if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c('Group','PG','PREC','RG','SENS','predmean',
#' evalm: Evaluate Machine Learning Models in R
#' evalm is for machine learning model evaluation in R. The function can accept the Caret 'train'
#' function results to evaluate machine learning predictions or a data frame of probabilities and
#' ground truth labels can be passed in to evaluate. Probability data must be column1: probability
#' group1 (column named as your group name 1), column2: probability group2 (column named as your group name 2),
#' column3: observation labels (column named 'obs'), column4: Group, e.g. different models (column
#' named 'Group'), optional to include if different models are combined horizontally.
#' @param list1 List or data frame: List of Caret results objects from train, or a single train results object, or a data frame of probabilities and observed labels
#' @param gnames Character vector: A vector of group names for the fit objects
#' @param title Character string: A title for the ROC plot
#' @param cols Character vector: A vector of colours for the group or groups
#' @param rlinethick Numerical value: Thickness of the ROC curve line
#' @param fsize Numerical value: Font size for the ROC curve plots
#' @param dlinecol Character string: Colour of the diagonal line
#' @param optimise Character string: Metric by which to select the operating point (INF, MCC, or F1)
#' @param positive Character string: Name of the positive group (will effect PR metrics)
#' @param dlinethick Numerical value: Thickness of the diagonal line
#' @param bins Numerical value: Number of bins for calibration curve
#' @param showplots Logical flag: whether to show plots or not
#' @param plots Character vector: which plots to show: r = roc, pr = proc, prg = precision recall gain, cc = calibration curve
#' @param percent Numerical value: percentage for the confidence intervals (default = 95)
#' @param silent Logical flag: whether to hide messages (default=FALSE)
#' @return
#' List containing: 1) A ggplot2 ROC curve object for printing
#' 2) A ggplot2 PROC object for printing
#' 3) A ggplot2 PRG curve for printing
#' 4) Optimised results according to defined metric
#' 5) P cut-off of 0.5 standard results
#' @export
#' @examples
#' r <- evalm(fit)
evalm <- function(list1,gnames=NULL,title='',cols=NULL,silent=FALSE,
message('***MLeval: Machine Learning Model Evaluation***')
## if not a list convert to list
if (class(list1)[1] != 'list'){
list1 <- list(list1)
list1b <- list1
## read whether input is data frame or caret object
if (class(list1[[1]])[1] == 'train'){
input <- 'caret'
message('Input: caret train function object')
## decide whether to average over reps or not
if (list1[[1]]$control$method == 'cv' | list1[[1]]$control$method == 'LOOCV'){
mode <- 'cv'
message('Not averaging probs.')
mode <- 'rep'
message('Averaging probs.')
}else if (class(list1[[1]])[1] == 'data.frame'){
input <- 'normal'
message('Input: data frame of probabilities of observed labels')
stop('Data frame or Caret train object required please.')
## if w/o group names, make these
if (is.null(gnames) & input == 'caret'){
gnames <- c()
for (dt in seq(1,length(list1))){
gnames <- c(gnames,paste('Group',dt))
}else if (is.null(gnames) & input == 'normal'){
gnames <- levels(as.factor(list1[[1]]$Group))
## if not caret get group names here
if (input == 'normal'){
df <- list1[[1]]
names <- colnames(df)[1:2]
## if not custom colours then use this palette
if (is.null(cols)){
cols <- c("red","slateblue","grey","gold","orange","forestgreen",
## error handling
if ( is.null(list1[[1]]$pred) & input == 'caret') {
stop("No probabilities found in Caret output")
## set positive names manually if necessary
if (is.null(positive) == FALSE){
if (input == 'caret'){
names <- as.character(list1[[1]]$levels)
namesr <- rev(names)
namesr <- names
}else if (input == 'normal'){
names <- names
namesr <- rev(names)
namesr <- names
## average probabilities if this is a caret object
if (input == 'caret'){
## diagnostics for input object
for (dt in seq(1,length(list1))){
fit1z <- list1[[dt]]
## for caret fit object input
names <- as.character(list1[[1]]$levels)
gnames <- as.factor(gnames)
if (is.null(positive) == FALSE){
names <- namesr
G1 <- names[1]
G2 <- names[2]
## start caret code (get optimal indices, get mean of repeated cv, combine data)
list2 <- list()
## get caret optimal parameter indices
for (dt in seq(1,length(list1))){
fit1z <- list1[[dt]]
mind <- list()
for (ii in seq(1,length(fit1z$bestTune))){
pp <- names(fit1z$bestTune)[ii]
toadd <- which(fit1z$pred[[pp]] == fit1z$bestTune[[ii]])
mind[[ii]] <- toadd
# keep only those indices matching for all parameters
mind <- Reduce(intersect, mind)
list2[[dt]] <- mind
## get data out
if (mode == 'rep'){
# start KF
myl <- list()
for (dt in seq(1,length(list1))){ # for each fit in list
## get data 1
output <- list1[[dt]]
indices <- list2[[dt]]
# code to get a mean series of probabilities out
preds <- output$pred[indices, ]
preds <- preds[,c('obs',G1,G2,'rowIndex','Resample')]
preds$replicates <- sapply(strsplit(preds$Resample,'\\.'), `[`, 2)
## resamples is a list of data frames each with an individual sample's probabilities
## in for all resamples
resamples <- split(preds,preds$rowIndex)
finalres <- matrix(nrow=length(resamples),ncol=4)
for (i in seq(1,length(resamples))){
dfx <- resamples[[i]]
finalres[i,1] <- dfx[1,4] # row index
finalres[i,2] <- mean(dfx[[G1]]) # mean group 1
finalres[i,3] <- mean(dfx[[G2]]) # mean group 2
finalres[i,4] <- as.character(dfx[1,1])
finalres <- data.frame(finalres)
finalres$X2 <- as.numeric(as.character(finalres$X2))
finalres$X3 <- as.numeric(as.character(finalres$X3))
finalres <- finalres[,c(2,3,4)] # select G1, G2, obs
colnames(finalres) <- c(G1,G2,'obs')
finalres$obs <- as.character(finalres$obs)
finalres$obs <- as.factor(finalres$obs)
finalres$Group <- gnames[dt]
myl[[dt]] <- finalres
# end KF
}else if (mode == 'cv') {
# start loocv/ cv
myl <- list()
for (dt in seq(1,length(list1))){ # for each fit in list
## get data 1
output <- list1[[dt]]
indices <- list2[[dt]]
preds <- output$pred[indices, ]
finalres <- preds[c(G1,G2,'obs')]
finalres$obs <- as.character(finalres$obs)
finalres$obs <- as.factor(finalres$obs)
finalres$Group <- gnames[dt]
myl[[dt]] <- finalres
### bind them
fres <- matrix(ncol=4,nrow=0)
for (dt in seq(1,length(list1))){
dd <- myl[[dt]]
fres <- rbind(fres,dd)
finalres <- fres
## end caret code
}else if (input == 'normal'){
## for a non caret input
# column1: prob G1
# column2: prob G2
# column3: obs labels
# column4: Group (optional)
# get obs labels
if (is.null(positive) == FALSE){
names <- namesr
G1 <- names[1]
G2 <- names[2]
# process
finalres <- list1[[1]]
colnames(finalres)[3] <- 'obs'
finalres$obs <- as.character(finalres$obs)
finalres$obs <- as.factor(finalres$obs)
if("Group" %in% colnames(finalres)){
message('Group column exists.')
finalres$Group <- 'Group1'
gnames <- factor(c('Group1'))
message('Group does not exist, making column.')
## sample probabilities diagnostics
message(paste('Number of groups:',length(gnames)))
message(paste('Observations per group:',nrow(finalres)/length(gnames)))
### inform which is positive and negative
## get N of each group
for (group in seq(1,length(gnames))){
finalres2 <- subset(finalres, finalres$Group == as.character(gnames[group]))
gszp[group] <- sum(as.character(finalres2$obs)==G2)
gszn[group] <- sum(as.character(finalres2$obs)==G1)
## calculate metrics for each threshold do PR and ROC
finalres$Group <- as.character(finalres$Group)
aucs <- c()
aucprs <- c()
rocm <- NULL # hold the roc curves for each group
# loop over to get multiple rocs from different groups
for (group in seq(1,length(gnames))){
finalres2 <- subset(finalres, finalres$Group == gnames[group])
## calculate ml metrics
mlout <- mlmetrics(finalres2,G1=G1,G2=G2)
## append the 0,0 and 1,1 coordinates
SPECi <- c(0,1-mlout$SPEC)
SENSi <- c(0,mlout$SENS)
## calculate AUC
auc <- AUCc(SPECi,SENSi,method = c("trapezoid"))
aucpr <- AUCc(mlout$SENS,mlout$PREC,method = c("trapezoid"))
aucs <- c(aucs,round(auc,2))
aucprs <- c(aucprs,round(aucpr,2))
rocm <- rbind(rocm, mlout)
rocm <- data.frame(rocm)
## reformatting
rocm[[G1]] <- as.numeric(as.character(rocm[[G1]]))
rocm[[G2]] <- as.numeric(as.character(rocm[[G2]]))
# rocm$SENS <- as.numeric(as.character(rocm$SENS))
# rocm$SPEC <- as.numeric(as.character(rocm$SPEC))
# rocm$Informedness <- as.numeric(as.character(rocm$Informedness))
# rocm$PREC <- as.numeric(as.character(rocm$PREC))
# rocm$NPV <- as.numeric(as.character(rocm$NPV))
# rocm$F1 <- as.numeric(as.character(rocm$F1))
rocm$FPR <- 1-rocm$SPEC
## plot ROC curves on one plot
gnames <- as.character(gnames)
llabels <- paste(gnames,c('\n AUC-ROC =','\n AUC-ROC ='),aucs)
llabels2 <- paste(gnames,c('\n AUC-PR =','\n AUC-PR ='),aucprs)
rocm$Group <- factor(rocm$Group, levels = gnames)
## prg calculations
aucprgs <- c()
for (dt in seq(1,length(gnames))){
rocmt <- subset(rocm, rocm$Group==gnames[dt])
# PRG computations
P <- sum(rocmt$obs==G2)
PN <- length(rocmt$obs)
bl <- P/PN
rocmt$PG <- (rocmt$PREC-bl)/(1-bl)*rocmt$PREC
rocmt$RG <- (rocmt$SENS-bl)/(1-bl)*rocmt$SENS
rocmt$RG[rocmt$RG<0] <- 0
rocmt$PG[rocmt$PG<0] <- 0
aucprg <- AUCc(rocmt$PG,rocmt$RG,method = c("trapezoid"))
aucprg <- round(aucprg,2)
aucprgs <- c(aucprgs,aucprg)
llabels3 <- paste(gnames,c('\n AUC-PRG =','\n AUC-PRG ='),aucprgs)
## set NA to zero
## end metric calcs
message('***Performance Metrics***')
## ggplot2 functions
g <- mroc(rocm,title=title,cols=cols,
dlinethick=dlinethick,llabels = llabels)
g2 <- proc(rocm,title=title,cols=cols,
dlinethick=dlinethick,llabels = llabels2,G1=G2,
g3 <- prg(rocm,title=title,cols=cols,
g4 <- cc(rocm,title=title,cols=cols,
## show plots
if (showplots){
if ('cc' %in% plots){
if ('pr' %in% plots){
if ('prg' %in% plots){
if ('r' %in% plots){ # goes last
if (input == 'caret'){
## get group metrics and print
probl <- list()
## split results by group
for (dt in seq(1,length(list1))){
probl[[dt]] <- subset(rocm, rocm$Group==gnames[dt])
names(probl) <- gnames
}else if (input == 'normal'){ ### probl = problem atm
## get group metrics and print
probl <- list()
## split results by group
for (dt in seq(1,length(gnames))){
probl[[dt]] <- subset(rocm, rocm$Group==gnames[dt])
names(probl) <- gnames
## find and print optimised metrics
## extract optimised metrics for results
## extract p=0.5 metrics for results also
optrl <- list()
stdrl <- list()
for (dt in seq(1,length(gnames))){
temp <- probl[[dt]]
### get optimised performance (by metric X)
if (optimise == 'INF'){
message(paste(gnames[dt],'Optimal Informedness =',temp$Informedness[which.max(temp$Informedness)]))
optres <- temp[which.max(temp$Informedness),,drop=FALSE]
}else if (optimise == 'MCC'){
message(paste(gnames[dt],'Optimal MCC =',temp$MCC[which.max(temp$MCC)]))
optres <- temp[which.max(temp$MCC),,drop=FALSE]
}else if (optimise == 'F1'){
message(paste(gnames[dt],'Optimal F1 score =',temp$F1[which.max(temp$F1)]))
optres <- temp[which.max(temp$F1),,drop=FALSE]
optres <- optres[,c('SENS','SPEC','MCC','Informedness','PREC','NPV','FPR','F1',
'TP','FP','TN','FN')] # add here for new metrics
optresb <- optres[,c('SENS','SPEC','MCC','Informedness','PREC','NPV','FPR','F1',
'TP','FP','TN','FN')] # add here for new metrics
optres <- t(optres)
optres <- data.frame(optres)
colnames(optres)[1] <- 'Score'
optres[,1] <- as.numeric(as.character(optres[,1]))
new <- data.frame(Score=c(aucs[dt],aucprs[dt],aucprgs[dt]))
## AUC always go at end
optres <- rbind(optres,new)
row.names(optres)[s:e] <- c('AUC-ROC','AUC-PR','AUC-PRG') # bump for new metrics +1
## get CIs
optres$CI <- NA
optres[s,2] <- ciauc(optres[s,1],gszp[dt],gszn[dt],percent)
optres['SENS',2] <- wci(optres['SENS',1],gszp[dt],percent)
optres['SPEC',2] <- wci(optres['SPEC',1],gszn[dt],percent)
optres['PREC',2] <- wci(optres['PREC',1],(optresb$TP+optresb$FP),percent)
optres['NPV',2] <- wci(optres['NPV',1],(optresb$TN+optresb$FN),percent)
optres[,1] <- round(optres[,1],3)
optrl[[dt]] <- optres
### get p=0.5 performance (default)
stdres <- mlmetricsb(temp,G1=G1,G2=G2)
stdresb <- stdres
stdres <- t(stdres)
stdres <- data.frame(stdres)
colnames(new) <- 'stdres'
stdres <- rbind(stdres,new)
# add CI to standard
stdres$CI <- NA
stdres['SENS',2] <- wci(stdres['SENS',1],gszp[dt],percent)
stdres['SPEC',2] <- wci(stdres['SPEC',1],gszn[dt],percent)
stdres['PREC',2] <- wci(stdres['PREC',1],(stdresb$TP+stdresb$FP),percent)
stdres['NPV',2] <- wci(stdres['NPV',1],(stdresb$TN+stdresb$FN),percent)
stdres[s,2] <- optres[s,2]
colnames(stdres)[1] <- 'Score'
row.names(stdres)[s:e] <- c('AUC-ROC','AUC-PR','AUC-PRG')
stdres[,1] <- as.numeric(as.character(stdres[,1]))
stdres[,1] <- round(stdres[,1],3)
stdrl[[dt]] <- stdres
names(optrl) <- gnames
names(stdrl) <- gnames
## reformatting
for (dt in seq(1,length(gnames))){
probl[[dt]] <- probl[[dt]][ , -which(names(probl[[dt]]) %in% c("predt"))]
## print AUCs
for (n in seq(1,length(gnames))){
message(paste(gnames[n],'AUC-ROC =',aucs[n]))
## output
mlmetrics <- function(mlr,G1=G1,G2=G2){
## for each group compute...
p <- mlr
p <- p[order(-p[,G2]), ]
i = 1
for (val in p[[G2]]){
p$predt <- NA
p$predt[p[[G2]]<val] <- G1 # for cut-off if less than label as
p$predt[p[[G2]]>=val] <- G2
# do calcs
pred.pos <- p$predt == G2
pred.neg <- p$predt != G2
truth.pos <- p$obs == G2
truth.neg <- p$obs != G2
p$TP[i] <- sum(pred.pos & truth.pos)
p$TN[i] <- sum(pred.neg & truth.neg)
p$FP[i] <- sum(pred.pos & truth.neg)
p$FN[i] <- sum(pred.neg & truth.pos)
i = i + 1
p$SENS <- p$TP/(p$TP + p$FN)
p$SPEC <- p$TN/(p$TN + p$FP)
p$Informedness <- p$SENS + p$SPEC - 1
p$PREC <- p$TP/(p$TP + p$FP)
p$NPV <- p$TN/(p$TN + p$FN)
p$MARK <- p$PREC + p$NPV - 1
p$F1 <- 2*p$PREC*p$SENS/(p$PREC + p$SENS)
p$F1[$F1)] <- 0
p$MCC <- sign(p$Informedness)*sqrt(p$Informedness*p$MARK) # ((p$TP*p$TN)-(p$FP*p$FN)) / sqrt((p$TP+p$FP)*(p$TP+p$FN)*(p$TN+p$FP)*(p$TN+p$FN))
# 10 column output
mlmetricsb <- function(mlr,G1=G1,G2=G2){
## for each group compute...
p <- mlr
p <- p[order(-p[,G2]), ]
p$predt[p[[G2]]<0.5] <- G1 # for p=0.5 cut-off
p$predt[p[[G2]]>=0.5] <- G2
pred.pos <- p$predt == G2
pred.neg <- p$predt != G2
truth.pos <- p$obs == G2
truth.neg <- p$obs != G2
TP <- sum(pred.pos & truth.pos)
TN <- sum(pred.neg & truth.neg)
FP <- sum(pred.pos & truth.neg)
FN <- sum(pred.neg & truth.pos)
SENS <- TP/(TP + FN)
SPEC <- TN/(TN + FP)
INF <- SENS + SPEC - 1
PPV <- TP/(TP + FP)
NPV <- TN/(TN + FN)
if ({
F1 <- 0
MARK <- PPV + NPV - 1
MCC <- sign(INF)*sqrt(INF*MARK) # ((TP*TN)-(FP*FN)) / sqrt((TP+FP)*(TP+FN)*(TN+FP)*(TN+FN))
stdres <- data.frame(SENS=SENS,SPEC=SPEC,MCC=MCC,Informedness=INF,
TN=TN,FN=FN) # add here for new metrics must be in order
AUCc <- function(x, y, method = "trapezoid"){
idx <- order(x)
x <- x[idx]
y <- y[idx]
if (method == 'trapezoid'){
auc <- sum((rowMeans(cbind(y[-length(y)], y[-1]))) * (x[-1] - x[-length(x)]))
}else if (method == 'step'){
auc <- sum(y[-length(y)] * (x[-1] - x[-length(x)]))
}else if (method == 'spline'){
auc <- integrate(splinefun(x, y, method = "natural"), lower = min(x), upper = max(x))
auc <- auc$value
mroc <- function(rocm,title='',cols=NULL,
dlinethick=0.75,llabels = llabels){
rocm2 <- NULL
for (group in unique(rocm$Group)){
rocmt <- subset(rocm,rocm$Group==group)
## add 0,0 co ordinates to ROC and 1,1
FPR <- rocmt$FPR
SENS <- rocmt$SENS
FPR <- c(0,FPR,1)
SENS <- c(0,SENS,1)
rocmt <- data.frame(SENS=SENS,FPR=FPR,Group=group)
rocm2 <- rbind(rocm2,rocmt)
g <- ggplot(rocm2, aes(x = FPR, y = SENS, color = Group)) +
geom_line(size = rlinethick) +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, colour = dlinecol, linetype = 1,
size = dlinethick) +
coord_equal() +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black', hjust = 0.5),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black'),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black',
angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black'),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black')) +
xlab('False positive rate') +
ylab('True positive rate') +
ggtitle(title) +
scale_color_manual(values=cols,name = 'Group', labels = llabels)
proc <- function(rocm,title='',cols=NULL,
dlinethick=0.75,llabels = llabels,G1=G2,
## compute baseline
P <- sum(rocm$obs==G2)
PN <- length(rocm$obs)
bl <- P/PN
g <- ggplot(rocm, aes(x = SENS, y = PREC, color = Group)) +
geom_line(size = rlinethick) +
geom_abline(intercept = bl, slope = 0, colour = dlinecol, linetype = 1,
size = dlinethick) +
coord_equal() +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black', hjust = 0.5),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black'),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black',
angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black'),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black')) +
xlab('Recall(sensitivity)') +
ylab('Precision') +
ggtitle(title) +
scale_color_manual(values=cols,name = 'Group', labels = llabels) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1))
prg <- function(rocm,title='',cols=NULL,
llabels = llabels,G1=G2,
## negatives are ignored
rocm$RG[rocm$RG<0] <- 0
rocm$PG[rocm$PG<0] <- 0
g <- ggplot(rocm, aes(x = RG, y = PG, color = Group)) +
geom_line(size = rlinethick) +
coord_equal() +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black', hjust = 0.5),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black'),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black',
angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black'),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black')) +
xlab('Recall gain') +
ylab('Precision gain') +
ggtitle(title) +
scale_color_manual(values=cols,name = 'Group', labels = llabels) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1)) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1))
cc <- function(rocm,title='',cols=NULL,G1=G1,G2=G2,
dlinethick=0.75,llabels = llabels,
## code to bin pred probabilities and compare with mean
p2 <- NULL
for (group in unique(rocm$Group)){
p <- subset(rocm,rocm$Group==group)
# process data
p$obs <- as.character(p$obs)
p$obs[p$obs!=G2] <- '0'
p$obs[p$obs==G2] <- '1'
p <- data.frame(pred=p[[G2]],obs=as.numeric(p$obs))
# make bins
p$bin <- cut(p$pred, bins)
# get bin means
predmeans <- data.frame(tapply(p$pred, cut(p$pred, bins), mean))
colnames(predmeans)[1] <- 'predmean'
realmeans <- data.frame(tapply(p$obs, cut(p$pred, bins), mean))
colnames(realmeans)[1] <- 'realmean'
predmeans$bin <- row.names(predmeans)
realmeans$bin <- row.names(realmeans)
d1 <- merge(p,predmeans,by='bin')
d2 <- merge(d1,realmeans,by='bin')
d2 <- d2[,c('bin','predmean','realmean')] <- unique( d2[ , 1:3 ] )$Group <- group
p2 <- rbind(p2,
## plot code
cc <- ggplot(p2, aes(x = predmean, y = realmean, color = Group)) +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1,colour = dlinecol, linetype = 1,
size = dlinethick) +
geom_line(size = rlinethick) +
geom_point() +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1)) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1)) +
xlab('Predicted probability') +
ylab('True probability in each bin') +
theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black', hjust = 0.5),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black'),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black',
angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black'),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = fsize, colour = 'black')) +
ggtitle(title) +
scale_color_manual(values=cols,name = 'Group', labels = llabels)
ciauc <- function(auc,N1,N2,ci=95){
# Hanley, James A., and Barbara J. McNeil. "The meaning and use of the area under a
# receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve." Radiology 143.1 (1982): 29-36.
# Confidence_Intervals_for_the_Area_Under_an_ROC_Curve.pdf
z <- qnorm(1-((1-(ci/100))/2))
Q1 <- auc/(2-auc)
Q2 <- (2*auc^2)/(1+auc)
s1 <- (auc*(1-auc)+(N1-1)*(Q1-auc^2)+(N2-1)*(Q2-auc^2))/(N1*N2)
se_auc <- sqrt(s1)
ui <- auc+(z*se_auc)
li <- auc-(z*se_auc)
ciauc <- c(round(li,2),round(ui,2))
ciauc <- paste(ciauc,collapse='-')
wci <- function(p,n,ci=95){
# n = total in fraction e.g. TP+FN or TP+FP
# p = fraction value in sample, i.e. p^
# z = z
# wilson score CI
# pdf/Procedures/PASS/Confidence_Intervals_for_One-Sample_Sensitivity_and_Specificity.pdf
z <- qnorm(1-((1-(ci/100))/2))
num <- (2*n*p+z^2)+z*sqrt((z^2)+4*n*p*(1-p))
denom <- 2*(n+z^2)
ui <- num/denom
num <- (2*n*p+z^2)-z*sqrt((z^2)+4*n*p*(1-p))
denom <- 2*(n+z^2)
li <- num/denom
ciw <- c(round(li,2),round(ui,2))
ciw <- paste(ciw,collapse='-')
#' brier_score: A Brier score function
#' Calculates the Brier score to evaluate probabilities. A data frame of probabilities and ground truth labels must
#' be passed in to evaluate. Raw probability data must be column1: prob G1, column2: prob G2,
#' column3: obs labels, column4: Group (optional). Zero is optimal and more positive is less.
#' @param preds Data frame: Data frame of probabilities and ground truth labels.
#' @param positive Character vector: The name of the positive group, must equal a column name consisting of probabilities.
#' @return
#' Brier score
#' @export
#' @examples
#' r2 <- brier_score(preds)
brier_score <- function(preds,positive=colnames(preds)[2]){
# Zero is optimal and more positive is less
bs <- mean((preds[[positive]]-as.integer(preds$obs == positive))^2)
#' LL: Log-likelihood function
#' Calculates the Log-likelihood to evaluate probabilities. A data frame of probabilities and ground truth labels must
#' be passed in to evaluate. Raw probability data must be column1: prob G1, column2: prob G2,
#' column3: obs labels, column4: Group (optional). Zero is optimal and more negative is less.
#' @param preds Data frame: Data frame of probabilities and ground truth labels.
#' @param positive Character vector: The name of the positive group, must equal a column name consisting of probabilities.
#' @return
#' Log-likelihood
#' @export
#' @examples
#' r1 <- LL(preds)
LL <- function(preds,positive=colnames(preds)[2]){
# Zero is optimal and more negative is less
y <- as.integer(preds$obs == positive) # ground truth
p <- preds[[positive]]
L <- sum(log(p*y+(1-y)*(1-p)))
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