make.breaklist: Vector of break numbers

make.breaklistR Documentation

Vector of break numbers


This function generates a vector of break numbers using the output of testpanelSubjectBreak. The function performs a pairwise comparison of models using Bayes Factors.


make.breaklist(BF, threshold = 3)



output of testpanelSubjectBreak.


The Bayes Factor threshold to pick the best model. If a Bayes factor of two models is smaller than threshold, the model with a smaller number of break is chosen to avoid the over-identification problem. Users can change threshold into any positive number. The default value of 3 is chosen as it indicates the existence of "substantial evidence" in favor of the model in the numerator according to Jeffreys' scale.


Vector fo break numbers.


Jong Hee Park, 2012. “Unified Method for Dynamic and Cross-Sectional Heterogeneity: Introducing Hidden Markov Panel Models.” American Journal of Political Science.56: 1040-1054. <doi: 10.1111/j.1540-5907.2012.00590.x>

Harold Jeffreys, 1961. The Theory of Probability. Oxford University Press.

See Also


MCMCpack documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:13 p.m.