
Defines functions MARSSkemcheck

Documented in MARSSkemcheck

MARSSkemcheck <- function(MLEobj) {
  # This checks that the model can be handled by the MARSSkem algorithm
  # Most of this is implementing the restrictions in Summary of Requirements for Degenerate Models in derivation
  MODELobj <- MLEobj$marss
  fixed <- MODELobj$fixed
  free <- MODELobj$free
  par.dims <- attr(MODELobj, "model.dims")
  m <- par.dims[["x"]][1]
  n <- par.dims[["y"]][1]
  TT <- par.dims[["data"]][2]
  pseudolim <- 1E-8
  ok <- TRUE
  msg <- NULL

  # If TT=2 then kf will break
  if (TT <= 2) {
    msg <- c(msg, "The number of time steps is <=2.\nMore than 2 data points are needed to estimate parameters.\n")
    ok <- FALSE

  ############ Check that if fixed, B is within the unit circle
  for (t in 1:max(dim(free$B)[3], dim(fixed$B)[3])) {
    ifixed <- min(t, dim(fixed$B)[3])
    if (is.fixed(free$B[, , ifixed, drop = FALSE])) { # works on 3D matrices
      # parmat needs MODELobj and par list
      if (is.null(MLEobj$par$B)) tmpparB <- MLEobj$start$B else tmpparB <- MLEobj$par$B
      tmp.MLEobj <- list(marss = MODELobj, par = list(B = tmpparB)) # B is fixed but par might have cols from other times
      parB <- parmat(tmp.MLEobj, "B", t = t)$B
      if (!is.unitcircle(parB)) {
        msg <- c(msg, " All the eigenvalues of B must be within the unit circle: all(abs(eigen(B)$values)<=1)\n")
        ok <- FALSE
  } # end for over time to check B

  ############ Check that if R has 0s, then the corresponding row of A and Z are fixed
  # See Summary of Requirements for Degenenate Models in EMDerivation.pdf
  el <- "R"
  # extracts the r=0 rows (or cols)
  diag.rows <- 1 + 0:(par.dims[[el]][1] - 1) * (par.dims[[el]][1] + 1)
  Tmax <- 0
  for (par.test in c("R", "Z", "A")) {
    Tmax <- max(Tmax, dim(fixed[[par.test]])[3], dim(free[[par.test]])[3])

  if (is.null(MLEobj[["par"]])) MLEobj$par <- MLEobj$start
  # Run with MARSSkfss because it has more internal checks and error messages
  MLEobj$kf <- MARSSkfss(MLEobj)
  if (!MLEobj$kf$ok) {
    return(list(ok = FALSE, msg = c(MLEobj$kf$errors, msg)))
  MLEobj$Ey <- MARSShatyt(MLEobj)
  msg.tmp <- NULL
  for (i in 1:TT) {
    ifixed <- min(i, dim(fixed[[el]])[3])
    ifree <- min(i, dim(free[[el]])[3])
    zero.diags <- is.fixed(free[[el]][diag.rows, , ifree, drop = FALSE], by.row = TRUE) & apply(fixed[[el]][diag.rows, , ifixed, drop = FALSE] == 0, 1, all) # fixed rows and 0
    if (any(zero.diags)) {
      II0 <- makediag(as.numeric(zero.diags))
      if (i <= Tmax) {
        for (par.test in c("Z", "A")) {
          II <- diag(1, par.dims[[par.test]][2])
          ifree.par <- min(i, dim(free[[par.test]])[3])
          dpart <- sub3D(free[[par.test]], t = ifree.par)
          par.not.fixed <- any(((II %x% II0) %*% dpart) != 0)

          if (par.not.fixed) {
            if (par.test == "Z") msg <- c(msg, paste("t=", i, ": For method=kem (EM), if an element of the diagonal of R is 0, the corresponding row of Z must be fixed. See MARSSinfo('AZR0').\n", sep = ""))
            if (par.test == "A") msg <- c(msg, paste("t=", i, ": For method=kem (EM), if an element of the diagonal of R is 0, the corresponding row of both A and D must be fixed. See MARSSinfo('AZR0').\n", sep = ""))
        } # for par.test
      } # if par needs to be tested; don't need to do over all TT just up to Tmax

      Z <- parmat(MLEobj, "Z", t = i)$Z
      A <- parmat(MLEobj, "A", t = i)$A
      Z.R0 <- Z[zero.diags, , drop = FALSE]
      A.R0 <- A[zero.diags, , drop = FALSE]
      y.R0 <- MLEobj$Ey$ytT[zero.diags, i, drop = FALSE]
      y.resid <- y.R0 - Z.R0 %*% MLEobj$kf$xtT[, i, drop = FALSE] - A.R0
      if (any(y.resid > pseudolim)) {
        msg.tmp <- c(msg.tmp, paste(" Z, A, and y for the R=0 rows at time=", i, " do not agree. For the R=0 rows, E(y) must equal Z * E(x) + A.\n", sep = ""))
    } # any zero.diags
  } # end for loop over time
  if (!is.null(msg)) {
    msg <- c(msg, msg.tmp[1:min(10, length(msg.tmp))]) # error msgs could be really long, only print first 10
    ok <- FALSE

  ############ Check that II_q^{0} is time constant
  # See Summary of Requirements for Degenenate Models in EMDerivation.pdf
  Tmax <- 0
  for (par.test in c("Q")) {
    Tmax <- max(Tmax, dim(fixed[[par.test]])[3], dim(free[[par.test]])[3])
  II0 <- list()
  for (i in 1:Tmax) {
    for (el in c("Q")) {
      ifixed <- min(i, dim(fixed[[el]])[3])
      ifree <- min(i, dim(free[[el]])[3])
      diag.rows <- 1 + 0:(par.dims[[el]][1] - 1) * (par.dims[[el]][1] + 1)
      zero.diags <- is.fixed(free[[el]][diag.rows, , ifree, drop = FALSE], by.row = TRUE) & apply(fixed[[el]][diag.rows, , ifixed, drop = FALSE] == 0, 1, all) # fixed rows
      II0Q <- makediag(as.numeric(zero.diags))
      II0Q <- unname(II0[[el]])
    if (i == 1) {
      II0Q.1 <- II0Q
    } else {
      if (!isTRUE(all.equal(II0Q, II0Q.1))) {
        msg <- c(msg, paste("t=", i, ": The placement of 0 variances in Q must be time constant.\n", sep = ""))
        ok <- FALSE
  } # end for loop over time

  ############ Check that if R and Q both have 0s, then the U and Bs are appropriately fixed
  # See Summary of Requirements for Degenenate Models in EMDerivation.pdf
  Tmax <- 0
  for (par.test in c("R", "Q", "U", "B", "Z")) {
    Tmax <- max(Tmax, dim(fixed[[par.test]])[3], dim(free[[par.test]])[3])
  II0 <- list()
  for (i in 1:Tmax) {
    for (el in c("R", "Q")) {
      ifixed <- min(i, dim(fixed[[el]])[3])
      ifree <- min(i, dim(free[[el]])[3])
      diag.rows <- 1 + 0:(par.dims[[el]][1] - 1) * (par.dims[[el]][1] + 1)
      zero.diags <- is.fixed(free[[el]][diag.rows, , ifree, drop = FALSE], by.row = TRUE) & apply(fixed[[el]][diag.rows, , ifixed, drop = FALSE] == 0, 1, all) # fixed rows
      II0[[el]] <- makediag(as.numeric(zero.diags))
    for (el in c("B", "U")) {
      ifree <- min(i, dim(free[[el]])[3])
      # I don't know what par$Z will be.  I want to create a par$Z where there is a non-zero value for any potentially non-zero Z's
      tmp.MLEobj <- list(marss = MODELobj, par = list(Z = matrix(1, dim(free$Z)[2], 1)))
      tmp.MLEobj$marss$fixed$Z[tmp.MLEobj$marss$fixed$Z != 0] <- 1
      tmp.MLEobj$marss$free$Z[tmp.MLEobj$marss$free$Z != 0] <- 1
      parZ <- parmat(tmp.MLEobj, "Z", t = i)$Z
      II <- diag(1, par.dims[[el]][2])

      dpart <- sub3D(free[[el]], t = ifree)
      par.not.fixed <- any(((II %x% (II0$R %*% parZ %*% II0$Q)) %*% dpart) != 0)

      if (par.not.fixed) {
        msg <- c(msg, paste("t=", i, ": For method=kem (EM), if an element of the diagonal of R & Q is 0, the corresponding row of ", par.test, " must be fixed.\n", sep = ""))
        ok <- FALSE
    } # for par.test
  } # end for loop over time

  ############ Check that B^{0} is fixed
  # See Summary of Requirements for Degenenate Models in EMDerivation.pdf
  Tmax <- 0
  for (par.test in c("B")) {
    Tmax <- max(Tmax, dim(fixed[[par.test]])[3], dim(free[[par.test]])[3])
  II0 <- list()
  for (i in 1:Tmax) {
    for (el in c("Q")) {
      ifixed <- min(i, dim(fixed[[el]])[3])
      ifree <- min(i, dim(free[[el]])[3])
      diag.rows <- 1 + 0:(par.dims[[el]][1] - 1) * (par.dims[[el]][1] + 1)
      zero.diags <- is.fixed(free[[el]][diag.rows, , ifree, drop = FALSE], by.row = TRUE) & apply(fixed[[el]][diag.rows, , ifixed, drop = FALSE] == 0, 1, all) # fixed rows
      II0[[el]] <- makediag(as.numeric(zero.diags))
    for (el in c("B")) {
      ifree <- min(i, dim(free[[el]])[3])
      II <- diag(1, par.dims[[el]][2])
      dpart <- sub3D(free[[el]], t = ifree)
      par.not.fixed <- any(((II %x% II0$Q) %*% dpart) != 0)

      if (par.not.fixed) {
        msg <- c(msg, paste("t=", i, ": If an element of the diagonal of Q is 0, the corresponding row and col of ", par.test, " must be fixed.\n", sep = ""))
        ok <- FALSE
    } # for par.test
  } # end for loop over time

  ############ Check that if u^{0} or xi^{0} are estimated, B adjacency matrix is time invariant
  # See Summary of Requirements for Degenenate Models in EMDerivation.pdf
  Tmax <- 0
  for (par.test in c("U")) {
    Tmax <- max(Tmax, dim(fixed[[par.test]])[3], dim(free[[par.test]])[3])
  II0 <- list()
  el <- "Q"
  ifixed <- min(i, dim(fixed[[el]])[3])
  ifree <- min(i, dim(free[[el]])[3])
  diag.rows <- 1 + 0:(par.dims[[el]][1] - 1) * (par.dims[[el]][1] + 1)
  zero.diags <- is.fixed(free[[el]][diag.rows, , ifree, drop = FALSE], by.row = TRUE) & apply(fixed[[el]][diag.rows, , 1, drop = FALSE] == 0, 1, all) # fixed rows
  II0[[el]] <- makediag(as.numeric(zero.diags))

  dpart <- sub3D(free$x0, t = 1)
  test.adj <- any((II0$Q %*% dpart) != 0)
  for (i in 1:Tmax) {
    dpart <- sub3D(free$U, t = 1)
    test.adj <- test.adj & any((II0$Q %*% dpart) != 0) # II0$Q required to be time constant above

  if (test.adj) { # means x0^{0} or u^{0} being estimated
    Tmax <- 0
    for (par.test in c("U", "B")) {
      Tmax <- max(Tmax, dim(fixed[[par.test]])[3], dim(free[[par.test]])[3])
    for (i in 1:Tmax) {
      el <- "B"
      ifree <- min(i, dim(free[[el]])[3])
      # I don't know what par$B will be.  I want to create a par$B where there is a non-zero value for any potentially non-zero B's
      tmp.MLEobj <- list(marss = MODELobj, par = list(B = matrix(1, dim(free$B)[2], 1)))
      tmp.MLEobj$marss$fixed[[el]][tmp.MLEobj$marss$fixed[[el]] != 0] <- 1
      tmp.MLEobj$marss$free[[el]][tmp.MLEobj$marss$free[[el]] != 0] <- 1
      adjB <- parmat(tmp.MLEobj, el, t = i)[[el]]
      adjB[adjB != 0] <- 1
      adjB <- unname(adjB)
      if (i == 1) {
        adjB.1 <- adjB
      } else {
        if (!isTRUE(all.equal(adjB, adjB.1))) {
          msg <- c(msg, paste("t=", i, ": If u^{0} or xi^{0} are estimated, the adjacency matrix specified by B must be time constant.\n", sep = ""))
          ok <- FALSE
    } # end for loop over time
  } # if the adj test needs to be done

  ############ Check that II_q^{d} and II_q^{is} are time constant
  # See Summary of Requirements for Degenenate Models in EMDerivation.pdf
  Tmax <- 0
  for (par.test in c("Q")) {
    Tmax <- max(Tmax, dim(fixed[[par.test]])[3], dim(free[[par.test]])[3])
  IIz <- IIp <- OMGz <- OMGp <- IId <- IIis <- list()
  for (i in 1:Tmax) {
    el <- "Q"
    ifixed <- min(i, dim(fixed[[el]])[3])
    ifree <- min(i, dim(free[[el]])[3])
    diag.rows <- 1 + 0:(par.dims[[el]][1] - 1) * (par.dims[[el]][1] + 1)
    zero.diags <- is.fixed(free[[el]][diag.rows, , ifree, drop = FALSE], by.row = TRUE) & apply(fixed[[el]][diag.rows, , ifixed, drop = FALSE] == 0, 1, all) # fixed rows
    IIz[[el]] <- makediag(as.numeric(zero.diags))
    IIp[[el]] <- diag(1, par.dims[[el]][1]) - IIz[[el]]
    OMGz[[el]] <- diag(1, par.dims[[el]][1])[diag(IIz[[el]]) == 1, , drop = FALSE]
    OMGp[[el]] <- diag(1, par.dims[[el]][1])[diag(IIp[[el]]) == 1, , drop = FALSE]

    # I don't know what par$B will be.  I want to create a par$B where there is a non-zero value for any potentially non-zero B's
    tmp.MLEobj <- list(marss = MODELobj, par = list(B = matrix(1, dim(free$B)[2], 1)))
    tmp.MLEobj$marss$fixed$B[tmp.MLEobj$marss$fixed$B != 0] <- 1
    tmp.MLEobj$marss$free$B[tmp.MLEobj$marss$free$B != 0] <- 1
    Adj.mat <- parmat(tmp.MLEobj, "B", t = i)$B
    Adj.mat[Adj.mat != 0] <- 1
    Adj.mat <- unname(Adj.mat)
    Adj.mat.pow.m <- matrix.power(Adj.mat, m) # to find all the linkages

    Q.0.rows.of.Adj.mat <- OMGz[[el]] %*% Adj.mat.pow.m
    # These are the columns corresponding to the directly stochastic bit: Q.0.rows.of.Adj.mat%*%t(OMGp$Q)
    if (dim(OMGp[[el]])[1] != 0) {
      tmp <- Q.0.rows.of.Adj.mat
      # which rows of the + columns are all zero
      if (dim(Q.0.rows.of.Adj.mat)[1] != 0) tmp <- apply(Q.0.rows.of.Adj.mat %*% t(OMGp[[el]]) == 0, 1, all)
      tmp <- t(OMGz[[el]]) %*% matrix(as.numeric(tmp), ncol = 1) # expand back outl 1s where the deterministic x's are
      IId[[el]] <- makediag(tmp)
      IId[[el]] <- unname(IId[[el]])
      IIis[[el]] <- diag(1, m) - IId[[el]] - IIp[[el]]
      IIis[[el]] <- unname(IIis[[el]])
    } else { # Q all 0
      IId[[el]] <- diag(1, par.dims[[el]][1])
      IIis[[el]] <- diag(0, par.dims[[el]][1])
    if (i == 1) {
      IId.1 <- IId[[el]]
      IIis.1 <- IIis[[el]]
    } else {
      if (!isTRUE(all.equal(IId[[el]], IId.1))) {
        msg <- c(msg, paste("t=", i, ": The location of the deterministic x's must be time constant.\n", sep = ""))
        ok <- FALSE
      if (!isTRUE(all.equal(IIis[[el]], IIis.1))) {
        msg <- c(msg, paste("t=", i, ": The location of the indirectly stochastic x's must be time constant.\n", sep = ""))
        ok <- FALSE
  } # end for loop over time

  return(list(ok = ok, msg = msg))

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