]
    boot.data[, , i] <- newData
    boot.states[, , i] <- newStates
    # reset newStates to its original dim
    newStates <- matrix(NA, m, TT + 1)
  return(list(boot.states = boot.states, boot.data = boot.data, marss = MODELobj, nboot = nboot))

#   stdInnov
stdInnov <- function(SIGMA, INNOV) {
  # This function added by EW Nov 3, 2008
  # SIGMA is covariance matrix, E are original innovations
  TT <- dim(INNOV)[2]
  n <- dim(INNOV)[1]
  SI <- matrix(0, n, TT)
  for (i in 1:TT) {
    a <- SIGMA[, , i]
    a.eig <- eigen(a)
    a.sqrt <- a.eig$vectors %*% makediag((sqrt(a.eig$values))) %*% solve(a.eig$vectors)
    SI[, i] <- chol2inv(chol(a.sqrt)) %*% INNOV[, i] # eqn 1, p359 S&S
  SI[which(INNOV == 0)] <- 0 # make sure things that should be 0 are 0

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MARSS documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:34 a.m.