
Defines functions .dvsfromev

#' Produces DVs from a given EV by different transformations.
#' In MIAT, "D" transformation is only performed if the optimum occurs in the
#' middle 80\% of the EV range. \code{dvsfromev} does not currently specify this
#' condition.
#' @param df Dataframe with 2 columns: response variable and explanatory
#'   variable (in that order). Column names are used as identifiers. The
#'   response variable represents presence or background, coded as: 1/NA. The
#'   explanatory variable may be continuous or categorical.
#' @param transformtype Set of transformation types to be used.
#' @param allsplines Logical. Keep all spline transformations.
#' @param algorithm Character string matching either "maxent" or "LR".
#' @param quiet Logical. Suppress progress messages from spline pre-seletion?
#' @return Dataframe with one column for each DV.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

.dvsfromev <- function(df, transformtype, allsplines, algorithm, quiet) {

  rv <- df[, 1]
  ev <- df[, 2]
  evname <- colnames(df)[2]
  storage <- list()

  if (inherits(ev, c("numeric", "integer"))) {

    if ("L" %in% transformtype) {
      tfunction <- .transfL(ev)
      storage[[paste0(evname, "_L_transf")]] <- tfunction

    if ("M" %in% transformtype) {
      tfunction <- .transfM(ev)
      storage[[paste0(evname, "_M_transf")]] <- tfunction

    if ("D" %in% transformtype) {
      for (i in c(0.5, 1, 2)) {
        tfunction <- .transfD(ev, rv, i)
        storage[[paste0(evname, "_D", sub("[.]", "", i), "_transf")]] <- tfunction

    if ("HF" %in% transformtype) {
      splall <- list()
      knots <- 20
      for (i in 1:knots) {
        k <- (2 * i - 1) / (2 * knots)
        tfunction <- .transfSpline(ev, k, type = "HF")
        splall[[paste0(evname, "_HF", i, "_transf")]] <- tfunction
      if (allsplines == TRUE) {
        storage <- c(storage, splall)
      } else {
        if (quiet == FALSE) {
          message(paste0("Pre-selecting forward hinge transformations of ", evname))
        dvs <- lapply(splall, function(x) {x(ev)})
        names(dvs) <- gsub("_transf", "", names(splall))
        selected <- .splselect(rv, dvs, algorithm)
        if (length(selected) > 0) {
          storage <- c(storage, splall[paste0(selected, "_transf")])

    if ("HR" %in% transformtype) {
      splall <- list()
      knots <- 20
      for (i in 1:knots) {
        k <- (2 * i - 1) / (2 * knots)
        tfunction <- .transfSpline(ev, k, type = "HR")
        splall[[paste0(evname, "_HR", i, "_transf")]] <- tfunction
      if (allsplines == TRUE) {
        storage <- c(storage, splall)
      } else {
        if (quiet == FALSE) {
          message(paste0("Pre-selecting reverse hinge transformations of ", evname))
        dvs <- lapply(splall, function(x) {x(ev)})
        names(dvs) <- gsub("_transf", "", names(splall))
        selected <- .splselect(rv, dvs, algorithm)
        if (length(selected) > 0) {
          storage <- c(storage, splall[paste0(selected, "_transf")])

    if ("T" %in% transformtype) {
      splall <- list()
      knots <- 20
      for (i in 1:knots) {
        k <- (2 * i - 1) / (2 * knots)
        tfunction <- .transfSpline(ev, k, type = "T")
        splall[[paste0(evname, "_T", i, "_transf")]] <- tfunction
      if (allsplines == TRUE) {
        storage <- c(storage, splall)
      } else {
        if (quiet == FALSE) {
          message(paste0("Pre-selecting threshold transformations of ", evname))
        dvs <- lapply(splall, function(x) {x(ev)})
        names(dvs) <- gsub("_transf", "", names(splall))
        selected <- .splselect(rv, dvs, algorithm)
        if (length(selected) > 0) {
          storage <- c(storage, splall[paste0(selected, "_transf")])

  if (inherits(ev, c("factor", "character"))) {
    ev <- as.factor(ev)

    if ("B" %in% transformtype) {
      for (i in levels(ev)) {
        tfunction <- .transfB(ev, i)
        levelname <- make.names(i, allow_ = FALSE)
        storage[[paste0(evname, "_B", levelname, "_transf")]] <- tfunction

  evdv <- data.frame(lapply(storage, function(x) {x(ev)}))
  colnames(evdv) <- gsub("_transf", "", names(storage))
  return(list("storage" = storage, "evdv" = evdv))

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MIAmaxent documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:52 p.m.