
Defines functions .checkOverlap overlapgglasso

Documented in overlapgglasso

#' Group-lasso with overlapping groups
#' @param X matrix of size n*p
#' @param y vector of size n. If loss = "logit", elements of y must be in {-1,1}
#' @param var vector containing the variable to use
#' @param group vector containing the associated groups
#' @param lambda lambda values for group lasso. If not provided, the function generates its own values of lambda
#' @param weight a vector the weight for each group. Default is the square root of the size of each group
#' @param loss a character string specifying the loss function to use, valid options are: "ls" least squares loss 
#' (regression) and "logit" logistic loss (classification)
#' @param intercept should an intercept be included in the model ?
#' @param ... Others parameters for \code{\link{gglasso}} function
#' @return a MLGL object containing:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{lambda}{lambda values}
#'   \item{b0}{intercept values for \code{lambda}}
#'   \item{beta}{A list containing the values of estimated coefficients for each values of \code{lambda}}
#'   \item{var}{A list containing the index of selected variables for each values of \code{lambda}}
#'   \item{group}{A list containing the values index of selected groups for each values of \code{lambda}}
#'   \item{nVar}{A vector containing the number of non zero coefficients for each values of \code{lambda}}
#'   \item{nGroup}{A vector containing the number of non zero groups for each values of \code{lambda}}
#'   \item{structure}{A list containing 3 vectors. var: all variables used. group: associated groups.
#'   weight: weight associated with the different groups.}
#'   \item{time}{computation time}
#'   \item{dim}{dimension of \code{X}}
#' }
#' @details Use a group-lasso algorithm (see \code{\link{gglasso}}) to solve a group-lasso with overlapping groups.
#' Each variable j of the original matrix \code{X} is paste k(j) times in a new dataset with k(j) the number of 
#' different groups containing the variable j.
#' The new dataset is used to solve the group-lasso with overlapping groups running a group-lasso algorithm.
#' @source Laurent Jacob, Guillaume Obozinski, and Jean-Philippe Vert. 2009. Group lasso with overlap and graph lasso. 
#' In Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML '09).
#' @examples
#' # Least square loss
#' set.seed(42)
#' X <- simuBlockGaussian(50, 12, 5, 0.7)
#' y <- X[, c(2, 7, 12)] %*% c(2, 2, -2) + rnorm(50, 0, 0.5)
#' var <- c(1:60, 1:8, 7:15)
#' group <- c(rep(1:12, each = 5), rep(13, 8), rep(14, 9))
#' res <- overlapgglasso(X, y, var, group)
#' # Logistic loss
#' y <- 2 * (rowSums(X[, 1:4]) > 0) - 1
#' var <- c(1:60, 1:8, 7:15)
#' group <- c(rep(1:12, each = 5), rep(13, 8), rep(14, 9))
#' res <- overlapgglasso(X, y, var, group, loss = "logit")
#' @seealso \code{\link{listToMatrix}}
#' @export
overlapgglasso <- function(X, y, var, group, lambda = NULL, weight = NULL, loss = c("ls", "logit"), intercept = TRUE, ...) {
  # check parameters
  .checkOverlap(X, y, var, group, lambda, weight, intercept)
  loss <- match.arg(loss)

  # order group (for gglasso)
  ord <- order(group)
  groupord <- group[ord]
  # order var according to group
  varord <- var[ord]

  # transform group to have consecutive numbers (for gglasso)
  groupb <- cumsum(!duplicated(groupord))

  # new data
  Xb <- X[, varord]

  # if weight not provided, use the sqrt of the size of groups
  if (is.null(weight)) {
    weight <- as.numeric(sqrt(table(groupb)))

  # overlap group lasso
  t1 <- proc.time()
  res <- gglasso(Xb, y, groupb, pf = weight, lambda = lambda, intercept = intercept, loss = loss, ...)
  t2 <- proc.time()

  # create output object
  res2 <- list()
  res2$lambda <- res$lambda
  non0 <- apply(res$beta, 2, FUN = function(x) {
    which(x != 0)
  res2$var <- lapply(non0, FUN = function(x) {
  res2$nVar <- sapply(res2$var, FUN = function(x) {
  res2$group <- lapply(non0, FUN = function(x) {
  res2$nGroup <- sapply(res2$group, FUN = function(x) {
  res2$beta <- lapply(seq_along(res$lambda), FUN = function(x) {
    res$beta[non0[[x]], x]
  res2$b0 <- res$b0
  res2$structure <- list(group = groupb, var = varord, weight = weight)
  res2$dim <- dim(X)
  res2$time <- (t2 - t1)[3]
  class(res2) <- "MLGL"


# check parameters for overlapgglasso function
.checkOverlap <- function(X, y, var, group, lambda = NULL, weight = NULL, intercept = TRUE) {
  # check X
  if (!is.matrix(X)) {
    stop("X has to be a matrix.")
  if (any(is.na(X))) {
    stop("Missing values in X not allowed.")
  if (!is.numeric(X)) {
    stop("X has to be a matrix of real.")

  # check y
  if (!is.numeric(y)) {
    stop("y has to be a matrix of real.")
  if (any(is.na(y))) {
    stop("Missing values in y not allowed.")

  # check if X and y are compatible
  if (nrow(X) != length(drop(y))) {
    stop("The length of y and the number of rows of X don't match.")

  # check if var is a vector of positive integer
  if (!is.null(var)) {
    if (!is.numeric(var)) {
      stop("var must be a vector of positive integer.")
    if (!all(.is.wholenumber(var))) {
      stop("var must be a vector of positive integer.")
    if (any(var < 0)) {
      stop("var must be a vector of positive integer.")
    if (any(var > ncol(X))) {
      stop("An element in var is greater that the number of variables")

  # check if group is a vector of positive integer
  if (!is.null(group)) {
    if (!is.numeric(group)) {
      stop("group must be a vector of positive integer.")
    if (!all(.is.wholenumber(group))) {
      stop("group must be a vector of positive integer.")
    if (any(group < 0)) {
      stop("group must be a vector of positive integer.")
    if (length(var) != length(group)) {
      stop("var and group must have the same size.")

  # check if lambda is a vector of positive real
  if (!is.null(lambda)) {
    if (!is.numeric(lambda)) {
      stop("lambda must be a vector of positive real.")
    if (any(lambda < 0)) {
      stop("lambda must be a vector of positive real.")

  # check if weight is a vector of positive real
  if (!is.null(weight)) {
    if (!is.numeric(weight)) {
      stop("weight must be a vector of positive real.")
    if (length(weight) != sum(!duplicated(weight))) {
      stop("weight must have the same length as the number of differents groups.")
    if (any(weight < 0)) {
      stop("weight must be a vector of positive real.")

  # check if intercept is a boolean
  if (length(intercept) != 1) {
    stop("intercept must be a boolean.")
  if (!is.logical(intercept)) {
    stop("intercept must be a boolean.")


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MLGL documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:32 p.m.